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Urunbayeva Yulduz Pirnazarovna
Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor
Fayzullayeva Sabrina Uyg‘un qizi
Samarkand institute of economics and service
From the methodological point of view, all the nutrients consumed by the human beings can be divided
into two groups: nature conserved natural habits prepared for human consumption, and produced in
order to meet their needs, affecting the nature through human economic activity and labor, ie, unwanted
favors. Therefore, it is desirable to have 2 types of natural resources and non - material (economic)
benefits in terms of the source of all human nutrition. This approach is recognized in the economic
theory from A. Smith's age.
Theoretical-Methodological Problems of Service Sector Development
The article emphasizes that the development of the services sector is a key
factor in the socio-economic development of the country.
2023 Hosting by Research Parks. All rights reserved.
Article history:
Received 01 Oct 2023
Received in revised form
02 Nov 2023
Accepted 07 Dec 2023
sector, living standards,
quality of life, demand,
consumption, savings,
wages, income of the
ISSN (electronic): 2620-6269/
ISSN (printed): 2615-4021
Vol. 5 No. 12 | Dec 2023
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Peer review under responsibility of Emil Kaburuan.
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However, theoretical research on the evolutionary changes taking place in the proportion of natural and
unnatural (economic
) nutrients in human consumption, their general consumption, theoretical
investigations on the causes, changes, and effects of human consumption are ignored by economists.
At the initial stages of human development, human beings began to create different products,
effectively influencing the nature, feeling that they were not enough to satisfy the necessities of life, not
only of natural habits (land, water, air, wild animals, trees, plants, etc.). The benefits of human labor
over the centuries have been compounded by quantity and quality. During the great historic period of
human society, the proportion of the benefits created by human labor has grown steadily in the total
number of delicious ingredients it consumes. On the contrary, the share of natural nutrients in the total
consumption of human beings has gradually diminished. More importantly, as the production capacities
develop and the expansion and rising of the human needs for various benefits, the share of the benefits
created through the use of labor increases gradually.
This economic phenomenon is the result of the interconnected development of various economic,
social, political, and cultural processes, and is ultimately reflected in the improvement of human quality
of life. On the other hand, natural prosperity and quality improvement of every person, living in
favorable conditions, full satisfaction of his material and spiritual needs are the driving force of the
development and promotion of society and the power of the whole system of economic activity. This
natural desire, which is unique to human nature, represents its essential interests.
There are natural and non - formal benefits in the consumption pattern. Recognizing that each of them
plays an important role in shaping people's living standards, we will try to find out which of them is
primary and which is of secondary significance.
Of course, at the present stage of the development of society, one can not imagine a lifestyle without
stereotyped pleasures. On the surface, it seems unlikely that natural and unnatural pleasures should be
separated from the consumption and living standards of a person, and that they can not be distinguished
as being of primary or secondary importance. But if we take a closer look at the problem, the proportion
of natural systems in the consumption system is low, but they are of primary importance in maintaining
human life.At the early stages of human development, human beings enjoyed only the gifts they
enjoyed. The legendary hero RabinzonCruzo has been living on an empty island for only a few years,
consuming only natural flavors. However, it is difficult for a person to live without natural flavors.
More importantly, the economic benefits of production can not be achieved without natural resources.
We believe that this can be the basis for acknowledgment of unnatural pleasure, which is the primary
source of natural nutrition in human consumption, the product of human labor.
As we have mentioned above, when production capacities develop and the human capacity for
economic activity is expanding, the uneven quality of production grows continuously, its types grow
and the quality is improved. As a result of deepening of labor division at a certain stage of development,
a new branch of production of economic products - the production of services began to be formed.
Some services are known from ancient times and have been instrumental in determining the lifestyle
and lifestyle of the people at that time
. For example, medical services, shopping, educational services,
and various social services have been an important part of socioeconomic relations. But as an important
branch of the economy, it has emerged in later centuries and has attracted the attention of economists.
