Вопросы применения зарубежной практики корпоративной культуры в организациях

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Уринов, Б. (2020). Вопросы применения зарубежной практики корпоративной культуры в организациях. Экономика И Образование, 1(6), 161–163. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/economy_education/article/view/7099
Бобур Уринов, Ташкентский государственный экономический университет

к.э.н., начальник отдела корпоративного управления



В данной статье обсуждаются различия корпоративной среды и вопросы применения передового опыта развитых стран в сфере корпоративной культуры,рассматриваются основные подходы экономической литературы, объясняются этапы развития организационного поведения и корпоративной культуры, анализируется контекст организационного поведения и корпоративной культуры

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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №





Urinov Bobur Nasilloyevich -

PhD., Head of Corporate Governance department

Tashkent state university of econocmis


Мақолада ривожланган мамлакатларнинг корпоратив маданият соҳасидаги илғор

тажрибасида корпоратив муҳит ва уни жорий етиш масалалари муҳокама қилинган бўлиб, иқтисодий
адабиётлардаги асосий ёндашувлар кўриб чиқилди, ташкилий хатти-ҳаракатлар ва корпоратив маданиятнинг
ривожланиш босқичлари таҳлил қилинди.

Калит сўзлар:

ходимларни бошқариш, ташкилий хатти-ҳаракатлар, корпоратив маданият, ташкилий



В данной статье обсуждаются различия корпоративной среды и вопросы применения передового

опыта развитых стран в сфере корпоративной культуры, рассматриваются основные подходы экономической
литературы, объясняются этапы развития организационного поведения и корпоративной культуры,
анализируется контекст организационного поведения и корпоративной культуры.

Ключевые слова:

управление персоналом, организационное поведение, корпоративная культура,

организационная эффективность.


In the given article discussed difference of corporate environment and issues of application best practice of

developed countries in the sphere of corporate culture, reviewed main approaches of economic literatures, explained stages of
development of organizational behavior and corporate culture, analyzed context of organizational behavior and corporate

Key words:

personnel management, organizational behavior, corporate culture, organizational performance.

The restructuring of the country's eco-

nomy is a serious challenge of the ability of
organizations to adapt to dynamic changes in the

external environment. The problems of stability,

solvency, financing and, as a rule, manageability
that arise in this regard for enterprises are re-

solved if they manage to streamline the process
of the internal structural organization of per-


This allows to create new organizational

conditions for interactions between manage-
ment and personnel. In the context of globali-

zation, integration processes in the sphere of
interaction of various types of organizational

structures of banks and industrial capital are
activated, to a large extent determining the

structure of industry and determining the vector
of its further development. From foreign expe-

rience it is clear that most large enterprises in

any country coordinate their actions taking into
account the trends emerging in the world mar-

ket, organizationally adjusting to changes in
external factors. This, in turn, predetermines a

wide variety of organizational structures, corpo-
rate strategies they use, and, as a consequence,

the development of corporate cultures, the
formation and improvement of organizational


At the current stage of the country's eco-

nomic development, it is extremely important,
based on the existing experience, to analyze the

characteristic features of the functioning and
development of various types of organizational

behavior, to focus on the development and

improvement of the integration mechanisms of
its formation.

Corporate behavior is literally the beha-

vior of a corporation or company; concept used
primarily in relation to commercial enterprises,

while the concept of "organizational behavior" is
used for organizational structures that do not

aim to achieve economic efficiency through

The characteristics of corporate behavior

may vary; their strength and importance change

for many reasons. For example, a nonprofit orga-
nization can grow at a faster rate if it has bran-

ches in other countries. The main reasons for the
change in corporate behavior can be presented

as follows:

Economic downturn

Low activity efficiency

Changes to the size and type of organi-


Management decisions that transform

the structure of the organization


The main characteristics that influence

corporate behavior in specific organizations are
as follows:


Profitability is the ultimate goal of

corporate solutions. Corporations prefer to

generate higher profits, at least in the long term,
and this influences the formation of the work-

force and their norms of behavior.


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №



Internal structure.

Corporations tend to be

hierarchical, although the structure of the
hierarchy changes. Very few corporations are

largely democratic, for example, Ricardo Semler,
who owns a corporation in Brazil, allows all

employees to choose managers and determine
development strategies.

