Преимущества коммуникативных методов обучения иностранным языкам

Баратова, З. (2022). Преимущества коммуникативных методов обучения иностранным языкам. Современные лингвистические исследования: зарубежный опыт, перспективные исследования и инновационные методы преподавания языков, (1), 252–254. https://doi.org/10.47689/linguistic-research-vol-iss1-pp252-254
З Баратова, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков




В статье делается подробный и четкий анализ современных инноваций, новых информационных и педагогических технологий, игр, а также способов их использования для повышения эффективности занятий и интереса обучающихся в процессе формирования коммуникативной компетенции.

Похожие статьи

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Z.M.Baratova (Master of SamSIFL)

Аннотация. Мақола замонавий инновация, янги информацион ва педагогик

технологиялар, ўйинлар ва уларни коммуникатив компетенция шаклланиш мақсадида

инглиз тили дарсларнинг самарасини ва талабаларнинг қизиқишларини ошириш

усулларнинг чуқур ва ҳар томонлама таҳлилни ўз ичига олган.

Калит сўзлар: ўйин, коммуникатив, компетенция, педагогик, шаклланиш, ўқув

жараён, коммуникатив компетенция.

Аннотация. В статье делается подробный и четкий анализ современных

инноваций, новых информационных и педагогических технологий, игр, а также

способов их использования для повышения эффективности занятий и интереса

обучающихся в процессе формирования коммуникативной компетенции.

Ключевые слова: игра, коммуникативный, компетенция, педагогический,

формирование, учебный процесс, коммуникативная компетенция.

The problem of teaching English by communicative method is very important and


nowadays because knowledge of language is valued by the ability of speaking and

communicating in a foreign language without any difficulties. In this work both theoretical
and practical approaches of communicative teaching are described in details.

The problem of communicative teaching was investigated by a large number of

scientists in methodology such as V. Allen, H. Brown, J. Richards and T. Rodgers, W.
Littlewood, D. Nunan, J. Towell and others. They investigated communicative teaching
foreign languages in different ways for students of different levels.

Teaching and learning involves the process of transferring knowledge from the one

who is giving to the one who is receiving. The elements of teaching and learning process are
the teacher, the leaner as well as the good learning environment. It is being considered that
learning occur when there is established relationship among these three elements. The
teaching as well as the learning activity depends upon how these elements works together.

The Communicative Approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language

as communication. The goal of language teaching is to develop communicative competence
[4]. The communicative approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language as
communication. The goal of language teaching is to develop what referred to as
“communicative competence”. This term is coined in order to contrast a communicative
view of language and theory of competence. Linguistic theory is concerned primarily with
an ideal speaker-listener in a completely homogeneous speech community, who knows its
language perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatically irrelevant conditions as memory
limitation, distractions, shifts of attention and interest, and errors (random or characteristic)
in applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance [1].

The focus of linguistic theory was to characterize the abstract abilities speakers

possess that enable them to produce grammatically correct sentences in a language. Hymes
held that such a view of linguistic theory was sterile, that linguistic theory needed to be seen
as part of a more general theory incorporating communication and culture. Hymes's theory
of communicative competence was a definition of what a speaker needs to know in order to
be communicatively competent in a speech community. In Hymes's view, a person who
acquires communicative competence acquires [2].

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The communicative methods of teaching language are the best ways of making this

process easy and effective. Moreover, they make the students learn the language with fullest
enthusiasm, desire and interest. The communicative activities and games make common
lesson very interesting, unusual and bright. The students feel the real atmosphere of the
learned language. Today only the communicative methods of teaching foreign vocabulary
can reply the required demands of educating audience.

Games during lesson have great educational value. Games should be treated as

central not peripheral to the foreign language teaching program. There are many advantages
of using games: they are highly motivating and entertaining and they can give shy students
more opportunity to express their opinions and feelings. They also enable learners to acquire
new experiences within a foreign language which are not always possible during a typical
lesson [3].

Call My Bluff

Call My Bluff is a fun game which is perfect at the start of term as a 'getting to know

you' kind of game. It is also a brilliant ice breaker between students if you teach classes who
do not know one another -- and especially essential if you are teaching a small class size.
The game is excellent for practicing speaking skills, though make sure you save a time for
after the game to comment on any mistakes students may have made during the game.
(I generally like to reserve this for after the game, so you don’t disrupt their fluency by
correcting them as they speak).

