Медицинский перевод сегодня | in Library

Медицинский перевод сегодня

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Шарипова, Ф. (2023). Медицинский перевод сегодня. in Library, 1(1), 257–260. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/20699


В статье рассматриваются проблемы обучения переводу медицинских текстов магистров медицинских институтов, в частности в ТашПМИ на современном этапе. Поднимаются проблемы профессиональной переводческой практики при подготовке будущих врачей в медицинском институте.

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Guzachchova N. I.



Ключевые слова:

дистанционное обучение, система гуманитарной подготовки, критическое

мышление, гуманитарные науки, педагогические технологии, самореализация

Цель настоящей работы - рассмотреть дис-

танционное обучение в контексте существую-

щих определений, технологий, возможностей,

проблем, концепций и его роли, поскольку оно

быстро становится неотъемлемой частью об-

разовательных систем, как в развитых, так и

в развивающихся странах. Благодаря новым

технологиям способы обучения и получения

новых знаний больше не ограничиваются про-

странством и временем. Новые технологии

предлагают большую гибкость в том, когда, где

и как организовать учебный процесс и приоб-

ретать знания, предлагая гибкие возможности

обучения, как отдельному лицу, так и группе

студентов. Дистанционное обучение является

одной из наиболее быстро растущих областей

образования, и его потенциальное влияние на

все системы предоставления образования уси-

лилось, благодаря развитию информационных

технологий на основе Интернета. Для того

чтобы удовлетворить потребности меняюще-

гося мира, дистанционное обучение должно

идти в ногу со временем, без географических

барьеров, быть конкурентоспособной и ориен-

тированной на обучаемых.

Sharipova F.I.


Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

This study is an analysis of the English language

medical translation in teaching English language

in the classes for Master degree students in medical

high schools


The growth of the discipline of

medical translation studies has been accompanied

by a renewed reflection on the object of research

and our metalanguage. These developments have

also been necessitated by the diversification of

Latin language within the language industry.

The very label translation is often avoided in

favour of alternative terms, such as localisation

(Human Anatomy), transcreation (pharmaceutics),

transediting (physiology and pathology of

diseases). The competences framework developed

for the European Master’s in Translation network

speaks of experts in multilingual and multimedia

communication to account for the complexity of

translation competence. This paper addresses the

following related questions: How can translation

competence in such a wide sense be developed

in training programmes? Do some competences

required in the medicine sphere go beyond

translation competence?

The researcher

in the aim makes a contrastive


of the possibly existing problems of teaching

English medical translation for Master degree

students to elicit possible factors and to suggests

that competencies can be provided to students

are influenced by a teacher’s short-term translator

experience, his or her evolving more theoretical

than practical approach.

Materials and methods

. The research

questions, concerning problems of teaching

medical text translation in medical high schools,

data collection and analysis are such methods and

material of the given study.


After discussing these various

problems the researcher proposes that teachers

and medical students need to interact to construct

better-informed understandings for diminishing the

above mentioned problems.


It is, however, not only

the translation industry n medicine which has

experienced growth, as the number of translator

training programmes has also increased enormously

over the last decade. The aims of medical translator

training are widely seen to be in providing graduates

who are qualified for the rapidly changing market.

Quite a lot of progress has been made recently in

agreeing on benchmarks for enhancing the quality

of medical translator training programmes. The

concept of “culture as translation” defines culture

as a space for the interaction of the components of

the translation process and describes translation

and interpreting as a reception interpretation of “the

own” and “the foreign” (Wolf 2002, 186). In the

process of translation every source text composed

in a certain sociocultural environment is transferred

into a new sociocultural situation and in the case of

expressive (literary) texts also into a new literary-

poetological context. The process of translation

thus becomes a territory for the interaction of two

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language and cultural systems. Since translation

presently takes place under the influence of

globalization processes and countervailing

regionalization processes, our intention is to point

out specific issues which must be dealt with by a

future professional medical translator regarding

the opposition of the foreign and the own. In the

paper we therefore


on the three principal sub-

competences (cognitive, affective and behavioural)

which comprise the complex medical competence

of a translator and interpreter. We believe our article

will contribute to the description of intercultural

differences not only on a theoretical level but

also on extensive illustrational material whose

substance is documented in specific instances in

oral and written transfer.

