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Oralbaeva, I. ., & Xojabaev, Y. . (2023). THE NATIONAL GAMES OF THE UZBEK PEOPLE ARE THE EMBODIMENT OF VALUES. Modern Science and Research, 2(10), 202–206. Retrieved from


In the article, the national games of the people in the years of independence, as well as a number of action games inherited from ancestors and sports-specific games, related to the national values, are considered as scientific heritages.

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Iroda Oralbaeva

Yunus Xojabaev

Nukus branch of Uzbekistan State University

of Physical Education and Sports 2nd year students



In the article, the national games of the people in the years of independence, as

well as a number of action games inherited from ancestors and sports-specific games, related to

the national values, are considered as scientific heritages.


Independence, play, student, people, national, value, heritage, social, physical.




В статье в качестве научного наследия рассматриваются

национальные игры народа в годы независимости, а также ряд игр-действий,

унаследованных от предков, и спортивно-специфических игр, связанных с национальными


Ключевые слова:

Независимость, игра, студент, народ, национальная, ценность,

наследие, социальное, физическое.

The National People's Games are one of the most popular public spiritual events of the

people within the national cadres. "Navroz", Eid, weddings and various traditional ceremonies,

Udums have not passed without wrestling, kopkari (goat), race and many other national games

since ancient times. Such events are expressed in all types of folklore and epics. They are

interestingly and comprehensively described in the works of the great scholars Abu Ali Ibn Sina,

Alisher Nawai, Mirza Babur and later writers and poets.

In the recent past, and especially during the years of independence, by studying and

reviving the national games of the people, they were purposefully used to educate the spiritual and

physical maturity of schoolchildren. This year, the services of cultural and artistic figures, famous

scientists M.Murodov, U.Koraboyev, T.S.Usmonkhojayev, A.Q.Atoyev, J.Toshpolatov,

R.Q.Qudratov, F.N.Nasriddinov, etc.

People's national games have several directions, and in their structure dances, lapars,

sayings, askiyas and art of many genres are much more prominent. Also, among them, there are a

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lot of action games and sports games inherited from ancestors.

They can be divided into the

following main groups:

1. Wrestlers (to Bukhara, Fergana, Khorezm, etc.).

2. Horse games (man-goat, race (yayov), girl chasing, overturning, horse riding, etc.).

3. Doorman (exercises on the gallows, jokes and sayings).

4. Lifting a stone.

5. Tug of war.

6. Wrist strength test.

7. Action games (ear stretching, donkey riding, shoulder wrestling, cockfighting, chilik, herd ball,


Almost all such games are widely used in public holidays, competitions and weddings.

Their contents are known to the people.

They are also included in many educational and methodological manuals, monographs and

popular scientific pamphlets.

Some educationally important action games are included in the "Physical Education"

program of secondary schools, and they are becoming popular among young students. In addition,

T.S. Usmonkhojayev, F. Khojayev and a number of other authors created collections such as

"Action games" (1963-1981) and 1001 games (1991).

In the big weddings in Samarkand, Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Jizzakh,

Namangan, Syrdarya, Tashkent and other regions in the mountainous areas and newly developed

areas, there will be wrestling, multi-goat, races and various action games. is used continuously.

These games bring grace and blessings to weddings, and are receiving the applause of the audience,

especially among the students, who are increasingly interested in national games and modern


As mentioned at the beginning, great measures were taken to study and practice the national

games of the people. On the initiative of U. Karaboyev, on April 25, 1991, the first National

People's Games Republican competition was organized in Farish district (Jizzakh region). In this

regard, the Republican State Sports Committee, Jizzakh regional administration, Jizzakh DPI team

showed great activity and carried out material, financial and organizational activities. Such games

were repeated in Forish every year in April and May. These games held in 1994-1996 were held

under the name "People's National Games Republican Olympiad".

In May 1996. The 2nd Republican National Games Olympiad, dedicated to the 660th

anniversary of the birth of Sahibqiron Amir Temur, was held with great success at the Kyzilqir

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park near the center of Forish District, Yangikishloq. 11 teams took part in it to win 9 rounds and

overall victory. The competition was watched by thousands of Jizzakh residents from other regions

of the country, as well as guests from the USA, Norway, and Kazakhstan. First Deputy Chairman

of the State Physical Education and Sports Committee of Uzbekistan Shavkat Tolaganov, Deputy

Governor of Jizzakh Region Shirin Chilgashev, Governor of Forish District Bostankul Saidkulov

congratulated the participants in the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Then the national anthem

was played and the flag of the competition was raised. During the opening ceremony, the teams

will pass the field one by one. The rounds of 1991 and 1994 took their place in the game program.

