Формирование коммуникативной компетенции в обучении английскому языку

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Джалилова, Н. (2022). Формирование коммуникативной компетенции в обучении английскому языку. in Library, 22(1), 188–190. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/20541


Основной целью обучения иностранным языкам является формирование, совершенствование и развитие личности, способной достичь необходимого уровня коммуникативной компетентности. В статье рассматривается понятие коммуникативной компетенции с различных точек зрения и определяются активные формы и методы обучения английскому языку. Авторы анализируют такие понятия, как «компетентность», «коммуникативная компетентность», «речь», «интерпретационная деятельность», «интерактивные методы», «активные формы обучения», «творческая деятельность», «совместное обучение».

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Для успешного обучения аудированию

немаловажное значение имеет правильное ре-

шение вопроса о возможности многократного

предъявления одного и того же аудиотекста.

При настройке на последующий пересказ или

обсуждение текста рекомендуется дважды и

трижды предъявлять аудиотекст в уроке. По-

вторному прослушиванию должна предше-

ствовать формулировка новой практической

задачи, которая мобилизует студентов для бо-

лее глубокого понимания.

Давлетьярова Н. И.



Ключевые слова:

аудио текст, слушание, технология, знания, аудирование, методы, методоло-

гические правила, деятельность, цель, понимание, образовательный

Nowadays, the ability to communicate in a

foreign language has particular importance with

the development of international cooperation.

The success of communication (as the essence of

communicative competence) depends not only on

the speaker’s desire to make contact, but also on

the ability to realize the speech intention, which

depends on the degree of proficiency in language

units, and the ability to use them in specific speech

situations. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse

what is communicative competence.

Communicative competence can be

defined as a set of skills that allow a person to

choose appropriate models of speech behavior

depending on the communication situation. Ac-

cording to D. Himes, the scientist who introduced

this concept into use, the essence of communica-

tive competencies is to know “when to speak and

when to be silent, what to talk about, with whom,

when, where, in what form”.

We are constantly interacting with oth-

er people, and we cannot refuse verbal commu-

nication. Therefore, mastering these skills is fun-

damental to our personal and social development.

We use them now of speaking, listening, reading

and writing.

It is necessary to be able to adequately

interact with colleagues, make the right decisions

even in stressful situations and overcome difficul-

ties of a different nature. It is one of the reasons

of why communicative competence is valuable

every time.

According to the Resolution of the

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated

July 27, 2017 No PP-3151 “On measures to fur-

ther expand the participation of economic sectors

and industries in improving the quality of train-

ing of higher education” special attention is paid

to such tasks as the organization of exchanges.

The issue of bringing future staff to the level of

international standards, their perfect command

of foreign languages, including English, is on the

agenda. The mutual integration of specialization

and English language sciences in medical higher

education requires the development of a method-

ology to ensure interdisciplinary coherence, with

a view to designing and ensuring a mature profes-

sional level. Effective mechanisms of profession-

al competence for a medical specialist are charac-

terized by the diversity of professional programs

in the period up to professional-methodological

competence, flexibility to the requirements of the

modern world. At the same time, the new model

of English language teaching methodology in the

higher education system, in line with the condi-

tions of reforming the higher education system,

defines a modern image of future professionals in

the field of medicine.

When teaching communicative com-

petencies, teacher must be good communicator.

It is impossible to transfer effectively this knowl-

edge without being a suitable role model.

Foreign language communication is

based on the theory of speech activity. Communi-

cative teaching of a foreign language is of an ac-

tivity nature, since verbal communication is car-

Djalilova N.D.


Tashkent pediatric medical institute

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ried out through “speech activity”, which, in turn,

serves to solve the problems of productive human

activity in the conditions of “social interaction” of

communicating people.

Teaching foreign languages for ESP in

various universities takes a responsibility for pre-

paring well-qualified specialists in each spheres.

In our case, we teach English for future doctors.

At our lessons, we try to give a material on spe-

cialty and at the same time to define students’

comprehension of the given topic and their coop-

eration to it.

Materials and methods

This investigation is concerned to lin-

guistic and methods of teaching EL, so we learn

various sources and literature, and use the meth-

ods of scientific investigation as analyses, synthe-

ses, deduction.

Modern research emphasizes the im-

portance of tasks such as improving interactive

teaching methods and creating curricula tailored

to modern specializations for further enhance stu-

dents’ language skills in teaching English at uni-

versities of different specializations, the urgency

of sincerity and trust between student and teacher

needs to be emphasized. 1]. Increasing penetra-

tion of English into the modern global economy

“as a product of production” indicates that it is

invaluable in global economic and social develop-

ment. [2] The importance of new mechanisms for

improving the quality of undergraduate programs

in the training of future professionals is also em-

phasized. The concept of professional compe-

tence, such as the manifestation of components

in the form of constructive, diagnostic, communi-

cative mechanisms, the active involvement of all

participants in the pedagogical process is defined

as another interpretation of [4].

