International Multidisciplinary Conference
Hosted from Manchester, England 25
May 2022
Small scientific go
Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine
. This article describes the mixed occurrence and prevalence of diplococcosis and pasteurellyoz
among pet animals, their diagnosis, clinical symptoms, treatment and prevention methods.
: microbiology, pasteurellosis, diplococcosis, epizootology, treatment, pathological anatomical
changes, clinical signs, diagnostics, vaccine.
: on the basis of the decree of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 21, 2008
№ PP-842 “on additional measures to encourage the reproduction of livestock products in the personal
assistant, peasant and farmer farms, as well as to extend the production of livestock products”, aimed at
increasing the employment and income of the rural population and the growth
President Of The Republic Of UzbekistanM. In accordance with the decision of Mirziyoyev «on the
strategy of actions for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan»dated February 7, 2017, № PF-
5696, March 28, 2019 «on measures for radical improvement of the system of State Administration in the
field of Veterinary and livestock», these studies will serve to a certain extent in the implementation of the
tasks set.
Results of the study: Diplococcosis is an infectious bacterial disease of Agriculture and wild animals (pathogen
Diplococcus lanceolatum). The disease is more common in almost all seasons of the year, especially in winter
and spring, threeraydi. The disease occurs mainly in animals in acute, acute, semi – acute forms, accompanied
by inflammation of the lungs and intestines, sepsis, arthritis, lesions of the lymphatic system, and ends with
70-75% death. (A.A.Chepurov, A.V. Cherkasova). In infected animals, there is an increase in div
temperature to 41 – 42 C, difficulty breathing, malaise, foamy – purulent fluid flows from the nose. When
clinical signs are observed, the infected animals die if veterinary assistance is not shown on time. Large funds
are spent on the treatment and prevention measures of sick animals. With diplococcosis, mainly children of
calves, lambs and pigs get sick, and 70 – 75% die. Infected animals lag behind growth and development and
are considered to be carriers of diplococci.
Pasteurellosis is an infectious disease of agricultural animals and poultry, which occurs in extremely acute,
acute and semi-acute forms (pathogen Pasteurella multus). Infected animals are accompanied by an increase
in div temperature, coughing, bloody diarrhea, blood clots in the mucous membranes of the intestines.
Clinical signs: in diseases that occur without intervention, clinical signs vary depending on the course of
the disease and the virulence of the causative agent. When pathogens of diplococcosis and pasteurellosis meet
in one organism, their clinical manifestations change. That is, in the div there is a state of exhaustion,
fainting, refusal of food, and on the second day of the day there is wheezing, redness of the mucous
membranes, an increase in div temperature to 42,0 – 42,5 C and bloody diarrhea.
Patanatomic changes: an accurate diagnosis and recommendations for diseases are established based on
the data of the initial Anamnesis, clinical symptoms, and then on the results of pathologic changes and
bacteriological examinations. When the dead animal, infected with mixed disease, is pathologically ruptured,
blood clots appear in the small intestine, sometimes even on the mucous membrane of the Shirdon with a
dotted Speck, the heart is enlarged and the dotted blood vessels are clogged, and in the lungs the foam mucous
blood accumulates in the cavities of the bronchi and alveoli. In addition to these, the main changes occur in
the spleen, its size is relatively enlarged, and in the edges of the spleen, spotting, blood clots are observed. For
bacteriological inspections GPB, GPA and 5% GPA with blood serum, 5% blood serum GPB transplanted
samples to nutrient environments, +37,0 - +37,5 C is stored in a thermostat. During the observation period,
International Multidisciplinary Conference
Hosted from Manchester, England 25
May 2022
the overgrown cultures become turbid and grease is prepared from them and painted in a gram method. As a
result of microscopic examination, diplococci and Pasteurella pathogens are distinguished. Due to these
diseases, dotted blood transfusions and changes in them in internal parenchymatosis organs.
Materials and methods: due to the above-mentioned problems, in the laboratory for the study of diseases of
young moles of the Veterinary Research Institute, a polivalent experimental GOA form vaccine was developed
using the cultures of local strains of pathogens of these diseases in order to prevent the disease of lambs
diplococcosis and pasteurylosis. To determine the sterility of the vaccine produced, GPB, GPA, 5% GPA with
blood serum, Kitt-Tarossi were sown to nutrient media and stored for 37,0 days in the thermostat at + 38,0 C
- +10 C. To determine the harmlessness of this vaccine, 10 Head white mice were injected subcutaneously
from 0,5 ml and 4 head lamb from 3 ml. Vaccinated animals were observed for 10 days. During the
observation, it was found that the feed environments in which vaccine samples were planted were sterile, that
the vaccine-injected animals were alive and no symptoms of the disease.
Treatment and prevention measures: recommendations for livestock farming specialists in order to prevent
and treat the mixed occurrence of diplococcosis and pasteurellosis of lambs:
-animals infected with diplococcosis and pasteurellosis are allocated separately and sent at a dose of
hyperimmune blood cell therapy (1,5-2 ml kg), and the following antibiotics are used: enrofloxine,
strychomycin, biomycin it is also recommended to use simtomatic agents;
-it is desirable to vaccinate all animals that have reached the age of vaccination 4 – 5 days after the application
of hyperimmune blood serum against diplococcosis and pasteurellyoz;
-in order to prevent diplococcosis and pasteurellosis of sheep and lambs, it is recommended to use the new
“GOA form vaccine, which is assimilated against diplococcosis and pasteurellosis of sheep”created at the
Veterinary Research Institute in a wide range of livestock and livestock farming farms as well as the
population sheep and lambs.
In conclusion, it should be noted that diplococcosis and pasteurellosis diseases are often found in farms. A lot
of money will be spent on their detection and treatment, but it will be worthwhile if the diseases are picked up
on time and vaccination work is carried out. In order to prevent the disease, it is necessary to use the vaccine
mentioned above.
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