Materials and methods

It is often argued that translation is invisible

when done well-the so-called pane of glass analogy,

with a “good” translation being represented by

a clear, smooth sheet of glass, while cracks and

scratches represent flaws, which draw attention to

the enterprise (cf. Chesterman and Wagner 2002).

The same metaphor might be applied to medical

translation quality. Working with medical texts

will always be easier for translators to deal with,

in contrast to defective and poor originals. In order

to gain more insight into the actual experience of

translators and to offer some quantitative data, a

questionnaire survey was carried out among Master

degree students in Tashkent Pediatric Medical

Institute. This section will present the results. The

survey was performed in the second half of 2021.

The questionnaire was compiled using Google

Forms and sent via email to slightly more than 50

Master degree students, out of which 28 responded.

The questionnaire contained contingency questions,

multiple choice as well as checkbox questions, and

open ended questions. The complete questionnaire

is included in the appendix. The prime focus of

the questionnaire was on the medical translation

quality and defects. Some questions were related

to the strategies employed by students facing

problematic academic issues, while other, more

tangential questions were also presented to the

survey participants. In the following paragraphs

we decided to offer and comment on only the most

relevant and interesting data. Let us start with the

information concerning the profile of students

participating in the survey. The majority of them

were experienced medical workers, with 60% (26)

of them working with practice in the foreign clinics

and hospitals for more than 5 years, another 36%

(20) between 1 to 3 years, and only 4% (4) that had

been working for less than a year. In all, 61% (40)

of were between 30–50 years of age, that is, 36%

(10) were between 20–30 years of age 20–25 and

there was no one younger than 20. For 52% (37) of

the respondents, translating was their main problem

in writing academic theses and articles while 48%

(13) found the medical translation as waste of time.

Similarly, the most common target language for the

respondents was English with 45% (15), followed

by Russian and Uzbek with 28% (20) and 21% (15)

respectively. To close the section about the profiles

of translators participating in the survey, figure1

offers the most frequently translated text types or

genres participants work with. As expected, fiction

comprises only a small pro-portion of translated

texts, while technical, scientific and academic texts

constitute the bulk of the translation input on the

translation market.

Table 1

Word Bank of professional medical word and word combinations Specialization



Human div






Cardiovascular system



Respiratory system



Urinary system



Sensation system

Table 2

English-Russian- Uzbek cognates

Russian word

Uzbek word

English word













But cognates can misguide the students sometimes. That is, when they are false cognates known

as ‘false friends’. Such words have the same or nearly the same spelling, but mean absolutely different

things. And though contextual guess should be encouraged, the teacher should always point out the

possibility of coming across the false friends. In Table 3 you can see some example of false friends

between English and Russian and Uzbek.

Table 3

False Friends Between English and Russian and Uzbek

Russian word

Uzbek word

English word





















publicistic texts

software, IT

web presentations

advertising texts

scientific texts

technical texts

medical texts

Figure 1: The most frequently translation


80 60




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The results and discussion

The majority of students of Master degree

concurred with each other in that they correct

typos and obvious grammatical mistakes with

contacting the teacher. Several respondents

stated they always add commentary to explain

their corrections so that the defective parts of

the medical translation can be amended. The

situation nevertheless gets more complicated

when it comes to problems with terminology

or incomprehensibility. In these cases, medical

students usually contact the teacher straight away,

asking for clarification. Some of the respondents

stated that they use various search engines,

terminology databases or parallel corpora in

order to find the best equivalent that would suit

the co-text. About three translators declared they

never ameliorate medical texts , but rather append

commentary, offering possible solutions. In other

words, they assign responsibility for the final

decision to someone else.

