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Назаркосимова, О. (2023). ЖЕНЩИНЫ-ПИСАТЕЛЬНИЦЫ США В 19-20 ВЕКАХ. Современная наука и исследования, 2(8), 148–151. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/science-research/article/view/22425

Ключевые слова:


Литература - это вид искусства, культурное явление, письменность, которая занимает определенное место в жизни любого народа, всего человечества. Литература - это отражение души, эмоций, переживаний автора, это визитная карточка народа, нации. Во все времена люди хотели прикоснуться к возвышенному, они стремились к знаниям, обращались к произведениям великих писателей, поэтов, драматургов. Мы постигаем дух времени в литературе, мы черпаем из нее закономерности движения, проблемы развития, мы узнаем, как жили и здравствуют люди, мы изучаем их менталитет. Литература может быть эпистолярной, научной, художественной. И жанры разные: художественная литература, детективы, детская литература, драматургия, классика, мистика, поэзия, журналистика, религия и духовность, фэнтези, юмор и сатира и другие. В этой статье вы прочтете о женщинах-писательницах США в 20 веке и их таланте к языковым навыкам, развитой фантазии.

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Nazarkhosimova Ozoda

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Literature is a kind of art, a cultural phenomenon, writing, which occupies a

certain place in the life of any people, of all mankind. Literature is a reflection of the soul,
emotions, experiences of the author, it is the visiting card of the people, the nation. At all times,
people wanted to touch the sublime, they strove for knowledge, turned to the works of great writers,
poets, playwrights. We comprehend the spirit of the times in literature, we draw from it the patterns
of movement, the problems of development, we learn how the people lived and live, we learn their
mentality. Literature can be epistolary, scientific, artistic. And the genres are different: fiction,
detective stories, children's literature, dramaturgy, classics, mysticism, poetry, journalism,
religion and spirituality, fantasy, humor and satire and others. In this article you will read about
US women writers in 20 th century and their talent for language skills, developed fantasy.

Key words:

Literature, women, journalism, religion, fantasy, humor, poem, prose, poetry,

book, memories, contribution, writer.



Литература - это вид искусства, культурное явление, письменность,

которая занимает определенное место в жизни любого народа, всего человечества.
Литература - это отражение души, эмоций, переживаний автора, это визитная
карточка народа, нации. Во все времена люди хотели прикоснуться к возвышенному, они
стремились к знаниям, обращались к произведениям великих писателей, поэтов,
драматургов. Мы постигаем дух времени в литературе, мы черпаем из нее
закономерности движения, проблемы развития, мы узнаем, как жили и здравствуют люди,
мы изучаем их менталитет. Литература может быть эпистолярной, научной,
художественной. И жанры разные: художественная литература, детективы, детская
литература, драматургия, классика, мистика, поэзия, журналистика, религия и
духовность, фэнтези, юмор и сатира и другие. В этой статье вы прочтете о женщинах-
писательницах США в 20 веке и их таланте к языковым навыкам, развитой фантазии.

Ключевые слова:

литература, женщины, журналистика, религия, фэнтези, юмор,

стихотворение, проза, поэзия, книга, воспоминания, вклад, писательница.

A woman must master the art of seduction, because she is the keeper of the hearth, the

continuer of the family and species. In addition to the art of seduction, the writer must also have a
talent for language skills, a developed fantasy ... They read because women have no equal in the
art of seduction. Because the area of feelings is the subject of the liveliest interest of any normal
person. Because stories “about love” resonate in the soul of any person, regardless of gender, age
and nationality. At first let us remember about following earlier women writers in the US:

Louisa May Alcott (born Louisa May Alcott; 1832 - 1888) was an American writer who

became famous for her 1868 novel Little Women, which was based on memories of her growing
up in the company of three sisters. The book was written at the request of Boston publisher Thomas

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Niles, who asked Alcott to write a "book for girls". Meg was based on her older sister Anna, herself
as Jo, and Beth and Amy were based on her younger sisters Elizabeth and May, respectively. The
success of the book prompted the writer to compose several novels related to this work: in 1869 a
sequel was published called "Good Wives", which is often published together with the first part of
the novel and tells about the youth of the March sisters and their marriage; in 1871, the book "Little
Men" was published, also autobiographical, telling about the writer's nephews; finally, in 1886,
The Joe Boys was published. In addition, many of Olcott's later stories and novellas echoed Little
Women. Unlike Jo March, her literary incarnation, Louisa May Alcott never married. Louisa May
Alcott's "Little Women" and "The Good Wives" are, without exaggeration, some of the best-
known classic American literature for young adults. These sincere, touching books about the
childhood and youth of four sisters, published one after another in 1868-1869, have gone through
an incredible number of editions, and are very popular today; based on them, stage and cinematic
versions were created, in one of which the role of Joe is played by the famous actress Katharine

Anna Bradstreet (eng. Anne Bradstreet, 1612-1672) - the first American poetess.

