Важность юридического перевода в международном праве

Сафаралиева, А. (2023). Важность юридического перевода в международном праве. Арабский язык в эпоху глобализации: инновационные подходы и методы обучения, 1(1), 522–525. https://doi.org/10.47689/ATGD:IYOM-vol1-iss1-pp522-525-id28633
Азиза Сафаралиева, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
аспирант 2 ступени


В данной статье рассматривается юридический перевод и его роль в толковании международно-правовых документов как с теоретической, так и с практической точки зрения. Что касается теоретических аспектов, обсуждаются юридический перевод с точки зрения систем гражданского и общего права, статус юридического перевода в международном праве, принципы простого языка и эквивалентность юридических слов. Соответственно рассматривается взаимосвязь юридического перевода и толкования международно-правовых документов.

Похожие статьи

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman




Safaraliyeva Aziza Ashur qizi


zDJTU 2-bosqich magistranti


Ushbu maqolada yuridik tarjima va uning xalqaro huquq

hujjatlarini sharhlashdagi roli ham nazariy, ham amaliy nuqtai nazardan k



chiqilgan. Nazariy jihatlarga kelsak, fuqarolik huquqi va umumiy huquq tizimlari
nuqtai nazaridan huquqiy tarjima, xalqaro huquqda yuridik tarjimaning holati,

sodda til tamoyillari, yuridik s


zlarning ekvivalentligi haqida s


z boradi. Shunga



ra, huquqiy tarjima va xalqaro huquq hujjatlarini sharhlash







liqlik k


rib chiqilgan.

Kalit s



Xalqaro huquq, yuridik tarjima, huquqiy atamalar, texnik

atamalar, xalqaro shartnomalar, konseptual asos va maxsus terminologiya.


В данной статье рассматривается юридический перевод

и его роль в толковании международно


правовых документов как с

теоретической, так и с практической точки зрения. Что касается
теоретических аспектов, обсуждаются юридический перевод с точки

зрения систем гражданского и общего права, статус юридического перевода

в международном праве, принципы простого языка и эквивалентность

юридических слов. Соответственно рассматривается взаимосвязь

юридического перевода и толкования международно


правовых документов.

Ключевые слова:

международное право, юридический перевод,

юридические термины, технические термины, международные соглашения,

концептуальная основа и специальная терминология.


This article examines legal translation and its role in the

interpretation of international legal documents from both theoretical and practical

perspectives. Regarding the theoretical aspects, legal translation from the point of

view of civil law and common law systems, the status of legal translation in

international law, the principles of plain language, and the equivalence of legal

words are discussed. Accordingly, the interrelationship between legal translation

and interpretation of international legal documents is considered.

Key words:

International law, legal translation, legal terms, technical terms,

international agreements, conceptual framework and special terminology.

Legal translation is a very important topic in the era of globalization; it aims

to make national legal systems more connected to the international standard

through a comparative study of legal terms in different languages. Therefore, legal

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


translation may play a vital role in globalizing local laws by encouraging the use

of standard legal and technical terms. The translation of legal texts of any kind,

from statute laws to contracts to courtroom testimony, is a practice that stands at

the crossroads of legal theory, language theory and translation theory. It has been

advocated that the demand for legal translation is on the increase around the

world owing to globalization and the increased contact and exchange between

peoples and states. The public sector of international law is very different from

the private sector where multinational corporations are the primary actors. In the

public sphere, theprimary actors are states themselves; but a number of

important international organizations also exist. The United Nations obviously
remains the most notable, but it is certainly not the only one. The World Trade

Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and various international

lobbying groups and non-governmental organizations could also benefit from the

use of lawyer-linguists. The United Nations is one of the most well-known users

of translators and interpreters in the legal world. Definitions and concepts

associated with human rights, opinions and understandings vary significantly

from continent to continent and even among seemingly similar countries.

Consider, for example, the definition of a terrorist, which can vary drastically

depending on the region. Opinions in the United States differ markedly from those

in the Middle East and parts of Asia. Lawyer-linguists could help to close this gap
and to achieve mutual understanding that could facilitate a stronger international

legal regime in the future.

Terminological problems in this context epitomize the dilemmas of

articulating international or supranational legal structures for the co-ordination

and harmonization of national policies and legislation. Translators must follow

institutional terminology established to designate univocal shared concepts in all

the official languages, including all kinds of bodies, procedures and technicalities

(e.g., translations of “extended continental shelf” in the law of the sea or “tariff

escalation” in international trade law). Such terms are regarded as the sacrosanct

backbone of the common framework and, as a general rule, they are also
considered authoritative by specialized users outside the organization.

The conceptual framework and specific terminology of each shared system

are reproduced in all its instruments, while other discursive conventions vary by

text typology. For example, negotiated legislative texts are more likely to include

vague language in order to facilitate consensus, with a high degree of hybridity as

a result of multiple input sources in the drafting process. In contrast, style is

generally more coherent in documents drafted by adjudicative bodies, than those

submitted by litigating parties; and references to national legal realities are much

more commonplace in texts of adjudication and monitoring procedures than in

legislative provisions.

