Современные способы обучения иностранным языкам в процессе формирования коммуникативной компетенции

Баратова, З. (2022). Современные способы обучения иностранным языкам в процессе формирования коммуникативной компетенции. Современные лингвистические исследования: зарубежный опыт, перспективные исследования и инновационные методы преподавания языков, (1), 289–191. https://doi.org/10.47689/linguistic-research-vol-iss1-pp289-191
З Баратова, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков




В работе предложены различные виды педагогических технологий, которые могут успешно использоваться на занятиях английского языка в процессе формирования коммуникативной компетенции

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Z.M.Baratova (Master of SamSIFL)

Аннотация. Мазкур ишда коммуникатив компетенция шаклланиш жараёнида

муваффақиятли қўлланилиши мумкин бўлган педагогик технологияларнинг турлари

тадқиқ қилинган.

Калит сўзлар: коммуникатив, компетенция, педагогик, шаклланиш, ўқув

жараён, коммуникатив компетенция.

Аннотация. В работе предложены различные виды педагогических

технологий, которые могут успешно использоваться на занятиях английского языка

в процессе формирования коммуникативной компетенции.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативный, компетенция, педагогический,

формирование, учебный процесс, коммуникативная компетенция.

Today learning foreign languages is very important. Foreign languages are socially

demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has
led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information.

In our eagerness to establish a welfare society, we seem to be working at cross

purposes, when we deprive students from the weaker sections, of an important tool of
advancement, namely, communicative competence in English. The English teacher
therefore, is faced with a difficult three-fold task; (a) motivating the weaker students from
the regional medium schools; (b) providing an atmosphere conducive enough for them to
overcome their inhibitions, and interact fruitfully with their classmates and with the teacher;
(c) and making the classes interesting and challenging for those students whose level of
competence in English is comparatively high [1].

There are different methods of teaching:
Online and self-study courses

Hundreds of languages are available for self-study, from scores of publishers, for a

range of costs, using a variety of methods. The course itself acts as a teacher has to choose a
methodology, just as classroom teachers do.

Audio recordings and books

Audio recordings use native speakers, and one strength is helping learners improve

their accent. Some recordings have pauses for the learner to speak. Others are continuous so
the learner speaks along with the recorded voice, similar to learning a song. Audio
recordings for self-study use many of the methods used in classroom teaching, and have
been produced on records, tapes, CDs, DVDs and websites.

Language books have been published for centuries, teaching vocabulary and

grammar. The simplest books are phrasebooks to give useful short phrases for travelers,
cooks, receptionists, or others who need specific vocabulary. More complete books include
more vocabulary, grammar, exercises, translation, and writing practice [2].

Code switching

Code switching, that is, changing between languages at some point in a sentence or

utterance, is a commonly used communication strategy among language learners and
bilinguals. While traditional methods of formal instruction often discourage code switching,
students, especially those placed in a language immersion situation, often use it. It is

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particularly effective for students whose native language is English, due to the high
probability of a simple English word or short phrase being understood by the conversational

Skills teaching

When talking about language skills, the four basic ones are: listening, speaking,

reading and writing. However, other, more socially based skills have been identified more
recently such as summarizing, describing, narrating etc. [4] In addition, more general
learning skills such as study skills and knowing how one learns have been applied to
language classrooms. More recent textbooks stress the importance of students working with
other students in pairs and groups, sometimes the entire class. Pair and group work give
opportunities for more students to participate more actively.

Sandwich technique

In foreign language teaching, the sandwich technique is the oral insertion of an

idiomatic translation in the mother tongue between an unknown phrase in the learned
language and its repetition, in order to convey meaning as rapidly and completely as
possible. The mother tongue equivalent can be given almost as an aside, with a slight break
in the flow of speech to mark it as an intruder.

Mother tongue mirroring

Mother tongue mirroring is the adaptation of the time-honoured technique of literal

translation or word-for word translation for pedagogical purposes. The aim is to make
foreign constructions salient and transparent to learners and, in many cases, spare them the
technical jargon of grammatical analysis. It differs from literal translation and interlinear
text as used in the past since it takes the progress learners have made into account and only
focuses upon a specific structure at a time. As a didactic device, it can only be used to the
extent that it remains intelligible to the learner, unless it is combined with a normal
idiomatic translation.