The present survey demonstrated the relevance

of the topic, that is, medical texts translation

quality and deficiencies, since quality cannot be

taken for granted. The following section will offer

several tentative strategies on how to deal with

defects when translating medical texts.

Since medical texts translation defects

impede the translation process, it is worth

paying particular attention to the analysis and

pre-translation phase, which makes the source

material ready for translation. However, as

Drugan (2013) points out, while pre-translation

testing is common in software localization, it is

relatively rare in other domains. Furthermore, the

opportunity to improve medical texts translation

quality can prevent errors before they arise (cf.

Drugan 2013; Kubánek), Gouadec (2007, 71)

speaks about translatability assessment, that is,

a quality control which should guarantee that

the medical texts translation is up to standard

and does not contain any language-related or

fact-related errors, and that the material is in fact

translatable. The translatability assessment, based

on and adapted from Gouadec (2007, 70–72) and

Nord (2005), should include:

−฀ identifying any errors, obscurities,

interference or real possible errors;

−฀ making a note of any questions that

circumstances permitting will be forwarded to the

author or translation initiator;

−฀ identifying any item which is not

fully understood or which requires further


−฀ identifying any items requiring special

attention, in particular those ambiguities where

several options may be open to the translator (e.g.

should measurement units be converted?);

−฀ listing all the terminology and phraseology

requiring specific treatment (e.g. equivalents will

have to be researched; specific terminology will

need to be provided or validated; terminological

consistency may be at risk, etc.).


The aim of the present article

was to confront the problem of source medical

text translation quality, a topic which is discussed

only marginally in the literature of translation

studies, but is worth considerable attention since

many of the medical texts that are translated

by Master degree students are defective. We

discussed the frequently underestimated role of

the medical text in different translation schools of

thought and in the translation process itself. We

attempted to classify the most frequent text for

translation by medical students and demonstrated

the relationship between defect clarity and defect

seriousness on the one hand and established norms

or subjective decisions which must be followed to

remedy the defect on the other.

The next part of the paper presented the

results of a questionnaire survey among 50

Master degree students in the Tash PMI as well

as freelance translators, with a primary focus on

quality and defects of medical texts translation.

The survey demonstrated the relevance of the

topic as 78% translators stated that they encounter

medical texts translation defects. Apart from

spelling and punctuation issues, defects regarding

stylistics and incomprehensibility were selected

as the most frequent problems. In all, 88% of

translators indicated incomprehensibility as a

valid reason for rejecting a translation, 30% file

type or text extraction and 26% terminology.

Almost 60% of the respondents had been asked

to ameliorate poor medical texts by correcting

the defects and 72% of the translators prefer to

consult the teacher before correcting any defect.

In the final part of the paper we offered several

tentative strategies for dealing with medical texts

translation defects, seeking inspiration amongst

other things in medical texts translation analysis

or translatability assessment, Gouadec and Nord’s

principles. Considering the decreasing quality of

medical texts translation, we came to conclusion

that medical texts translation cannot be regarded

as inviolable or sacrosanct entities and it is the

translators’ duty to deal with all defects that

affect it. In order words, medical workers, writing

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academic texts and translating medical texts

should become communication experts with

a broader variety of available services, which

would not only include risk management strategy

(when facing a defective text) but also educating

the auditorium about the importance of text and

documentation quality.


1. Anderman, Gunilla, and Margaret Rogers. 2005. “English in Europe: For Better, for Worse?” In

In and Out of English: For Better, for Worse?, edited by Gunilla Anderman and Margaret Rogers,

1–26. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

2. Baker, Mona. 1992. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge.Baker,

Mona, and Gabriela Saldanha, eds. 1998. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London:


3. Bassnett, Susan. 2002. Translation Studies. 3nd ed. London: Routledge.Brunette, Louise. 2000.

“Towards a Terminology for Translation Quality Assessment.” The Translator 6 (2): 169–82.

