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Абдуганиева, Д. (2022). ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ИКТ В ОБУЧЕНИИ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКОВ. in Library, 21(2). извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/11697
Джамиля Абдуганиева

Заведующая кафедрой теории английского языка


Данная статья призвана проанализировать современное состояние ИКТ в профессиональной подготовке переводчиков, а также сделать обзор современных средств и перспективных направлений электронного образования применительно к обучению устному переводу. Навыки работы с электронными ресурсами и ИКТ необходимы переводчику, в первую очередь, для качественной самоподготовки к совещаниям, конференциям и рабочим совещаниям. Таким образом, актуальность внедрения средств ИКТ в процесс обучения устному последовательному и синхронному переводу объясняется расширением круга образовательных целей, которые эти средства позволяют выполнить.

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ICT in Education: Challenges & Solutions


тавсифларни, шунингдек расмий иш услубида ёзилган матнларни таржима қилишда энг

яхши сифатга эришиш мумкин. Тарих ва маданиятга оид бадиий адабиётлар ва матнларни

таржима қилишда кутилган натижага эришиш мушкул. Электрон таржимон асл нусхадаги

бадиий муҳитни, унинг муаллифлик услубини, ҳиссий ранг беришини, сўзларни, айниқса,


жараёнларни таржима қилишда хатоликларга йўл қўяди.

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Савина А.В., Типикина Т.А. Что внутри электронного словаря? // Наука и жизнь.

2008. No 10.


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дисках // Наука и жизнь. 2009. No



Гринштейн Э.М. Преимущества электронных словарей. 2010. [Элек



ресурс]. Режим доступа: http:www.do.gendocs.ru/docs/index





. This article is intended to analyze the current status of ICT in the professional

training of translators and to make an overview of modern means and promising areas of e-

education in relation to teaching interpretation. Skills of working with electronic resources and ICT

are necessary for an interpreter, first of all, for high-quality self-preparation for meetings,

conferences and working meetings. Thus, the relevance of the introduction of ICT tools in the

teaching process of oral consecutive and simultaneous interpreting is explained by the expansion

of the range of educational goals that these tools allow to fulfill.

In the modern world, the development of information technology is rapidly moving upward.

In the near future, according to some forecasts, technological progress will begin to develop so

rapidly that an ordinary person will not be able to keep track of how the world and the information

space around it is changing.

It follows from this that many specialties have to be adapted to modern conditions. It follows

from this that in modern realities, a translator-specialist, in addition to translation competencies,

also needs to master the competencies necessary for effective work within the information society.

Based on this, when teaching translation, these factors should be taken into account, which will be

discussed in this work. The future development of cloud technologies will allow the development

of such a direction of translation activities as collective translation. The development of neural

networks is likely to allow in the near future to limit the role of the translator to editing the text and

checking the coherence of the translated material.

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ICT in Education: Challenges & Solutions


It's not a secret for anyone that over the past 30 years, ICTs have become firmly established

not only in our daily life, but also in the educational process, in particular, in the training of

translators [3], but this is mainly about teaching translation (working with electronic dictionaries,


anslation memory bases and machine translation systems) [2; 4; 5], while teaching interpretation

is still lagging behind in this respect. The development of the ICT competence of interpreters is

spoken of in terms of content (awareness) rather than in the functional aspect (operational focus)

[6, p. 67]


At the same time, in the context of teaching interpretation as a special type of cognitive

activity proceeding in an interactive mode, the introduction of ICT in the educational process is not

only quite appropriate, but also very productive, since they allow us to outline new prospects for

the formation of a whole range of professional competencies, from the language itself. to

technological. Therefore, since the early 2000s, more or less active attempts have been made in the

world to use ICT in translation education. A new impetus to these works was given by the

widespread distribution of such a type of interpretation as distance / remote interpreting of video

and audio conferences, since the very technical conditions and the situation of its implementation

presuppose the use of computer tools (IP telephony).

Among the first are programs that combine the functionality of video players and digital

audio recorders (recorders), such as SCICrecTM 2.1. This software product is indispensable for

optimizing the independent work of students of interpreting, since a special interface allows them

(provided that a two-channel headset is connected) to download video files from different sources,

view and stop video recording, and then perform consecutive (in pauses) or simultaneous translation

of the sounding text. The speech of the future translator is recorded digitally in a separate audio file,

and then can be automatically synchronized with the original file. When listening, audio signals

from the two indicated sources are fed in parallel to the right and left audio channels, respectively.

Such programs can be successfully used in classroom lessons under the guidance of a teacher,

especially when teaching simultaneous translation, since they allow you to practice the skills of

conditional synchronization of translation with the original speech due to the oscillography display

of both audio signals in different sections of the same dialog box.

Among the software of the second group, it is impossible to ignore the most widespread

audio and video communications software based on IP telephony (Zoom, Skype, Google Hangout,

Adobe Connect, etc.). The relevance of their integration into the process of training interpreters is

justified by at least two factors. Firstly, software clients of this type act as technical means in

organizing joint training sessions and translation conferences with partner universities with the

participation of third-party, including foreign, specialists, in the local educational process without

interrupting their main work and without involving significant funding associated with the need to

move them. Secondly, the acquisition of skills in working with such software tools is a necessary

condition for the formation of relevant technological competence in relation to such a form of future

professional activity as remote translation of audio and video conferencing, meetings and

negotiations, which are increasingly popular on the translation services market, especially in the

field of management, and business [1].

