New ways in organization of english language teaching

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Buranova, D., & Tolipova, S. (2020). New ways in organization of english language teaching . in Library, 20(3), 182–184. Retrieved from


Modern trends and quality of English language learning, the formation of relevant personnel in medical sphere is one of the most urgent problems of the higher medical education system. The prospects for the socio-economic development of the country, the needs of society, and the current achievements in science, culture, technology and technology undoubtedly have an important impact on medical higher education institution in training specialists at a high quality level. In this regard, creating a strong motivational environment in modern universities for the knowledge of English languages, as well as new teaching methods is an important factor in achieving high results in this direction.

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Purpose of research and actuality

Modern trends and quality of English language

learning, the formation of relevant personnel in

medical sphere is one of the most urgent prob-

lems of the higher medical education system. The

prospects for the socio-economic development of

the country, the needs of society, and the current

achievements in science, culture, technology and

technology undoubtedly have an important impact

on medical higher education institution in training

specialists at a high quality level. In this regard,

creating a strong motivational environment in

modern universities for the knowledge of English

languages, as well as new teaching methods is an

important factor in achieving high results in this


In this regard, the issue of radical improve-

ment of higher education to the requirements of

reforming and modernizing modern education in

all respects, full compliance of personnel with the

requirements of the world labor market, is on the

agenda. For this reason, the issue of knowledge of

foreign languages by specialists in all spheres of

economic, social and political development of the

country is of particular relevance.

The current organization of research, teaching

activities in non-linguistic universities operating

in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the development

of exchange of experience of the faculty with

colleagues in various foreign universities, profes-

sionally oriented and innovative study of foreign

languages considering the modern requirements

in training promotes the formation of theoretical

and practical knowledge and Outlook. Here, an

important factor is the necessary development of

independent thinking and skills from the perspec-

tive of a broader study of international practice.

Thus, the decree of the President of the Republic

of Uzbekistan” on measures for further develop-

ment of the higher education system “dated April

20, 2017 set goals for” further improvement of the

higher education system and establishing close

cooperation with leading scientific and educa-

tional institutions of the world”. Also, among the

priorities for further development of the higher

education system were set such tasks as “wide-

spread introduction of advanced technologies and

technologies in the field of higher education, ac-

tive involvement of highly qualified teachers and

scientists from foreign partner educational insti-

tutions in advanced training courses, organization

of internships for masters, young teachers and

researchers of higher educational institutions of

the Republic on a systematic basis, retraining and

advanced training of the teaching staff”. The need

to acquire and translate the latest foreign litera-

ture, regularly update the information technology

funds, constantly improve the quality and level of

professional skills of teachers, professional devel-

opment and training of teachers and researchers

abroad, broad involvement of highly qualified

foreign scientists, teachers and specialists in the

educational processes of higher educational in-

stitutions and centers of retraining and advanced

training, training of graduates of higher educa-

tional institutions

Therefore, the implementation of these goals

and objectives requires not only activity and edu-

cational qualifications, but also a comprehensive

approach to the level of all current participants

in the educational process as a whole. A range of

studies related to the development of a new ap-

proach to professional-methodical training of spe-

cialists takes place and provides teachers willing

to work in the new paradigm of education, with

a gradual increase in training specialists with the

necessary level of foreign language skills tailored

to their professional needs. This, in turn, is a flex-

ible but mobile study of a foreign language, with

the definition of characteristics of different levels

of professional competence and the development

of theoretical and practical foundations for the

formation of professional and methodological

competence based on integration into various ar-

eas of development. Stages and models of training

a specialist with higher professional education re-

quire a special approach, taking into account the

realities, requirements and needs of the present.

Research materials and methods

The combination of effective methods, meth-

ods and tools of this process from the point of

view of modernizing the issues of perfect mas-

tery of a foreign language by a specialist in the

non-linguistic sphere implies the development of

theoretical and technological foundations for the

system organization of methodological techniques

and tools that can meet modern requirements and

standards for perfect mastery of languages. The

main goal here is to create an effective tool for

modernizing the process of mastering a foreign

language, to ensure the professional skills of

teachers in improving the literacy of students in

Buranova D.D., Tolipova S.S.


Tashkent pediatric medical institute

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the field of a foreign language, to organize in the

form of a continuous cycle the process of form-

ing new thinking aimed at teaching foreign lan-

guages. Taking into account all the opportunities

and trends of the current educational process, it is

planned to solve the following tasks:

1. Identification of the essence of the process

of modernization of professional education in

non-linguistic universities and the role of foreign

language learning in this area.

