Effectiveness of Using Interactive Educational Technologies in a Modern University

Туробова, Г. (2024). Effectiveness of Using Interactive Educational Technologies in a Modern University. Современная наука и исследования, 3(1), 1–5. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/27960

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The article is devoted to considering the problem of using interactive educational technologies in the educational practice of a modern university, in particular when teaching the Russian language in non-linguistic universities. In this regard, an attempt was made to reveal and substantiate such concepts as interactive learning, interactive educational environment of a university, interactive educational environment of a specialist in various fields and others, which underlie the educational space of Russian as a foreign language. The article concludes that in the process of joint creativity, stable cognitive motivation for solving educational and research problems develops. This is only possible if the electronic resource meets the criteria for a high level of interactivity, which implies full interaction between students and teachers in the educational environment based on modeling objects and processes of the real world.

Похожие статьи

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Effectiveness of Using Interactive Educational Technologies in a

Modern University





University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences, Gavhar Str. 1, Tashkent 100149, Uzbekistan



technology, interactive learning, educational environment, Russian language, specialists, non-linguistic


The article is devoted to considering the problem of using interactive educational technologies in the
educational practice of a modern university, in particular when teaching the Russian language in non-linguistic
universities. In this regard, an attempt was made to reveal and substantiate such concepts as interactive
learning, interactive educational environment of a university, interactive educational environment of a
specialist in various fields and others, which underlie the educational space of Russian as a foreign language.
The article concludes that in the process of joint creativity, stable cognitive motivation for solving educational
and research problems develops. This is only possible if the electronic resource meets the criteria for a high
level of interactivity, which implies full interaction between students and teachers in the educational
environment based on modeling objects and processes of the real world.


Introduction. In educational practice, various

goals are achieved, many problems are solved using
various technologies. It is known that to achieve a
goal they use different technologies, methods, means,
the use of which can give different effects.

In the large encyclopedia, technology is defined

as art, skill, skill in combination with methods of
processing, manufacturing, changing the state,
properties, form, raw materials, materials or semi-
finished products carried out in the process of
production. The concept of technology was initially
associated to a greater extent with the production of
material assets; later the term acquired a
philosophical interpretation and began to be used in
the field of human activity. According to E. De Bono,
technology is the process of producing something
useful based on the use of knowledge [1].

The term technology in science and education is

associated with the peculiarities of using a
technological approach to solving problems of
training, education and development of subjects of
the pedagogical process. There is still no common

point of view regarding the term technology in
relation to education. So N.K. Olimov in [3] defines
the term technology as the procedural embodiment of
the components of a process organized by a teacher
in the form of a system of actions;

- algorithms of actions of subjects of the

educational process;

- the possibility of building a pedagogical system

based on a certain set of techniques; - reduction of
educational goals to the goals of the activities of a
specific teacher to implement the state educational
standard at the level of a specific academic discipline,
organized for the implementation of the educational
program and its successful development to solve no
less important educational problems;

-a method of implementing a specific process in

educational practice by dividing it into a system of
sequential, interconnected procedures and operations
that are carried out uniquely by the subjects of this

- design and assessment of educational processes

taking into account human, time and other resources
in achieving the effectiveness of education and its

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Further, by analyzing different interpretations of

the term technology in education, one can detect
trends in changes in their content, which, in fact, is
represented by different aspects, reflecting the
directions of development and semantic enrichment
of the category under consideration [2]:

- technical and instrumental, which in content is

reduced to technical means that are used in the
educational process;

- functional-procedural - technological approach

to building a university educational process, in which
methods, means and conditions can perform different
functions in achieving the same educational goal.

Currently, the term technology is actively

expanding its geography in different areas of
educational practice. Therefore, it is necessary to
clarify its various meanings and meanings, as well as
the most general concepts associated with this term,
such as “pedagogical technology”, “learning
technology”, “interactive learning”, “educational
technology”, “interactive educational technology”,
which constitute the foundation of the conceptual
apparatus of the technological approach in education.

I.V. Blauberg V.I. Zagvyazinsky, PB. Kornetov,

Yu.S. Manuilov, V.L. Nazarov, T.A. Pankova, O.Yu.
Strelova, E.P. Yudin and others believe that the
development of the theory of any approach begins
with comprehension, justification and meaningful
filling of the conceptual apparatus. Its units are
existing terms and new ones specifically introduced
during the development of the approach. “The objects
of modern scientific knowledge require not just an
expansion of the existing conceptual apparatus, but
precisely a new categorical system, a new system of
concepts” [3]. By increasing the number of new
concepts and enriching their content, this kind of
categorical conceptual apparatus is being improved.
The conceptual apparatus denotes a new approach,
the justification of the “ideal” model of educational



In this regard, we will try to reveal and

substantiate modern concepts that underlie the
educational space of a student in Russian language
lessons. Such concepts include “Interactive learning”,
“Interactive educational environment of a medical
university”, “Interactive educational environment of
a doctor”, etc.

