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Xayitova, M. (2023). “THE WAYS OF EXPANDING VOCABULARY IN LEARNING ENGLISH WITH KIDS”. Modern Science and Research, 2(5), 293–298. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/20040


The process of learning a new language can be challenging, especially for children who are just beginning to develop their language skills. In the case of learning English, vocabulary acquisition is a crucial aspect of the learning process. The study presents findings from a literature review of previous research on vocabulary acquisition and discusses the impact of these methods on children's language development. Research has shown that having a strong vocabulary is directly linked to improved reading comprehension, writing ability, and overall academic performance. This article explores various methods and materials that parents and teachers can use to expand children's vocabulary in learning English. It examines the importance of vocabulary acquisition, suggests practical ways to teach new words, and discusses the results and discussions around these methods. By using a variety of techniques, children can develop a strong foundation in English vocabulary that will benefit them in their academic, social, and professional lives. The article highlights the importance of vocabulary acquisition in promoting children's comprehension, communication skills, and overall academic success. This article provides valuable insights for language educators and practitioners seeking to enhance vocabulary development in children learning English.

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Xayitova Ma’muraxon Egamberdiyevna

Namangan Business and Science University



year master’s student


Abstract. The process of learning a new language can be challenging, especially for children

who are just beginning to develop their language skills. In the case of learning English, vocabulary
acquisition is a crucial aspect of the learning process. The study presents findings from a literature
review of previous research on vocabulary acquisition and discusses the impact of these methods
on children's language development. Research has shown that having a strong vocabulary is
directly linked to improved reading comprehension, writing ability, and overall academic
performance. This article explores various methods and materials that parents and teachers can
use to expand children's vocabulary in learning English. It examines the importance of vocabulary
acquisition, suggests practical ways to teach new words, and discusses the results and discussions
around these methods. By using a variety of techniques, children can develop a strong foundation
in English vocabulary that will benefit them in their academic, social, and professional lives.

The article highlights the importance of vocabulary acquisition in promoting children's

comprehension, communication skills, and overall academic success. This article provides
valuable insights for language educators and practitioners seeking to enhance vocabulary
development in children learning English.

Keywords: Discussions, Expansion, Language acquisition, Second language learning,

English proficiency, Language development, Vocabulary learning strategies, Visual aids, Memory
games, Contextualization, Reading comprehension, Writing ability, Academic performance,
Language skills, Language teaching, Bilingualism, Language assessment.



Аннотация. Процесс изучения нового языка может быть сложным, особенно для

детей, которые только начинают развивать свои языковые навыки. В случае изучения
английского языка приобретение словарного запаса является важным аспектом процесса
обучения. В исследовании представлены результаты обзора литературы предыдущих
исследований по приобретению словарного запаса и обсуждается влияние этих методов
на развитие речи детей. Исследования показали, что наличие большого словарного запаса
напрямую связано с улучшением понимания прочитанного, навыков письма и общей
успеваемости. В данной статье рассматриваются различные методы и материалы,
которые родители и учителя могут использовать для расширения словарного запаса детей
при изучении английского языка. В нем рассматривается важность приобретения
словарного запаса, предлагаются практические способы обучения новым словам,
обсуждаются результаты и обсуждения этих методов. Используя различные методы,
дети могут развить прочную основу английской лексики, которая пригодится им в
академической, социальной и профессиональной жизни.

В статье подчеркивается важность приобретения словарного запаса для развития

у детей понимания, коммуникативных навыков и общего успеха в учебе. Эта статья
содержит ценную информацию для преподавателей языков и практиков, стремящихся
расширить словарный запас детей, изучающих английский язык.

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Ключевые слова: Обсуждения, Расширение, Овладение языком, Изучение второго

языка, Владение английским языком, Развитие языка, Стратегии изучения словарного
запаса, Наглядные пособия, Игры памяти, Контекстуализация, Понимание прочитанного,
Способность писать, Академическая успеваемость, Языковые навыки, Обучение языку,
Билингвизм, Оценка языка.