Bradstreet's only lifetime book of poems, The Tenth Muse Newly Appeared in America, was
published without an author's name in London (1650). The edition of "Selected Poems" prepared
by her, including the most famous - the poem "To My Dear and Loving Husband", was published
in America after her death (1678). The religious poems of Bradstreet enjoyed a certain popularity
among the Puritan pioneers who copied them, but later they were forgotten and printed only in the
middle of the 19th century. J. Berryman's poem Tribute to Anna Bradstreet (1953), highly
appreciated by American critics, is dedicated to the poetess. She herself spoke of poetry: "the place
of my solitude." Her book of poetry, published without her knowledge in 1650 in London by her
half-brother (under the pretentious title of The Tenth Muse Newly Appeared in America: The
Delightful Fruits of Versatile Mind and Learning), caused a sensation in both England, New and
Old. The "scientific" poetry of A. Bradstreet, included in this volume, reveals the author's good
orientation in philosophical systems, her inquisitive intellect and confident command of the
techniques of versification; it is solid, monumental and secondary, which is why it is perceived
today as a skillful imitation of contemporary English poets. She wrote a lot, and not only prose
and poetry, she also found time to reflect her thoughts in the form of aphorisms, quotes,
catchphrases, here is one of them: “If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to
us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable.”

Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe (born Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe; 1811-1896) was

an American writer, author of the famous novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. In her literary works, she
acted as a benefactor of women's education and the destruction of slavery. In response to the curses
and accusations that fell on Beecher Stowe for this preaching of the liberation of the Negroes by
the slave owners and their friends, she published the "Key" ("Key to uncle Tom's Cabin"), in which
she clearly proved that the plot for the novel directly taken by her from life, often even to the
smallest detail. Beecher Stowe's poems are predominantly written on religious themes. She also
wrote quotes and aphorisms. Here is one of them: "The most bitter tears over the grave pour over
unspoken words and unfinished deeds." Harriet Beecher Stowe is an American writer and
educator. U.S. President Abraham Lincoln called her "the little woman who started the big war."
The problem of the liberation of the Negroes, of the choice of a peaceful or hostile path, is also

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discussed in another book by the author, whose name is "Dred, the story of the damned swamp."
In other novels, the writer also dealt with social issues, women's education, women's equality.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (born Emily Elizabeth Dickinson; 1830-1886) was an

American poet. During her lifetime, she published less than ten poems (most sources give numbers
from seven to ten) out of one thousand eight hundred written by her. Dickinson's poems have no
analogues in contemporary poetry. Their lines are short, titles are generally missing, and unusual
punctuation and capitalization are common. Many of her poems contain the motif of death and
immortality, the same plots permeate her letters to friends. Currently, Emily Dickinson is regarded
by critics as one of the greatest American poets. by illness. Emily was very educated and well-
read. She studied English, Latin, literature, history, botany, geology, psychology and arithmetic.
Emily's poems have attracted many composers, including Samuel Barber, Elliott Carter, Aarono
Copland, Andre Previn, Michael Tilson Thomas, Ned Rorem, Osvaldo Golikhov. Dickinson spoke
beautiful English, a rich and vivid imagination, which may be why the poems of the poetess are
unforgettable, impressionable, full of feelings.

A flower follows the sun with its gaze, and in the evening, noticing nearby

With the eyes of a flower,

It grumbles, bending low: "Why are you sitting close to me?" "Because life is sweet!"

We are all flowers, and You are the light!

Forgive us if we did not have enough days to love you, -

We are in love with your sunsets, In your flights and agates,

And at midnight ahead!

I especially like the following creation of the American poetess.

Success is tempting for those who are not fed up with it.

The nectar will soon be appreciated by the One Who is tormented by Thirst.

In the purple Army, who managed to take away the Flag from the enemy,

No Victory price.

Can't know better

Than that defeated soldier who was slain in battle

And I heard the sound of victorious trumpets, Falling into a mortal sleep.

