Creating an electronic educational environment in educational institutions in conditions of digitalization of education

Хаитов, Б. (2023). Creating an electronic educational environment in educational institutions in conditions of digitalization of education. Современные тенденции инновационного развития науки и образования в глобальном мире, 1(3), 267–271.
Бекзод Хаитов, Кокандский государственный педагогический институт

Теория и методика обучения и воспитания 1 ступень, докторант



The article analyzes pedagogical methods and the importance of developing communicative competence in the personal qualities of the head of the educational insti tution in the formation of the qualities of social and psychological initiative, determination,courage, aspiration to innovation and their acceptance and correct application in practice.

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The article analyzes pedagogical methods and the importance of developing

communicative competence in the personal qualities of the head of the educational insti-
tution in the formation of the qualities of social and psychological initiative, determination,
courage, aspiration to innovation and their acceptance and correct application in practice.


personality, communication, competence, communicative competence, ped-

agogy, information technology.

Comprehensive measures are being implemented in our country for the active

development of the digital economy, and the widespread introduction of modern
information and communication technologies in all industries and areas, primarily in
public administration, education, healthcare and agriculture. After all, as President
Sh. Mirziyoyev emphasized, it is necessary to master digital knowledge and modern
information technologies in order to achieve development. This allows us to follow
the shortest path of development [1, 24].

One of the main tasks of today regularly implemented educational reforms and

innovation processes is full adaptation to the features of digitalization process. At
international level, the importance of improving mutual cooperation of social insti-
tutions in management of education system is becoming more and more obvious.
Therefore, the Ministry of Development of Information Technologies and Communi-
cations, together with the Ministry of Preschool Education, the Ministry of National
Education and the Ministry of Health, will create an IT infrastructure in 13 selective
districts by the end of 2020, equipping it with computer equipment for preschool
institutions. schools and took measures to digitalize fully general education schools
and healthcare institutions, as well as to introduce information systems and train
responsible personnel [5].

A wide range of skills will be required in future to improve digital skills in educa-

tion, primarily by providing digital technologies to students at initial stage of ed-
ucation, creating opportunities for acquiring digital skills related to the transfer of
knowledge and skills to young people should be carried out in the context of slow
digital transformation [1,192].


Theory and methods of
education and training 1st
stage, doctoral student,
Kokand State Pedagogical


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A database of traditional and electronic media, virtual libraries, and electronic

didactic devices is being created in general education schools in our country. There
is a need to create a unified electronic information and educational environment for
educational institutions and introduction of technologies in this area to meet edu-
cational needs. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 29,
2019 № PF–5712 “On approval of the concept for the development of public educa-
tion system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030” provides for the “creation of a
national system for assessing the quality of education in secondary schools, priority
tasks, such as translating existing textbooks and educational methodological liter-
ature in electronic form, improvement of teaching methods, development of scien-
tific research of a practical nature, aimed at studying alternative approaches and
scientific justification. Through this, it is necessary to form the structural structure
of a unified electronic information and educational environment of general educa-
tion schools, develop online courses in subjects, and improve electronic educational
complexes through modern innovative technologies [3, 5].

The possibilities of modern telecommunication means represent a very broad

system, which includes, in addition to well-known concepts such as computers,
multimedia, computer networks, and the Internet, as well as a number of new con-
cepts. These can be examples of information systems, information systems man-
agement, information communication systems, data warehouses, data warehouse
management systems, knowledge warehouses, etc.

The introduction of e-education in the field of education in the 21st century – the

century of informatization, in each educational institution:

– educational process;
– management of an educational institution.
Information about the environment of the educational institution is required

[2,32]. After all, it is difficult to imagine the organization of educational process
without using the capabilities of computer technology. The convenience of the in-
terface, which is part of the computer software, enables teachers to master effec-
tively modern information technologies. Thus, it is possible to use effectively the
possibilities of information and communication technologies in the development of
student-centered education and in formation of students’ creative abilities [4,392].

The stages of creating an electronic learning environment in educational institu-

tion begin with the creation of a psychological information environment. The need
for the use of modern tools and methods is formed on the basis of technological
and scientific results, created software products. In this regard, it is necessary to
organize a system of independent and computer training of teachers-teachers on
the basis of individual and advisory training in each educational institution. Also, a
teacher working with information technology tools must meet the following qualifi-
cation requirements. First, the fact that he embodies the qualities of media compe-
tence; second, to be able to create electronic textbooks and have the skills to work
freely with them; third, the ability to work freely in such programs as ZOOM, Google
Meet, Google disk, Camtasia studio; fourthly, to enrich the distance education plat-
form with creative innovations, etc. [6].

In our country, special attention is paid to the organization of information re-

sources in the field of education and their use in education. The introduction of
e-education into the education system depends, first of all, on the intellectual po-

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tential of society, including the informatization of the educational sphere, develop-
ment of information, and educational resources. Development of the main mecha-
nisms for the integration of education with science and production, its implemen-
tation, individualization of education, self-study, and development of technologies
and means of the distance education system, electronic-based on new pedagogical
and information technologies is an important task. It will be necessary to make
certain changes in the principles of organizing the educational process based on
e-learning, including improving the delivery of educational materials.

