Сущность сферы услуг и социально-экономическое значение быстрого развития сегодня

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Урунбаева , Ю., & Умирзакова, М. (2024). Сущность сферы услуг и социально-экономическое значение быстрого развития сегодня. in Library, 21(4), 1–9. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/35126
Юлдуз Урунбаева , Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса

Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса, доцент кафедры экономической теории, доктор философских наук по экономике



В статье подчеркивается сущность сферы услуг и социально-экономическая значимость ее быстрого развития.

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"Экономика и социум" №11(90) 2021 www.iupr.ru



Yu.P.Urunbaeva-Ph.D, docent, Samarkand institute of economics and service,

M.I.Umirzakova-assistant, Samarkand institute of economics and service,

M.I.Baratova-master, Samarkand institute of economics and service.

Annotation -

The article emphasizes the essence of the service sector and the

socio-economic importance of its rapid development.

Key words:

living standards, quality of life, demand, consumption, population

savings, wages, incomes.

Consistent reforms in our country, measures aimed at restoring sustainable

economic growth, modernization of society, liberalization of the economy are leading

to significant quantitative and qualitative changes in the national economy. The main

goal of the ongoing reforms and radical changes in the path of socio-economic

development is to continuously improve the living standards of the country's

population and restore it to its previous state. In the implementation of this important

task, that is, in the formation of a decent standard of living and quality of life for the

population of the country, the service sector has a special role.

The rapid development of the service sector in the country and a sharp increase

in its share in GDP allow solving several important socio-economic problems, such

as employment, increasing real incomes, improving the welfare of all segments of the

population. One of the peculiarities of the development of the national economy of

Uzbekistan is that the share of services in the country's GDP is growing from year to

year, and during the pandemic period there is a significant decline. In 2015, this

figure was 48.9 per cent, and by 2020 it will be 33.5 per cent. In the Samarkand

region, the share of services in GDP (47.2-30.9%, respectively). The rapid

development of this sector in the future is one of the key components of the country's

long-term macroeconomic policy. The fact that the President of the Republic of

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Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev raised the issue of increasing the share of tourism

services in GDP to 28% by 2035 is clear proof of our opinion.

Today, innovation processes in service enterprises in the country are

developing slowly, the population's demand for services is not sufficiently met. This,

in turn, harms the formation and development of the service sector, which to some

extent reduces its impact on the living standards of the population.


. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev Sh.M. "2021 is the Year of Youth Support

and Public Health." People's Speech, December 30, 2020.

In our opinion, the existence of such a situation is determined by the lack of a

scientifically based, systematic methodology to address the above problems, in

particular, to improve the welfare of the population through the rapid development of

services and improving their quality. The lack of a unified concept for the gradual

development of the system of services to all segments of the population following

market relations and thus increasing the welfare of the entire population of the

country also requires extensive research in this area.

Given the above, it can be noted that one of the most pressing issues is a

comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the increase in living standards of the

population based on the development of the service sector, the development of

scientifically based proposals and practical recommendations to improve its

theoretical and methodological basis.

Today, government reforms to address the effects of the epidemic and the

coronavirus pandemic are bearing fruit. However, it is natural that the negative

developments in the economy with the implementation of reforms will affect the

socio-economic development of the country, the living standards of the population

and the level of economic security of the country. According to the International

Monetary Fund's baseline forecasts based on the forecasts of the cessation of

coronavirus pandemic expansion and the gradual recovery of economic activity from

the second half of the year, the world economy will shrink by 3.0% in 2020. In our

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country, too, the coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the economy,

causing a slowdown in economic growth.

In his address to the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December

29, 2020, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that this year, unlike previous years,

coincided with a difficult period, a global catastrophe called the coronavirus

pandemic. To address the problems, the Decree "On additional measures to support

the population, sectors of the economy and businesses during the coronavirus

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to support the population, sectors of the

economy and businesses during the coronavirus pandemic" T .: April 3, 2020, No PF-5978.



Yulduz P.

Urunbaeva Increasing the impact of service sector on the living standards of the population in innovative economy

environment http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/10387/5598 2020. 05.

pandemic" provides for strengthening social protection and ensuring the

sustainability of economic sectors, as well as, requires special attention to the support

of some business entities. At the current stage of the development of society, the

economy has become a complex of industries that include not only production but

also thousands of services. The national economy, which has been established in the

years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the new economic relations that

are emerging as a result of consistent economic reforms, create favourable conditions

for further development of the service sector. Today, this sector is rapidly developing

the national economy and is highly effective in improving the living standards and

quality of life. It is one of the main components of the social and international

division of labour. The service sector provides opportunities for the development of

other industries, coordinating the creation of new jobs, the introduction and

improvement of new technologies, the development of private entrepreneurship and

increasing competitiveness. At the current stage of the development of society, the

service sector is an integral part of the complex of our economy, participates in the

general system of economic relations and is subject to all existing economic laws.

