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Olimova (Sobirova) , B. (2023). ROLE OF ACTUALIZING AGENT IN SPEECH. Modern Science and Research, 2(5), 179–181. Retrieved from


This article discusses and analyzes the role of the actualizing agent in speech and the development of its speech.

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International scientific journal







Olimova (Sobirova) Bahoroy Orifjon kizi

Andijan State University Graduate School of linguistics (Uzbek language)

Abstract. This article discusses and analyzes the role of the actualizing agent in speech and

the development of its speech.

Keywords: actualization, speech, functional, pronunciation, phonetic, native language.


Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается и анализируется роль

актуализирующего агента в речи и развитии ее речи.

Ключевые слова: актуализация, речь, функционал, произношение, фонетика, родной


Development of each style in standard English and Uzbek languages predetermined by the

change in their norms. This is also greatly influenced by changes in social conditions, scientific
progress and the development of cultural life.

Traditional distinguishing functional styles are scientific (Popular Science), formal,

publicistic (popular), colloquial, artistic — language subsystems, each of which is unique at five
main levels: phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic and it has features in terms of text content.

Functional styles are characterized by the fact that it is possible or impossible to use one or

another elements and structures, as well as their communication systems. For example, phonetic
tools are important for the oratory style: adherence to pronunciation standards, wide use of
intonation; syntactic for the scientific style: clear syntactic structure, direct word order, wide
application of words, wide application from various specific and specific systems, at the text level:
logical, clear presentation structure (newspaper or magazine article). The text of the formal style
is characterized by the presence of special terms (commercial, legal, etc.), stamps, specialized
foreign expressions, abbreviations, mixed words, the absence of figurative means at the lexical
level; complex structures at the syntactic level are formed using the widespread use of sentences
in the majhul ratio of the verb. Functional styles are found in both written and oral form. The
colloquial style is characterized by the presence of short sentences, two-syllable words, phonetic
and syntactic abbreviations. The artistic style combines three subordinate styles: the poetic style
of language, the emotional (artistic) prose style, and the dramatic style. Each of these sub-styles
and for a separate sub-style also have common features. Artistic texts also have a number of
difficulties, since they combine logical-intellectual information with figurative-emotional

Reading texts in a popular style can be a challenge. It should be noted that the peculiarity of

this style: one part of the texts is scientific, the other part — stands close to texts in other styles.
Journalistic texts are characterized by covering political vocabulary, phraseological units,
abbreviations, realities, newspaper prints, phrases and various topics. Newspaper and magazine
publications have a variety of titles, including promotional and emotionally compelling. Two types
of popular style are manifested in oral speech: the oratory style and the text of radio and television
programs, as well as the newspaper style in written speech. Written forms of the popular style are
essays (philosophical, literary, moral) and journalistic articles (political, social, economic, etc. The

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general purpose of the publicistic style is to influence public opinion, convince the reader or
audience that the comment made by the author is the only real one, and encourage it to accept the
stated opinion. The popular style is classified by its clear and logical syntactic structure with the
widespread use of conjunctive words and the fragmentation of the text into parts. Oratory style is
an oral form of publicist style. Direct communication with the audience allows you to use the
syntactic, lexical and phonetic features of written and oral speech. The peculiarities of this style
are the direct appeal to the people; sometimes — characterized by the use of words related to the
colloquial style. Stylistic means involved in the style of public speaking are determined by the
communicative situation. The speaker often uses analogy and metaphors, but usually employs
traditional methods, as individual stylistic devices can be difficult to perceive. Texts in the
scientific style are aimed at promoting the achievements of Science and technology to a wide range
of readers.

Usually materials are presented in an interesting and convenient way, using a certain amount

of numerical data, formulas, diagrams and terms. To attract attention, repetition, rhetorical
questions, appeal to the reader are widely used. Scientific text is usually characterized by an
informative title, features that characterize the history of the issue or introduce the topic. The
peculiarities of the scientific text are characterized by emphasized logic, repetition with additional
arguments, complex syntax and professionally oriented topics.