It is advisable to determine the level of

English language literacy of students today in ac-

cordance with the requirements of the Council of

Europe’s Common European Framework of Ref-

erence (CEFR). It reflects the four indicators of the

level of knowledge of a foreign language, ie the

requirements and criteria for language acquisition

in the context of listening comprehension, oral

communication, reading and written expression

of ideas [5]. However, it should be noted that for-

eign language teaching programs are not always

effective. If the teacher is purposeful, his actions

and activities are aimed at achieving a high level

of language learning of students, he will continue

to set the necessary requirements, and by trying to

meet these requirements in a timely manner, will

be able to achieve real success. It is important for

language learners to have the following require-

ments [6]:

1. Motivation

2. Diligence.

3. Aspiration.

4. Desire and will.

In addition to professional language skills,

it is important to consider principles, professional

maturity, organization, intelligence, observation,

fairness, a culture of acceptance of criticism, the

ability to persuade and interest others, and other



While the professional potential of the

teacher affects the quality of education, the goal

is to build professional competence in the student,

creating a solid foundation for this by spending

certain resources. Continuous professional devel-

opment of teachers and the improvement of active

forms of education is of particular importance. It is

important and up-to-date to find the optimal forms

for future doctors to have positive emotions and

good mood that satisfy their learning of English

during the period of growth within their profes-

sional potential. The issue of professional compe-

tence requires flexibility and mobility, as well as

flexibility, given the existing models and methods

in terms of language teaching. Vocational training

is a process related to the real needs of customers

and consumers, which is constantly evolving and

improving over time. Finding solutions to such

problems as the lack of qualified teaching staff in

medical higher education, the lack of cooperation

with foreign educational institutions is one of the

main issues on the educational reform today.


The quality of the process of teaching En-

glish for further enhancing the professional com-

petence of medical students is mainly reflected in

the following forms:

1. The higher the level of English language

learning environment in medical universities, as

well as the level of language proficiency of ped-

agogical staff of specialized departments, experts

and scientists, the greater the desire of other staff

and students to learn languages.

2. Setting correct priorities, adaptation of

professional interests to modern standards, con-

venience of the environment, and high level of

knowledge of languages by specialists in the field

- all this creates favorable conditions for public

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language learning, effective results, and self-gov-


3. It is important that the medical higher

education institution creates the necessary envi-

ronment and conditions for English teachers in

adopting its motivational strategy for students’

English language acquisition, taking into account

the specifics of the specialty and the field.

The issues of English language skills of

future medical staff, their competence in this area

is an important factor in achieving high results in

a way that meets the requirements of the global-

ization process.


1. Clement, T. Murugavel. English for Employability: A Case Study of the English Language Training

Needs Analysis for Engineering Students in India. English LanguageTeaching; Vol. 8, No. 2; 2015.

2. M.Jeon. Native-English speaking teacher’s experience in East-Asian language programs. System

88(2020) 102178.

3. Yunping Ye. EAP for undergraduate science and engineering students in an EFL context: What should

we teach? Ampersand 7 (2020).

4. Kuzmina, N. V. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and the skill of industrial training.

Kuzmina. M.: High school.1990.p.198.

5. Hewings, M. A history of ESP through English for Specific Purposes. English for Specific Purposes

World, UK 2002.

6. Djalilova N.D. Learning English as the most important element of professional competence of future

doctors. NUU, [1/3/1], 2021:145-148

Chet tillarini o’qitishning asosiy maqsa-

di kommunikativ kompetentsiyaga ega shaxsni

shakllantirish, takomillashtirish va rivojlantirish-

dir. Maqolada kommunikativ kompetentsiya tus-

hunchasi turli nuqtai nazarlardan ko’rib chiqiladi

va ingliz tilini o’qitishning faol shakllari va usul-

lari aniqlanadi. Muallif“kompetentlik”, “kom-

munikativ kompetensiya”, “nutq”, “tarjimon

faoliyat”, “interfaol usullar”, “ta’limning faol

shakllari”, “ijodiy faoliyat”, “birgalikda o‘qitish”

kabi tushunchalarni tahlil qiladi.

Djalilova N.D.



Kalit so’zlar:

aloqa, kompetentsiya, kommunikativ kompetentsiyani shakllantirish, CEFR, o’qitish

usullari, ko’nikmalar, xatti-harakatlar, samarali usullar, tibbiyot.

Основной целью обучения иностранным язы-

кам является формирование, совершенствова-

ние и развитие личности, способной достичь

необходимого уровня коммуникативной ком-

петентности. В статье рассматривается поня-

тие коммуникативной компетенции с различ-

ных точек зрения и определяются активные

формы и методы обучения английскому язы-

ку. Авторы анализируют такие понятия, как

«компетентность», «коммуникативная ком-

петентность», «речь», «интерпретационная

деятельность», «интерактивные методы», «ак-

тивные формы обучения», «творческая дея-

тельность», «совместное обучение».

Джалилова Н.Д.



Ключевые слова:

коммуникация, компетентность, формирование коммуникативной компе-

тентности, CEFR, методы обучения, навыки, поведение, эффективные способы, медицина.

Библиографические ссылки

Clement, T. Murugavel. English for Employability: A Case Study of the English Language Training Needs Analysis for Engineering Students in India. English LanguageTeaching; Vol. 8, No. 2; 2015.

M.Jeon. Native-English speaking teacher’s experience in East-Asian language programs. System 88(2020) 102178.

Yunping Ye. EAP for undergraduate science and engineering students in an EFL context: What should we teach? Ampersand 7 (2020).

Kuzmina, N. V. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and the skill of industrial training. Kuzmina. M.: High school.1990.p.198.

Hewings, M. A history of ESP through English for Specific Purposes. English for Specific Purposes World, UK 2002.

Djalilova N.D. Learning English as the most important element of professional competence of future doctors. NUU, [1/3/1], 2021:145-148

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