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In this article, an opinion is expressed about the use of national traditions of the Uzbek people by students of general education schools.

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M. Khaydarov

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Chair of General Pedagogy, Tashkent State

Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan



In this article, an opinion is expressed about the use of national traditions of the

Uzbek people by students of general education schools.


national tradition, pedagogy, education, Uzbek people, upbringing.




В данной статье высказывается мнение об использовании

национальных традиций узбекского народа учащимися общеобразовательных школ.

Ключевые слова:

национальная традиция, педагогика, образование, узбекский

народ, воспитание.


In the light of the tasks facing the upbringing and training of the younger

generation, one of the urgent scientific problems is the study of the upbringing of a culture of
behavior on the traditions of the Uzbek people, the study and dissemination of the experience of
the best achievements of folk pedagogy, the development of scientific foundations for their use in
modern family upbringing.


It is necessary to educate the younger generation with high moral qualities, and, first

of all, the culture of children's behavior. The decisive role in the upbringing of a culture of behavior
belongs to the family, since from a very early age the traits of a person's character are formed in
it, his attitude to work, moral, ideological and cultural values. Therefore, the main condition for
education on folk traditions is, first of all, the existence of direct communication and continuity
between generations.


In the process of revealing the topic, general philosophical methods were used

as logical, historical, sociological, structural-system analysis and others, as well as historical
methods as concrete-historical, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-typological,
historical-systemic and others. Including used pedagogical research methods such as observation,
work with documents, questionnaire survey and comparative analysis.


The history, culture, traditions, creative work, written heritage of the Uzbek

people and their significance in the process of educating students are analyzed.


Recommendations and conclusions on the selected topic have been



In the process of renewal and democratization of society, in the conditions of acquiring

sovereignty by the republics, when history is revised, the activities of many social institutions are
comprehended, much forgotten or forbidden in the spiritual life of the people returns, one of the
most pressing problems of our time is the revival of the cultural and historical heritage of the past,

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one of the components of which is folk pedagogy with its rich progressive traditions and
experience in educating the younger generation.

The socio-cultural and spiritual values of the people, its traditions have always played an

important role in the civil formation of a person, in the formation of his moral and labor qualities,
in the socialization of the individual as a whole. That is why it is so necessary “today an objective
assessment of the historical role of these phenomena, the study of the educational influence of
various social institutions. Knowledge, processing and comprehension of the spiritual pedagogical
culture of the past will help to successfully solve complex problems of raising children and youth
in modern conditions. Without the study and use of folk pedagogy, there can be no full-fledged
upbringing of the individual. At the present time, the unification of the traditions and experience
of folk pedagogy with the methodological and theoretical principles of pedagogical science in
solving educational problems posed by society is becoming relevant. In this regard, it seemed
important to us to compare the results of the influence of the pedagogical tradition and the national
spiritual heritage of the past on all aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation.

In the light of the tasks facing the upbringing and training of the younger generation, one

of the urgent scientific problems is the study of the upbringing of a culture of behavior on the
traditions of the Uzbek people, the study and dissemination of the experience of the best
achievements of folk pedagogy, the development of scientific foundations for their use in modern
family upbringing. One of the main principles of state policy in the field of education is the priority
of universal and national cultural values. It is necessary to educate the younger generation with
high moral qualities, and, first of all, the culture of children's behavior. The decisive role in the
upbringing of a culture of behavior belongs to the family, since from a very early age the traits of
a person's character are formed in it, his attitude to work, moral, ideological and cultural values.
Therefore, the main condition for education on folk traditions is, first of all, the existence of direct
communication and continuity between generations. Connecting with the life of several
generations lends great strength to traditions.

Materials and methods

In the process of revealing the topic, general philosophical methods were used as logical,

historical, sociological, structural-system analysis and others, as well as historical methods as
concrete-historical, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-typological, historical-
systemic and others. Including used pedagogical research methods such as observation, work with
documents, questionnaire survey and comparative analysis.

Review and Discussion

Folk pedagogy

Folk pedagogy is an integral and integral part of the general spiritual culture of the people.

