Роль и значение экономической безопасности на промышленных предприятиях

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Нигматуллева, Г. (2020). Роль и значение экономической безопасности на промышленных предприятиях. Экономика И Образование, 1(1), 147–151. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/economy_education/article/view/4248
Гульчехра Нигматуллева, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет

Кафедра экономики промышленности, базовый докторант



Сложившаяся кризисная ситуация и процессы модернизации страны определяют реализацию целевых мероприятий в области обеспечения экономической безопасности предприятий. Основной целью экономической безопасности предприятия является обеспечение его стабильного и максимально эффективного функционирования в настоящее время и обеспечение высокого потенциала для гибкого развития и роста в будущем. Данная статья посвящена определению понятия экономической безопасности предприятия. Сформулированы основные условия, факторы и угрозы, влияющие на экономическую безопасность организации. В статье описаны критерии, на основании которых можно сделать вывод о состоянии экономической безопасности предприятия, а также рассмотрены основные угрозы экономической безопасности предприятия.

Похожие статьи

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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 № 1



Nigmatulleva Gulchehra Nurullaevna –

Tashkent State University of Economics,

Department of Industrial Economics, basic doctoral student


Mavjud inqiroz holati va mamlakatni modernizatsiya qilish jarayonlari korxonalarning iqtisodiy

xavfsizligini ta'minlash sohasida maqsadli tadbirlarni amalga oshirishni belgilaydi. Korxonaning iqtisodiy xavfsizligining asosiy
maqsadi hozirgi vaqtda uning barqaror va maksimal darajada samarali ishlashini ta'minlash va kelajakda moslashuvchan
rivojlanish va o'sish uchun yuqori potentsialni ta'minlashdir. Ushbu maqola korxonaning iqtisodiy xavfsizligi tushunchasini
aniqlashga bag'ishlangan. Tashkilotning iqtisodiy xavfsizligiga ta'sir ko'rsatadigan asosiy shartlar, omillar va tahdidlar
shakllantirilgan. Maqolada biz korxonaning iqtisodiy xavfsizligi holati to'g'risida xulosa chiqarishimiz mumkin bo'lgan

mezonlar tavsiflanadi, shuningdek korxonaning iqtisodiy xavfsizligiga asosiy tahdidlar ko'rib chiqiladi.

Kalit so'zlar

: xavfsizlik; iqtisodiy xavfsizlik; kompaniya; xavflar; tahdidlar; boshqarish; rivojlanish



. Сложившаяся кризисная ситуация и процессы модернизации страны определяют реализацию

целевых мероприятий в области обеспечения экономической безопасности предприятий. Основной целью
экономической безопасности предприятия является обеспечение его стабильного и максимально эффективного
функционирования в настоящее время и обеспечение высокого потенциала для гибкого развития и роста в будущем.
Данная статья посвящена определению понятия экономической безопасности предприятия. Сформулированы

основные условия, факторы и угрозы, влияющие на экономическую безопасность организации. В статье описаны
критерии, на основании которых можно сделать вывод о состоянии экономической безопасности предприятия, а
также рассмотрены основные угрозы экономической безопасности предприятия.

Ключевые слова:

безопасность; экономическая безопасность; Компания; риски; угрозы; контроль;



. The current crisis situation and the country's modernization processes determine the implementation of

targeted activities in the field of ensuring the economic security of enterprises. The main goal of the economic security of the

enterprise is to ensure its stable and maximum efficient functioning at the present time and to ensure high potential for flexible
development and growth in the future. This article is devoted to the definition of the concept of economic security of the
enterprise. The basic conditions, factors and threats that affect the economic security of the organization are formulated. The
article describes the criteria on the basis of which we can conclude on the state of the economic security of the enterprise, and

also considers the main threats to the economic security of the enterprise.

Key words:

security; economic security; company; risks; threats; the control; development.


Currently, issues of ensu-

ring conditions for the financial well-being of
enterprises are coming to the fore.

In modern conditions, the problem of

economic security is relevant, because enter-

prises operate in different external and internal
risks, and the competitive economic environ-

ment hides numerous threats. This circumstance
requires the subjects of enterprise management

to build an integrated system aimed at

improving the level of economic security. The
current crisis situation and the country's

modernization processes determine the conduct
of targeted activities in the field of ensuring the

economic security of enterprises.

Ensuring the economic security of the

enterprise is the process of implementing its
functional components in order to prevent

possible damage and achieve the maximum level
of economic security at the present time and in

the future.

The materials and methods used in the


First of all, the principles of a systematic

approach to the study of socio-economic proces-

ses were used as a methodological base, which

made it possible to identify the essential charac-

teristics of the studied phenomena and proces-
ses, determine their development trends, cor-

relate their manifestations in the economic
space, and highlight the causes of contradictions

between them. In addition, in the process of
work, such general scientific methods and

techniques as scientific abstraction, analysis and
synthesis, and others were applied.

