Сервисное обслуживание и уровень жизни населения; Взаимозависимость

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Урунбаева , Ю. (2024). Сервисное обслуживание и уровень жизни населения; Взаимозависимость. in Library, 4(4), 25–27. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/35095
Юлдуз Урунбаева , Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса

Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса, доцент кафедры экономической теории, доктор философских наук по экономике



в статье повышение уровня жизни населения за счет Обращено внимание на развитие сферы услуг и факторы, влияющие на нее.

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Information Horizons: American Journal of Library and Information Science Innovation



Information Horizons: AMERICAN Journal of Library

and Information Science Innovation

Volume 01, Issue 10, 2023 ISSN (E): 2993-2777

Service Provision and Standard of Living of the Population;


Urunbaeva Yulduz Pirnazarovna

Samarkand institute of economics and service, senior lecturer


in the article increase the level of living of the population through the

development of the service sector and factors affecting particular drew the attention.


population, standards of living, quality of life, demand, consumption,

population fund, job salary, income, leisure time.

Xshow the development of the sector on the basis of the then prime minister, increase the level
of living of the population, that is, the labor of any society, which is one of the most invaluable
resources, efficient use of resources drew attention to the issue, in the future of this sector in gdp
and the share increase further scientific conclusions and suggestions are given. Abstrakt issued
the research process thinking, economic-statistical analysis led to the wide use of methods such

Above cited one of the definitions of pay, if we look to the period of development in the history
of mankind servicing, service the society, the emergence of human daily activities after the start
of continuous improvement to ensure the constant improvement of it in action for creativity and
satisfaction of all needs on the same basis to achieve the goal of using a come in. Therefore, the
service is also being considered as a philosophical category that while trying to process that its
process know, it is not simple, but the development of society, people, prosperity will find
directed that action should look. Considering that whom finds doing so, we give the following
definition should be found. Service – every layer of this population (when you feel the need) the
activity that is aimed at meeting the material and spiritual needs should be viewable



Almost all needed for human consumption in favor of dating because of the work of man and his
mind-is created by means of insight. Those who are employed in the economy of the activities,
goals and aspirations only in the case of the interests of society, - every able-bodied man active
in the social production of results, and participate wholeheartedly etgandagina, the society has
put in front of any complex tasks can be solved. “Higher education to increase the level of
coverage with international standards, on the basis of highly qualified, creative and systematic
thinking, personnel who can make independent decisions, and to show their intellectual abilities
to create the conditions necessary for the formation and perfect as a spiritual entity, - note that
thedi Sh.M.Assignthis it is the duty of all of us, who is holy”


. Therefore, the devotion of the

labor population in the country is the main factor of development of active.

Naturally, the new economic order is not completely free from defects defects and also the
specific economic system based on market relations. In this regard, the scientific visions in the


Урунбаева Ю. П. Хизмат кўрсатиш соҳаси ва аҳоли турмуш даражаси: ўзаро боғлиқлиги ва ривожланиш

истиқболлари. Монография.Тошкент.: «ФАН», 2013.- 156 б.


Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Ш.М.Мирзиёев Ўзбекистон республикаси олий таълим тизимини 2030

йилгача ривожлантириш концепцияси. - Т.: Ўзбекистон, 2019.

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Information Horizons: American Journal of Library and Information Science Innovation



field of economics has been recognized widely in the literature. To give their details, research
subject proceeding from the new economic system for all members of society, the activities of a
certain risk of his life and work stability of the throne, held the factors that brought both of
unemployment noted in particular that appropriate. To improve the living standards of the
population of the service sector held the role. This area, especially young people looking for work
for the first time, work experience enough, convenient location for getting to the layers of the
population who have high skills. In the field of production employed in the service of those who
remain unemployed for various reasons, exactly the fact that we have the opportunity to be
useful in the field of unemployment daily, addressing the practical problem to be taken into account, as
well as a productive use should be exactly the same opportunity.

The development of the service sector in the present stage of development of uzbekistan on the
basis of population increase employment, income from employment in various industries and
sectors of the economy, the main source of income of the population and its removable living
form to convert the level of the key factors to develop the capacity required. Of the most pressing
issues of the country and very important work with the disabled population to work at the present
stage of development the need to ensure the object is saved with the imbalance between supply
and demand in the labor market is determined.

- Every able-bodied man in the social production of various active participation in the creation of
a district who has secured the blessings dating full, the creation of effective mechanisms of
increasing the activity of the population, economic development, efficient use of them to face the
challenges of the development of society who only practical in addressing his own people, to live
a life of prosperity will achieve.

Achieved success in recent years being given the opportunity to strengthen the social dimensions
of economic reform, improve the level of living of the man, the work that needed to provide
them with the layers of the population, especially since the state was founded needing to show
the material support necessary to reduce the number of measures that are looking to find
requires. Especially, the direction of their social service-sector economy showing positive effects
in the country, socially oriented market economy, the key will go into the form factor.

