Проблемы перевода зерновых терминов и пути научно-практического решения

Улугбекова, М. (2023). Проблемы перевода зерновых терминов и пути научно-практического решения. Арабский язык в эпоху глобализации: инновационные подходы и методы обучения, 1(1), 603–606. https://doi.org/10.47689/ATGD:IYOM-vol1-iss1-pp603-606-id28713
Маржона Улугбекова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
аспирант 1 курса


Надлежащий анализ терминов зерновых культур имеет особое значение при использовании иноязычных источников в области зерновых культур и широкого внедрения достижений науки и производства зернового культура в зарубежных странах. Отсутствие толкование в переводе с узбекского на английский и с английского на узбекский язык создает трудности для переводчиков. Поэтому одной из проблем, которая широко изучалась в наших исследованиях, является создание толкового словаря на узбекском и английском языках.

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background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

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o‘qitish metodikasi”

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Надлежащий анализ терминов зерновых культур имеет

особое значение при использовании иноязычных источников в области

зерновых культур и широкого внедрения достижений науки и производства

зернового культура в зарубежныx странax. Отсутствие толкование в

переводе с узбекского на английский и с английского на узбекский язык

создает трудности для переводчиков. Поэтому одной из проблем, которая

широко изучалась в наших исследованиях, является создание толкового

словаря на узбекском и английском языках.

Ключевые слова:

зерно, качество, зарубежные страны, термины,

урожайность, зерновые культуры, пшеница, толковый словарь.


The proper analysis of terms regarding grain crops has particular

importance in the use of foreign-language sources in the field of grain production

and in the widespread introduction of science and production achievements in the

country. The lack of interpretation in translation from Uzbek into English and from

English into Uzbek creates challenges for translators. Therefore, one of the problems

that has been widely studied in our research is the creation of an explanatory

dictionary in Uzbek and English.

Key words:

grain, quality, foreign countries, terms, productivity, grain crops,

wheat, explanatory dictionary.

Over the years of independence, Uzbekistan has achieved grain

independence. Now the task is to solve current problems associated with

improving grain quality. Further improvement of agro technical processes is of

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


great importance for improving grain quality, and there is a need for widespread

use of achievements and best practices of foreign countries in the successful

implementation of these tasks.

The correct interpretation of these agricultural terms is especially

important when using foreign sources in the field of grain growing and

widespread implementation of scientific and industrial achievements in our

country for foreign grain growing.

In this regard, at Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute there was

conducted research work on the topic “Problems translation of g

rain terms and

its scientific and practical solutions" within the framework of scientific school
"Agro biotechnological diagnostics of productivity and quality products" with

registration of the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic Uzbekistan in

the State Register N. 01.990007239. Within the framework of the scientific school,

the scientific and practical results of research work on grain selection can expand

the scope international scientific and technical cooperation and speed up the

process attracting foreign investment, as well as maintaining border terms when

translating our scientific and practical results into foreign languages. There are

problems with correct interpretation terms in terms of translating these terms

into Uzbek and other languages, including from English to Uzbek or Russian.

Currently, 70% of crops grown on earth are cereals, which are divided into

biological species, such as cereals, millet grains and legumes. Cereal grains include

wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale.Grains include corn, rice, millet and lentils.

Pulses include beans, local peas, beans, lentils, corn, soy and lupine. However,

terms for cereals include terms for cereals and cereals. Forage crops include

perennial legumes, buckwheat, annual legumes and annual gooseberries in the

form of cereals, the names of which are mixed with the terms grain and cereals or

soybeans, which can be called legumes due to their high protein content in roots

and nitrogen accumulation in roots. However, due to oil extracted from the

shadow, it can also be classified as fatty crops That

s why it can be called either

grain or it can be called cereal cultures.

