ISSN 2660-9630 Volume 11, 2021 || 74 | Page
To Study the Epizootological Status of Trichophytia in Cattle
Breeding in the Conditions of Uzbekistan
Usmonova Khadicha Zhurraevna
doctoral student Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
This article examines the epizootiology of trichophytes occurring in the cattle population,
depending on the season of the year. Lighting in the context of the breeding seasons of the fungus
trichophytes of cattle during the study.
cattle, bees, mirage, pit, dysenfection, Uzbekistan, insects pharms, epizootology
Date of Submission: 15-10-2021
Date of Acceptance: 29-11-2021
At the present stage, the actual problem of industrial livestock production is the
development of methods for increasing the safety of young animals
At present, trichophytia (herpes) is an infectious fungal disease of the skin and its appendages
caused by zoophilis, anthropophilis and geofilus trichophytones that affect animals and humans.
This is one of the most common fungal diseases, registered in more than 120 countries of the world.
Trichophyte disease is causing great economic damage. In addition, the country has a tendency to
worsen the ecological situation as a result of the spread of chowid-19 disease, which leads to a
decrease in the immunity of animals and humans and, as a result, an increase in the number of fungi
among humans.Livestock farming is an important branch of our country's agriculture and plays an
important role in meeting the needs of our people for livestock products.
To date, our republic requires the development of cattle breeding. The main reason for this is the
breeding of cattle imported from foreign countries, as well as the high content of meat and dairy
It is desirable to preserve this productivity to increase their off spring, as well as to provide farmers
farms in various regions and districts of the country and the population with quality livestock.
For the same reason, breeding cattle brought from foreign countries are kept in quarantine for 40
days. The goal is to prevent various infectious diseases, so that it does not spread to other regions,
and therefore also fungi. Unfortunately, the cause of non-compliance with the rules of quarantine in
some pedigree farms, various infectious and trichophytic diseases are also on the rise. The incidence
of diseases with trichophytia (herpes) in cattle of breeding conditions in Uzbekistan is decreasing
compared to previous years. Taking into account the fact that in veterinary practice so far the region
on trichophytsia in cattle has not reached scientific conclusion, the main purpose of my research is
to study the epizootology of trichophytsia in cattle breeding in the conditions of Uzbekistan.
Level of study of the problem:
Long observations show that the width of the trichopheton
verrcosum fungi spread can vary significantly. This situation is due to the wider development of
international relations and the increased export of animals. A.X.Cistern, L.I.Moskov, V.P.Korlats
European Journal of Life Safety and Stability 75 | Page
(1956) - noted that trichophytia in cattle occurs mainly in winter during the year, less often in early
spring and late autumn, and much less often in summer. 1970 in UzbekistanT.Rasulov goes out of
the outbreaks in the winter months of cattle trichophytia mainly bulleted calf disease under the age
of one. Analyzing the literature on herpes, published in 1960-1970 years, the disease began mainly
in months August-September among the calves, in the autumn and winter seasons it was mentioned
that the trichophytia fungus is very common, in the early spring months it meets little.
My research shows that the disease was found to be more common during the 2018 year, mainly in
the autumn and winter seasons. In the season 2019 year, there were lesions with a scaly shape in the
spring and summer seasons. In 2020-2021 years, cattle of different ages encountered a lot of
subspecies forms of trichophytia, mainly in December of winter, in November of autumn, in the
neck and head parts.
Purpose of the research:
Epizootic analysis of trichophytia (herpes) fungi, which are found in
cattle breeding farms in the conditions of Uzbekistan.
Material and methods:
Studies 2020-2021 the population of Pastdargom District of the Samarkand
region in December, October, November. “Risqi bride» "Gulistan Rayon perspective", "Inomjon
Fayz", located in the northern region, diagnosis of trichophytia diseases of sick animals in the
farmer's farm, on the upper part of the skin in black moles, black spots of herpes appeared in
circular forms. Animals examined in the laboratory, taking into account the clinical signs of the
disease, epizootological data, age, type, during the life of the animal, examined the fungi itself or
examined under a microscope of the larynx, examined which species it has fungi, were diagnosed.
For inspection, each infected mole is taken from the place of injury. Take 6-10 pieces of damaged
wool fiber, put in a cup of petri dish and pour 5gr of 10% tame natri solution. After 20-30 minutes,
we drip a drop of 50% glycyrin into the mirror of the microscope object and collect 6 pieces of
feathers on it we check it with the average size of the microscope by closing the top with a mirror of
Yuka glue. Trichopheton verrcosum fungusshirish UM was taken according to generally accepted
European Journal of Life Safety and Stability 76 | Page
Inspection results and their analysis:
It was carried out on a farmer's farm on the chosen topic. 33
chief Simmental bride from the Polish country in the farmer's farm "Tony germm", their weight in
the meat-milk direction is up to 550-600 kg. Cattle were carried out profilactic activities in early
spring March and autumn September. Suction was sufficient, in closed mulch, dysenfection works
were carried out in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases.