Leading teams in the Republican Olympiad scored the following points before the final round:

Jizzakh-157, Surkhandarya-103, Kashkadarya-87, Samarkand-80, Fergana-68 points. Apparently,

the winning teams were known ahead of time.

The team of Forish, who defended the honor of Jizzakh, took the 9th place in the equestrian

category of the regional championship. He won the Republican Olympiad without any difficulty.

The Farishians were satisfied with the 5th place in the region in one stick match. At the Republican

Olympiad, they defeated all their opponents by a large score. In the final match, they defeated the

people of Samarkand by the biggest score (7:0).

Diplomas of the State Physical Education and Sports Committee of Uzbekistan and

beautifully decorated gold, silver, and bronze medals were ceremoniously handed over to the teams

that took 1-3 places during the competition. At the end of the Olympics, each member of the prize-

winning teams was presented with valuable gifts from our committee. With the approval of the

government of the republic and the proposal of sports organizations, it was agreed to hold the

Olympiad of Alpomish games every two years.

In order to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the creation of the "Alpomish" saga, the

national games "The Motherland of Alpomish" and the "Alpomish Games Republican Festival"

were held in Termiz. Games of 2000. It was established in the city of Fergana. The third festival

was held in Gulistan in July 2002.

National People's Games Republican Competitions (1991-1996), and "Alpomish" Games

Republican Festivals (1998) included wrestling, horse racing, kopkari (goat), "Storm", tug-of-war,

wrist strength test , Mindy, Forty Stones (girl game) and other action games. Local amateur artists,

well-known artists of the Republic, poets, cultural figures, writers from various fields took part in

the opening and closing of the games and festivals, and it was held as a big celebration. These

events were made into special videos and films by the TV and radio company and the creators of

"Uzbektelefilm". The festivals held in 1998 (Termiz) and 2000 (Fergana) were televised. The

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video was recorded and replayed several times. Such nationwide national holidays and games

became popular with the demonstration of how rich, meaningful and educationally high the

essence of our national value is.

"Women's Year" (1999) based on the decree of the President of the Republic on the creation

of the "Spirituality and Enlightenment" public center (1993) and the special decisions of the

Republic's government in this area (1993-1995) in order to restore national values. Important

events such as "Year of Healthy Generation" (2000), "Year of Mothers and Children", "Year of

Valuing the Elderly" (2002) are being implemented.

It is known that the role of women in our social and cultural life is gaining incomparable

importance. In order to remember the culture of the ancient ancestors, to cheer the spirit of the past

nobles, in 1999 in Jizzakh, dedicated to the Women's Year, the "Tomaris Games Republican

Festival" was organized. This event was also held in the spirit of high spirits and took on a festive

tone. Women's teams from all regions of the republic gathered and held competitions in

gymnastics, athletics, sports, swimming and other sports. Such a festival was organized again in

2001 in Shahrisabz (Kashkadarya region).

It should be noted that the National People's Games (Jizzakh, Termiz, 1992), the

Republican Festivals "Alpomish Games" (1998, 2000, 2002), "Tomaris Games Republican

Festivals" (1999, 2001, 2003) Republican scientific and practical conferences were also held. The

contents of the national games of the people were explained in them. Also, a lot of lectures focused

on the role of national games in the content of national values and their educational significance

were collected. Their summaries were included in the scientific collections of the conference.

Despite this, the issue of teaching children to play kopkari-ulak, horse racing and other

games is far behind. It would be appropriate if equestrian sports clubs were established among the

village youth, and horse games were taught from a young age, and military-physical exercises on

horseback were taught to young men of draft age. It should be recognized that the two-part film

"Alpomish" (directed by Usman Azimov) developed in 2000 fully expressed the content

of national values. He described well the practical activities of "Alpomish" and "Barchinoy" in

wrestling, horse racing, and shooting. Young people should draw a good conclusion from this.

Instead of various jumps, runs and difficult gymnastic exercises, if girls are taught national

movement games in classes, it can be one of the important activities in growing their physical

maturity. Also, it is good to introduce the use of national movement games as part of favorite

movement games and activities in families and kindergartens.

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The conclusion is that people's national games serve as an important factor in human

development and youth education. For this reason, it is necessary to deepen the socio-educational

aspects of the national games to the students.



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