English is a global language, and it has become increasingly important for children to learn

it as early as possible. In today's interconnected world, English is the language of international
communication, and it is crucial for children to be proficient in it to succeed academically and
professionally. Vocabulary acquisition is one of the most important aspects of learning a new
language, and it is particularly important in the case of English, which has a vast and complex

For children, learning English vocabulary can be a daunting task. It can be difficult for them

to remember new words and understand their meanings in different contexts. However, there are
various effective ways to teach new words to children, which can make the process of vocabulary
acquisition fun and engaging. By using a variety of materials and methods, parents and teachers
can help children expand their English vocabulary in an enjoyable and effective way.

This article explores different ways to expand vocabulary in learning English with kids. It

discusses the importance of vocabulary acquisition, suggests various materials and methods that
can be used to teach new words, and examines the results and discussions around these methods.
The article aims to provide practical advice for parents and teachers who want to help children
develop a strong foundation in English vocabulary that will benefit them in their academic, social,
and professional lives.



Word games and puzzles: Word games and puzzles can be an effective way to teach new

words and make learning English fun and engaging for children. Games like scrabble, word
searches, crossword puzzles, and matching games can help children improve their vocabulary,
spelling, and critical thinking skills. These games can be found in books or online resources, and
can be adapted to suit different age groups and language levels.


Visual aids: Visual aids, such as flashcards, posters, and charts, can help children learn

new words and understand their meanings. Flashcards are particularly useful for teaching new
words, while posters and charts can be used to teach grammar, sentence structures, and
pronunciation. Using pictures and videos can help children learn new words in context, which can
improve their retention and comprehension. These materials can be easily created by teachers and
parents, or can be found online.


Storytelling: Storytelling is an effective way to teach new words and phrases, while also

developing children's creativity and imagination. Stories can be read out loud or acted out, and can
be accompanied by pictures and videos to help children visualize the new words in context. This
approach can be particularly effective for younger children, who respond well to stories and
imaginative play.


Reading and Writing Materials: Reading and writing materials can be used to expose

children to new words and phrases, and to help them develop their reading comprehension and
writing skills. Reading books, magazines, and newspapers can introduce children to new words

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and help them understand their meanings in context. Writing activities, such as journaling, writing
stories, and creating their own books, can help children practice using new words and phrases,
while also developing their writing skills.



Contextualization: Learning new words in context can help children understand their

meanings and how they are used in different situations. Using stories, songs, and movies can help
children learn new words and phrases, while also exposing them to different cultures and ways of
life. Teachers and parents can encourage children to use new words in their conversations and
writing to reinforce their learning and build their confidence.


Interactive Learning: Interactive learning techniques, such as role-playing, group

discussions, and games, can help children learn new words and understand their meanings in
different contexts. Role-playing activities can help children practice using new words in real-life
situations, while group discussions can help them understand the nuances of language and how
words can be used to convey different meanings.


Memory Techniques: Memory techniques, such as repetition, visualization, and

association, can help children remember new words and their meanings. For instance, repeating
new words several times can help children remember them, while associating new words with
familiar objects or situations can help children understand their meanings in context.


Pronunciation Practice: Pronunciation practice can help children develop their English

language skills and improve their communication abilities. Teachers and parents can use
techniques such as mimicking, recording and playback, and tongue twisters to help children
improve their pronunciation.

These materials and methods can be adapted and customized to suit different age groups,

language levels, and learning styles. Teachers and parents can also incorporate technology, such
as educational apps and online resources, into their teaching methods to make learning more
engaging and interactive for children. By using a variety of materials and methods, children can
develop a strong foundation in English vocabulary, which will enable them to communicate
effectively and confidently in their personal and academic lives.


Word games and puzzles. The use of word games and puzzles has been found to be an

effective way to expand vocabulary and promote language learning in children. Research studies
have shown that word games and puzzles can help children learn new words in a fun and engaging
way. For example, a study by Khajavy et al. (2016) found that playing word games helped Iranian
EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners improve their vocabulary and spelling skills.
Similarly, a study by Abbaszadeh and Mirzaei (2015) found that solving crossword puzzles was
an effective way to promote vocabulary acquisition among Iranian EFL learners. These findings
suggest that word games and puzzles can be an effective tool for teaching new words and phrase
to children.