2. Development of specific principles and

methodology for learning a foreign language in

the profession.

3. Step-by-Step introduction of foreign lan-

guage skills in the practical sphere, adaptation of

the methodology with the definition of practical


4. Wide use of effective methods and means of

teaching foreign languages in the profession.

5. Creating a new model of a foreign language

for non-linguistic higher professional education.

The modern educational system has been de-

veloped taking into account the realities, require-

ments and needs of our time and is being improved

taking into account the etiology of professional

development and retraining in the field of teach-

ing foreign languages. It is aimed at maintaining

the necessary balance between the fundamental

essence of scientific knowledge and the ability

to apply it in practice to solve a whole range of

problems, to form reflexive skills in theoretical

and practical activities. Creating and improving

the scientific environment in the specialty is also

ensuring the productive use of international prin-

ciples and further professional development. Cur-

rent education requires the teacher to have a set

of professional skills, psychological and pedagog-

ical knowledge in order to effectively study the

science of foreign languages, the student needs

conscious responsibility, activity, educational

qualifications and skills, as well as a healthy psy-

chophysiological situation, and most importantly

- educational motivation for productive mastery.

Results and discussion, conclusions

The current stages of political, socio-econom-

ic, spiritual and educational development should

be determined in accordance with the current re-

quirements of the main set of tasks facing high-

er professional education. For specialists in this

field, mastering a foreign language determines the

need for purposeful organization of this activity,

methodological and qualitative justification of

Executive functions. Some theoretical and practi-

cal aspects should be highlighted here:

1. Disclosure of the essence of the interdepen-

dence of professional higher education and the

process of modernization, the new style and the

role of skill in managing the quality of the educa-

tional process in educational institutions.

2. Development of measures aimed at radically

updating the level of foreign language proficiency

in this area and bringing it to a new quality level.

3. To achieve a responsible approach of teach-

ers to improve their capacity.

4. Extensive use of advanced and effective

methods and means of professional development

in the process of improving professional literacy

in a foreign language.


The perspective of modernization of the sys-

tem of continuing professional education is ex-

pressed in the effective use of the principles of

variability, mobility and adaptability. New ap-

proaches and models of education are being de-

veloped in connection with the introduction of the

unified European higher education in the Bologna

process, as well as in ensuring the integration of

existing models and training of specialists in the

field of foreign language teaching. Modern reali-

ties put on the agenda such tasks as the effective

formation of professional competence of a teach-

er, complete successful reform of the education

system, and high-quality organization of the ed-

ucational process based on modern standards.

However, in the General system of secondary and

higher education, the existing models of language

teaching, as well as models of teacher training,

programs on methodology and courses aimed at

other areas, are not diverse and flexible.



David G. Myers Psychology, USA ,



James W. Kalat Introduction to

Psychology, USA, 2013.


Леонтьев А. Н. Деятельность. Созна-

ние. Личность. М., Смысл, Академия, 2005.

4. Евдокимова Марина Николаевна. Ме-

тодика ознакомления студентов-лингвистов с

мировыми вариантами английского языка (на

примере индийского варианта). Дисс. ...канд.

педаг. наук. Пятигорск. 2014.

5. Кизрина Н. Г. Обучение иностранным

языкам в вузе посредством Веб 2.0 на примере

использования блог-технологий. Новая наука:

от идеи к результату. 2016. № 3 (72): в 2-х ч. Ч.

2. - С. 75-78.


Морозов А.В. Психология влияния.

М. “Питер” 2010.


Буранова Д.Д. Тиббиёт олий таълим

муассасалари педагог ходимларининг чет тил-

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ларини ўзлаштириши механизмларини тако-

миллаштириш. Тошкент, 2017. ТошПТИ.


Ғозиев Э.Г. Онтогенез психологияси.

Тошкент, 2010.

9. Роль мотивации в изучении иностран-

ного языка». Горбунова Т.С. http://cyberleninka.


10. https://english.stepbystep-motivaciya

Read more:

Psoriasis is one of the most common skin dis-

eases of children and is the second most common

after atopic dermatitis [2,4,6]. It’s specific weight

in the structure of children’s dermatoses ranges

from 1 to 8% [3,7]. In recent years, the problem

of psoriasis has become particularly important

due to the increase in cases of the disease among

children, especially preschool and older children,

an increase of complicated forms and torpidity in

relation to treatment [4,7,8]. The clinical course

of psoriasis in children, in contrast to adults, has

its own characteristics. In this regard, it is import-

ant to study the features of the clinical course of

psoriasis in children, taking into account the age

aspect. It is known that in the pathogenesis of pso-

riasis, a special place is given to the role of hered-

ity, microcirculation disorders, viral, infectious

and allergic factors, immune, neuroendocrine,

biochemical, metabolic and other disorders [1,3],

but none of these causes are generally recognized.

