Особенности манипулятивной речи

Усар, У. (2023). Особенности манипулятивной речи. Арабский язык в эпоху глобализации: инновационные подходы и методы обучения, 1(1), 648–651. https://doi.org/10.47689/ATGD:IYOM-vol1-iss1-pp648-651-id28726
Угилой Усар, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Преподаватель кафедры теории перевода английского языка факультета переводоведения.


Манипуляция - одно из явлений, на которое сильно влияет пропаганда и которое тесно связано со средствами массовой информации и политическими дискурсами. Данная статья представляет собой подход, целью которого является изучение с помощью сравнительноконтрастных и методов наблюдения концепции манипуляции как языкового феномена, где центральный акцент делается на манипулятивные приемы и тактики, которые используются по разным причинам в различных областях деятельности.

Похожие статьи

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman




iloy Usar qizi

Tarjimonlik fakulteti Ingliz tili tarjima nazariyasi kafedrasi




Manipulyatsiya yuqori ta

sir k


rsatadigan va ommaviy

axborot vositalari va siyosiy nutqlar bilan chambarchas bo


liq b



hodisalardan biridir. Ushbu maqolabunga yondashuv b


lib, uning maqsadi qiyosiy

kontrastiv va kuzatish usullari orqali manipulyatsiya tushunchasini va til hodisasi


rganish, unda asosiy e

tibor turli sohalarda turli sabablarga k





llaniladigan manipulyatsiya usullari va taktikasiga qaratilgan.

Kalit s



manipulyatsiya, manipulyatsiya nutqi, siyosatdagi manipulyativ til,

tilshunoslikda manipulyativ nutq, marketingdagi manipulyativ nutq


Манипуляция –

одно из явлений, на которое сильно

влияет пропаганда и которое тесно связано со средствами массовой

информации и политическими дискурсами. Данная статья представляет

собой подход, целью которого является изучение с помощью сравнительно


контрастных и методов наблюдения концепции манипуляции как языкового

феномена, где центральный акцент делается на манипулятивные приемы и

тактики, которые используются по разным причинам в различных

областях деятельности.






манипулятивный язык в политике, манипулятивный дискурс в лингвистике,

манипулятивный дискурс в маркетинге.


Manipulation is one of the phenomena that are highly affected

by propaganda and closely related to media and political discourses. This paper is

an approach, the purpose of which is to study through comparative contrastive, and
observation methods the concept of manipulation as a and linguistic phenomenon

where the central emphasis is on the manipulative techniques and tactics that are

utilized for various reasons in various fields of study.

Key words:

manipulation, manipulative speech, manipulative language in

politics, manipulative discourse in linguistics, manipulative discourse in marketing.

Manipulation is one of the concepts that needs a more in-depth theoretical

and practical examination. Many studies have been conducted on the

manipulation of discourse in the disciplines of linguistics and literature. It is

employed in many areas of life, including personal and social matters, intellectual
and professional pursuits, and politics. This paper is an attempt to investigate the

concept of manipulative speech across different domains.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


According to a dictionary, the word "manipulative" means: influencing or

forcing someone to do what you want, often unfairly. Various researchers have

discussed and approached the term manipulation in different way.

According to Bessenov B.N. "A form of spiritual influence of hidden

domination, carried out by force," Chartis-Black points out that manipulation

just like persuasion

"should be considered a speech act", since "it alters

cognition rather than simply depicts h

ow that change is achieved”. Volkogonov

D.A. "Control over the inner world

s changes and spiritual state dominance"

Manipulative speech in linguistics

In linguistic manipulation theory, manipulative speech is foremost

considered a topical term of great creative potential. When the listener cannot see

the speaker

s hidden intentions behind what is actually being said, manipulation

occurs. One of the key characteristics of manipulative utterances is their specific

intentionality. Consequently, to distinguish manipulation from other forms of

communication, one must take into account factors such as the goal, the intention,

and the reason behind the communication. When used broadly, manipulative

speech in linguistics can encompass any verbal interaction in which the speaker

and the listener realize motivation and meaning in their interaction.The purpose

of productive manipulation is to win a communicative partner

s trust and

manipulate his behavior by exploiting his weaknesses. As a result, the speaker
assumes the position of a volunteer who has the task of placing the interlocutor

in a position of social welfare, status, or superiority. The most effective way to

manipulate people is through compliments and flattery. Developing actualized

communication takes a lot of practice. As a result, manipulative speech forms are

predominant in everyday life.

