Основные типы техник перевода и их использование в синхронном переводе

Далжанова, Г., & Абдуганиева, Д. (2023). Основные типы техник перевода и их использование в синхронном переводе. Арабский язык в эпоху глобализации: инновационные подходы и методы обучения, 1(1), 526–530. https://doi.org/10.47689/ATGD:IYOM-vol1-iss1-pp526-530-id28636
Гульназ Далжанова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Факультет теории и практики перевода, студент первого курса магистратуры.
Джамиля Абдуганиева, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Научный руководитель


Как объясняет переводчик Лорена Манай: «Перевод имеет особое значение в общении между двумя носителями, говорящими на разных языках и принадлежащими к разным культурам. Заслуга связана с обменом словами, которые несут смысл и точно передают послание между двумя людьми с непревзойденными традициями, культурой и обычаями». Поэтому при переводе на два разных языка переводчику приходится использовать разнообразные методы, приемы и инструменты, чтобы донести до аудитории точный смысл. В статье на примере разных языков анализируются виды основных языковых средств синхронного перевода.

Похожие статьи

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman




Daljanova Gulnaz Moyatdinovna

UzSWLU, Faculty of translation theory and practice 1st year Master

s student


Abduganieva Jamilya Rustamovna

Scientific superviser.


Tarjimon Lorena Manaj tushuntirganidek, “Tarjima turli

tillarda gaplashadigan va turli madaniyatlarga ega b


lgan ikki s




rtasidagi muloqotda alohida ahamiyatga ega. Muvaffaqiyat- ma

noga ega b



va tengsiz an

ana, madaniyat va urf-odatlarga ega b


lgan ikki shaxs



xabarni aniq etkazadigan s


zlarni almashish bilan bo

g‘liq”. Shu sababli, ikki xil

tilda tarjima qilganda, tarjimon tinglovchilarga aniq ma

noni etkazish uchun turli

usullar, texnika va vositalardan foydalanishi kerak. Ushbu maqolada turli tillardan

misollar olib, sinxron tarjimadagi asosiy lingvistik vositalar turlari tahlil qilinadi.

Kalit s



tarjima metodlari, usullari, sinxron tarjima, vizual tarjima


Как объясняет переводчик Лорена Манай: «Перевод имеет

особое значение в общении между двумя носителями, говорящими на разных

языках и принадлежащими к разным культурам. Заслуга связана с обменом

словами, которые несут смысл и точно передают послание между


людьми с непревзойденными традициями, культурой и обычаями». Поэтому

при переводе на два разных языка переводчику приходится использовать

разнообразные методы, приемы и инструменты, чтобы донести до

аудитории точный смысл. В статье на примере разных


анализируются виды основных языковых средств синхронного перевода.

Ключевые слова:

методы перевода, способы, синхронный перевод,

перевод с листа.


As the translator Lorena Manaj explains, “Translation has a

special merit in communication between two speakers who speak different

languages and have different cultures. The merit is related to the exchange of words

that carry the meaning and accurately convey a message between two individuals

with unmatched tradition, culture and customs”. T

herefore, when interpreting in

two different languages, the translator has to use diverse methods, techniques and

tools to deliver the accurate meaning to the audience. This article analyses the types

of main linguistic tools in simultaneous interpretation taking examples of different


Key words:

translation methods, techniques, simultaneous interpretation,

sight translation.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


After the development of the multichannel tape recorder, simultaneous

translation investigations were conducted approximately concurrently by a

number of researchers at the close of the 1960s and the start of the 1970s

(Henri C. Baki in the United States and Canada, 1971; D. Gerver in the UK in 1974;

I.A. Zimnyaya in Russia, among others). According to Shiryayev, simultaneous

interpretation is a specific activity that consists of stages that are associated with

each of the Steps or Actions. The phases that are most crucial are the ones that

include direction, searching, decision-making, and execution. In fact, there is no

simultaneous speaking and listening when the speaking pace in the source

language is slow enough for stage one of step two to come after stage three of step
one. The form of interpretation that is simultaneous is complex. It is sense-

oriented and bilingual.

Whenever you are reading something in a foreign language, your go-to

response might be to try Google Translate first. However, there is nothing wrong with

that. Google Translate, and similar tools, have come a long way and can get a lot of the

translation quite right. That is, until they get something very, very wrong.

A professional translator would know to use context cues and not attempt

a word-for-word translation, but online translation services have yet to get that


When asked to translate a text aloud into the target language in a formal


a courtroom, for instance

a translator can function as a smartphone app.

Sight translation is the art form that combines interpretation and translation into

one. Although it is extremely difficult for the translator, they will undoubtedly

perform far better than an app since they are aware of the sight translation

strategies and tactics that will best highlight the meaning and "feel" of the

translated material. Nevertheless, the translator in a simultaneous interpretation

booth does not have any additional time or breaks. Thus, before beginning a

responsible job, one should become proficient in basic methods and techniques.

Translation methods.

Free translation is a popular translation technique. This is sometimes

known as “creative translation”, or translation done whatever means necessary.

This does not imply that it is erroneous; rather, it indicates that the translator did

not pay close attention to the source language

s syntax and style. Rather, the

speech will be faithfully translated, though its structure, grammar, and register

may differ slightly from the original.

Idiomatic translation is a related technique that replicates the original


s meaning by deliberately using idioms and colloquialisms from the target

language. As a result, some segments have a different appearance and cannot be

translated directly, but their meanings are still very similar.

Translation Techniques

Every technique covered above produces an effect that is marginally

different. Nonetheless, a variety of combinations of different translation

techniques can be used to achieve this final result. Direct translation techniques

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


and oblique translation techniques are the two primary categories of translation

techniques that are generally recognized.