Due to the fact that it is a product of human economic activity, it is possible to call it unrealistic economic benefits.
Urunbaeva Yu.P. Needs and prospects for improving living standards // "Problems of management and business development" International
Conference. - Samarkand: SamISI, 2008. pp. 187-188.
ISSN (electronic): 2620-6269/
ISSN (printed): 2615-4021
Vol. 5 No. 12 | Dec 2023
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The scientific views on the services had originally been formed in the works of the classics of the
theory of classical economics. In order to substantiate the essence of the services concept and to
distinguish them from the merit of the merchandise, all the nutritional needs of the person are divided
into two types: material gifts and frivolous gifts. Theoretical physicist teaches that all services are
considered to be infinite, and in the history of science they laid the foundation for the scientific
understanding of services.
The great economist A. Smith (1723-1790) introduced the concept of "productive work" and
"inexhaustible labor" to solve the problem of revealing the economic content of servicing entertainment
as a source of social wealth of the country. He believes that all kinds of labor, which produce material
goods and material blessings, are productive work that creates a new value. In contrast, the work of
those who are busy in serving, is in vain, and this work does not create a new value, but serves to gain
the value created in material production.
Along with mentioning the above-mentioned scientific points of view on the importance of the modern
science theory in this area, it should be admitted that it is not worthy of scientific research to consider
labor as a productive or productive work, depending on the production of material goods or services.
The Conception of the productive and endless work that continues to date, which has brought the
attention of many economists to the attention of many former economists in the history of the Soviet
Union, has led to considerable scientific debate and controversy. First of all, it can not serve as the basis
for determining the essence of the concept of "Services", the role of social enhancement or the role of
the gross product. It is noteworthy that any kind of nutrition that is necessary for human consumption,
regardless of whether material or non-material, should still be regarded as productive. The voiding of
the types of work related to the creation of the services leads to considerable drops, more precisely, the
degradation of the role of this sector in social and economic development of the society.
It would be more appropriate for us to understand that any effort (whether material or non-material) is
an endless effort to achieve an end-effect of the economic activity of an individual, that is to say good-
bye. For example, if a porcelain dish comes out of the packaging or transportation process, it still does
not deliver to the consumer, or if the production process goes unheeded, or goes out of the store shelves
without the buyer's purchase, then all the work done to produce and sell the same blessing it can be
viewed as inefficient or ineffective.
Whether or not the farmer plows the ground in the spring, but with no seeds sprouting in the rain, it can
be seen that every living and lifeless work spent on land for the first time on land, planting, sowing
seeds, It would be logical to use this approach to be productive and productive in terms of productive
and endless species. There is an opportunity to carry out scientific and theoretical and practical research
on the problem of reducing the share of labor that has not yielded any results for the poor, poor, and the
satisfaction of the population's nutrition in the social production process
. The first of a proportion of
productive labor and endless work is of great practical significance, and its outcome is reflected in the
increase of productivity of social production.
The concepts and scientific views of classical economic doctrines on non-material blessings and
services have been further developed and enriched by research by economist scientists. In particular, the
English economist A. Marshall (1880-1959) made a considerable, yet more logical, reasoning statement
Urunbaeva Yu.P. Services and Living Standards: Relationships and Prospects // Monograph.-
Tashkent: Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Science, 2013. 144 p.
ISSN (electronic): 2620-6269/
ISSN (printed): 2615-4021
Vol. 5 No. 12 | Dec 2023
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Peer review under responsibility of Emil Kaburuan.
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on the services and eventually made a worthy contribution to the theoretical foundations of the service
industry. He interpreted the services as the undeniable results of the labor intuition, the intuition of the
labor force. In this regard, A. Marshall did not go far beyond the ideas of classical economic doctrine,
but suggested a number of progressive points in explaining the role of services in the formation of
social wealth. He focused on proving that all the benefits are material and non-material, and that each of
them is equally important in shaping the social wealth in the country. It is not only a full recognition of
the vital and indispensable necessity of material gifts (natural gifts, industries, and agricultural products,
etc.) that satisfy the needs and needs of the human being, but also the diversity of non - and that the
benefits and services are of great importance. In the way of life and the way of life, the material benefits
are increased for the person.
