Как учить словарный запас взрослым | Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке

Как учить словарный запас взрослым

Юсупова, З. (2023). Как учить словарный запас взрослым. Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке, 1(1), 457–459. https://doi.org/10.47689/XXIA-TTIPR-vol1-iss1-pp457-459
З Юсупова, Каракалпакский Государственный Университет им. Бердаха

Студентка 3 курса факультета иностранных языков



This article outlines the importance of vocabulary range and how to teach vocabulary to adults. The knowledge of vocabulary is considered as the most important tool for mastering any language skills; it also contributes to the understanding of written and oral texts.

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Yusupova Z.

Nukus, Uzbekistan



year Student, Foreign Languages Faculty

Berdakh Karakalpak State University


This article outlines the importance of vocabulary range and how to teach

vocabulary to adults. The knowledge of vocabulary is considered as the most important
tool for mastering any language skills; it also contributes to the understanding of written
and oral texts.


Vocabulary, reading comprehension, unfamiliar words, reading experience,

lexicon words, vocabulary learning strategies


Lexicon is considered as one of the basic viewpoints of securing dialect and its

advancement. Constrained lexicon run denies succeeding in learning language, in
specific, for moment language learners since it never closes. In spite of the fact that a
individual can make linguistically exact sentences, inadequately lexicon extend limits the
learner’s communication with others. In case a individual knows as it were the words but
not the language structure, he can express or communicate what he is aiming to say by
articulating the words. As we know, without knowing how to ask data in a outside
language, able to make sentences within the mother tongue utilizing appropriate words
and indicate what we require.

According to Napa, states that ‘it may be a truth that lexicon is one of the

components of the language. There are no languages that exist without words. They are
the implies by which individuals trade their contemplations. The more words we learn the
more thoughts we ought to have. This way we will communicate our thoughts more
viably. It isn’t simple to instruct lexicon, particularly modern lexicon, to junior tall school
understudies, since educating it requires an clarification of each portion. Be that as it
may, at other times the instructor ought to see that the meaning and utilize of words ought
to moreover be given a part of consideration. It is essential to create a number of
comments approximately the foremost commonly utilized English terms indicating the
concept of «lexicon» (from the Latin ‘name’, too called word stock, dictionary, and lexis)
can be characterized as all the words in a dialect that are caught on by a specific
individual or group of individuals.

A.S. Hornby, English language specialist and methodologist, broadly known for

his works within the field of strategies of educating English to nonnatives in “The
Progressed Learner’s Lexicon of Current English” states that lexicon is: 1) all words that
a individual knows or uses, 2) all words in a specific dialect, 3) words that individuals
utilize when they conversation, and 4) a list of words with their implications, particularly
in a book for learning a remote dialect.

Vocabulary knowledge is critical to reading comprehension, it is important that

those working with young readers help foster their development of a large word bank and
effective vocabulary learning strategies. There are several effective explicit (intentional,
planned instruction) and implicit (spontaneous instruction as a child comes to new words

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in a text) strategies that adults can employ with readers of any age. One of the most
effective methods of helping children learn new vocabulary words is to teach unfamiliar
words used in a text prior to the reading experience.

At that point these words ought to be characterized and examined. It is critical for

the grown-up to not as it were tell the child what the word implies, but moreover to
examine its meaning. This permits the child to create an understanding of the word’s
intentions as well as its signification. Moreover, dialog gives the grown-up with input
around how well the child gets it the word. After pre-teaching lexicon words, the child
ought to studied the content. It could seem common sense that the more times we are
uncovered to a word, the more grounded our understanding gets to be. In any case,
rehashed introduction to modern lexicon words is regularly disregarded.

Grown-ups regularly disregard a person (particularly a child) has to listen and

utilize a word a few times some time recently it genuinely gets to be a portion of her
lexicon. Giving numerous openings to utilize a modern word in its composed and talked
shape makes a difference children set their understanding of it. Like pre-teaching, the
watchword strategy happens some time recently a child peruses a specific content. In this
strategy, new words are presented earlier to reading. The thought behind the watchword
strategy is to make a straightforward cognitive interface to the word’s meaning that the
per user can get to efficiently during a perusing involvement. The word outline is an
amazing strategy for platform a child’s lexicon learning.