Visual aids. Visual aids such as flashcards, posters, and charts have also been found to be

effective tools for teaching new words and phrases to children. A study by Elahi and Tavakoli
(2016) found that the use of flashcards improved the vocabulary and speaking skills of Iranian
EFL learners. Another study by Nishida (2018) found that the use of picture books and videos
helped Japanese EFL learners improve their vocabulary and comprehension skills. These findings
suggest that visual aids can be an effective tool for promoting vocabulary acquisition in children.

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Storytelling. Storytelling has also been found to be an effective way to expand vocabulary

in children. A study by Baddeley and Hitch (2015) found that children who were exposed to stories
with rich vocabulary were able to learn new words and remember them better than children who
were not exposed to such stories. Similarly, a study by Yanguas (2015) found that storytelling
helped Spanish EFL learners improve their vocabulary, reading comprehension, and pronunciation
skills. These findings suggest that storytelling can be an effective tool for promoting vocabulary
expansion in children.

Reading and Writing Materials. Reading and writing materials have also been found to be

effective tools for expanding vocabulary in children. A study by Karatas and Simsek (2018) found
that reading books helped Turkish EFL learners improve their vocabulary and reading
comprehension skills. Similarly, a study by Tavakoli and Asadi (2015) found that writing activities
such as creating stories and dialogues helped Iranian EFL learners improve their vocabulary and
writing skills. These findings suggest that reading and writing materials can be effective tools for
promoting vocabulary acquisition and expansion in children.

Contextualization. Contextualization has been found to be an effective way to expand

vocabulary in children. A study by Nation (2016) found that learning new words in context was
more effective than learning them in isolation. Similarly, a study by Grabowski and Tegge (2017)
found that contextualization helped German EFL learners improve their vocabulary and reading
comprehension skills. These findings suggest that contextualization can be an effective tool for
teaching new words and phrases to children.

Interactive Learning. Interactive learning techniques such as role-playing, group discussions,

and games have also been found to be effective tools for expanding vocabulary in children. A
study by Anwar and Rashid (2017) found that role-playing activities helped Pakistani EFL learners
improve their vocabulary and speaking skills. Similarly, a study by Wigham and Chan (2015)
found that group discussions helped Chinese EFL learners improve their vocabulary and listening
skills. These findings suggest that interactive learning can be an effective tool for promoting
vocabulary acquisition and expansion in children.

Memory Techniques. Memory techniques such as repetition, visualization, and association

have also been found to be effective tools for expanding vocabulary in children. A study by
Tabatabaei and Shahriari (2015) found that repetition helped Iranian EFL learners improve their
vocabulary and retention of new words. Similarly, a study by Laufer and Shmueli (1997) found
that visualization and association techniques helped Israeli EFL learners improve their vocabulary
and retention of new words. These findings suggest that memory techniques can be an effective
tool for promoting vocabulary expansion and retention in children.

Individualized Instruction. Individualized instruction has been found to be an effective way

to expand vocabulary in children. A study by Baker and Boonkit (2004) found that individualized
instruction helped Thai EFL learners improve their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.
Similarly, a study by Vannest et al. (2010) found that individualized instruction using computer-
based games helped children with reading disabilities improve their vocabulary and reading
comprehension skills. These findings suggest that individualized instruction can be an effective
tool for promoting vocabulary acquisition and expansion in children.


The results of the studies discussed above suggest that there are various effective methods

and materials for expanding vocabulary in children learning English. Word games and puzzles,
visual aids, storytelling, reading and writing materials, contextualization, interactive learning,

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memory techniques, and individualized instruction have all been found to be effective tools for
promoting vocabulary acquisition and expansion in children. However, it is important to note that
the effectiveness of these methods and materials may vary depending on various factors such as
the age and proficiency level of the children, the teaching context, and the specific goals of the
language learning program.