The words of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky that “education has existed in the Russian
people for as many centuries as the people themselves have existed,” refer entirely to all other
peoples. At the same time, they assume that folk pedagogy appeared in the deepest antiquity, that
it historically preceded scientific pedagogy and influenced its early forms. An analysis of the
history of the old pedagogical thought of the peoples of Central Asia indicates that the first social
monuments of pedagogy arose under the direct influence of folk life, folk pedagogical culture. The
assertion of pedagogical historians S.D. Babishin and B.N. Shityurov is fair that “ancient Russian

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thinkers as representatives of official pedagogy could not fail to take into account the richest
experience of upbringing accumulated by compatriots”. From "The Word of Law and Grace" by
Hilarion to "The Lightning of Daniel the Imprisoned", there are constant appeals to the wisdom of
popular pedagogical thought. This relationship is the most important feature of the works of the
11th - 13th centuries. [6]

Researchers of ancient Russian pedagogical thought have convincingly demonstrated the

mutual influence and interdependence of official and folk pedagogy, which complement and
enrich each other. If the influence of the church and the ideology of the ruling classes was
constantly felt in official pedagogy, then folk pedagogy, although to a certain extent, was subjected
to these influences, as a whole expressed the thoughts and aspirations of the people, their ideas
and the upbringing and education of the young generation.

Culture of the Uzbek people

Uzbeks are a Turkic-speaking people. The largest nation in Central Asia, they are the main

and indigenous population of Uzbekistan, quite large groups of Uzbeks live in northern
Afghanistan, northwestern, northern, western Tajikistan, southern Kazakhstan, southern
Kyrgyzstan, northern and eastern Turkmenistan. There are significant groups of Uzbek labor and
economic migrants in Russia, the USA, Turkey, Ukraine, and EU countries. Muslim believers are
Sunnis. Uzbeks are traditionally engaged in agriculture and trade. More than 48% of the population
of Uzbekistan lives in rural areas.

Folk dances

The culture of the Uzbek people is one of the brightest and most distinctive cultures of the

East. This is inimitable folk music, dances and painting, unique national cuisine and clothes. Uzbek
folk music is characterized by a multifaceted theme and a variety of genres. Songs and instrumental
pieces, in accordance with their functions and forms of existence, can be divided into two groups:
performed at a certain time and under certain circumstances and performed at any time. The first
group includes songs related to ceremonies, labor processes, various ceremonies, theatrical
performances, games. National Uzbek dance is unusually expressive. He embodies all the beauty
of the Uzbek nation. The main differences between Uzbek dance and other dances of the peoples
of the East are, firstly, the emphasis on complex and expressive hand movements, and secondly,
rich facial expressions. There are two types of Uzbek dance - traditional classical dance and folk
(folk) dance. Classical traditional Uzbek dance is an art that is cultivated in special dance schools
and then demonstrated on a large stage. There are three schools of Uzbek dance: Fergana, Bukhara
and Khorezm. The dances of the Fergana group are distinguished by softness, smoothness and
expressiveness of movements, an easy sliding step, original movements in place and in a circle.
The Bukhara dance is also distinguished by its sharpness of movements, thrown back shoulders
and a very beautiful gold-embroidered costume. The original and distinctive movements are
distinguished by the Khorezm style (as well as in other Muslim cities) [1].


The development of national painting began many centuries ago. In the 16-17 centuries,

the art of manuscript and bookbinding made significant progress in the capital Bukhara and some
other urban centers. The decoration of the manuscript included exquisite calligraphy and delicate
marginal ornaments with water paints. The Central Asian school of miniature flourished in

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Samarkand and Bukhara. Handicraft production has developed in Uzbekistan from century to
century, leaving unique products. In the twentieth century, due to progress in the socio-economic
sphere, handicrafts gradually began to fade into the background after industrial production.
Ceramics, pottery production in Central Asia was one of the most developed spheres of production.
The most common forms of pottery were glazed and dry pottery, which had their own local
characteristics. The largest centers for the production of pottery have survived, such as Rishtan,
Gijduvan, Samarkand Gurumsaray, Urgut, Shakhrisabz, and Tashkent. Engraving, modern
craftsmen working with brass and copper make high quality engraved items from these metals.
The outstanding masters of this craft are the masters of Bukhara, who are distinguished by the
subtlety and richness of the images they create. The traditional types of folk art (embroidery,
pottery, chasing and engraving of copper dishes, carving and painting on wood and ganch, stone
carving, etc.) have reached a high development, which have retained their originality in certain
historical and cultural areas (Khorezm, Fergana, etc.).