The size of the industry, its share in key macroeconomic indicators, is determined by

the volume of services per capita. The service sector has a great positive impact on

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the economy of a particular country and directly contributes to improving the living

standards of the population. Consequently, in developed countries, the share of the

industry in GDP is 80 per cent, 75 per cent in total employment and 90 per cent in

total enterprises.

Uzbekistan has created a legal framework for radical reform of the service

sector, improving their activities, enhancing their stabilizing role, using them as a

factor in building an innovative economy and ensuring competitiveness. Advanced

scientific and technical achievements have been introduced in the service sector,

expanded professional and retraining of service providers, strengthened mechanisms

for organizing cooperation with large and small service enterprises based on

developing contractual relations, improved participation in corporate relations.

However, despite the great achievements in the development of the service sector in

the context of the pandemic, the development of the services

Appendix 1 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "On the

strategy of actions for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" PF-4947 "Strategy of actions on

five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021" Lex. Uz

Smith A. Exploration of the nature and origins of the riches of the people. /per.S.angl.E.M.Mayburda.-M.,

1993. - S.572 .; Jerebin V.M., Romanov A.N. Uroven jizni naseleniya. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2002.- S 224.;

Gorelov N.A.I dr. Politics of income and quality of life of the population: Ucheb. posobie. - SPb .: Peter,

2003.- S 653.

sector is lagging in terms of the volume and quality of services provided. Therefore,

special attention is paid to modern research, which creates the basis for further

development of the service sector, increasing its share in the economy, providing

employment and increasing incomes to improve living standards and quality of life.

The Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of

Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 identifies important tasks for "accelerated development of

the service sector, increasing the role and share of services in. GDP." The effective

implementation of these tasks determines the urgency of work on the development of

the service sector Improving the well-being of the

population is at the heart of all the problems of any economic system, and all efforts

in the field of socio-economic development are ultimately aimed at solving this main

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"Экономика и социум" №11(90) 2021 www.iupr.ru

problem. Therefore, issues of social welfare and living standards have attracted the

attention of many economists since ancient times. Well-known economists such as

A.Smith, V.M.Jerebin, A.N.Romanov, N.A.Gorelov has made a huge contribution to

the formation of the theory of social welfare and living standards.

It is difficult to create a system of modern scientific views on the welfare and

standard of living of the population without their theoretical approaches and









As a result of our theoretical research in this area, human development has three

important features of the current stage in solving the problems of improving living

standards: First - migration in the context of globalization, services, international

trade, foreign investment and communication exerts its effects. Today, Uzbekistan is

an integral part of the international community and the global financial and economic

market. This is evidenced by the growing ties with the outside world, the

implementation of programs for the development, modernization, technical and

technological re-equipment of economic sectors with the support of leading

developed countries, Uzbekistan's integration into the world market, imports and

exports of goods and services. has a great influence on the formation of living

standards and quality of life of the population of each country. The second is the

escalation of environmental problems (epidemics and pandemics). As a result, there

is a growing need to ensure national and international environmental security,

adherence to the concept of sustainable development, ensuring the equality of

interests of present and future generations in solving the problems of resource use to

develop the economy at a rapid pace. Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account the

formation of a socially-oriented market economy model, the strengthening of the

principles of social justice in the distribution, and the fact that rational social policy is

becoming a key factor in economic development. This requires the support of the

needy strata of the population and socially vulnerable groups (the disabled, young

people, women (those infected with Covid-19 infection)) and social protection from

market forces. In turn, the rise in living standards of the general population will

strengthen its labour and social activities, the role and importance of the human factor

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in production will increase, participation in the development of the country's

economy will increase. To clarify the theoretical problem posed, it is important to

dwell in more detail on the content of each direction and the nature of the

mechanisms of influence. The main goal of social production and human economic

activity is to meet the constantly growing needs of the population. The need to meet

the needs of the population also applies to the services sector. The need for a variety

of services is an integral part of the general needs of the population and their









Therefore, we can say that one of the important features of postindustrial society is

that the position of the service sector in the national economy has strengthened and

become a leading factor in expanded reproduction. The service sector is a product of

the interdependent development of various economic, social, political, natural and

cultural processes, and, ultimately, is reflected in the improvement of living

standards. In turn, it is expedient to recognize that raising the standard of living of

each person to live in favourable conditions, the natural desire to fully meet their

material and spiritual needs is an important factor in the development of society and

the entire system of economic activity.