Just like the other express directions strategies, the grown-up (either alone or with

the child ought to see perusing materials to decide which words are new. For each of
these modern lexicon words the child (with the back of the grown-up) makes a realistic
organizer for the word. At the beat or center of the organizer is the lexicon word.
Branching off of the word are three categories: classification (what lesson or bunch does
the word have a place to), qualities (what is the word like) and illustrations. Utilizing
earlier information the child fills in each of these three categories. Word maps offer
assistance per users create total understandings of words. This procedure is best utilized
with children in grades. Whereas root examination is instructed expressly, the extreme
objective is for per users to utilize this methodology autonomously. Numerous of the
words within the English dialect are determined from Latin or Greek roots. They either
contain a ―core root (the essential component of the word) or utilize prefixes or
postfixes that hold meaning. Grown-ups ought to center on educating children the
foremost commonly happening roots, prefixes and postfixes. As each is instructed cases
of its utilize in common word ought to be shared and inspected. The every user ought to
see how the root makes a difference her get it the word’s definition. Children ought to at
that point be given hone analyzing words to decide their roots and definitions. When a
per user is able to break down new words into their prefixes, postfixes and roots they can
start to decide their implications. This procedure is especially viable for making a
difference battling per users progress their vocabularies. Now and then review level
materials are blocked off to per users since there are as well numerous new words in
them. Grown-ups can rebuild the materials in a few diverse ways to assist per users
comprehend them more effortlessly. A parcel of the troublesome words can be replaced
with ―easier equivalent words to assist the per user get it the by and large content.

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Writings are full of ―clues almost the implications of words. Other words in a

sentence or passage, captions, outlines and titles give per users with data around the text
that they can utilize to decide the implications of new words. These highlights are
frequently alluded to as ―context clues since they are contained within the setting of the
piece of composing instead of exterior it. Youthful every user ought to be instructed to
discover and utilize setting clues for learning modern lexicon words. Grown-up modeling
and hone are key for making a difference children create this important reading skill.

All things are considered, the knowledge of vocabulary is considered as the most

important tool for mastering any language skills; it also contributes to the understanding
of written and oral texts. Thus, despite more frequent familiarity with vocabulary,
students are more confident in understanding and interpreting the meaning of some
unknown words from the context. Indeed, learning vocabulary means not only learning
new words, but also knowing their functions and applicability to different contexts and
situations. In other words, the comprehension and production of language depends on the
simultaneous and complex process of extracting and constructing utterances through the
use of appropriate lexical combinations at the appropriate time and place. Students should
learn the language not only as an abstract system of vocal signs, as if it were a kind of
grammatical text with an accompanying dictionary, but also as a tool that allows students
to know which utterances are useful for effective communication, and to know which
utterances are appropriate or not appropriate to use in a given context.


1. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford New
York: Oxford University Press. 2006.
2. Napa A. Pieter. Vocabulary Development skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. 1991.
3. Solidjonov, D.Z. (2021). The impact of the development of internet technologies on
education at pandemic time in Uzbekistan. In Студент года 2021 (pp. 108-110).
4. Solidjonov, D. Z. (2021). The impact of social media on education: advantage and
disadvantage. Экономика и социум, (3-1), 284-288.
5. Solidjonov, D. (2021). Modern education and useful methods for teaching. Scienceweb
academic papers collection.









Research in Universal Sciences. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. 9. – С. 239-242.

Библиографические ссылки

Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press. 2006.

Napa A. Pieter. Vocabulary Development skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. 1991.

Solidjonov, D.Z. (2021). The impact of the development of internet technologies on education at pandemic time in Uzbekistan. In Студент года 2021 (pp. 108-110).

Solidjonov, D. Z. (2021). The impact of social media on education: advantage and disadvantage. Экономика и социум, (3-1), 284-288.

Solidjonov, D. (2021). Modern education and useful methods for teaching. Scienceweb academic papers collection.

Atashova F.D., Ashirov D. XORIJIY TILLARNI O ‘QITISHDA MADANIYATSHUNOSLIK YONDASHUVINING AHAMIYATI //Educational Research in Universal Sciences. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. 9. – С. 239-242.

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