The main part.

In order to define the

concept "economic safety of organization" it is
necessary to characterize terms "security",

"economic security" and to define what they are.
Safety – state of protection of vital interests of

person, society and state from internal and
external threats [1]. The main objects of security

are: the rights and freedoms of the individual,
material and spiritual values of society, consti-

tutional order, sovereignty and territorial integ-
rity of the state.

Safety is a multivalued notion, which

characterize primarily the security and low risk

to humans, society or any other entity, objects or
systems. The term "security" according to the


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 № 1


etymology of the word means "absence of dan-


Economic security 1) the state of the

economy, ensuring a sufficient level of social,

political, and defense of the existence and
progressive development, invulnerability and

independence of its economic interests against
possible external and internal threats and

impacts; 2) status of legal, economic relations,
institutional relations, material and intellectual

resources of the enterprise, which is guaranteed
its sustainability, financial and commercial

success, the progressive scientific, technological
and social development [4].

The economic security of the organization

is also important because enterprises are subject

to economic ties. Enterprises are created to
achieve certain goals, which are economic in


The concept of "enterprise security" is

inextricably linked with concepts such as
"sustainability", "development", "vulnerability"

and "manageability".

The economic security of the organization,

its ability to develop and work in a constantly
changing internal and external environment that

harakterizuet its stability .

In other words, the term economic

security of the organization means the state of

protection of vital interests of the enterprise
from internal and external threats to ensure its

stability and progression in the present and the

Ways of maintenance of economic safety of

enterprise is a set of measures and a system of

organization for their implementation and moni-
toring, which allow to achieve the highest level of

economic security. [1, page 28]

Under the economic security of the

enterprise can understand the protection of its
scientific, technological, industrial and personnel

potential of direct or indirect economic threats
related to the impact of the external environ-

ment, and its ability to a flexible development.
The main goal of enterprise economic security is

to ensure its sustainable and effective func-
tioning now and high potential for flexible

development and growth in the future. It does
this by preventing threats of negative impact on

the economic security of the enterprise.

Threats to the economic security of indus-

trial enterprises – is a potential or actual actions

of individuals or legal entities that violate the
protection of a business entity and is able to lead

to its termination or to economic and other

losses. It should be borne in mind that the threat

to the economic security these companies may

not be every action that has negative
consequences. So, should not be considered a

thr-eat to the economic security of the enterprise
management activities enterprises to invest in

securities, introduction of new organizational
forms, organization of implementation of new

services, goods, work. All these management
decisions are risky and can have negative econo-

mic consequences due to the fact that could
dramatically change the situation on the secure-

ties market, the needs of the population, or new
organizational forms would not justify itself. But

you need to keep in mind that ultimately all
aimed at achieving the main objectives of the

enterprise, for its further development. Such
solutions form an integral part of most business

activities, which is a risk and involves a certain
loss. [2, p. 76]

Can not be considered a threat to the

security of industrial enterprises the establish-

ment of enterprise management low product
prices in the initial period of its implementation.

Although in this case there may be no profit and,
conversely, to be a loss, but this is a standard

marketing trick aimed to attract customers to

the foreign seller. Later, the difference in price
will be eliminated.

The actions that are defined as threats,

deliberately aimed at obtaining any benefit from

the economic destabilization of the enterprises
from attacks on her economic security. Threats,

as a rule, entail a violation of legislative norms
(of a particular branch of law — civil, adminis-

trative, criminal) and imply a certain respon-
sibility on the part of those who exercise them.

Three signs can be noted that are characteristic
of threats to economic security for industrial

enterprises: a conscious and self-serving charac-
ter, a focus on harming a business entity, and a

contradictory nature.

There are a variety of threats that can

simultaneously belong to different classification
groups. Classification of threats is shown in

table.1. [3, p. 45] Threats to the enterprise
arising from internal and external sources of

risk, determine the content of activities to ensure
internal and external security. Given that exter-

nal and internal threats are different in both
actual and potential, the security will be reduced

to the forecasting of threats, specification and

implementation of the most efficient measures
for their localization. It follows that the basis of

organization, planning and implementation of


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 № 1


measures to ensure safety in various fields is the

analysis and evaluation of nature of real and

potential internal and external threats, crisis

situations and other adverse factors that hinder

the achievement of goals and pose a danger to

the vital interests of the enterprise.

Table 1

Classification of threats[6]

The Signs

The Threats


At the place of occurrence

Internal, external


According to the degree of hazard

Particularly dangerous threat


On the possibility

Real, potential


scale of implementation

Local, system-wide


By duration

Temporary permanent


In the direction

Production, financial, technological, socio-economic


In relation to them

Objective, subjective


By the nature of the directions

Direct, indirect


At the probability of the occurrence of

Overt, latent


On the nature of

Political, criminal, competition, etc.