Methodologically, the study of organiza-

tional behavior is based on the following studies:

problems of development and integra-

tion of enterprises: Y. Vinslav, V. Dementyev, B.
Erznkyan, V. Tsvetkov;

enterprise management: theory and

economics of management, psychology and

acmeology of management;

in the field of studying management

problems and improving the efficiency of corpo-
rate structures: G. Kleiner, B.Z. Milner, A.G. Mov-

sesyan and others;

in the field of economic psychology: V.D.

Popov, V.P. Poznyakov;

various aspects of the formation of

corporate culture, including within the frame-

work of the following approaches: socio-psy-
chological: V.N. Voronin, M.V. Iontseva, N.G. Pan-

ferov, psychological and acmeological: I.A. Smir-

Today, corporate culture is studied in the

framework of the following main approaches[1]:

systemic or structural-functional, within

the framework of which the corporate culture is

viewed as a kind of integrity, in which each com-
ponent reflects its certain qualitative charac-


symbolic or phenomenological (E.

Hoffman, A. Schutz), which is based on the
following: the meaning and interpretation of

what is happening in the organization is more
important than what is in reality; instability and

uncertainty negatively affect corporate relations;
people use symbols and traditions to reduce the

level of uncertainty[3];

cognitive, based on the concepts of

"collective thinking", "group consciousness",

"organizational mind", "social representation",

Today, in economics, a special place is

occupied by the analysis of the problems of -

corporatism in management and corporate cul-
ture as a scientific and applied interdisciplinary

category and its individual types, in particular,
“corporate culture of management entities”,

“corporate culture of entrepreneurs”, “corporate
culture of personnel of organizations”;

"Corporate behavior". The economic analysis of
corporate culture and corporate behavior in

specific types of organizations is becoming

increasingly important.

But in reality, things are even more

complicated. Culture is refracted in each
individual in different ways, and this is not a

random, but a natural process. Culture is, as it
were, distributed among its carriers. Moreover,

this distribution is functional and has intra-

cultural conditioning. One can agree with Robin
Williams that "the problem of values is relevant

in many spheres of social science," since "values
serve as a criterion for the framework within

which the dynamics of a social phenomenon is

The management style in our organiza-

tions differs significantly from the Western

European and American ones, which, in turn,
affects the order and sequence of implemen-

tation of managerial innovations, and the
formation of corporate behavior in companies -

various economic entities. The main differences
can be formulated in a number of features.

In our organizations, in comparison with

Western ones, parochialism is strong. Quite
often, the management apparatus is a conglo-

merate of competing clans of deputies who
constantly prove to each other and to the head of

the organization that they are more competent
than their colleagues, and on this basis require

more authority (but not always responsibility).
When discussing issues related to improving the

organization's management system, in the event
of a conflict of interest, a discussion of the

knowledge of a particular specialist and his
awareness of a particular issue often begins.

Thus, the subject of the conversation (ways of
improving the control system) is replaced by the

discussion of specific people. In this situation, it

is very difficult to introduce managerial innova-
tions and especially the strategic planning

system. The interests of various groups may not
coincide, each of them may pursue its own goals,

and this contradicts the ideas of a strategic
planning system focused on uniting different

characters into a single team, collective efforts in
generating ideas and implementing a plan.

Managers, in contrast to Western Euro-

pean and American, are more focused on ready-

made recipes. In the US, the trend is opposite.
Managers often seek to understand the principle

and then independently develop a management
procedure and forms of documents, negatively

perceiving the teacher's attempts to impose

ready-made recipes on them.

Managers are literally drowning in current

affairs. Perhaps the point is in the inability of


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Иқтисодиёт ва таълим / 2020 №



leaders to organize themselves, to distribute

powers and not to do small things. Maybe the
subordinates do not know how to organize

themselves and their work. Most likely, the truth
is somewhere in between. In any case, the

strategic planning system is a powerful weapon
in the fight against organizational chaos. The

leader who decides to implement it must be

ready to change, first of all, himself, his methods
of work. Only then will the system be effective.

The activities of the strategic plan should ideally
be of equal importance to the operational issues.

Compared to Western companies, organi-

zations pay less attention to the analysis of

corporate culture and its systematic propaganda
among staff and customers, strategic thinking,

lead to underestimation or even neglect of
competitors. "We know them, they are not our

competitors, we are simply better than them." As
a result - passivity instead of studying compe-

titors, intercepting their achievements; excessive
optimism, calm drift, until, as they say, "thunder

breaks out."

Organizations often ignore customer needs

or confine themselves to slogans. Technology

matters more. Extensive application of the old
principle of planning "from achieved".