When the text being translated has elements that are similar in both the

source and target languages, direct translation techniques can be applied. These

components, like sentence construction and grammar, or specific ideas related to

them, are transferable between languages.

Oblique translation techniques are applicable when the former is

impossible, when the meaning must be changed slightly, or the grammar and style

of the text must be played with to translate it.

Direct Translation Techniques

Literal translation is the main outcome of direct translation methods. Other

forms consist of calque and borrowing.

Literal translation

A literal translation seeks to replicate the original text verbatim, with

particular attention paid to the text

s structure and grammar. There is a big

disclaimer even though this can result in translations that are extremely accurate.

There is no magic wand that can be used to translate anything literally; it can only

be applied to specific language structures.

Translations into more literal forms are easier in languages with stricter

syntax rules, especially when those languages are shared. Conversely, because

English has a more rigid syntax, languages like Slovak, which have very fluid

sentence structures, would not translate well into it. When literal translation is

not possible, we add calque or borrowing techniques to the translation.


Simply put, borrowing occurs when a language appropriates words directly

from another and uses them as its own. Additionally, borrowings have a constant

influence on Uzbek language. We are residing in a technologically advanced era.

Languages embrace new ideas that are brought about by new discoveries and

inventions; the Uzbek language is one of them. Words related to technological

advancement, sports terminology, and common vocabulary have been influencing

Uzbek from other languages, particularly English, Russian, and through Russian

or English from numerous European languages. Uzbek language is full of

barbarisms which are mainly used by the youth:



okay (English) and etc.


Calque, the alternative method, is a little bit different. Although it begins

with a word borrowed from another language, it also translates this word into the

language of the target language, producing terms like beer garden (also from

German, Biergarten) or standpoint (from English, Standpunkt). However, when it

comes to calques, translators need to exercise caution because while some can be

clear-cut and simple to comprehend, others can become confusing with

unexpected and frequently amusing results. Calques are frequently context-

specific, with many common terms used in legal documents being completely

foreign to the average person.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


Oblique Translation Techniques

Translations that are faithful and accurate can result from using literal

translation techniques, as was previously discussed. Oblique translation

techniques are useful when we are unable to use them.


Transposition is a less complex indirect technique that modifies the word

order within a sentence or phrase. Regarding the placement of adjectives, nouns,

and verbs in sentences and in relation to one another, different languages have

different rules. Adjectives are typically positioned after a noun in French, but

before one in English. Transposition, then, concentrates on this and guarantees
that the words in the target language are rearranged in the proper order while

maintaining the majority of the phrase

s meaning.


However, modulation goes a step further and employs a phrase in the target

language that differs from the source language but nonetheless conveys the same

idea. The reader will perceive one of the two phrases

the same one or the

modulated alternative

as sounding more natural in the target language. The goal

of modulation is to identify the more appropriate phrase and apply it

appropriately to avoid any misunderstandings and create a more organic feel to

the translation.

Reformulation or equivalence

Reformulation or equivalency in translation returns to idiomatic

translation as we proceed through these translation techniques, becoming

increasingly liberal. This method, which is frequently used in creative industries

like marketing and advertising, discovers more imaginative ways to convey the

same meaning in entirely different ways between the source and target languages.

Idioms can only be translated by reformulating them; movie titles provide an

intriguing example. Even though they frequently seem to have nothing in common

between two languages, they nevertheless aim to convey the same idea or feeling.

But some people usually perform better than others.


The goal of adaptation is to make the idea being translated seem natural and

simple to target language speakers by incorporating a wider cultural context into

the reformulation. Jokes about farm animals and Wales, for instance, might make

sense in England, but Eastern Europeans wouldn

t get this subtlety. But the

countries of Eastern Europe would have their own historical rivalries and cultural

clichés, whether they were made up or not. In this instance, adaptation needs to

identify and select the most suitable cultural reference.


Last but not least, compensation is a strategy used when something cannot

be translated into a different language. This can apply to grammatical concepts in

the original language or cultural constructs that have no equivalent in the target

language. For example, some languages distinguish formality when addressing

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


another person (e.g., tu and vous in French, as well as similar examples in German,

Slovak and other languages), in contrast to English, which only recognizes one

“you”, and instead expresse

s formality degrees in other ways.

Similar to this, there are numerous ways in Japanese to indicate hierarchical

relationships between individuals by following another person

s name with -san,

-kun, -chan, etc. These are simply nonexistent in the majority of other languages,

so a translator would need to figure out how to translate them roughly into the

target language. Naturally, this can be very challenging.

In conclusion, every one of these strategies and tactics has its proper place

and time. Translators need to be multilingual, but they also need to know which
technique to apply when and sometimes even why. Think about all of the

processes that go into the smooth act of reading something in one language and

saying it aloud in another the next time you witness someone sight-translate with

the ease of a seasoned professional.



Omon Muminov. (2005). “A guide to simultaneous translation”.

2. G.V. Chernov, Theory and practice of simultaneous translation (Intern.

relationship, M., 1978)

3. Hojiev A. Uzbek word formation system.

Tashkent: Teacher, 2007.


4. A.F. Shiryaev, Simultaneous translation from French (research of some

aspects of synchronicity in connection with the peculiarities of the functioning of

a foreign language): Abstract of the thesis. Dissertations for the degree of Ph.D

(M., 1973).

Библиографические ссылки

Omon Muminov. (2005J. A guide to simultaneous translation .

G.V. Chernov, Theory and practice of simultaneous translation (Intern, relationship, M., 1978)

Hojiev A. Uzbek word formation system. -Tashkent: Teacher, 2007. -P.62-80;

A.F. Shiryaev, Simultaneous translation from French (research of some aspects of synchronicity in connection with the peculiarities of the functioning of a foreign language): Abstract of the thesis. Dissertations for the degree of Ph.D (M., 1973).

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