In this case, it is necessary to correctly interpret the terms used grain

growing. For example, when determining the quality of wheat, initial processing

divided into factions. This is sorting by size. However, the word factions give

different meanings, such as groups, parties and other concepts in the field of

politics, but, soil fractions matter different sizes mechanical composition. If the

word about solutions is used in different concentrations. Therefore, when using

the word "faction" in the area "grain" it should be used as a fraction of grain, not

the word itself. Because of different grain sizes on wheat rhizomes, they are sorted

into slices and sorted into smaller fractions. Consequently, the grain fraction is in

Uzbek is interpreted as grain size, while the English explanation is this is grain

grain size. As a result, it facilitates interstate relations in Uzbek, Russian

or English.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


Within the framework of our scientific school R.Ch. Ismuhammedov, which

is finishing his doctoral dissertation on agriculture and M.I. Bobomurodov, who

defended her Ph.D. thesis, are played important role in the rates and ratios of

fertilizers used for increasing the weight and quality of winter wheat. This is

scientifically and practically important to solve the world food problem.

According to the results of both studies, when applying the standards

fertilizers (N180P90K60) and with an increase (N210P110K70) the grain weight

is almost doubled compared to the control option without fertilizers, 1000 grains,

natural mass, fiberglass, protein. gluten and other indicators grain quality was

also inversely related to grain yield. There is an increase in grain quality
indicators, as well as the proportion of grain which determines the quality of


There is a problem of translating such scientific and practical results in the

international press, translation of terms on grain technology into English and

other languages. For example: nitrogen produced by our scientists countries for

feeding winter wheat with irrigation fertilizers irrigated lands; The high efficiency

of phosphorus-0.5 and potassium-0.3 has been proven in the irrigated areas of the

southern regions. The main scientific decision in in this area there was an increase

in the level of grain in glassiness, which is a key technological indicator that

determines quality grain with an increase in the ratio and rate of fertilizer

However, the glassiness of grain in Uzbek is also called transparency,

glossiness and other terms. While translating this word into English, glassiness,

transparency, glossiness generate misunderstanding and confusion in interstate

relations in the area grain growing.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide an explanation and interpretation of

the terms grain growing in Uzbek and foreign languages. For example, if

glassiness is translated into English as glassiness, transparency is translated into

transparency. The word glossiness is translated as glossiness.

Since independence, our country has been in direct contact with all

countries of the world. The main criterion for such contacts is trade. In particular,

trade in grain and grain products is growing. Food is one of the main problems in

the world today. Currently, since international relations in our country are at their

peak, there is an ever-increasing need for interpretation relevant terms, both in

Uzbek and foreign languages, and not only in terms of grain growing.In non-

philological institutes we teach students to use English in your future career.


s why writing the necessary literature and create explanatory dictionaries,

there is a growing need for higher education, both in the field of English and in all

areas. From the point of view of resolving issues related to the maintenance of

agricultural terms in Uzbek and foreign languages, occupies one of the leading
places in the development of interstate relations, international scientific and

technical cooperation and attracting foreign investment.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman



1. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan N.

126-f dated 02/13/2017

2. Bobomurodova M.I. The influence of feeding regime on the quality of wheat

grain. Agrochemical protection and quarantine of plants. 2017 N. 1, p. 44-45.

3. Ishmuhammedova R.Ch. Changes in quality characteristics in winter

wheat under the influence of mineral fertilizers. Agrochemical protection and

plant quarantine. 2017 N. 1, p. 40-42.

4. Khasanova R.Z. Efficiency of carbohydrate nutrition of wheat leaf.

Publishing house "Science" Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Tashkent. 2016.p.135.

5. Turaev T. Dependence of fractions on chemical and technological

indicators grains of winter wheat. Innovative technologies. 2017. N. 2, p. 41-47.

Библиографические ссылки

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan N. 126-f dated 02/13/2017

Bobomurodova M.I. The influence of feeding regime on the quality of wheat grain. Agrochemical protection and quarantine of plants. 2017 N. 1, p. 44-45.

Ishmuhammedova R.Ch. Changes in quality characteristics in winter wheat under the influence of mineral fertilizers. Agrochemical protection and plant quarantine. 2017 N. 1, p. 40-42.

Khasanova R.Z. Efficiency of carbohydrate nutrition of wheat leaf. Publishing house "Science" Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. 2O16.p.l35.

Turaev T. Dependence of fractions on chemical and technological indicators grains of winter wheat. Innovative technologies. 2017. N. 2, p. 41-47.

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