Interactive learning is aimed at optimizing active

cognitive activity, developing their value orientations
and motivation to learn, developing independence in




information, subject-subject communication skills

based on dialogue, stimulating the research position
of specific practice-oriented actions related to future
professional activities student.





mechanisms, the formation of a professional
worldview at a university involves the organization of
the educational process by the following means:

Interactive forms

Interactive methods

Tools and internet resources






“round table”


















tional and








tion method









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Methodological support

PC technologies:

- modular-local (joint creative activities),
- macro-technologies (distance learning),




technologies, network, telecommunication).

All of the above funds are collectively aimed at

implementing a simulated interactive educational
environment, which includes the student’s
educational and independent activities.

Despite the fact that the concept of “interactive

environment” has thoroughly entered the vocabulary
of modern education, its definition in the sources we
studied is not reflected clearly enough, especially for
university education in Russian language lessons for
non-linguistic students. At the same time, the analysis
of the meaning-forming dominants listed above:
environment, educational environment, interaction,
interactivity, interactive learning, etc., which underlie
the definition of “interactive environment” and are its
constituent elements, which allowed us to formulate
the concept of “Interactive educational environment
of a non-philological university" is an integrative
system that includes a set of specially organized
pedagogical conditions for the development of a
specialist’s personality, interactive forms, methods

and technologies that ensure the interaction of all
subjects of the educational process, independence, the
ability of corporate culture in various types of
activities, aimed at the formation of the professional
worldview of the future specialist [5].

Based on a discussion of the definitions of literary

sources, we formed another concept “Interactive
educational environment of a specialist based on a
foreign language, in our case Russian” - a system of
interpersonal, information, educational and computer
interaction that allows you to develop the ability to
exchange business information using modern
information and telecommunications means and
technologies, navigate the specialty information
flows in the surrounding world, master practical work
skills aimed at developing the professional qualities
of a specialist and his worldview.

Let us reveal the named interactive forms of

interaction of a student of a non-philological profile:

- interpersonal interactivity of the student, we





between the student and the teacher and, vice versa,
during which the recipient and sender of messages
can change places and create genuine interaction.
This kind of interaction occurs if both parties are
interested in e-mail or discussion lists on a certain
topic, if the subject is in an active position;

- the student’s information interactivity is limited

by the possibilities of interaction previously provided
for in the design of electronic publications in the
specialty. It is aimed at presenting information,
navigating through the content and posting any
information on the specialty, includes the use of
hyperlinks, filling out forms, searching for
information in Russian databases, keywords and other
forms of information on the specialty;

- educational-computer interaction - an area

related to the interaction between the user and
computer hardware and software based on the
Internet (telelearning, web conference, Skype, etc.).
This system provides feedback between the subjects
of this interaction (student and teacher, student and
classmates, student and tutor).

Today, computer technologies have been actively

used both in the educational process and in teaching
various disciplines. Many computer programs are
being created in various areas of specialty. There are
various computer tools aimed at developing various
functions, such as visual and auditory perception,
attention, memory, verbal thinking and others, which
are successfully used in training future specialists.

The use of multimedia technologies (colors,






equipment) makes it possible to make Russian

Tools and internet














imulators for





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language lessons more effective for students in
various fields. It is important that the gaming
components included in multimedia programs
activate the cognitive activity of students and enhance
the assimilation and acquisition of new knowledge.
The use of computers in joint and independent
activities is one of the effective ways to increase
motivation and individualize their learning, develop
creative abilities and create a favorable emotional
background. From which it follows that it is obvious
that information and communication technologies
(ICT) are used in training in the process of forming
the professional worldview of future specialists.

In the context of the modern digital revolution,

characterized by the enormous speed of introduction
of new technologies, changes in methods of receiving
and transmitting information and accompanied by
powerful professional competition, it seems possible
to improve the educational process based on the
rational use of ICT technologies, strengthening
network interaction and academic mobility. At the





manifested in the unequal distribution of information
resources, in the inequality of the quality of
information translators and information repositories
[4], which means unequal access of students to
knowledge. In such conditions, the principle of
interactivity is implemented in the ideology of the


Thus, the technological effectiveness of the

educational process is a description of standardization
in the form of a prescriptive constructive scheme for
the activities of subjects with information,
communication or interaction in certain, given
conditions with oneself in the role of a subject of
educational or professional activity.