The formal style is represented by different sub-styles or types: the language of business

documents; the language of legal documents; the language of diplomacy; the language of military
documents. The main purpose of these types of communication tools is to identify the conditions
that connect the two parties and to reach mutual agreement between the two contracting parties.
Another distinctive feature of this style is the direct use of words in their own sense. Figurative
meaning does not apply in it.

Readers ' speech is usually explained by the fact that they do not seek to beautifully express

their opinion, their oratory thinking and lack of vocabulary. It is no secret that they make many
mistakes in expressing their thoughts, whether in written or oral form, and also do not adhere to
the culture of speech at all. K.I. Chukovsky's opinion:"...not only the reader, but in many people
thoughts come to the surface in a messy, semi-sloppy, sleepy way” .

Nowadays, it is considered necessary tasks for every native language teacher to form speech

thinking in students, to comprehend the meaning of each pronounced word. Of course, the
formation of speech thinking in students requires a long and hard work from the teacher, as well
as methodological skill, practical experience and the ability to organize the lesson well. It is known
that texts typical of the Uzbek people, many phraseological units are found in stories, readers
understand their mere meanings, of course, in the context of the text. However, the head and
moveable meanings of words in phrasemas are understood by them only through assignments
based on lexicological analysis. In this process, it is necessary to use more phraseological units in
the formation of speech thinking of students.

All units in the language have the property of multiple meanings. Examples of this include

suffixes, words, and phrases. Before automating a language, it is necessary to convert all units in
it as electronically as possible so that a solution to this problem is found. This work is not a process
that increases in itself to practice. A lot of time and money is spent on automation. It is necessary
to start the work by replacing the units that have initially assimilated into our language from

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foreign languages with an alternative. This work has been tried in practice by scientists before, but
has had an impact. The reason is that the tongue will never take the barely tucked units. This should
be done as a result of a thorough analysis of the work slowly. Only then can the intended result be

In the plan to improve the effectiveness of speech development, it is important to conduct

walks, trips not only for simple observations (observations) on surrounding objects, but also for
their study.

At this point, we will have to figure out what can be achieved in the study of surrounding


In the study of the environment (by educators or parents), children should not just observe,

but also go to see the objects in their parts, elements and perceive processes, phenomena, and
reflect on them. To achieve this, the educator is tasked with comparing, comparing, separating,
generalizing, analyzing and using other similar methods. In addition, in the process of learning) it
is important to attract preschool older children to the types of labor that are convenient for them
(cleaning ditches, loosening the base of trees, caring for flowers). Such an approach is associated
with the fact that when a person does something with his own hands, he will remember it more
and more fully. With this method, shortcomings in the connecting speech of preschool older
children are complemented by verbatim and recollection of the names of objects-objects.

The development of speech of preschool adults largely depends on the correct solution of

the following things:

- didactic materials on the development of speech (speech of educators and parents aimed at

a certain purpose, fairy tales, songs, stories that are read or told to children);

- methods and methods of Education used to master didactic materials;
– it is necessary that, relying on the content of the educational material, some methods of its

study and the principles related to them, the educator plans all the work related to the cultivation
of speech.

We came to the conclusion that in the process of conducting research work on the same

problem, it is better to work on speech growth, relying on the following didactic principles:

- understanding the speech material for the teaching of the organs of speech as well as the


- understanding the importance of speech and developing lexical and grammatical skills;
- assessment of speech expressiveness. To do this, it is advisable to choose didactic materials

that develop a certain feeling in older preschool children;

- the gradual enrichment of speech.



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Arushanova A.G. Razvitie rechi doshkolnika (grammatika). Metodicheskoe posobie dlya vospitateley. –M., 1997.

Anna Freyd. Detskiy psixoanaliz. –SPb.: Piter, 2003. (Seriya «Xristomatiya po psixologii»).

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