But it is also crucial for a person to live for the sake of his life, what country he lives in, what country
he lives in, the conditions in that country, the civil and military security, the right to enjoy state-owned
property and free education, and the right to judicial protection. Therefore, according to A. Marshall,
these blessings should also be reflected in the evaluation of the social wealth of the country. From this
scientific point of view, A. Marshall has been able to develop the theories that are so well-known in his
discovery of the essence of social wealth.
Over the past period, the theory of service has always evolved and improved. Towards the present stage
of human development, the sphere of services has become the leading network of many countries,
especially in the developed economies. The share of the services sector in the country's GDP is
currently 70% in Japan, 78% in Germany, and 80% in France. The growing role of science in increasing
the economic potential of this industry and increasing its role in addressing human needs and shaping
the standard of living. The scope and range of research services, their essence, importance, development
trends, causes and effects are widening.
Modern-day theoretical knowledge about the field of services has been significantly narrowed down by
their original imagination and scientific views about them. The vast economic potential of the sphere of
services today and its position in the national economy and the theoretical knowledge of this field are
the result of evolutionary development of several centuries.
However, it should be noted that for many years, many researchers - scientific researchers have
concluded that the essence and the economic content of the services have not been finalized, and that
most of them have unanimously agreed on the merits. In this article, we decided to refrain from
dwelling on the analysis and detail of the definitions given by various scientists, and we would like to
summarize some of our ideas on the essence of services between economists and scholars on diversity
of tariffs and instabilities. In our view, economists have tried to rely on the specific features of
production and consumption of this gift in the service description. For example, a renowned economist,
marketer F. Cotter, describes the services as: a useful activity that does not allow any activity or
blessing that may be invoked by one party. The Polish economist O.Lange describes the services as:
services that are directly or indirectly linked to the satisfaction of consumers.
Of course, services also serve to meet certain human needs, such as commodities; they are the product
of human economic activity, such as merchandise; they have the same value and value as commodities.
From the scientific point of view, there is no objection to that. However, in our opinion, the main
criterion for disclosing the essence of the concept of services and providing them with a scientific
definition is the role and importance of this industry in the development of human reproduction and the
development of personality, the distinctive features and signs that distinguish it from other types of
production and consumption. should be followed.
ISSN (electronic): 2620-6269/
ISSN (printed): 2615-4021
Vol. 5 No. 12 | Dec 2023
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Peer review under responsibility of Emil Kaburuan.
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In the formation of the theory of services, all the blessings have a profound meaning in terms of
material and non-material blessings, but also of vital importance for the development of human society
and the extensive reproduction. However, it is possible for all the blessings not only to be material and
non-material, but also to look at their condition, depending on their place of consumption, in the
presence of dark and liquid, or, for example, the place of consumption at home and at home. Although
it is possible to differentiate the benefits according to these signs, it can not be practically valid. There
is no need for a theory that does not serve for practice.
The development of human society has led to a turning point in its life from the moment a person has
developed and consumed some services to meet his own needs. From the point of view of timely
prosperity, as mentioned above, the production and consumption of secondary blessings began much
earlier than the material benefits - the use of primary nutrients.In the primitive community, people first
produced and consumed material nutrition through their own hands or the simplest work tools. At a
certain stage of society's development, some kinds of services, such as health services, educational
services, and some social services have emerged and developed as a literary outcome of the
development of production capacities.
The important aspect of the research is that during the historical period the production of services has
grown rapidly compared to the production of material goods and, as we have already seen, they have
become the main source of human satisfaction. Hence, the production and consumption of services in
society is governed by the law of faster growth than the production and consumption of material goods.