Understanding educational technology as a

system of actions of subjects related to the
achievement of a set educational goal by one of them
or someone else expands the possibilities of their
application - not necessarily in a learning
environment, but perhaps in a library, laboratory, or
industrial practice.

So, it should be noted that the concept of

technology in relation to educational practice can be
defined [2] as:

• the empirical aspect of procedural characteristics

in the activities of a university teacher;

• theoretical aspect of prognostic characteristics;
• unity of theoretical and practical aspects.
• regulatory aspect. Represents transformed

theoretical information into prescriptive information

for the subject about specific content-procedural

As an innovative educational activity focused on

personnel training, modern education requires the





technologies into the educational process and is one
of the strategic directions of university development
that meets the needs of a post-industrial society. In the
modern world, close attention is paid to the
informatization of education, as young people strive
to develop interactive forms and methods of learning.

In the educational process, the use of personal

computers has led to the emergence of a new
generation of interactive educational technologies,
which have improved the quality of education,
created new means of teaching and educational
influence, and more effectively interacted with
computer technology for teachers and students. The
introduction of computers into the education sector
was the beginning of a revolutionary transformation
of traditional and non-traditional teaching methods
and technologies throughout the entire education
sector. Communication technologies played an






communications, television, space communications,
telemedicine, which were mainly used to manage the
learning process in additional and distance learning
systems. The development of modern society






educational technologies in the learning process at
universities in Uzbekistan.

In the conditions of informatization of the

education system, professional training of a future
specialist is impossible without developing his skills
to skillfully select and apply interactive educational
technologies in educational and future professional
activities. The use of interactive educational
technologies in the educational process inevitably
leads to a change in the nature of the interaction
between subject and object. This interaction ceases to
be direct in nature, which, while the content of
training and its goals remains unchanged, requires, on
the one hand, the development of new teaching
technologies, and, on the other hand, requires the
learner to have new motivational attitudes and a
revision of the organization of cognitive activity.

The use of interactive educational technologies in

the educational process inevitably leads to a change
in the nature of the interaction between subject and
object. This interaction ceases to be direct in nature,
which, while the content of training and its goals
remains unchanged, requires, on the one hand, the
development of new teaching technologies, and, on
the other hand, requires the learner to have new

background image

motivational attitudes and a revision of the
organization of cognitive activity. In this case, we can
talk about the formation of a new didactic concept of
teaching, which is based on the following guidelines

1. The learning process is based mainly on the

student’s independent cognitive activity.

2. The student’s cognitive activity must be active.
3. Training should be student-centered.
Within the framework of this concept, the

personal computer acts as the main didactic teaching
tool and, in fact, is the basis for building a new
person-centered education. The main feature of the
use of a computer by a student in educational
activities is the redefinition of information flows - the
dialogue between subject and object occurs through
the computer, which acts as the third component of
learning, individual (independent) for each student.

Achieving new educational results depends to a

large extent on the level of provision in educational
areas and the availability of interactive multimedia
technologies for a wide range of students.

In the process of joint creativity, stable cognitive

motivation to solve educational and research
problems develops. This is only possible if the
electronic resource meets the criteria for a high level
of interactivity, which implies full interaction of
students with the educational environment that
simulates objects and processes of the real world.



Abdulgalimov R. M. Educational process in shaping
the worldview of future specialists. Problems of
modern teacher education. Series: Pedagogy and
psychology. Tula: 2022; Vol. 63; Part 2: 34 - 36.


De Bono Edward. The birth of a new idea. Per. from
English Under the general editorship and with an
afterword by Dr. psycho. science prof. OK.
Tikhomirov. Moscow: Progress, 2021.


Olimov N.K. New generation electronic educational
resources: questions and answers // Bulletin of Science
and Education. No. 3. 2022. P. 217.


OReilly Tim. What Is Web 2.0. Available at:


Komilova N.N. Methods of using electronic textbooks
in the educational process. – M.: LUCH, 2022.

Библиографические ссылки

Abdulgalimov R. M. Educational process in shaping the worldview of future specialists. Problems of modern teacher education. Series: Pedagogy and psychology. Tula: 2022; Vol. 63; Part 2: 34 - 36.

De Bono Edward. The birth of a new idea. Per. from English Under the general editorship and with an afterword by Dr. psycho. science prof. OK. Tikhomirov. Moscow: Progress, 2021.

Olimov N.K. New generation electronic educational resources: questions and answers // Bulletin of Science and Education. No. 3. 2022. P. 217.

OReilly Tim. What Is Web 2.0. Available at: http://www.oreillynet.eom/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html

Komilova N.N. Methods of using electronic textbooks in the educational process. – M.: LUCH, 2022.

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