Edna St. Vincent Millay (eng. Edna St. Vincent Millay, 1892-1950) - American poetess

and playwright, one of the most famous poets of the United States of the XX century. Born into a
family of a nurse and a teacher, she grew up without a father, her mother traveled a lot with her
daughters from city to city in search of work, taught them independence and love of literature.
Edna's literary talents (or, as she preferred to call herself as a child, "Vincent") were revealed at a
college in Camden, Maine, she began to print from the age of 15. In 1912, Millay's poem
"Renascence" won fourth place in the US Poem of the Year competition, causing a scandal because
everyone considered it deserving of first place; the winner admitted that he received the prize with
displeasure, and the runner-up gave his award to Edna. After this story, Millay became a celebrity,
and a wealthy woman, Caroline Doe, paid for the education of the poetess at Wasser College. After
graduating in 1917, Edna moved to New York. In New York, Millay lived in Greenwich Village
and led a free, bohemian life. Her fame grew. In 1923, her collection Harp Weaver and other poems
won the Pulitzer Prize, the first time a woman had been awarded the prize for poetry. Millay is a
master of the sonnet, ballads, in her form she was guided by classical traditions; echoes of the topic

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of the day (the place of a woman in society, etc.) were also reflected in her work. Her reputation
was negatively affected by patriotic poems written during the Second World War; Los Angeles
Times critic Merle Rubin noted that "she seemed to provoke more American critics with her pro-
democracy poetry than Ezra Pound with her pro-fascism poetry." Nevertheless, in 1943, during
the war, Millay received the Robert Frost Medal for outstanding contributions to poetry.

Marianne Moore (Marianne Craig Moore, 1887-1972) is an American poet, one of the

leading representatives of modernism, the winner of many awards (including the National Book
Award and the Pulitzer Prize in 1951), who wrote in a peculiar, vivid manner that combined
accuracy and richness with abundant citation and a rare ability to “put a variety of ideas into one,
compact image. T.S. Eliot called Moore's work "a particle of that very rare substance that is called
non-ephemeral modern poetry." Moore gained fame and popularity in the literary circles of New
York, where she repeatedly took on the role of hostess at the mayor's receptions. She often attended
boxing matches and baseball games, and was a big fan of Muhammad Ali, for whose album (I Am
the Greatest!) She wrote the intro on the cover. Moore continued to publish in publications such
as The Nation, The New Republic and Partisan Review. Each of these writers is unique in their
own way, each of them, undoubtedly, left her own handwriting in the history of the development
of American literature in the 20th century. Each of them and many others deserve to be called the
"Pride of American Culture and Literature". A woman writer is always interesting, always a
mystery. After all, every woman is first and foremost a person. This topic is very deep and
extensive, so I want to continue my research in this area.



Showalter, E., 1971. Women and the literary curriculum. College English, 32(8), pp.855-


Aaron, J., Ardis, A.L. and Armstrong, T.D., 2004. The Cambridge history of twentieth
century English literature (Vol. 1). Cambridge University Press.


Fayzullaeva, U. and Parmonova, N., 2021. THE EVOLUTION OF FEMALE WRITERS IN
CENTURY. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 2021(02), pp.75- 83.


Swuste, P., Van Gulijk, C. and Zwaard, W., 2010. Safety metaphors and theories, a review
of the occupational safety literature of the US, UK and The Netherlands, till the first part of
the 20th century. Safety science, 48(8), pp.1000-1018.


Orlova, A.M. and Rudometova, N.A., 2017. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMAGE OF A
Актуальные проблемы изучения иностранных языков и литератур: сб. ст. молодых
ученых: в 2 ч./отв. ред., p.118.


Clay, C., 2017. British Women Writers 1914-1945: Professional Work and Friendship.


Berberich, C., 2016. The image of the English gentleman in twentieth-century literature:
Englishness and nostalgia. Routledge.

Библиографические ссылки

Showalter, E., 1971. Women and the literary curriculum. College English, 32(8), pp.855- 862.

Aaron, J., Ardis, A.L. and Armstrong, T.D., 2004. The Cambridge history of twentieth century English literature (Vol. 1). Cambridge University Press.

Fayzullaeva, U. and Parmonova, N., 2021. THE EVOLUTION OF FEMALE WRITERS IN THE 20TH CENTURY: FROM THE LATE 19TH CENTURY TOWARDS 21ST CENTURY. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 2021(02), pp.75- 83.

Swuste, P., Van Gulijk, C. and Zwaard, W., 2010. Safety metaphors and theories, a review of the occupational safety literature of the US, UK and The Netherlands, till the first part of the 20th century. Safety science, 48(8), pp.1000-1018.

Orlova, A.M. and Rudometova, N.A., 2017. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMAGE OF A STRONG WOMAN IN ENGLISH LITERATURE OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Актуальные проблемы изучения иностранных языков и литератур: сб. ст. молодых ученых: в 2 ч./отв. ред., p.118.

Clay, C., 2017. British Women Writers 1914-1945: Professional Work and Friendship. Routledge.

Berberich, C., 2016. The image of the English gentleman in twentieth-century literature: Englishness and nostalgia. Routledge.

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