Aphorisms are as a part of paremia

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Арзимуродова, Э. (2024). Aphorisms are as a part of paremia . СМИ. Язык и культура. Перевод., 1(1), 161–164. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/media-language-culture/article/view/28913
Эзоза Арзимуродова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Студент магистратуры


Paremia is a Greek word with a deep meaning, a wise word, a phrase, proverb. Folklorists call the field that studies proverbs paremiology. The word was first used in the Aphorisms of Hippocrates, a long and distinct series of propositions concerning the symptoms and diagnosis of disease and the art of healing and medicine. The often cited first sentence of this work is: “Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience deceptive, judgment difficult.” This aphorism was later applied or adapted to physical science and then morphed into multifarious aphorisms of philosophy, morality, and literature.

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023




Master’s student Uzbekistan State World

Languages University

Paremia is a Greek word with a deep meaning, a wise word, a phrase, proverb.

Folklorists call the field that studies proverbs paremiology.

The word was first used in the Aphorisms of Hippocrates, a long and distinct series

of propositions concerning the symptoms and diagnosis of disease and the art of healing

and medicine. The often cited first sentence of this work is: “Life is short, art long,

opportunity fleeting, experience deceptive, judgment difficult.” This aphorism was later

applied or adapted to physical science and then morphed into multifarious aphorisms of

philosophy, morality, and literature.

Currently an aphorism is generally and logically understood to be a concise and

eloquent statement of truth. Aphorisms generally originate from experience and

custom. Aphorisms have been especially used in subjects to which no methodical or

truthfully scientific treatment was originally applied, such as agriculture, medicine,

jurisprudence and politics. A famous example is:

“Power tends to corrupt, and

absolute power corrupts

absolutely.” (Lord Acton) Aphoristic collections, sometimes known as wisdom

literature, have a prominent place in the canons of several ancient societies. Aphoristic

collections also make up an important part of the work of some modern authors.

It is important to mention that in many cultures authors of diverse literature

included aphorisms as well as maxims in their works in order to highlight diversity of

meaningful structures that clarify and reveal the depth of their work, emphasizing the

sensuality of works that helps readers to associate read material with their personalities.

Other important early aphorists collection influenced the work of both modern and old


Two influential collections of aphorisms published in the twentieth century were

The Uncombed Thoughts and Itch of Wisdom. Many societies have traditional sages

or culture heroes to whom aphorisms are commonly attributed. Misquoted or

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023


misadvised aphorisms are frequently used as a source of humor, for instance, wordplays

of aphorisms appear in the works of famous writers, playwrights and others.

Aphorisms being misquoted by sports players, coaches, and commentators form

the basis of section. Aphorisms are able to create references to the source text and

submit such text on the principle of metonymy.

Aphorisms that were created precisely as aphorisms can be found in numerous

collections of aphorisms or on Internet sites. The catch phrases and quotes created in

the context of speeches or works of authors are presented in a smaller volume. Vivid

representatives of aphorism as an independent genre can be called such great writers,

thinkers and philosophers as F. de La Rochefoucauld, N. Chamfort, B. Pascal, I.V.

Goethe, S.E. Lets et al (32). Nevertheless, most of the aphorisms are quotations from

more extensive works.

Due to their versatility and growing popularity, aphorisms act as an object of

research for a number of scientific disciplines. These are such humanitarian (mainly

philological) sciences as literary studies, philosophy (aphorism as a form of

philosophizing, for example, by F. Nietzsche), rhetoric (primarily in the historical

aspect); folklore and paremiology; theory of speech cliches; linguistic stylistics, text

linguistics, lexicology and phraseology; aphoristic lexicography (analysis of collections

of sayings, wise thoughts); theory

of intercultural communication (the aphoristic foundations of different linguistic

cultures are compared in typological terms); linguistic and regional studies (aphoristics

as a source of non-equivalent and background vocabulary); theory of linguistic

personality; intertextology (study of the phenomena of intertextuality) (33). Speaking

about aphorism, they comes from the word aphorisms, which denotes the delimitation,

distinction and definition, is a concise, terse, laconic, and memorable expression of a

general truth or principle.

They are often handed down by tradition from generation to generation. As a rule,

this aphorism has the form of an imperative, that is, the verbs in this statement are

imperative. And the imperative mood expresses the will, order, request, advice, guide

to action. “Never lose patience: this is the last key to open the door”. Some sentences

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023


can also be considered other type of aphorisms, although not having the form of an

imperative, but their content is a warning, a recommendation, an example, an

explanation, a clue how to act in certain life situations. In interpersonal communication,

quoting them has a manipulative effect on the interlocutor or the audience as a whole.

“It is useless, dangerous, unwise, ridiculous, vulgar, to detect your anger and hatred on

your face and in your words. Showing anger or hatred can only be done in reality.” The

aphoristic saying is a stable expression, taken out of context, and common among the

people. This is the simplest semantic construction, withdrawn from some other

expression, a work, a situation in an extremely compressed form, and subsequently

forms an independent semantic concept. Since this concept is taken out of context, its

true meaning, as a rule, is very vague, if not completely absurd. Who knows and

understands the context, he understands the meaning of the aphorism. A saying is a

marker of a situation. A characteristic sign of a saying is also the fact that, unlike an

aphorism, it is devoid of edifying, instructive content. If a phrase is constantly used by

only one person, then this is his own aphorism, not a folk one. You need to use sayings

with a sufficient degree of responsibility, because not all people understand their

meaning. And therefore, unpredictable consequences are not excluded.

Aphorisms almost always have a clear and unambiguous meaning, and their

subject matter is inexhaustible. Analysis of individual copyright aphorisms of the

English language, in which the categories of trust and distrust are objectified, allows to

identify the associative background of the considered semantically related language

entities and the totality of ideas about them in English linguistic culture,determine the

value significance and value characteristics of the studied phenomena. As a result of

the analysis of aphorisms that exist in English language community, it turned out that

a special place in the system of values.



Тешабаева, Дилфуза Муминовна. "Медиа Тилининг Шаклланиши: Ахборот Узатиш
Ва Қабул Қилиш Жараёнида Лисоний Коммуникация." Miasto Przyszłości 34 (2023):








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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023


Universal Science Research 1.4 (2023): 235-242.


Дадабаева, Хаётхон, and Дилфуза Тешабаева. "Роль акта в формировании
коммуникативной компетентности

при обучении иностранным языкам курсантов

военного образования." in Library 3.3 (2023): 235-242.

Библиографические ссылки

Тешабаева, Дилфуза Муминовна. "Медиа Тилининг Шаклланиши: Ахборот Узатиш Ва Кабул Килиш Жараёнида Лисоний Коммуникация." Miasto Przyszlosci 34 (2023): 198-202.


Дадабаева, Хаётхон, and Дилфуза Тешабаева. "Роль акта в формировании коммуникативной компетентности при обучении иностранным языкам курсантов военного образования." in Library 3.3 (2023): 235-242.

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