With older groups you can have some real fun and you might be surprised what you'll

learn about some of your students when playing this particular EFL game.

Why use it? Ice-breaker; Speaking skills
How to play: Write 3 statements about yourself on the board, two of which should be

lies and one which should be true. Allow your students to ask you questions about each
statement and then guess which one is the truth. You might want to practice your poker face
before starting this game! If they guess correctly then they win. Extension: Give students
time to write their own two truths and one lie. Pair them up and have them play again, this
time with their list, with their new partner. If you want to really extend the game and give
students even more time to practice their speaking/listening skills, rotate partners every five
minutes. Bring the whole class back together and have students announce one new thing
they learned about another student as a recap.

Word Jumble Race

This is a great game to encourage team work and bring a sense of competition to the

classroom. No matter how old we are, we all love a good competition and this game works
wonders with all age groups. It is perfect for practicing tenses, word order, reading &
writing skills and grammar.

Why use it? Grammar; Word Order; Spelling; Writing Skills
How to play: This game requires some planning before the lesson. Write out a

number of sentences, using different colors for each sentence. I suggest having 3-5
sentences for each team. Cut up the sentences so you have a handful of words. Put each
sentence into hats, cups or any objects you can find, keeping each separate. Split your class
into teams of 2, 3, or 4. You can have as many teams as you want but remember to have
enough sentences to go around. Teams must now put their sentences in the correct order.
The winning team is the first team to have all sentences correctly ordered.

Hot Seat

This is one of students' favorite games and is always at the top of the list when you

ask them what they want to play. Hot Seat allows students to build their vocabulary and
encourages competition in the classroom. They are also able to practice their speaking and
listening skills and it can be used for any level of learner.

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Why use it? Vocabulary; Speaking and Listening
How to play: Split the class into 2 teams, or more if you have a large class. Elect one

person from each team to sit in the Hot Seat, facing the classroom with the board behind
them.Write a word on the board. One of the team members of the student in the hot seat
must help the student guess the word by describing it. They have a limited amount of time
and cannot say, spell or draw the word. Continue until each team member has described a
word to the student in the Hot Seat.

What's My Problem?

This is a brilliant EFL game to practice giving advice. It should be played after the

'giving advice’ vocabulary lesson has taken place. It is a great way for students to see what
they have remembered and what needs reviewing. This game works well with any age
group, just adapt it to fit the age you're working with.

Why use it? Speaking and Listening; Giving Advice
How to play: Write ailments or problems related to your most recent lesson on post-it

notes and stick one post-it note on each student's back. The students must mingle and ask
for advice from other students to solve their problem. In conclusion, learning English
through games is one effective and interesting way that can be applied in any classrooms.
The results of this research suggest that games are used not only for mere fun, but more
importantly, for the useful practice and review of language lessons, thus leading toward the
goal of improving learners' communicative competence.



Allen V.F. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. – Oxford: Oxford University

Press, 1993. – 232 p.


Andrew Wright. Games for Language Learning. – Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1994. – 332 p.


Harmer Jeremy. The practice of English language teaching. – London-New York:

Longman,2001. – 334 p.


Hymes D. On communicative competence. // In J. B. Pride & J. Holmes

Sociolinguistics. – Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992. – P. 269-293.


Ашуров, Шахобиддин Саидович, and Дилфуза Азизовна Атауллаева.




Молодёжь в науке и культуре XXI века. 201


Библиографические ссылки

Allen V.F. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.-232 p.

Andrew Wright. Games for Language Learning. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. - 332 p.

Harmer Jeremy. The practice of English language teaching. - London-New York: Longman,2001. - 334 p.

Hymes D. On communicative competence. // In J. B. Pride & J. Holmes Sociolinguistics. - Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992. - P. 269-293.

Ашуров, Шахобиддин Саидович, and Дилфуза Азизовна Атауллаева. "ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛИЗАЦИЯ СИСТЕМЫ ПРЕПОДАВАНИЯ ИНОСТРАННЫХ ЯЗЫКОВ В УЗБЕКИСТАНЕ: ЭТАПЫ ЭВОЛЮЦИИ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ." Научные школы. Молодёжь в науке и культуре XXI века. 2018.

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