Bxactly. 2011. “Translation and Interpreting Services—Terms and Conditions.”




4. Byrne, Jody. 2006. Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical

Documentation. Dordrecht: Springer.Catford, John C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation:

An Essay in Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

5. Chesterman, Andrew. 1997. Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory.

Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

6. Gutt, Ernst-August. 2000. Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context. 2nd ed. Manchester:

St. Jerome.

7. Hatim, Basil, and Ian Mason. 1997. The Translator as Communicator. London: Routledge.

8. Kussmaul, Paul. 1995. Training the Translator. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

9. Larson, Mildred L. 1987. “Establishing Project-Specific Criteria for Acceptability of Translations.”

In Translation Excellence: Assessment, Achievement, Maintenance, edited by Marilyn Gaddis

Rose, 69–76. Binghamton: University Center at Binghamton.

10. Schäffner, Christina. 2013. “Trans-language, Trans-culture, Trans-translation?” In Tradition and

Trends in Trans-language Communication, edited by Jitka Zehnalová, Ondřej Molnár, and Michal

Kubánek, 15–28. Olomouc: Palacký University.

Шарипова Ф.И.


Ключевые слова:

медицинский текст, иностранный язык, профессиональное образование,

переводческая компетенция

В статье рассматриваются проблемы обу-

чения переводу медицинских текстов маги-

стров медицинских институтов, в частности

в ТашПМИ на современном этапе. Поднима-

ются проблемы профессиональной переводче-

ской практики при подготовке будущих врачей

в медицинском институте.

Sharipova F.I


Kalit so’zlar:

tibbiy matn, chet tili, kasbiy ta’lim, tarjima kompetensiyasi

Maqolada hozirgi bosqichda tibbiyot

institutlari, xususan, ToshPTI magistrantlariga

tibbiy matnlarni tarjima qilishni o‘rgatish

muammolari ko‘rib chiqiladi. Tibbiyot institutida

bo‘lajak shifokorlarni tayyorlashda professional

tarjima amaliyotining muammolari ko‘tariladi.

Библиографические ссылки

Anderman, Gunilla, and Margaret Rogers. 2005. “English in Europe: For Better, for Worse?” In In and Out of English: For Better, for Worse?, edited by Gunilla Anderman and Margaret Rogers, 1–26. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Baker, Mona. 1992. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge.Baker, Mona, and Gabriela Saldanha, eds. 1998. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routledge.

Bassnett, Susan. 2002. Translation Studies. 3nd ed. London: Routledge.Brunette, Louise. 2000. “Towards a Terminology for Translation Quality Assessment.” The Translator 6 (2): 169–82. Bxactly. 2011. “Translation and Interpreting Services—Terms and Conditions.” www.bxactly.com/agb_bxactly_en.pdf.

Byrne, Jody. 2006. Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation. Dordrecht: Springer.Catford, John C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chesterman, Andrew. 1997. Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Gutt, Ernst-August. 2000. Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context. 2nd ed. Manchester: St. Jerome.

Hatim, Basil, and Ian Mason. 1997. The Translator as Communicator. London: Routledge.

Kussmaul, Paul. 1995. Training the Translator. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Larson, Mildred L. 1987. “Establishing Project-Specific Criteria for Acceptability of Translations.” In Translation Excellence: Assessment, Achievement, Maintenance, edited by Marilyn Gaddis Rose, 69–76. Binghamton: University Center at Binghamton.

Schäffner, Christina. 2013. “Trans-language, Trans-culture, Trans-translation?” In Tradition and Trends in Trans-language Communication, edited by Jitka Zehnalová, Ondřej Molnár, and Michal Kubánek, 15–28. Olomouc: Palacký University.

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