It means that human beings focus their attention on the production of services, increase the share of
services in its consumption and become a major factor in shaping the quality of life.
By the 20th century, when science became direct production power, the economy developed at
unprecedented rates. The introduction of science and technology achievements, and the continuous
increase in labor productivity have further enriched the potential of human economic activity. If all of
these capacities were intended to produce only material things, then there would be new serious
problems with society. More importantly, these opportunities were largely mobilized to expand and
develop the services sector.
In the 70s of the last century, economists have faced a major challenge: labor productivity has grown
dramatically, after a number of years, the number of people employed in material production has to be
reduced to 2 times or reduced by 2 times. Scientists of the same period have made serious researches on
how to use the free time available due to the sharp decline in the working hours of the employed
population, and to reduce the amount of material production, and to find out how to work for the
unemployed, definitely The role of the services sector is unmatched in solving this problem.
The emergence and development of the services sector as a cornerstone of the development of
production forces and the division of social division plays a significant role in addressing a number of
other issues facing the human society. Here are some of these, in our view, the most important ones
Human nature is merely a unique characteristic. This is also a dissatisfaction. From what Successes,
achievements, accumulated wealth, position in society and so on. This characteristic of human nature
has a great positive and, at the same time, major negative aspects, which are difficult to deny. The
positive thing is that if this was not the case in human beings, people would not have gone through the
history of the primitive community a lifetime. It is true that the feeling of dissatisfaction with existing
Urunbaeva Yu.P. Services and Living Standards: Relationships and Prospects // Monograph. -
Tashkent: Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Science, 2013. 144 p.
ISSN (electronic): 2620-6269/
ISSN (printed): 2615-4021
Vol. 5 No. 12 | Dec 2023
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Peer review under responsibility of Emil Kaburuan.
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things is the driving force of the society, which is the driving force of continuous socio-economic
development. Its negative aspect reflects man's ambition, his pursuit of career and wealth, his efforts to
strengthen his position in the society, and constantly expanding his economic activities. All this,
ultimately, creates an ecological situation threatening the immense balance of nature and the lives of
As a manifestation of the dissatisfaction with human beings, which is reflected in the law of continuous
growth of needs, A.S.An example of Pushkin's famous "Golden Fish" fairy tale. The content of the
work can also be understood not only by not grasping the essence of dissatisfaction, but also of the
consequences of its disastrous consequences. To explain the essence of human suffering, we would like
to make a statement of the great Greek philosopher Xenofont (430-355 AD): No one had the money to
the maximum of what he wanted. So, no matter how much money, wealth, nodiv has ever considered
it sufficient, and has sought to increase it further.
Growth of the quantity, volume and quality of services, and the growing volume of purchasing services
in the structure of consumer spending contributed to a certain extent the growth of the role of non-
material, non-economic and spiritual potential. It indicates that the development of the society has a
tendency to increase the value of non-material blessings, that is, the role of services in shaping the
living standards of the population, which is the decline of their loyalty to things and things, rather their
diversity of services.
Pure services are merely the value of the services rendered by the industry's personnel and represent the
real economic potential of the service sector. The higher the share of net services in the structure of
gross services, the higher the efficiency of the population employment in this area. In order to
determine the value of pure services, the value of the total services will be deducted from the cost of
that is: Sk = Yak- Tm
In this case:
Sk - pure services.
Yak - Gross services
Tm - Supply of consumers through industry networks finished product size.
In evaluating the economic potential of the sphere of services and the role of the sector in shaping the
living standards, it is desirable to use the purely clear services. The higher the relative share of the net
services in the GDP and the consumer spending, the more rarely used rare and rare material resources,
the more successful the solution to the problem of the active interaction with the nature in the interests
of the individual.
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ISSN (printed): 2615-4021
Vol. 5 No. 12 | Dec 2023
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