Folk art

Oral folk art flourishes (epics, dastans, various songs and fairy tales). Popular theater and

circus - performances of witches, puppeteers, tightrope walkers.

Oral folk art contains certain opportunities for fostering a culture of children's behavior on

the basis of traditions. The upbringing of children by parents on folk wisdom, sayings, proverbs
reinforces their life experience, serves as an incentive to show mutual respect for traditions. More
than one generation of people studied and educated on sayings, proverbs, sayings, moreover, some
proverbs have become a motto in the life of great people. Folk aphorisms do not just express this
or that educational idea, they are created, polished, have, as it were, a certain educational task,
didactic goals dictated by the pedagogical intuition of the people, the principle of expediency. First
of all, the aphorisms are extremely compressed, laconic, laconic, edifying, easy to remember and
serve as a motto for young people in life: "The end of patience is gold", "A kind word is sweeter
than honey", "A house with children is laughter, a mess, a house without children that prison”,
“Son and daughter, that your eyes are in your forehead”, “Mind - over the years, good manners -
from childhood”.

Traditions in the process of raising children

At present, the upbringing of children on universal human values acquires special depth

and significance, since it forms the consciousness of the individual, facilitates the introduction of
new participants to them. Interest in folk traditions is dictated by the need to learn the lessons of
upbringing from the past. That is why in our republic special attention is paid to the content and
process of forming a culture of behavior based on folk traditions. The traditions of upbringing the
culture of children's behavior in the family originate from time immemorial. Life needs, the need
to prepare a labor, combat, and moral and volitional shift demanded that people constantly take
care of transferring their life experience to the younger generation, developing the necessary skills
and habits of cultural behavior in children. The study of the meaning of traditions shows that they
are part of the historically developed culture of a particular people. Traditions touch upon the
issues of the relationship of people, the relationship of a person to another person, to society, to
the family, to everything that makes up the social and personal life of the people. Tradition is an
invaluable treasure of the national heritage. Many generations preserve it, enrich it, pass it on to

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the younger generation. And when this connection is interrupted, the generation is cut off from the
national culture. The Uzbek people have a special view of the importance of the family as a
component of the system of national education in the

formation of the spiritual and moral

personality of the child.

A family

The behavior and relationships of family members, their internal culture have a certain

pedagogical impact on instilling ethical skills in children. That is, adults in this case, parents,
relatives perform the functions of folk teachers, and the family becomes the center of education.
Since ancient times, the Uzbek people consider the family a sacred abode and value it. For the
purest and most pure feelings, the first life concepts and ideas are formed primarily in the bosom
of the family [5]. These wise words reflect love for the family, immortal traditions and customs of
the Uzbek people. Parents are the first educators, their impact on the formation of the culture of
behavior of their children is enormous. The earliest impressions of a child are related to the parents.
They influence children with their behavior, words. And if there is no mutual understanding in the
family, mutual respect - do not expect good. Some parents from early childhood try to instill in
their children elementary courtesy skills, since this age is the most favorable. It is no coincidence
that the people say that it is necessary to educate a child while he is placed across the bench.
Meanwhile, the culture of behavior and what is often called "the rules of good taste" is a
comprehensive and rich area of relationships between children and other children, including a
culture of communication, a culture of satisfying needs, a culture of appearance. AP Chekhov said
beautifully about this: "Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and
thoughts." The culture of behavior is the most important socially necessary and valuable quality
of a person, on which the microclimate of the family, team, well-being, mood and even the health
of the child depends. The child receives initial knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior at
home, on the street, in communication with elders, with peers in the family thanks to verbal
(verbal) methods and the personal example of parents. The youngest serves the eldest, puts his
hand to his heart, calls the elders "aka" - elder brother, or "opa" - older sister. He shows a constant
readiness to carry out orders with the words "hup buladi" (literally - will be done), the last to take
the pilaf from the dish. The elders start and finish eating first, so that the young get more food,
since the young div is constantly growing, it needs increased nutrition. The younger usually does
what the elder says, but the older is responsible for the younger, not allowing him to do bad things.
The younger one should be inferior to the elder in everything. The strength of this tradition is that
it encourages the pupils themselves to educate themselves.The rules of everyday behavior for all
children require that they greet their elders first, do not tire them with endless questions, do not sit
down before the elders take their places, do not enter the house in front of the elders, and vice
versa, they demanded to open the door and hold it while elders or guests entered. Only if these
rules are observed, children were considered educated.