The changes that are happening in the social and economic life of the society of consumption
through the ever changing composition, which gradually improved the material in favour of the
consumption of dating maksimallashuvi be the person types required to increase the consumption
of ground has created. The structure of the system consumption is found in a completely
different society, its social structure, intellectual and cultural consumption is getting increasingly
sore the importance of a lifestyle facilitate the households in and out of time-saving, reading,
vacation, health, sports, travel and etc high quality of products and services for even more
demand is increasing, that is, to increase the quality of consumption and lifestyle of the people in
support, allowing the system has undergone many changes.

The action of the public sector development strategyof the priority areas ng, sanoatni, and
implied the development of agricultural services.

Of the republic of uzbekistan the long-term socio-economic policy and its main goal – to reduce
social inequality and the level of living of the whole population of a continuous bear.

Market relations have found the decision to go, as it is known to causeaccording to this plan are
the economy will not solve problems, consequently, the rational resources of foy'stoo uzil
measures dalana has found their own solution to a problem. Also the most of any society is
invaluable resources – labor resources is no exception. The efficient use of these resources , the
number of those who are employed in the manufacture of the material dramatically kisqarishiga
to expand the ranks of the unemployed and thus taking the inevitable coming. Their effective
market mechanisms and make it available to work due to the relative population chiqaritshda
material kisqarishi caused by unemployment problem arising in a different area, and for the
development of the network is the solution. Socially oriented market economy in the conditions
of such intangible all areas of the field, in particular, to the population of free and paid services

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Information Horizons: American Journal of Library and Information Science Innovation



network (supply sosial, sosial insurance, trade, catering, tourism, health, transport, communication
and others) consists of a set of. The countries of the world, especially indeveloped western
countries, also the experience of the sa economy, the service sector of the society social and
economic role in the life and suggest that the place should be high. The human potential is high in
countries where 70 percent of the work force employed in service industries. Present day
uzbekistan in those who are employed in the service sector, nearly half of all of the work force,
i.e. surged 49.6 percent.

To investigate the effects of the living conditions of the population of the service sector as a
result of the proposals has developed and how it has come to the conclusion.

First of all, the "service" economic terms definition look different among scientists, considering
the theoretical aspects of research in the case of this concept, its definition has been improved
and would recommend express follows: service – every layer of this population (when you feel
the need) the activity that is aimed at meeting the material and spiritual needs should be

Secondly, this stone (in the context of pandimiya) young people looking for work for the first
time, work experience enough, convenient location for getting to the layers of the population
who have high skills. In the field of production employed in the service of those who remain
unemployed for various reasons, exactly the fact that we have the opportunity to be useful in the
field of unemployment daily, addressing the practical problem to be taken into account, as well as a
productive use can be exactly the same opportunity.

Third, the structure of the system consumption is found in a completely different society, its
social structure, intellectual and cultural consumption is getting increasingly sore the importance
of a lifestyle facilitate the households in and out of time-saving, reading, vacation, health, sports,
travel and etc high quality of products and services for even more demand is increasing, that is,
to increase the quality of consumption and lifestyle of the people in support, allowing the system
has undergone many changes.

Fourth, human potential high level in countries with 80 percent of the work force employed in
service industries. Present day uzbekistan in service sector, those who are employed work force
of 50,was 6 percent.

Such a conclusion from the analysis above information come on makesh can needless, not only
through the development of the service sector of the country's socio-economic development, but
also improve the living conditions of the population of each division will lead to.

That were used under muslimsbioavailability list


Urunbaeva.Yu.P. “The service sector on the basis of improving the prospects for
development of the living standards of the population” S Abstracts.: 2018., B 59.


Standard service sectors, increasing the impact of p. stars urunbaeva innovative economy in






http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/10387/5598 2020. 05.


Muxammedov M. and others in the “service sector and the theoretical basis of tourism
development”- S.: Zarafshan 2017.B -299.


Urunbaeva Yu. P. The service sector and living standards of the population: mutual
dependence and prospects of development. Monographs.We have stoneent.: "SCIENCE",
2013.- 156.b.

Библиографические ссылки

Urunbaeva.Yu.P. “The service sector on the basis of improving the prospects for development of the living standards of the population” S Abstracts.: 2018., B 59.

Standard service sectors, increasing the impact of p. stars urunbaeva innovative economy in the population of your living environment http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/10387/5598 2020. 05.

Muxammedov M. and others in the “service sector and the theoretical basis of tourism development”- S.: Zarafshan 2017.B -299.

Urunbaeva Yu. P. The service sector and living standards of the population: mutual dependence and prospects of development. Monographs.We have stoneent.: "SCIENCE", 2013.- 156.b.

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