The chronicity and high frequency of psoria-

sis, especially severe forms that are resistant to

therapy, give the problem of this dermatosis an

increasing urgency. Despite significant achieve-

ments in the study of the nature of psoriasis, the

presence of a large arsenal of tools and methods

of treatment, this dermatosis, occupies one of the

places among skin diseases. [2,5,9]. The problem

of psoriasis becomes particularly important due

to the increasing incidence of the disease among

children. [4,6,8]. Complex therapy of psoriasis,

often occupying a leading place in it, is exter-

nal therapy. Increasing the effectiveness of local

treatment requires a differentiated approach and

rational use of external medicines and their var-

ious forms in order to positively influence the

course of the pathological skin process [1, 3,7].

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the

effectiveness of Elidel for external use in children

with psoriasis.

Materials and methods

Тhe examination of patients was conducted

in 2018-2020 on the basis of the department of

dermatovenerology in the children’s department

of the clinic TashPMI. 80 children with psoriasis

aged from 1 to 18 years were under observation,

including 44 girls (55%) and 36 boys (45 %). The

duration of the disease was from 1 to 8 years. The

study of the patients’ history data showed that 74

(92.5%) of the examined children fell ill mainly

after 3 years. A clinical examination of the patho-

logical process was performed, and the following

parameters were determined: prevalence, symme-

try, preferential location and nature of rashes in

children with psoriasis. When making the diag-

nosis, diagnostic criteria were used: symptoms of

a stearic spot, terminal film, blood dew, and an

isomorphic Kebner reaction. Depending on the

nature of the psoriatic process, the severity and

severity of the process, the stages of the disease

were determined: progressive, stationary and re-

gressive. The diagnosis of psoriasis was based on

the X revision of the international classification of

diseases ICD-10, cipher L 40. Evaluation of clin-

ical features of psoriasis in children of different

age groups was performed using the PASI-Psoria-

sis Area and Serverite Index method (Index of the

area of psoriatic lesions and severity of the skin

process). For clinical monitoring, we used a stan-

dardized and reproducible method of evaluating

the index, which is generally accepted by derma-

tologists in Europe.

Treatment was performed in 80 children with

psoriasis, aged from 1 year to 18 years; in the age

groups from 1-3 years, 3-7 years and 7-18 years

according to the standard of treatment offered

by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uz-

bekistan. Depending on the therapy, the patients

were divided into 2 groups. Group I patients (32)

were treated with traditional medication. Patients

of this group received antihistamines (suprastin,

fencarol, zirtek, loratal, Telfast, etc.) as basic ther-

apy. With severe itching and neurotic reactions,

sedatives were prescribed (tinctures of Valerian,

motherwort, bromine preparations, sedavit, etc.),

as hyposensitizing therapy, calcium preparations

were recommended (sodium thiosulfate, calcium

gluconate, calcium chloride), as hepatoprotective

therapy, hepanorm (lipoic acid) was used. The

Khodjaeva S.M., Bababekova N. B., Argova O.K.


Tashkent pediatric medical institute


David G. Myers Psychology, USA , 2010.

James W. Kalat Introduction to Psychology, USA, 2013.

Леонтьев А. Н. Деятельность. Сознание. Личность. М., Смысл, Академия, 2005.

Евдокимова Марина Николаевна. Методика ознакомления студентов-лингвистов с мировыми вариантами английского языка (на примере индийского варианта). Дисс. ...канд. педаг. наук. Пятигорск. 2014.

Кизрина Н. Г. Обучение иностранным языкам в вузе посредством Веб 2.0 на примере использования блог-технологий. Новая наука: от идеи к результату. 2016. № 3 (72): в 2-х ч. Ч. 2. - С. 75-78.

Морозов А.В. Психология влияния. М. “Питер” 2010.

Буранова Д.Д. Тиббиёт олий таълим муассасалари педагог ходимларининг чет тил-ларини ўзлаштириши механизмларини такомиллаштириш. Тошкент, 2017. ТошПТИ.

Ғозиев Э.Г. Онтогенез психологияси. Тошкент, 2010.

Роль мотивации в изучении иностран-ного языка». Горбунова Т.С.

https://english.stepbystep-motivaciya Read more:

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