Introducing a new culture and adapting to

new norms of corporate behavior is often a

difficult and painful process. Adaptation is one of
the most difficult moments after coming to a new

place. Usually the main help is provided by the
HR manager. Some companies specifically con-

duct adaptation trainings, but the minimum
requirement in this case is that the new emp-

loyee should not be in conditions of information
hunger or receive incorrect information.

The idea of cultivating a corporate culture,

imported from abroad, was rather uncritically
accepted by the business as a guide to action.

How successfully this can be determined by
analyzing the main mental characteristics and

fundamental foundations that form the pecu-
liarities of the formation of corporate cultures, as

well as formal principles formed at enterprises.

Thus, the basis for future conflicts in the

team is being laid, because people of interest and
people of salary speak different languages, but

are cooked in one team. Most of today's com-
mercial enterprises find themselves in such a

chronic state of smoldering conflict. Cohesion
occurs where the interests of the participants

coincide. Cohesion lives on as long as the inte-

rests of the participants coincide. In commerce,
obviously, this is money, earnings. As long as

each one individually is able to produce the final
product (what is sold), no cohesion is needed:

you just need more market space so that
colleagues are not cramped and they do not turn

into competitors. Here the cement of cohesion is
personal likes and dislikes, but another firm

producing a "simple" product does not need
another: the firm will never overpay an emp-

loyee (this is the property of interest).

When a firm's product is too complex to be

produced by one person, it is time for a team and
division of labor. Cohesion is necessary here, and

an important parameter when hiring is "the

ability to work in a team". And here the percen-
tage principle of payment from the engine of the

company turns into its problem: after all, if a
team earns on a percentage, all its participants

need to divide the proceeds from the product
among all. This causes mutual discontent, envy

of those whose work or qualifications were rated
higher, contempt for related specialties. The

salary system allows the implementation of the
Mission. But the salary system becomes

appropriate, effective and even the only possible
if what the company produces and sells is not

done alone. This is not obvious to many leaders,
but from this moment it is possible (and

worthwhile) to think about the Mission. The

mission is a kind of more global than earnings
and one's own well-being, an idea that is

declared by the company as a priority. Thus, the
methodology for managing organizational beha-

vior is based on the methodological foundations
of the study of corporate culture, but it has its

own specifics, determined by the economic fac-
tors of corporate behavior.



Лукьянова Л.Ю. Развитие корпоративной культуры. — М., 2004.


Hofstede G. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York., 2004.


Шо. Роберт Б. Ключи к доверию в организации: результативность, порядочность, проявление заботы. - М.: Дело, 2000.


Williams R.M. International Enciclopedia of the Social Science. New York., 1968.


Milchen J. Inherent Rules of Corporate Behavior: A Primer. Reclaim Democracy.org, Bozeman, Montana, USA., 2002


Уринов Б. Н. ПРОБЛЕМА КОРПОРАТИВНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ //Проблемы экономики. – 2014. – №. 5. – С. 21-22.


Уринов Б. Н. Основные элементы корпоративной системы управления персоналом //Проблемы современной экономики.

– 2016. – С. 96-98.


Nasilloevich, Urinov Bobur. "Corporate approach of personnel management: theory and analysis. "Austrian Journal of Humanities

and Social Sciences 5-6 (2016).



Innovative Technologies: Vol. 2020: No. 2, Article 7. Available at: https://uzjournals.edu.uz/iqtisodiyot/vol2020/iss2/7


Библиографические ссылки

Лукьянова Л.Ю. Развитие корпоративной культуры. — М., 2004.

Hofstede G. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York., 2004.

Шо. Роберт Б. Ключи к доверию в организации: результативность, порядочность, проявление заботы. - М.:Дело, 2000.

Williams R.M. International Enciclopedia of the Social Science. New York., 1968.

Milchen J. Inherent Rules of Corporate Behavior: A Primer. Reclaim Democracy.org, Bozeman, Montana, USA., 2002

Уринов Б. H. ПРОБЛЕМА КОРПОРАТИВНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ //Проблемы экономики. - 2014. - №. 5. - С. 21-22.

Уринов Б. Н. Основные элементы корпоративной системы управления персоналом //Проблемы современной экономики. - 2016. - С. 96-98.

Nasilloevich, Urinov Bobur. "Corporate approach of personnel management: theory and analysis. “Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 5-6 (2016).

Urinov, B.N. (2020) "THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND CORPORATE CULTURE” Economics and Innovative Technologies: Vol. 2020: No. 2, Article 7. Available at: https://uzjournals.edu.uz/iqtisodiyot/vol2020/iss2/7

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