The vaccine LTF-130 was injected twice a month in order to prevent the disease of trichophytes of
cattle in the farm. In this farm, the disease of trichophytia is pronounced. For the purpose of
catching diseases, preventive measures were carried out in a timely manner.
Table 1.the degree of study of the epizootic state of the farmer's farm.
The name of
the pharm
of cows
The drug is
in dosage
33 prime
“Gulistan Rayon
576 prime
“Inomjon fayz”
310 prime
“Imkon chorva”
Up to 3
“Yurti jom”
Sulfur 10%-
"Gulistan light perspective" the breeding farm has 576 head cattle, which are economical for
breeding and dairy direction of the
between 8-10 gr skin depending on the living weight of the ivermectin preparations three times a
month against trichophytia pathogens every 10 days, the disease did not suffer as a result of our
"Inomjon Fayz" in this Farm 310 head cattle were breed
infected with trichophytia disease. The disease was treated by injecting 5 gr from the drug
ivermectin into the skin for 20 days, divided into groups.
In the breed of "possible cattle" there are 350 head cattle, in
pathogens, the disease did not occur as a result of our injection between 8
on the living weight of ivermectin preparations three times a m
"Land risk" there are 580 head cattle,
trichophytia. Therefore, among cattle, the disease of trichophytia was manifested.
groups, 10% Sulfur, 20 gr mesneviski ointment o
daystirib between the muscles I lost butamine 5 gr injection. 10 days later, wool began to grow from
the place of injures.
The reason for the low Meeting of the trichophytia fungus, the year ca
a result of the nutritious and vitamin
diseases. Dysenfection with formalin
outflow of diseases.
Timely mechanical cleaning and profilactic dezinfection of inespector employ
Livestock Development Department in population and breeding farms in the territory of Samarkand
region is an important condition for prevention of infectious diseases.
List of used literature:
Stepanova Zh.V. Fungal diseases. Diagn
M.: Kron-Press, 1996. -
Stepanova Zh.V. On the issue of chronic trichophytia in children In the book: Successes of
medical mycology
European Journal
"Gulistan light perspective" the breeding farm has 576 head cattle, which are economical for
breeding and dairy direction of the "golshtin" breed from Germany, and in this farm we injec
10 gr skin depending on the living weight of the ivermectin preparations three times a
month against trichophytia pathogens every 10 days, the disease did not suffer as a result of our
"Inomjon Fayz" in this Farm 310 head cattle were breeding-oriented, of which 6 head cattle were
infected with trichophytia disease. The disease was treated by injecting 5 gr from the drug
ivermectin into the skin for 20 days, divided into groups.
he breed of "possible cattle" there are 350 head cattle, in this farm against trichophytsia
pathogens, the disease did not occur as a result of our injection between 8
on the living weight of ivermectin preparations three times a month every 10 days.
"Land risk" there are 580 head cattle, no measures have been carried out for the disease of
trichophytia. Therefore, among cattle, the disease of trichophytia was manifested.
groups, 10% Sulfur, 20 gr mesneviski ointment on the injured skin once a day the process lasts 6
between the muscles I lost butamine 5 gr injection. 10 days later, wool began to grow from
The reason for the low Meeting of the trichophytia fungus, the year ca
a result of the nutritious and vitamin-rich nutrition of cattle did not come up with various infectious
diseases. Dysenfection with formalin-chlorinated lime from time to time in the mulch prevented the
cleaning and profilactic dezinfection of inespector employ
Livestock Development Department in population and breeding farms in the territory of Samarkand
region is an important condition for prevention of infectious diseases.
Stepanova Zh.V. Fungal diseases. Diagnostics, modern methods of treatment, prevention.
164 p.
Stepanova Zh.V. On the issue of chronic trichophytia in children In the book: Successes of
Journal of Life Safety and Stability
77 | Page
"Gulistan light perspective" the breeding farm has 576 head cattle, which are economical for
"golshtin" breed from Germany, and in this farm we inject
10 gr skin depending on the living weight of the ivermectin preparations three times a
month against trichophytia pathogens every 10 days, the disease did not suffer as a result of our
oriented, of which 6 head cattle were
infected with trichophytia disease. The disease was treated by injecting 5 gr from the drug
this farm against trichophytsia
-10 gr of skin, depending
onth every 10 days.
no measures have been carried out for the disease of
trichophytia. Therefore, among cattle, the disease of trichophytia was manifested. Cattle are in
n the injured skin once a day the process lasts 6
between the muscles I lost butamine 5 gr injection. 10 days later, wool began to grow from
The reason for the low Meeting of the trichophytia fungus, the year came hot. And as
nutrition of cattle did not come up with various infectious
chlorinated lime from time to time in the mulch prevented the
cleaning and profilactic dezinfection of inespector employees of Veterinary and
Livestock Development Department in population and breeding farms in the territory of Samarkand
ostics, modern methods of treatment, prevention. -
Stepanova Zh.V. On the issue of chronic trichophytia in children In the book: Successes of
European Journal of Life Safety and Stability 78 | Page
Baradiev.N.B. confirmed the zooanthropon character of the disease. This situation has
increased the relevance of the study of steam trichophytosis for the development of Veterinary
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