Формы и методы работы по формированию речных навыков на основе кредитно-модульной системы

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Исматова, Ю. (2024). Формы и методы работы по формированию речных навыков на основе кредитно-модульной системы. in Library, 1(1), 1–4. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/24909
Юлдуз Исматова, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков




When quantitatively comparing the methods of the classroom work block with the blocks of independent and self-guided work, it becomes obvious that the number is almost the same, despite the fact that fewer hours are allotted for classroom work. We believe that in such a situation, the methods of classroom work should also be varied in order to motivate students to be active in the classroom.

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International Engineering Journal For Research & Development



Ismatova Yulduz Numon kizi

Researcher of SamSIFL

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When quantitatively comparing the methods of the classroom work block with the blocks of independent and self-

guided work, it becomes obvious that the number is almost the same, despite the fact that fewer hours are allotted

for classroom work. We believe that in such a situation, the methods of classroom work should also be varied in

order to motivate students to be active in the classroom.

Key words: vocabulary, Milling Activity, pair work, compilation of dialogs, Information Gap Activity,

Fill in the Gaps, jigsaw activity, role-playing games.

According to the model of teaching the speaking of pedagogy bachelors at the initial stage, based on the credit-

modular system of form and working techniques, are divided into three blocks: an auditorial work unit, a student

of independent work and a block of controlled independent work of students.

Thus, all methods will be divided according to these blocks [5]:

1. The block of auditorial work includes the following methods:

- dictations on thematic vocabulary;

- compilation of dialogs on paper (Paper Conversation);

- Search for answers to the question (Milling Activity);

- work with cards, pictures, supporting words;

- compilation of dialogs;

- pair work (Open \ Closed Pair Work);

- tasks for clarifying the missing information (Information Gap Activity);

- Filling spaces in the text (Fill in the Gaps);

- repeat tasks (jigsaw activity);

- Guessing Games;

- role-playing games;

- staging;

- Simulation of communication;

- discussion and debate;

- Oral performance.

2. The following methods includes the following methods:

- performing training exercises;

- memorization of poetry (CHANTS);

- completing tasks in writing;

- listening and recording of authentic statements;

- filling in spaces;

- Research (Surveys);

- project work;

- Preparation for discussions, debate, staging.

3. The block of controlled independent work of students includes:

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International Engineering Journal For Research & Development

- performing training exercises;

- Search for answers to the question (Milling Activities);

- Modeling conversation through the Internet (Computer-Mediated Chat);

- Copying (REWRITING);

- reading aloud;

- pair work (Open \ Closed Pairwork);

- work with cards, pictures, supporting words;

Let's consider each method separately in more detail.

The implementation of training exercises involves the purposeful development of a speech action, its repeated

reproduction in order to memorize the linguistic phenomenon and automate the skill. As training exercises,

imitative-reproductive substitution, transformational exercises with individual words and sentences can be


Learning by heart (chants)

– in this case, this is one of the varieties of training exercises, and since chants

are small educational humorous verses, memorization is easier.

Completing tasks in writing

is one of the important methods for developing speaking skills at the initial

stage, as it allows you to smooth the moment of transition from memorization to speaking. The student first

completes the task in writing and then reads the result. In the future, the stage of writing is omitted.

The task of finding answers to the question (milling activities)

is one of the most productive methods of

work. Students ask questions, completing the task of the teacher, and write down the results in tablets. Such work

allows not only to work out the skill of the question, but also to diversify the lesson, since students communicate

not only with those who are next to them, but with the whole group.

Dictations on thematic vocabulary

allow both the teacher and the students to track their progress in the

study of thematic vocabulary.

Listening and recording authentic statements

allows students to form a "sense of language", to form further

spontaneity and authenticity of statements.

Fill in the gaps in authentic statements (fill in the gaps)

– students are provided with the text of an authentic

statement with a gap in the statement. The gap is hidden, students need to find this gap in the statement and fill it

with the necessary phrases.

