Современные требования к лечению дерматозов (псориаза, экземы) сложной этиологии, трихофитии у человека, овец и коз

Google Scholar
Усмонова, Х., Избасаров, У., Мамадуллаев, Г., & Рузиев , З. (2022). Современные требования к лечению дерматозов (псориаза, экземы) сложной этиологии, трихофитии у человека, овец и коз. in Library, 22(2), 684–687. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/30522
Хадича Усмонова, Ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт
Ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт, Научно-исследовательская лаборатория туберкулеза, участник проекта, аспирант
У Избасаров, Ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт
Профессор Самаркандского государственного университета ветеринарной медицины, животноводства и биотехнологий
Г Мамадуллаев, Ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт
Доктор ветеринарных наук
З Рузиев , Ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт
Кандидат ветеринарных наук


В статье представлены данные исследований авторов по использованию лекарственных растений для лечения дерматозов (псориаз, экзема) сложной этиологии, трихофитии у человека, овец и коз. Впервые разработанные авторами фитопрепараты с использованием новой технологии вакуумно-криогенного измельчения лекарственных растений при температуре -1960С применяются для лечения кожных заболеваний, при этом влага испаряется из растений без нарушения биологически активных компонентов и всех макро- и микроэлементы в растениях остаются нетронутыми. Результаты лечения дерматозов следующие: псориаз - 31 человек, выздоровели 27 (80-85%), экзема - 38 человек, выздоровели 25 (75-80%). Результаты лечения трихофитии овец: 56 голов, выздоровели 53 (95%), трихофитии телят: 38 голов, выздоровели 33 (90%).

Похожие статьи

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European Multidisciplinary Journal of

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Modern Requirements for the Treatment of Dermatoses

(Psoriasis, Eczema) of Complex Etiology, Trichophytosis in

Humans, Sheep and Goats

U. K. Izbasarov

Professor, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine,

Livestock and Biotechnologies

G. Kh. Mamadullaev

Doctor of veterinary sciences, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine,

Livestock and Biotechnologies

Z. E. Ruziev

Candidate of veterinary sciences, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine,

Livestock and Biotechnologies

Kh. Zh. Usmonova

Assistant, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine,

Livestock and Biotechnologies


: The article presents data from the authors' studies concerning the use of medicinal

plants for the treatment of dermatoses (psoriasis, eczema) of complex etiology, trichophytosis in humans,
sheep and goats. For the first time, phytopreparations developed by the authors using a new technology
of vacuum-cryogenic crushing of medicinal plants at -1960C are used for the treatment of skin diseases,
while moisture is evaporated from plants without disturbing biologically active components, and all
macro- and microelements in plants remain unharmed. The results of treatment of dermatosis are as
follows: psoriasis - 31 people, 27 (80-85%) recovered, eczema - 38 people, 25 (75-80%) recovered. The
results of treatment of trichophytosis of sheep: 56 heads, 53 (95%) recovered, trichophytosis of calves:
38 heads, 33 (90%) recovered.


Plants, herbal remedies, eczema, psoriasis, trichophytosis, vacuum cryogenic



According to WHO (2021), 2-7% of the world's population suffers from

dermatoses, and in the Republic of Uzbekistan, skin diseases affect up to 10-12% of the
population. Recommended pharmacological synthetic agents do not always lead to the
desired results.

Among the medicinal plants of Central Asia, a huge number of plants (about 1700 species
I.A. Akopov, 1986) grows in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Since ancient times, such plants as
licorice, ak-kurai, Richter's hodgepodge, large celandine, wormwood, common pomegranate,
leafless anabasis, common almond, harmala, sage and many others have been widely used in
scientific medicine. Almost 40% of medicinal plants are used in pharmacological practice.
Even the great Avicenna once said that great celandine cures about 250 diseases. About the
importance of medicinal plants, V. Stanifort (1974) wrote: "Despite the significant progress
in science and technology, humanity is not less, but more dependent on plants as natural

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resources." S. Peisakhovich (1935) isolated 0.1 g of phytoestrogens similar to the female
hormone lutein from 1 kg of mountain onion.

Goals and objectives of the study.

The aim of the research is to develop a technology for the

manufacture of phytopreparations from the local flora and fauna of Uzbekistan and their
application in practice in veterinary medicine, as well as in medicine.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

Study of the flora and fauna of Uzbekistan for the development of herbal medicines for
veterinary medicine and medicine.

Development and improvement of technology for the manufacture of phytopreparations.

Production of complex preparations based on biologically active substances of plants and
animal tissues.

Testing of manufactured new complex drugs for the prevention and treatment of skin and
gynecological diseases.

It is advisable in the future to expand the development, production of local raw materials for
the treatment of dermatoses of complex etiology (psoriasis, eczema, trichophytosis, etc.).

Material and research methodology. The employees studied the flora and fauna of
Uzbekistan. More than 100 medicinal plants growing in the Samarkand region were selected
for analysis. We analyzed the macro-microelement composition using luminescent
apparatuses (SamSU and Moscow State University) and spectrophotometers "Saturn-1" and
"Saturn-2". More than 40 macro-microelement indicators were revealed. From the extracts of
medicinal plants, their decoctions and infusions, ointments, liniments, extracts were made
using a new technology using BUF-15, BUF-30, vacuum-cryogenic crushing of medicinal
plants in order to manufacture living biologically active components from them.

The development of methods for identifying biologically active components of medicinal
plants and the technology for the manufacture of phytopreparations is based on the method
modified by Izbasarova, 2015.

For the manufacture of complex herbal preparations, an extract of the necessary medicinal
plants was added to the placenta extract.