Ensuring economic security of industrial

enterprises should be seen as a process of predi-

ction and prevention of extensive damage from
negative impacts on their economic security in

various aspects of financial and economic active-

Their economic security can be assessed

using various criteria:

1. Organizational aspect – in this case, is

expected to continue as businesses and their
organizational integrity, normal functioning of

the basic units (departments, services etc.);

2. Legal aspect refers to the permanent

compliance of enterprises activities to the cur-
rent legislation, resulting in no claims to it from

law enforcement agencies (or contractors);

3. Information side of security can be

estimated as the preservation of the security of
internal confidential information leakage or

disclosure in various forms;

4. The economic aspect is manifested in

the stability or having the tendency to growth of

key financial and economic indicators of enter-
prises such as equity, annual sales, profit, return

on sales, asset turnover, return on assets, finan-
cial leverage, return on own assets.[4, p. 140]

Therefore, the criterion should not only

state the economic security of enterprises, but

also clearly assess their level. The economic

security assessment is established by comparing
(absolute or relative) the actual performance of

enterprises with indicators. According to this
approach, the state of their economic security

must be determined by a specific system of key
indicators. They should reflect the industry

specifics and operating conditions of software
enterprises. These include production, financial

and social indicators (table. 2). [5, p. 148].

Table. 2[16]


Component elements of indicators



- production dynamics (growth rate)
level of capacity utilization
the share of R&D in the total volume of work
the share of research in the total volume of research and development
the rate of renewal of production assets (renovation)
stability of the production process (rhythm)
the proportion of third-party orders for corporations
assessment of product competitiveness
age structure of technological equipment


Financial and


labor productivity
return on sales
asset turnover
return on assets
financial leverage
return on equity



the level of remuneration in relation to the standard
the level of wage arrears
loss of working time
age and qualification structure of personnel


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 № 1


If we consider the state of economic secu-

rity of industrial enterprises in dynamics, regar-

dless of industry, then for them we can deter-
mine a common property. It lies in the fact that

the state of economic security of the enterprise
in question goes through several stages. They

include: stable, pre-crisis, crisis and critical
(table. 3).

Therefore, economic security is among the

most important national priorities. The econo-

mic security of the organization is also important

because enterprises are subject to economic ties.

Enterprises are created to achieve certain goals,

which are economic in nature. It should be noted
that the level of economic security of an orga-

nization is directly proportional to do with her
financial status and position in the market. Its

level depends on many factors, both internal and
external. Therefore, the analysis of economic

security of the organization and propose mea-
sures for its improvement it is necessary to

consider many things. [6, p. 103]

Table 3

Assessment of the economic security of enterprises[16]



1. Stable

Economic security indicators are within thresholds, and the degree of use of existing potential

is close to established norms and standards

2. Pre-crisis

Inconsistency of at least one of the indicators of economic security to the threshold value, while

others approached the barrier values. At the same time, the technical and technological
opportunities for improving the conditions and results of production through the adoption of
preventive measures were not lost

3. Crisis

Inconsistency of most of the main indicators of economic security with a threshold value, there

are signs of irreversibility of a decline in production and a partial loss of potential due to the
exhaustion of the technical resource of technological equipment and space, staff reduction

4. Critical

All the barriers separating the stable and crisis state of production development are broken,

and a partial loss of potential becomes inevitable and inevitable

The formation and development of market

relations in Uzbekistan, liberalization of foreign
trade, the openness of its economy and the

measures taken for integration into the world

economic and financial system significantly
exacerbated the problem of economic security of

the country. Interest in issues of economic
security is growing rapidly amid increasing

competition in the global economy and the emer-
gence of new strategic risks that exacerbated the

global financial crisis, as well as new threats
posed by increasing globalization, Informatiza-

tion, intellectualization of the modern economy.
An obvious need for further development of the

theory of economic security in the conditions of
significant and rapidly changing conditions in

the economy of XXI century.

The main tasks of economic security ‒ to

ensure the development of the economy, to
create conditions for life and development of

personality, socio-economic stability and to
preserve the integrity of the state, which will be

able to resist the influence of internal and
external threats. Without economic security it is

difficult to solve the economic problems at
national and international levels.

Successful and stable development of busi-

ness activities is provided under favorable

conditions, coordinated system of production of

goods or services, as well as an effective system

of economic security, i.e. protection of the
enterprise from external and internal threats.

We believe that the level of economic

security depends on how effectively its mana-
gement and professionals will be able to avoid

possible threats and eliminate their undesirable
consequences. It is important to manage at a

high level, providing information technology,
keeping pace with the times, and save, and most

importantly, efficient use of available capital.