The main characteristic of the Uzbek family is hospitality. When heading for a visit, it is

advisable to bring along souvenirs or sweets for the host's children. They usually only shake hands
with men. Women and persons sitting in the distance are greeted by putting their right hand to the
heart and accompanying this gesture with a slight tilt of the head. During the handshake, they are

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traditionally interested in health, the state of affairs at work and at home. In rural areas, when a
guest arrives, women usually do not sit at the same table with men, so as not to interfere with their
conversation. It is not customary to admire the beauty of women and pay close attention to them.
Shoes are removed upon entering the accommodation. It is necessary to occupy the place indicated
by the owner. Moreover, the further it is from the entrance, the more honorable it is. From antiquity
to the present day, the peoples of Central Asia have a sacred tradition - "to warm an orphan, to
share with the poor." And when a person who has dependent children of his own (as a rule, Uzbek
families are distinguished by many children, especially in rural areas) brings home not only by
blood, but also by faith, he commits an act of generosity, the roots of which lie precisely in the
folk traditions. Or such, for example, a tradition like respect for bread. If in an Uzbek family a
child drops a piece of bread, adults will definitely pick it up, first bring it to their lips, kiss it, and
then put it to their eyes and put it in a clean place. The people say that whoever does not respect
bread will go blind. In this tradition, there is a feeling of love for their land, for its fruits and results
of labor inherent in every nation [2].

Traditions in pedagogy

Dehlavi, Khayyam, Navoi, Farabi, Saadi and other educators indicate that their ideas about

education, in particular, closely resonate with the ideas and thoughts expressed in the monuments
of folk pedagogy: in sayings, proverbs, parables, legends. Moreover, people specifically associate
certain legends with the actions, life and activities of great people.

These scientists expressed the ideas of humanism, emphasized the need to instill great

moral qualities in the young generation, educate them in the spirit of love for work, respect for
elders, friendship and comradeship, truthfulness and honesty. Progressive democratic ideas of
great scientists and poets echo in form and content with the ideas of folk wisdom, therefore they
had a huge impact on the formation of the pedagogical culture of the peoples of Central Asia,
retaining their relevance to this day.

Folk wisdom about upbringing is an expression of the centuries-old pedagogical culture

and the experience of home upbringing of the people. In a difficult relationship with the official
pedagogical doctrine, the popular outlook made its way, expressing the thoughts and aspirations
of the people about the education and upbringing of children - their most precious property. On
the paths of historical development, people overcame the inertia of false ideas and concepts about
education. The bases of popular views on education and training are connected by their origin not
by religion, not magic, not by ritual, but by labor production activities and the everyday practice
of the people themselves. If we make a comparative analysis of the creativity of great thinkers and
the people's view of education, then we can see their complete unity, to a greater extent in the form
of simply memorable aphorisms. The figurative word, performing, on the one hand, a pictorial and
expressive, on the other - information and communication function, served to a certain extent as a
link between the edification of thinkers and the richest aphorisms of the people.

Progressive democratic ideas of great scientists and poets such as Avicenna, Biruni, Jami,

Khorezmi, Navoi, Farabi, Khayyam resonate in form and content with the ideas of folk wisdom.
Therefore, they had a great influence on the formation of the pedagogical culture of the peoples of
Central Asia, retaining their relevance to this day. These scientists expressed the ideas of
humanism, emphasized the need to instill high moral qualities in the young generation, educate

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them in the spirit of love for work, respect for elders, friendship and comradeship, truthfulness and
honesty. Famous Uzbek teachers A, Avloni, S. Aini in their teaching activities paid close attention
to humanism, friendship, love of work. They attached particular importance in teaching and
upbringing to the teacher, his knowledge, moral and cultural image. They widely praised
brotherhood, mutual assistance, mutual respect of peoples as a highly moral quality of people in
their works [4].