How do we form manipulative speech? Words and phrases that carry

loaded meanings are common in convention statements. These are words that

carry a strong emotional connotation, often intended to evoke a specific response

from the audience. As an example, consider the statement, "We must protect our

land from dangerous strangers". If strangers are considered dangerous, fear will
be instilled, resulting in a biased view. The underlying intentions behind

convention statements can be better discerned by being aware of loaded


The use of generalizations is another manipulative tactic. Individuals and

organizations can easily sway public opinion by making broad statements about

a particular group or situation. It paints an unfair picture of the political landscape

if one says, "Everyone is corrupt and untrustworthy." It is important to be

cautious of such broad generalizations and seek out specific case studies to

support claims.Critical thinking and careful analysis are required to identify

manipulative language in convention statements. In order to determine whether
the statement is biased, it is important to assess its tone, context, and overall

message. Furthermore, independent sources and diverse perspectives can help

counter potential manipulation.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


Manipulative speech in politics

Modern linguistics pays much attention to political discourse. Globally,

political relationships are becoming increasingly important. Political speeches

can often determine the outcomes of elections, negotiations, and some conflicts

depending on the way they are organized. Political discourse is described as a

mixture of all speech actions employed in political contexts, speeches of

politicians, and political conversations (Baranov & Kazakevich, 1991). There are

certain speech tactics and techniques that are used in political speeches in order

to manipulate those who are listening to them. During every political speech,

manipulative techniques are extensively used by the politician who is delivering
the speech in order to achieve his goals: either win an election or persuade the

audience. The main objective of political communication is to gain influence.

Political discourse, in general, manipulates public awareness by persuading

individuals that politically


acts are required in a certain context

(Gimadeeva et al., 2019).

Manipulation has become an essential aspect of our lives, especially in

politics. Politicians establish and preserve the public

’s image of a “hero”, but in

truth, they typically lack an effective and feasible plan. They can only persuade,

control, and impress the audience with their rhetorical speech and powerful and

forceful phrases, all of which are empty. The majority of the audience is so
desperate that they do not question the politician

s ideas or plans; instead, they

go with the flow to see what occurs because they are so absorbed by the


s speech (Handelman, 2009, p. 84). According to van Dijk (1997) and

Dunmire (2012, p. 736), political discourse analysis can either include the text

and speech of politicians in explicitly political contexts, or it can relate to an

ideological perspective of the discourse.Politicians utilize their positions to

appeal the people and earn their trust as leaders, depending on the situation and


Manipulative speech in marketing

Once manipulative speech mechanisms are activated in marketing, they

affect consumer perceptions and behaviors. For instance, in advertisement a

consumer hears the statement "Everyone buys" or "On sale, stock is limited" it

activates the mechanisms of social attachment and fear of missing out.

Manipulative speech techniques used in advertising can affect consumers

perceptions, emotions, and decisions. It is important for consumers to be aware

of these tactics, be able to critically listen to voice communications, and be able to

make informed choices based on their own preferences and

requirements.Manipulative speechis an important marketing tool for attracting

customers, arousing their emotions, and activating their psychological processes.

In conclusion, media, politics, and social relations can utilize manipulative

discourses in different registers. Different linguistic tools can be used to

implement manipulative speech strategies. Language strategies and tactics are

employed in political discourse to influence the thoughts and actions of the

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


recipient and to provoke a change in their consciousness. Manipulation covers the

cognitive, discursive, and social aspects of linguistic discourse.In order to

understand how speech manipulation works, it is essential to study different

manipulative practices.



Абдуганиева, Д. (2022). ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ИКТ В ОБУЧЕНИИ









Barnhille, A. (2014). What is manipulation? In Chr.Coons, & M. Weber

(Eds.), Manipulation: Theory and practice. Oxford Scholarship Online.



TYPES International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and

education Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.


Marwa Adel AbuelwafLegitimation and Manipulation in Political

Speeches: A Corpusbased Study


Maillat, Didier & Oswald, Steve. (2009). Defining Manipulative Discourse: The

Pragmatics of Cognitive Illusions. International Review of Pragmatics. 1. 348-370.



Rafayel Harutyunyan Armenian Folia Anglistika, Vol. 17, Issue 2 (24), 2021


The Oxford Advanced American Dictionary


Van Dijk, T. (1997). What is political discourse analysis? Belgian Journal

of Linguistics, 11 (1), 11-52. https://doi.org/10.1075/ bjl.11.03dij


Van Dijk, T. (2006). Discourse and manipulation, Discourse and Society,

17(2), 359-383. https://doi.org/10.1177/0957926506060250

Библиографические ссылки

Абдуганиева, Д. (2022). ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ИКТ В ОБУЧЕНИИ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКОВ. in Library, 21(2). извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/11697

Barnhille, А. (2014). What is manipulation? In Chr.Coons, & M. Weber (Eds.), Manipulation: Theory and practice. Oxford Scholarship Online.

Dr. Akopova Asya. LINGUISTIC MANIPULATION: DEFINITION AND TYPES International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.

Marwa Adel AbuelwafLegitimation and Manipulation in Political Speeches: A Corpusbased Study

Maillat, Didier & Oswald, Steve. (2009). Defining Manipulative Discourse: The Pragmatics of Cognitive Illusions. International Review of Pragmatics. 1.348-370.

MANIPULATIVE SPEECH: A THEORETICAL OVERVIEW Seda Gasparyan* Rafayel Harutyunyan Armenian Folia Anglistika, Vol. 17, Issue 2 (24), 2021

The Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

Van Dijk, T. (1997). What is political discourse analysis? Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 11 (1), 11-52. https://doi.org/10.1075/ bjl.ll.03dij

Van Dijk, T. (2006). Discourse and manipulation, Discourse and Society, 17(2), 359-383. https://doi.org/10.1177/0957926506060250

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