Uzbekistan has achieved significant

positive results in creating a favorable climate
for development of small business and private

entrepreneurship. As noted in the report of the
world Bank, Uzbekistan currently ranks among

the top ten countries in the world, which last
year achieved the best results in improving the

business environment for entrepreneurship.
This means that in by improving the business

environment in Uzbekistan has considerably
decreased the threats to the economic security of

business activities. The activities of entrepre-
neurs in the current business environment in

Uzbekistan is very complex. And this is due to a
number of specific factors contributing to the

intensification of threats to economic security
businesses.[7, p. 114].


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 № 1


Among these factors the most important

are the following:

1. A significant degree of monopolization

of the market, partly preserved from the pre-

vious administrative-command system, partly

At the same time increases the level of

competition for product markets from both

domestic and foreign manufacturers.

2. Control of criminal organizations over a

number of economic sectors and economic

3. Maintaining significant pressure on bu-

siness entities by state authorities (e.g. licensing,


4. The increase in the criminalization of

business and the increasing use by criminal
organizations of transactions in order to launder

dirty money, export them abroad, etc.

5. The presence of a number of social

problems – low income, unemployment, labour
turnover, all of which reduces the degree of

responsibility and increases the likelihood of the
propensity of the employee to sell company

secrets and other unlawful actions.

6. The imperfection of the legislation re-

gulating relations in the field of entrepreneur-

ship (e.g. in the orientation of legal norms to

fight the consequences of the offenses, not the

reasons, the disparity between the harm caused,
and the applicable sanctions).

7. The lack of unity of action and mutual

consistency of various law enforcement agencies.

8. Activation spyware and destructive

activities by the intelligence services of the

developed countries and major companies with
extensive experience in this field[8].

9. The relative youth of Uzbek business

and the insufficient means and methods to

protect their own economic security, the lack of
experienced professionals.

In addition, entrepreneurial activity, at its

core, is a very diverse one. It is connected with

organizational issues, legal and economic issues,
technical aspects, human resources, etc. are very

complicated management of such activities when
the firm is large, diversified manufacturing

company that has wide business relationships
and significant number of partners: suppliers,

creditors, borrowers, customers. In any case,
each firm is a system, including the main ele-

ments and the relationships between them.

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Библиографические ссылки

TV. Romashkin. The relevance of the study of economic security of the enterprise. The relevance of the study of the economic security of the enterprise in the context of global economic instability. 2016 year

Yu.L. Kolesnikov, В. I. Isroilov, К. V. Shvetsov, N. G. Karimov, 0. Kh. Khamidov, I. S. Khotamov, G. Sh. Karabaev, A. A Islamov. Economic Security: Textbook/.: Publishing House of the Polytechnic University, 2018.-255 p.

VA Litvinov. The basics of national security. Moscow. 2018 - 320 s.

I. B. Kardashova. Fundamentals of the theory of national security. Textbook M.: Yurait-2019. - 302 p.

Vasin L.A., Hlynin E.V. The development of the technological equipment park to increase the stability of the enterprise //Izvestiya TulGU. Economic and legal sciences. Issue 1. Part I. Tula: Publishing House ofTulSU, 2011.P. 87-93.

Zerkalov D.V. Economic Issues: Reader. - K: Science, light, 2008.143 s.

Kleiner G.B. et al. Enterprise in an unstable economic environment: risks, strategies, security / G.B. Kleiner, V.L Tambovtsev, P.M.

Kachalov; Under the total, ed. S.A Panova. M.: OJSC "Publishing House" Economics ", 1997.288 p.

Hlynin E.V. Determining the basic needs and reasons for updating the fixed capital of an enterprise //Digest-Finance: Information and analytical journal. No. 11 (203). M.: Publishing House "Finance and Credit", 2011. S. 27-32.

Economic Security of Russia: General Course: Textbook / Ed. VK. Senchagova. 2nded. M: Case, 2005.889 s.

Gordienko, D.V. Fundamentals of economic security of the state, lecture course /D.V. Gordienko. - M.: Finance and statistics, INFRA-M, 2009.

Dvoryadkina, E.B. Novikova N.V. Economic security, textbook, allowance. - Ekaterinburg, 2010.

Book, George Rejda//Social insurance and economic security,2014

Financial Security in Later Life Archived 2011 -10-17 at the Wayback Machine

Konrad Raczkowski/ The Economic Security of Business Transactions: Management in Business/2013

T. J. Pempel/ The Economy-Security Nexus in Northeast Asia/ 2014

Khlynin E. V Determining the basic needs and reasons for updating the fixed capital of an enterprise // Digest-Finance:

Information and analytical journal. No. 11 (203). M.: Publishing House "Finance and Credit", 2011. S. 27-32.

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