In our society, a wonderful folk custom has existed for a long time: when a person or family

needs help, then everyone comes to help them: friends, relatives, neighbors, acquaintances. In the
future, this person will come to the aid of those who need her. The name of this beautiful custom
is hashar. Its main principle - mutual assistance and mutual assistance - can be expressed by the
wise proverb: "One for all, all for one." Hashar is carried out on a voluntary basis. The use of the
hashar method in the construction of dwellings and cultural and household facilities is a
remarkable phenomenon that has enriched the best traditions of mutual assistance of many peoples
of the Central Asian region. Large objects, irrigation complexes and energy systems, such as the
Farhad hydroelectric power station, the Kairakum hydroelectric power station, and the Great
Fergana Canal, have been created by the hashar method. Destroyed after the 1966 earthquake,
Tashkent was raised from ruins in a short time thanks to the friendship and cooperation of different

Norms and rules of the culture of behavior

The norms and rules of the culture of behavior have been developed for centuries and

millennia as necessary conditions for the upbringing of an ethnic group. Moral norms of behavior
were formulated in the holy books "Koran" and "Hadith". They approved or condemned such
categories of morality as duty, permission, condemnation, prohibition, due to which this or that
influence on the level of development of the culture of a particular person was exerted. Therefore,
the use of sacred books in the upbringing process is of great importance in the formation of
upbringing. Thus, the Hadiths and the Koran preach the introduction of the people's consciousness
to the legal, moral, political and other norms of everyday life by means of various kinds of
edifications, admonitions of advice.

Using materials of folk pedagogy

With the acquisition of national independence by the Republic of Uzbekistan, the need

arose to improve the education system, which led to the approval of the National Program for
Personnel Training in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan
"On Education", based on "national history, folk traditions and customs, preservation and
enrichment of the culture of the peoples of Uzbekistan, recognition of education the most important
instrument of national development "meeting the requirements of" high spirituality and morality

In this regard, the question of "strengthening the role of spiritual and moral education,

returning to one's roots, increasing the political consciousness and legal culture of the younger
generation" arises with particular urgency [3]. In solving this problem, an important role belongs
to the historical and pedagogical science, the purpose of which is to study the issue of the
upbringing of the younger generation in all periods of the development of society, posing in each

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period of its development more and more new tasks for the family, school and other educational

Consequently, the study of the pedagogical thought of the Uzbek people in different periods

of historical development and its great representatives makes it possible to take into account the
national characteristics of the people in the process of teaching and educating the younger

In this regard, the study of the development of pedagogical thought on the territory of

present-day Uzbekistan plays an important role in the upbringing of the younger generation,
because “we are obliged to help, create conditions so that our boys and girls could master the entire
amount of knowledge necessary for an educated person, absorb cultural , moral, ethical and
spiritual values that will allow them to quickly and painlessly adapt to new conditions, to be active
participants in building their renewed state, the reform process ”[3].

Improving teacher training is a prerequisite for solving this problem. This requires

pedagogical educational institutions to train and educate teachers who have organizational skills,
pedagogical skills and skills of educating the younger generation. One of the directions of its
improvement is to improve the teaching of pedagogical disciplines. Experience shows that there
are significant opportunities for improving the teaching of pedagogical theory, the use of materials
of folk pedagogy in it. However, teachers today are not armed with scientifically based
recommendations in this area. The need for such recommendations is felt very acutely. The fact is
that the personality of a student is formed under the influence not only of special educational work;
but also the microenvironment surrounding them, its traditions, customs, morals. Strengthening
the educational influence on the younger generation presupposes the purposeful use of the
microenvironment in shaping the personality of students. It is impossible to solve this problem
without a good knowledge of folk pedagogy by teachers; her ideas and views; techniques, methods
and means [3].