Back-chaining is a technique used in teaching oral language skills, especially with

polysyllabic or difficult words. The teacher pronounces the last syllable, the student repeats,
and then the teacher continues, working backwards from the end of the word to the

Language study holidays

An increasing number of people are now combining holidays with language study in

the native country. This enables the student to experience the target culture by meeting local
people. Such a holiday often combines formal lessons, cultural excursions, leisure activities,
and a home stay, perhaps with time to travel in the country afterwards. Language study
holidays are popular across Europe and Asia due to the ease of transportation and variety of
nearby countries. These holidays have become increasingly more popular in Central and
South America in such countries as Guatemala, Ecuador and Peru.


Explaining, or lecturing, is the process of teaching by giving spoken explanations of

the subject that is to be learned. Lecturing is often accompanied by visual aids to help
students visualize an object or problem.


Demonstrating is the process of teaching through examples or experiments. For

example, a science teacher may teach an idea by performing an experiment for students. A
demonstration may be used to prove a fact through a combination of visual evidence and
associated reasoning. Demonstrations are similar to written storytelling and examples in that

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they allow students to personally relate to the presented information. Memorization of a list
of facts is a detached and impersonal experience, whereas the same information, conveyed
through demonstration, becomes personally reliable.


Collaboration allows students to actively participate in the learning process by

talking with each other and listening to other points of view. Collaboration establishes a
personal connection between students and the topic of study and it helps students think in a
less personally based way. Group projects and discussions are examples of this teaching
method. Teachers may employ collaboration to assess student's abilities to work as a team,
leadership skills, or presentation abilities. Collaborative discussions can take a variety of
forms, such as fishbowl discussions. After some preparation and with clearly defined roles,
a discussion may constitute most of a lesson, with the teacher only giving short feedback at
the end or in the following lesson.

Learning by teaching

In this teaching method, students assume the role of teacher and teach their peers.

Students who teach others as a group or as individuals must study and understand a topic
well enough to teach it to their peers. By having students participate in the teaching process,
they gain self-confidence and strengthen their speaking and communication skills [3].


Begin by writing a word, phrase or question in the center of a paper or chalkboard

(e.g., "Homophobia"). Circle the word and ask participants to brainstorm adjectives,
thoughts, or memories evoked by what is written in the circle. Write these down and
connect each suggestion by a line to the central circle. If participants relate to responses
generated by the circled word, write those and connect with a line to the response, gradually
creating an expanding web.



Пассов Е.И. Основы коммуникативной методики обучения иноязычному


М.: Рус. Яз., 1989.

295 с.


Lindsay C, Knight P. Learning and Teaching English. – Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2006. – 138 p.


Paran A. Language skills: questions for teaching and learning. – UK: Bloomsbury

Academic, 2013. – 524 p.


Sinclair B., Ellis G. Learning to Learn English: A Course in Learner Training

(Student book). – Cambridge University Press, 1996. – 376 p.



Шахобиддин Саидович, and Дилфуза Азизовна Атауллаева.



школы. Молодёжь в науке и культуре XXI века. 2018.

Библиографические ссылки

Пассов Е.И. Основы коммуникативной методики обучения иноязычному общению. - М.: Рус. Яз., 1989. - 295 с.

Lindsay С, Knight Р. Learning and Teaching English. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. - 138 p.

Paran A. Language skills: questions for teaching and learning. - UK: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. - 524 p.

Sinclair B., Ellis G. Learning to Learn English: A Course in Learner Training (Student book). - Cambridge University Press, 1996. - 376 p.

Ашуров, Шахобиддин Саидович, and Дилфуза Азизовна Атаулласва. "ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛИЗАЦИЯ СИСТЕМЫ ПРЕПОДАВАНИЯ ИНОСТРАННЫХ ЯЗЫКОВ В УЗБЕКИСТАНЕ: ЭТАПЫ ЭВОЛЮЦИИ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ." Научные школы. Молодежь в науке и культуре XXI века. 2018.

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