General spectral analyzes and laboratory studies were carried out in the clinical laboratories
of the Samara State Medical University, Samara State University and the vivarium of
Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnologies.

The manufactured herbal preparations were tested for toxicity and harmlessness on laboratory
30 white mice, 15 rabbits according to the generally accepted method. After confirming the
positive results, the phytopreparations were tested on farm animals, as well as on voluntary
human patients with dermatoses of complex etiology (psoriasis, eczema, trichophytosis). The
data obtained during the study showed that the percentage of recovery is: 85-90% for humans
and 70-75% for animals.

Research results.

The manufactured new complex preparation was examined for

harmlessness, toxicity and carcinogenicity on white laboratory mice, which were observed
for 28-30 days. During this period, no clinical abnormalities were observed compared to
control animals. At the same time, the experimental mice grew and developed more
intensively. This was established by periodic weighing of the animals. Based on this,
ointments and liniments were made on the basis of a complex preparation for the treatment of
dermatoses of complex etiology (psoriasis and eczema in humans and trichophytosis in

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European Multidisciplinary Journal of

Modern Science



sheep). After appropriate treatments of the affected areas, the manufactured complex
ointments and liniments were applied twice with an interval of 5-10 days. The results of the
research showed that after the use of manufactured ointments and liniments, recovery
occurred in 28-30 days for psoriasis, 17-18 days for eczema, and 10-12 days for sheep

In order to increase the effectiveness of the newly created drugs, in addition, they included
those made from local raw materials of plant origin (extracts, ointments, liniments,
anthelmintics) for the treatment of dermatoses of complex etiology (psoriasis, eczema, animal
trichophytosis, etc.).

We are developing new complexes for ozonation of our herbal remedies before use. For
preliminary use, our new phytopreparations were first subjected to ozonation in different
exposures. Clinical trials were carried out using an ozonizer. When ozonizing, the volume,
consistency and type of preparation were taken into account. Based on the readings of the
ozonizer, the ozonation exposure in minutes is worked out for the first time. For a
comparative study of the effectiveness of ozonation, a session of using the drugs was carried
out for 5-10 and 30 minutes. For this, the CNANS Universal Ozone Purifier "Cheynes" was

Ozonation of sunflower oil, liniment, extracts, anthelmintics was carried out. Preliminary
preclinical tests have shown that ozonated preparations do not change their basic properties,
but at the same time accelerate the healing process and do not have side effects. For example,
tests of ozonized drugs for endometritis, trichomoniasis etiology in calves, sheep, goats
resulted in a complete recovery, while the recovery time was reduced by 3-4 days compared
with treatment with other recommended chemical and synthetic drugs. After that, they started
testing other manufactured and ozonized herbal remedies.

So, for example, for the treatment of dermatoses of complex etiology (psoriasis, eczema,
trichophytosis), we ozonated herbal remedies in the same exposure.

The results of treatment of dermatosis are as follows: psoriasis - 31 people, 27 (80-85%)
recovered, eczema - 38 people, 25 (75-80%) recovered. At the same time, the terms of
treatment of patients were reduced by 1.5-2.0 times compared with traditional ointments
(Larendem "A", Diprosolik, Mikozolon).

Thus, new areas of treatment with ozonized phytopreparations can be recommended for
widespread use in veterinary medicine and for the treatment of dermatoses (psoriasis,
eczema) of complex etiology, trichophytosis in humans, sheep and goats.


. Based on the biologically active macro-microelements we have identified, we

have produced phytopreparations using our own technology, which we successfully use in
medical and veterinary practice for the prevention and treatment of diseases in humans and
animals. Manufactured complex phytopreparations with good efficiency can be used for
trichophytosis of sheep, as well as for the treatment of dermatoses of complex etiology
(psoriasis and eczema) in humans. The results of many years of research by Professor U.K.


After the use of phytopreparations (ointments) for the treatment of dermatoses of complex
etiology (psoriasis and eczema), the recovery was: psoriasis - 80-85%, eczema - 75-80%.


Results of treatment of trichophytosis in sheep - 95%, trichophytosis in calves - 90%.


In the future, it is advisable to expand the development and use of phytopreparations for
veterinary medicine.


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Abu Ali ibn Sino. "The Canon of Medicine", Volume 1-5, 2nd ed. Academy of Sciences
of the Uzbek SSR, Tashkent, 1982.


Akopov I.E. The most important domestic medicinal plants and their use. T., 1986, p.


Izbasarov U.K. "Treatment with medicinal herbs". Monograph. Samarkand, 2015. 387 p.


Peisakhovich S. Phytotherapy in medicine. 1935. p.300


Staniforth W. The case for conservind plauts spectrum (cor Brit), 1974, no. 159

Библиографические ссылки

After the use of phytopreparations (ointments) for the treatment of dermatoses of complex etiology (psoriasis and eczema), the recovery was: psoriasis - 80-85%, eczema - 75-80%.

Results of treatment of trichophytosis in sheep - 95%, trichophytosis in calves - 90%.

In the future, it is advisable to expand the development and use of phytopreparations for veterinary medicine.

Abu Ali ibn Sino. "The Canon of Medicine", Volume 1-5, 2nd ed. Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR, Tashkent, 1982.

Akopov I.E. The most important domestic medicinal plants and their use. T., 1986, p. 250.

Izbasarov U.K. "Treatment with medicinal herbs". Monograph. Samarkand, 2015. 387 p.

Peisakhovich S. Phytotherapy in medicine. 1935. p.300

Staniforth W. The case for conservind plauts spectrum (cor Brit), 1974, no. 159

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