Each tradition acts as a kind of model or means, or technique, or method of education.

Experience shows that the importance of folk pedagogy both as a certain stage in the development
of human knowledge in the field of education and as an active factor in the formation of a
personality today, and as that richest source from which today's pedagogical

theory and practice

can and should draw knowledge about education.


The Uzbek people developed and gradually accumulated in their centuries-old experience

unique amazing methods, techniques and means of educating the younger generation of their time.
These rules, methods, techniques, means of public education have passed the test of time, mass
practice, sinking in and enriching themselves, they are adopted by every generation of the people
and have not lost their value until now. In Uzbek pedagogy, these include explanation, formation,
habits through learning, training, daily life, an example - a model, advice; edification, command,
persuasion, request, begging, expressing wishes, approval, praise, gratitude, wish for the good,
wish for a happy journey, prohibition, - reproach, condemnation, punishment, request - an apology,
the ability to condemn with laughter, to shame, to make you admit your guilt, to accept an oath,

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The idea of the all-round development of the personality is put forward as one of the central,

leading ones in the study of didactics.

At all stages of considering all aspects of the comprehensive development of the

personality of schoolchildren, teachers constantly sought to rely on folk pedagogy, to use the facts,
information, and other materials available in it. In the course of educational work on pedagogy,
teachers systematically reveal to students that since ancient times the people were vitally interested
in the healthy and all-round development of the young generation, and this was precisely what
stood at the center of its various educational activities.

Using the materials of folk pedagogy when considering the problems of the comprehensive

development of a student, on the basis of an analysis of the correlation of scientific or professional
and folk pedagogy, which consists in the fact that when considering certain issues of training and
education, the provisions of scientific pedagogy should take the central place, and the materials of
folk pedagogy should be are subordinated to the presentation and analysis of the leading ideas of
pedagogical science: one or another of its sections.



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Safiyazova, D. Zh. The influence of folk traditions on the upbringing of a culture of
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Salaeva Mukhabbat S. Pedagogical Conditions of Using the Materials of the Uzbek National
Pedagogics in the Pedagogical Course Studying. Eastern European Scientific Journal. 2016.
pp. No.6, 163-168. DOI 10.12851/EESJ201606C07ART07.


Aini S. Memories. - M. - L: 1960. - pp. 64–65.


Karimov I.A.Uzbekistan is a state with a great future. - T.: Uzbekistan. 1992. p.22.


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Khaydarov, M. E. & Lukhmanov, D. B. (2020). People's Labor Traditions in The Process of
Labor Preparation for Schoolchildren. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,
24 (09), 2405-2412. DOI: 10.37200 / IJPR / V24I9 / PR290272.


Dzhumaev M.I., Khaidarov, M. (2019). Strategic mechanism for improvement of a teacher's
prestige in Uzbekistan. Education through life: Continuing education for sustainable
development. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference, September 24 -











Khaydarov M.E., Rustamova N.R. (2020). Siddik Radjabov: Founder of Uzbek Pedagogy.











Kazakova, D.G. Peculiarities of Uzbek culture / D.G. Kazakova. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 9 (113). - S. 1228-1230. - URL:

Safiyazova, D. Zh. The influence of folk traditions on the upbringing of a culture of children's behavior in an Uzbek family / D. Zh. Safiyazova. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2013. - No. 11 (58). - S. 643-645. - URL:

Salaeva Mukhabbat S. Pedagogical Conditions of Using the Materials of the Uzbek National Pedagogics in the Pedagogical Course Studying. Eastern European Scientific Journal. 2016. pp. No.6, 163-168. DOI 10.12851/EESJ201606C07ART07.

Aini S. Memories. - M. - L: 1960. - pp. 64–65.

Karimov I.A.Uzbekistan is a state with a great future. - T.: Uzbekistan. 1992. p.22.

Firmal L.A. Folk pedagogy - Analysis of the heritage of Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Biruni, Jami, Khorezmi.

Khaydarov, M. E. & Lukhmanov, D. B. (2020). People's Labor Traditions in The Process of Labor Preparation for Schoolchildren. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (09), 2405-2412. DOI: 10.37200 / IJPR / V24I9 / PR290272.

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