Drawing up a dialogue on paper (paper conversation)

– an imitation of a dialogue, but in writing. Students

work in pairs, each writes his line on a common sheet of paper, the resulting dialogues are read out. While students

write, the teacher gets the opportunity to control the correctness of the assignment and writing.

Modeling a conversation via the Internet (computer-mediated chat)

is possible only with sufficient

technical support for the learning process - this task can be performed as an independent and classroom work.

Students exchange short messages via e-mail. You can check these messages later. This “slow communication”

allows learners to more clearly form the statement before writing and sending it.

Modification of the source text (rewriting)

– students are given the task of modifying, adapting, improving

the dialogue or monologue proposed by the teacher. The proposed option is presented to students either on the

board, or each student receives an individual option. Students can receive the following options for this task:

• make the statement more/less formal;

• increase the length of replicas;

• use an ellipse;

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• use more means of logical connection;

• make the statement more idiomatic.

Reading aloud

improves intonation and pausing skills. At the initial stage of learning, this is especially

important, since the greatest number of errors in speaking is associated not only with grammar, but also with


Drawing up dialogues

is one of the most ancient methods of teaching speaking, since in general the process

of speaking is an exchange of remarks. Students can present the dialogue alone or with the teacher.

Pair work (open/closed pair work)

is an organizational form of team work, during which students in pairs

carry out joint activities aimed at solving the problem. There are two types of pair work: open (open pair) and

closed (closed pair). Work in open pairs precedes work in closed pairs. Closed pairs are not fully controlled by

the teacher. Participants of open pairs can change, they can be in different parts of the audience. Their work is

easily controlled by the teacher and serves as a preparation for work in closed pairs without the help of a teacher.

Working with cards, pictures, keywords allow you to model a monologue statement, teach you how to

work with keywords or theses of the statement.

The task to clarify the missing information (information gap activity)

is an exercise aimed at exchanging

information according to the “mosaic” type. Helps students to establish communication with a lack of knowledge

on the proposed topic. Helps develop language guessing and the skill of using the means of logical connection.

Tasks for repetition (jigsaw activity)

– students need to reproduce the situation in the most detailed way in

a short period.

Researches (surveys)

– one of the tasks for finding answers to questions (milling activity) - are

distinguished by long-term and more clearly prepared action plan. Research can be done in pairs, groups or

individually. As a rule, research refers to the independent work of students.

Oral presentation (presentation)

– the speech of one of the students in front of the study group with a brief

or relatively detailed statement on a specific topic. Oral presentation involves the following construction: 1) a

brief introduction, including the main idea and the statement of the purpose of the speech; 2) detailed presentation

of information, development of the main idea - justification, clarification, explanation; 3) conclusions and

conclusion; 4) invitation to discussion.

In general, by definition, I.A. Zimnyaya and T.E. Sakharova, “a project is a work independently planned

and implemented by schoolchildren, in which verbal communication is woven into the intellectual and emotional

context of another activity” [60, 10]. It is believed that the preparation and implementation of one's own creative

projects is the final stage of a certain cycle of work on the development and improvement of skills in all types of

speech activity.

The project is usually designed for a long time, it can be individual or for a small group. The main feature

of this method is that the role of the teacher in this case is not the leading one. The project is an independent type

of work, therefore it cannot be strictly regulated and controlled by the teacher.





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International Engineering Journal For Research & Development


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Библиографические ссылки

Cameron, В Working with Spoken Discourse - Sage Publications, 2001/

Carter, К and McCarthy, M Exploring Spoken English, Cambridge University Press, 1997/

Curch C. Modular Courses in British Higher Education// A critical assessment in Higher Education Bulletin. - 1975. Vol. 3.

Common European Framework of Reference: Language, Testing and Assessment. Cambridge University Press, 2001. - 276 p.

Варенова Л.И., Куклин В.Ж., Наводнов В.Г. Рейтинговая интенсивная технология модульного обучения. - М., 1993. - 67 с.

Зимняя И.А., Сахарова Т.Е., Проектная методика обучения английскому языку / /Иностранный язык в школе. - 1991. - № 3. - С. 9-15.

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