Of course, today we cannot fail to mention the Zoom service, which has become an

important part of the lives of many people during the pandemic. It is used daily by companies,

educational institutions and even government agencies. Zoom users were among the first to have

the opportunity to connect translators to participate in a conference or webinar. The function is

available only for users using the "Business" or "Enterprise" tariff plans, as well as the

"Professional" tariff plan, but subject to the additional purchase of the "Video Webinar" option.

Zoom is currently the only popular application that offers simultaneous translation.

Previously, this could only be done using specialized services such as Interprefy, Kudo, Voiceboxer,

Interactio, Verspeak. Unlike Zoom, such systems provide the translator with a more convenient

workplace with the ability to transfer the shift to colleagues and work according to the "relay"

scheme (translation through a third language). It is possible that in the near future other developers

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ICT in Education: Challenges & Solutions


of video conferencing systems (Microsoft Teams, GoToMeeting, Cisco WebEx) will also

implement the function of remote translation. Zoom training should be incorporated into the

translator training program, as the service has its own peculiarities and some technical difficulties,

which the translator should be aware of - on the one hand. On the other hand, the skill of remote

translation should be trained, as mentioned above, because such translation is in some sense

different from “live” translation - the translator often does not see the speakers and participants of

the event, there may be technical problems that increase the level of stress.

This work demonstrates how modern digital technologies are already changing the

understanding of translation activities. It becomes obvious that in order to remain competitive in

the translation market, the presence of the competence in the possession of digital means of

translation becomes a necessity. Technological progress will continue to change a person's life,

from which it follows that a specialist already today needs to adapt to new, constantly changing

conditions. The technologies of data in the cloud and deep neural networks can soon transform the

profession of a translator beyond recognition, which dictates the need for the widespread

introduction of training in translation education to work with the technologies described in this



(1) Braun S. Using video and web conferencing tools to simulate professional interpreting

practice for educational purposes // L


arning through and for professional practice: 4th International

conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice. – Geneva, 2014. –


. 244–252

(2) Gavrilenko N.N. Vozmozhnye puti ispol'zovaniya informacionnyh tekhnologij pri

podgotovke perevodchika v sfere professional'noj kommunikacii [Possible ways of using

information technology in the preparation of a translator in the field of professional communi


// Vestnik RUDN. Ser. Voprosy obrazovaniya: yazyki i special'nost'. – M.: Izd-vo RUDN, 2008

(3) Marutian M.B. ICT in training translators at language faculties. Language and Culture,

Tomsk, 2012, no. 3, pp. 89-101

(4) Quah C.K. Translation and Technology. – New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

(5) Semionov A.L. Sovremennye informacionnye tekhnologii i perevod: ucheb. posobie

dlya stud. perevod. fak. vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij. [Modern information technology and translation:

a textbook for students of t

ranslation departments of universities]

– M.: Akademiya, 2008.

(6) Shornikova O.N. IKT-kompetentnost' kak glavnaya sostavlyayushchaya informacionnoj

kul'tury budushchego specialist [ICT competence as the main component of the information culture

of a future

specialist] // Sovremennye naukoemkie tekhnologii.

– 2010. –

№ 2.

– S. 66–67


АКТ ва АҲИ, Тошкент шаҳри




. Мақолада

олий таълим тизимидаги таълим сифатига оид муаммолар,


таълим тизимининг таълим сифатини оширишдаги ўрни ва аҳамияти, бу

тизимнинг кенг қўлланилишига таъсир кўрсатувчи омиллар ўрганилди. Электрон таълимни

тадбиқ қилишнинг истиқболлари, муаммолари,

атамалардаги ноаниқликлар кўриб чиқилди.

Бугунги кунда таълим сифати устувор геосиёсий фактор бўлиб қолмоқда. Йигирма

биринчи асрни кўп ҳолларда “сифат асри” деб номламоқдалар. Сифат тушунчаси


Библиографические ссылки

Braun S. Using video and web conferencing tools to simulate professional interpreting practice for educational purposes I I Learning through and for professional practice: 4th International conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice. - Geneva, 2014. - C. 244-252

Gavrilenko N.N. Vozmozhnye puti ispol'zovaniya informacionnyh tekhnologij pri podgotovke perevodchika v sfere professional'noj kommunikacii [Possible ways of using information technology in the preparation of a translator in the field of professional communication] // Vestnik RUDN. Ser. Voprosy obrazovaniya: yazyki i special'nost'. - M.: Izd-vo RUDN, 2008

Marutian M.B. ICT in training translators at language faculties. Language and Culture, Tomsk, 2012, no. 3, pp. 89-101

Quah C.K.. Translation and Technology. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Scmionov A.L. Sovrcmcnnyc informacionnye tckhnologii i perevod: uchcb. posobic dlya stud, perevod. fak. vyssh. uchcb. zavedenij. [Modem information technology and translation: a textbook for students of translation departments of universities]- M.: Akadcmiya, 2008.

Shornikova O.N. IKT-kompctcntnost' как glavnaya sostavlyayushchaya informacionnoj kul'tury budushchego specialist [ICT competence as the main component of the information culture of a future specialist] // Sovrcmcnnyc naukocmkic tckhnologii. - 2010. - № 2. - S. 66-67

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