The use of computers and information technology during the lesson is not the

only goal, but another way of knowing the world of youth, getting to know it and
providing complete information. This is a modern way for young people to learn,
meaningfully enter the labor process, raise the level of individual learning activities,
and expand their worldview.

In a word, the creation of an electronic information and educational environment

of an educational institution is not a purely technical issue, but it requires the use of
scientific, methodological, organizational, and pedagogical capabilities of the insti-
tution based on a systematic approach.


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bekistan”, 2021. – P. 464.

2. Ibragimov I. Information technologies and means of distance learning: text-

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ed., pp. M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2007. – P. 336.

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electronic information and educational environment of educational institutions.
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, diss. Annotation. Chirchik, 2020. – P. 47.

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mary education (on the example of the Finnish education system). Innovations in
Pedagogy and Psychology. Tashkent, 2020. – No. 2.

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PF–6079 dated 05.10.2020.

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academic subjects in the context of digitalization of education. Cluster of Pedagog-
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demic mobility in higher education in Uzbekistan and the world.

8. Bahromovich S.I. (2021). A Comparative Induction of the Epistemological and

Theological Views of Medieval Islamic Oriental Scholars. Berlin Studies Transnation-
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9. Bahromovich S.I. (2021). Views on the role of science in human life and society

in Islamic teaching. International Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Sci-
ences, 1(3), 79-86.

10. Bahromovich S.I. (2020). Influence of objective and subjective factors

on the development of youth intellectual culture. Canadian Social Sciences,
16(2), PP. 55–59.

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Global dunyoda ilm-fan va ta‘limdagi innovatsion

rivojlanishning zamonaviy trendlari 15 dekabr, 2022 yil.


11. Bahromovich S.I. (2018). Socio-philosophical performance on the formation of

the intellectual culture of youth. European Scientific Review, (7-8).

12. Bahromovich S.I. (2020). Analysis of modern approaches to ensuring the ef-

fectiveness of management in higher educational institutions. American Journal of
Social Science and Educational Innovation, 2(12), 364–369.

13. Bahromovich S.I. (2021). Philosophical comparative studies of epistemological

and theological views of medieval Eastern scientists. Turkish Journal of Physiother-
apy and Rehabilitation. Turkey, 2021. – No. 32 (3), (Scopus) – PP. 30338–30355.

14. Bahromovich S.I. (2022) Dialectical and synergetic features of the de-

velopment of theological and epistemological views in medieval Eastern Is-
lam. European Journal of Humanities and Educational Achievement (EJHEA), –
Las Palmas, Spain, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2022 – PP. 79–83.

Библиографические ссылки

Mirziyoev Sh.M. New strategy of Uzbekistan. – Tashkent: Publishing House “Uzbekistan”, 2021. – P. 464.

Ibragimov I. Information technologies and means of distance learning: textbook. allowance for herds. higher flying tasks / I. Ibragimov, ed. A. Kovshova. 2nd ed., pp. M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2007. – P. 336.

Tailakov Yu.N. Technologies for the creation and implementation of a unified electronic information and educational environmen of educational institutions. Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, diss. Annotation. Chirchik, 2020. – P. 47.

Daniev S.I., Ibrokhimov F.A., Zholdasov I.S. Trends in the development of primary education (on the example of the Finnish education system). Innovations in Pedagogy and Psychology. Tashkent, 2020. – No. 2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF–6079 dated 05.10.2020. Tursunov R.B. Pedagogical requirements for academic subjects in the context of digitalization of education. Cluster of Pedagogical Education: Problems and Solutions // International Conference.

Bahromovich S.I. Development trends and transformational processes of academic mobility in higher education in Uzbekistan and the world.

Bahromovich S.I. (2021). A Comparative Induction of the Epistemological and Theological Views of Medieval Islamic Oriental Scholars. Berlin Studies Transnational Journal of Science and Humanities, 1(1.7 Philosophical Sciences).

Bahromovich S.I. (2021). Views on the role of science in human life and society in Islamic teaching. International Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Sciences, 1(3), 79-86.

Bahromovich S.I. (2020). Influence of objective and subjective factors on the development of youth intellectual culture. Canadian Social Sciences, 16(2), PP. 55–59.

Bahromovich S.I. (2018). Socio-philosophical performance on the formation of the intellectual culture of youth. European Scientific Review, (7-8).

Bahromovich S.I. (2020). Analysis of modern approaches to ensuring the effectiveness of management in higher educational institutions. American Journal of Social Science and Educational Innovation, 2(12), 364–369.

Bahromovich S.I. (2021). Philosophical comparative studies of epistemological and theological views of medieval Eastern scientists. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Turkey, 2021. – No. 32 (3), (Scopus) – PP. 30338–30355.

Bahromovich S.I. (2022) Dialectical and synergetic features of the development of theological and epistemological views in medieval Eastern Islam. European Journal of Humanities and Educational Achievement (EJHEA), – Las Palmas, Spain, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2022 – PP. 79–83.

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