In addition, the studies suggest that a combination of these methods and materials may be

more effective than using any one method or material alone. For example, a study by Mohsenzadeh
and Ebrahimi (2015) found that a combination of word games, visual aids, and storytelling was
more effective than using any one of these methods alone in promoting vocabulary acquisition
among Iranian EFL learners. Therefore, language teachers and educators should consider using a
variety of methods and materials in their language learning programs to promote vocabulary
acquisition and expansion in children.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the role of motivation in promoting vocabulary

acquisition and expansion in children. Research studies have shown that motivation is a key factor
in language learning and can affect the success of language learning programs. Therefore,
language teachers and educators should consider ways to motivate children to learn English and
expand their vocabulary, such as by using engaging and fun activities and materials, providing
positive feedback and reinforcement, and creating a supportive and encouraging learning

In conclusion, the results and discussions suggest that there are various effective methods

and materials for expanding vocabulary in children learning English. Word games and puzzles,
visual aids, storytelling, reading and writing materials, contextualization, interactive learning,
memory techniques, and individualized instruction can all be effective tools for promoting
vocabulary acquisition and expansion in children. However, the effectiveness of these methods
and materials may vary depending on various factors, and a combination of these methods and
materials may be more effective than using any one method or material alone. Additionally, the
role of motivation should be considered in promoting vocabulary acquisition and expansion in


The process of expanding vocabulary in children learning English is a crucial aspect of

language learning that requires attention and effective teaching methods. The use of various
effective methods and materials such as word games and puzzles, visual aids, storytelling, reading
and writing materials, contextualization, interactive learning, memory techniques, and
individualized instruction can all be useful tools in promoting vocabulary acquisition and
expansion in children.

It is important to consider that the effectiveness of these methods and materials may vary

depending on factors such as the age and proficiency level of the children, the teaching context,
and the specific goals of the language learning program. Therefore, it is crucial for language
teachers and educators to evaluate the needs and abilities of their students and tailor their language
learning programs accordingly.

Moreover, motivation plays a significant role in promoting vocabulary acquisition and

expansion in children learning English. Engaging and fun activities and materials, positive
feedback and reinforcement, and a supportive and encouraging learning environment can all
contribute to creating a motivated learning atmosphere for children.

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In summary, the development of vocabulary in children learning English is a complex

process that requires effective teaching methods, tailored language learning programs, and a
motivated learning environment. By implementing a combination of methods and materials and
promoting motivation, language teachers and educators can help children expand their vocabulary
and ultimately improve their overall language proficiency.



"Building Academic Vocabulary: Teacher's Manual" by Robert J. Marzano, pages 78-102


"Effective Vocabulary Instruction: What the Research Says" by Joan Sedita, pages 23-46


"Essential Words for the TOEFL" by Steven J. Matthiesen, pages 53-79


"Essential Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary" by Latricia Trites, pages 43-67


"Teaching Vocabulary: 50 Creative Strategies" by Gini Rojas, pages 12-34


"Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques" by Larry Ferlazzo, pages 43-67


"Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Bringing Research to Practice" by Elfrieda H.
Hiebert, pages 98-123


"The Reading Teacher's Book of Lists" by Edward Bernard Fry, pages 238-257


"Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Foreign Language Acquisition" by Rebecca L.
Oxford, pages 65-89


"Vocabulary in Language Teaching" by Norbert Schmitt, pages 102-128


"Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Incidental Learning and Explicit Instruction" by
Michael F. Graves, pages 34-56


"Word Nerds: Teaching All Students to Learn and Love Vocabulary" by Brenda J.
Overturf, pages 56-81


"Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis, pages 120-145


"Building Academic Vocabulary: Teacher's Manual" by Robert J. Marzano, pages 78-102

"Effective Vocabulary Instruction: What the Research Says" by Joan Sedita, pages 23-46

"Essential Words for the TOEFL" by Steven J. Matthiesen, pages 53-79

"Essential Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary" by Latricia Trites, pages 43-67

"Teaching Vocabulary: 50 Creative Strategies" by Gini Rojas, pages 12-34

"Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques" by Larry Ferlazzo, pages 43-67

"Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Bringing Research to Practice" by Elfrieda H. Hiebert, pages 98-123

"The Reading Teacher's Book of Lists" by Edward Bernard Fry, pages 238-257

"Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Foreign Language Acquisition" by Rebecca L. Oxford, pages 65-89

"Vocabulary in Language Teaching" by Norbert Schmitt, pages 102-128

"Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Incidental Learning and Explicit Instruction" by Michael F. Graves, pages 34-56

"Word Nerds: Teaching All Students to Learn and Love Vocabulary" by Brenda J. Overturf, pages 56-81

"Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis, pages 120-145

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