The language of international treaties play an important role because they

emdiv and communicate the substance of the agreement. It is not irrelevant

whether a treaty is made in one or several languages, whether the language of the

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


treaty is a third party language for (most of ) the contracting parties or whether

it is in their official language. Even if the restriction of a linguistic regime might be

justified for practical reasons, it might, at the same time, cause practicalproblems

in the case of international treaties which might be applied directly by national

courts and which might confer rights or impose obligations on individuals. Given

the fact that only an authentic language version can be used for authoritative

interpretation, the contracting parties which do not have one of the authentic

languages as their national language or do not understand them might encounter

difficulties in understanding and interpreting a legally binding text; Nevertheless,

these treaties are often translated into the official languages of the contracting
parties and published in the national newspaper of these states when the treaty

concerned is being promulgated. These translations remain non-authentic texts,

i.e. they will not be authoritative for interpretation and mainly serve to ensure the

availability of these texts in the national language. However, their importance

might be crucial because individuals and the national courts of the contracting

party will most probably consult and use these versions when applying treaty

provisions. While the language regime of multilateral treaties is

even if


rather restricted, bilateral agreements are generally drafted in the

official languages of the two contracting states and are authentic in both or in all

of these languages. In some cases, a “neutral language” is added (usually English

or French), which prevails in the event of diverging texts. Recently, some

countries have begun to conclude tax treaties in English only, even where English

is not the official language of any of the contracting states.

The multilateral and EU systems formalized over the past century did not

emerge and do not develop from a tabula rasa. Since languages shape worldviews,

and legal languages are bound to specific legal traditions, it is often argued that

the conceptual network expressed in the predominant language of interstate

communication can exert a considerable influence on international legal

language. The principle of equal authenticity of the official languages of all

Member States (as opposed to a limited number of languages in other
organizations) and the direct applicability (and enforceability by national courts)

of EU secondary legislation in all the Member States certainly entail a stronger

relationship with the domestic legal systems integrated into the “confederal”

structure. A shared layer of EU law on a wide range of areas of harmonization of

the 28 Member States in 24 languages implies an ambitious commitment to

accountability in multilingualism and a higher risk of linguistic discrepancies.

This contrasts with the more fragmented domestic reception and enforceability

mechanisms of the law generated through intergovernmental organizations, and

their more “global” approach to language policy (six languages for 193 countries

in the case of the U.N., and three languages for 159 WT O Members). From the

point of view of the translator, we examine legal translation within three

interrelated contexts of text production that come into play in the development of

international and supranational law.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


Another aspect of translation in international law relates to language rights.

There is no agreement, either in state practice or in scholarly literature, on the

objectives of protecting languages or persons speaking that language. There are

nevertheless, three commonly recognized, and partly competing, purposes of the

protection of language rights in international law. They can be summarized as the

preservation of peace and security, the promotion of the fair treatment of

individuals and the preservation of linguistic diversity.

To conclude, the above-mentioned purposes, language rights including the

availability of language support in international criminal proceedings, are of great

importance in international law. Both the right to personal freedom and the right
to a fair trial are futile if the person affected cannot understand the charges raised.

Austria, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the right to the free

assistance of an interpreter applies not only to oral statements made at the trial

hearing but also to documentary material and pre-trial proceedings.Within the

international war crimes sentencing framework, and for reasons highlighted

above, the linguistic competences of internationally convicted persons need to

play an elevated and more significant role in the enforcement of sentences. On the

other hand, receiving states, in determining the actual prison in which an

internationally convicted person will serve the sentence, have an obligation to

competently assess not only comprehension but the overall linguistic abilities and
corresponding linguistic needs of prisoners at the first point of detention.


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2. Alwazna, R.Y. (2018). Translation and Legal Terminology.

3. Burukina, O. A. (2005). Translation of English legal documents. Moscow:


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translation. International Journal of Legal Discourse, 4(1), 15


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of International Law Documents. Russian Law Journal, 7(1), 55


7. Fedotova, I. G. (2016). Legal concepts and categories in English. Moscow:


8. Giampieri, P. (2019). The Web as a legal language resource. International

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9. Kharkova, E. V. (2014). Peculiarities of legal texts translation. New trends

in the development of the humanities: a collection of scientific papers based on
the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Rostov-on-

Don. https://clck.ru/F7A9e/(accessed: 03.05.2020).

Библиографические ссылки

Alimov, V. V. (2005) Legal translation. Moscow: KomKniga.

Alwazna, R.Y. (2018). Translation and Legal Terminology.

Burukina, 0. A. (2005). Translation of English legal documents. Moscow: Nauka.

Chiknaverova, K. G. (2019). Using semantization as a means of propedeutics of learners' lexical errors in the course of teaching legal English at university. Yazyk i Kul'tura, 47, 277-300.

Faber, P. & Reimerink, A. (2019). Framing terminology in legal translation. International Journal of Legal Discourse, 4(1), 15-46.

Farrokhi, M. (2019). The Role of Legal Translation in the Interpretation of International Law Documents. Russian Law Journal, 7(1), 55-86.

Fedotova, I. G. (2016). Legal concepts and categories in English. Moscow: Statu t.

Giampieri, P. (2019). The Web as a legal language resource. International Journal of Legal Discourse, 4(1), 109-121.

Kharkova, E. V. (2014). Peculiarities of legal texts translation. New trends in the development of the humanities: a collection of scientific papers based on the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Rostov-on-Don. https://clck.ru/F7A9e/(accessed: 03.05.2020).

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