Although services arose in very ancient times as an important means of

satisfying the vital needs of man, scientific views on them were originally formed in

the works of the representatives of classical economic theory. To reveal the essence

of the concept of services and to justify their radical difference from the goods in the

form of goods, all the delicacies consumed by man were divided into two types:

material delicacies and intangible delicacies. It should be noted that the

representatives of economic education considered all services as intangible benefits

and laid the foundation for the formation of the scientific concept of services for the

first time in the history of science. For example, the classical economist A.Smith

introduced the concepts of "productive labour" and "unproductive labour" to fully

reveal the economic content of the benefits of the service and to solve the


Smith A. Exploration of the nature and origins of the riches of the people. /per.S.angl.E.M.Mayburda.-M., 1993. - S.-

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"Экономика и социум" №11(90) 2021 www.iupr.ru

152. Urunbaeva Yu.P. Prospects for improving the living standards of the population based on the development of the

service sector. Dissertation S: 2018 189 p. Kotler F. Marketing management. Express course. 2nd ed. / per. s angl .;

under red. S.G. Bojuk.- SPb .: Peter, 2005. - S.301

problem of its view as a source of social wealth of the country. A material product,

all kinds of labour that create material wealth, are productive labour, and this labour

creates new value. Also, the labour of those engaged in service is unproductive, and

this labour does not create new value but serves to assimilate the value created in

material production.

Material benefits in the form of human life activities and lifestyles create

material comforts for a person. But for a person, for his life, in what period (epidemic

and coronavirus pandemic), in what country he lives, the situation in that country, the

provision of civil and military security, the use of state property and free education,

free health care, the right to judicial protection, etc. is very important. Modern

theoretical knowledge about the field of services has moved far from the content of

the initial idea and scientific views about them. The huge economic potential of the

service sector today, as well as its position in the national economy of the country

and the theoretical knowledge of this sector, is the result of centuries of evolutionary

development. For example, F. Kotler expressed the following opinion about the

nature of services: services are any activity or benefit that one party can offer to


party, a useful action that

does not allow one to own anything. Some definitions correspond

to the content of this idea, it is important to dwell on them separately.


are goods that are purchased by consumers but are intangible, alien to the form and

principle of ownership. Service is a profitable concept or (action) attitude that is not

able to acquire the right of ownership of property as any material object.

In our opinion, all the above definitions and ideas do not fully reveal the socio-

economic nature of the concept of "service" but are aimed at substantiating an

important aspect of this economic concept, which is that services, like all material

goods, meet human needs. The main shortcoming of these definitions, in our view, is

that if we rely on them to explain the essence of the concept of "service", then we

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have to consider all material, that is, packaged blessings as service. "Every industry,

big or small, provides services," Levitt said. Continuing

Assel G. Marketing: principles and strategies: textbook for universities. -M .: INFRA-M, 2001.- S.337. Nureev

R.M. Ekonomika razvitiya: modeli stanovleniya rynochnoy ekonomiki.-M., 2008. - S 19. Note: When it

comes to health, wealth is life, beauty! Wealth gained without health is worthless as a child (Yu.P.Urunbaeva).

Kotler F. Marketing management. Express course. 2-e izd./per. s angl .; under red. S.G. Bojuk. - SPb .: Peter, 2005.- p.


this idea, F. Kotler gives a new meaning to this approach, stating that "in fact, the

customer, who is the buyer of the goods, buys the service in the form of goods

offered to him ... In the end, everything depends on the service."

Hence, from the above, we can conclude that service is productive and

conscious labour resulting from the skill of the employee. Based on the content of the

above ideas, the following can be defined in terms of clarifying these concepts.

Service is an activity aimed at maximizing the needs of the population, the state and

society, helping to improve living standards (health, cultural recreation, scientific

potential, mood, saving valuable time spent on daily household worries (depending

on need)). From the above considerations, we can conclude that while acknowledging

that services are a separate process they can be said to be aimed at improving the

living standards of the population.

List of used literature

1. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev Sh.M. "2021 is the Year

of Youth Support and Public Health." People's Speech, December 30, 2020.

2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional

measures to support the population, sectors of the economy and businesses during the

coronavirus pandemic" T .: April 3, 2020, No PF-5978. www.lex.uz

3. Smith A. Exploration of the nature and origins of the riches of the people.

/per.S.angl.E.M.Mayburda.-M., 1993. - S.-152.

4. Kotler F. Marketing management. Express course. 2nd ed. / per. s angl .;

under red. S.G. Bojuk.- SPb .: Peter, 2005. - S.301.

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"Экономика и социум" №11(90) 2021 www.iupr.ru

5. Assel G. Marketing: principles and strategies: textbook for universities. -M .:

INFRA-M, 2001.- S.337.

6. Nureev R.M. Ekonomika razvitiya: modeli stanovleniya rynochnoy

ekonomiki.-M., 2008. - S 19.

7. Yulduz P. Urunbaeva Increasing the impact of the service sector on the

living standards of the population in an innovative economy environment

http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/10387/5598 2020. 05.

8. Urunbaeva Yu.P. Prospects for improving the living standards of the

population based on the development of the service sector. Dissertation S: 2018 189


9. Muxammedov M. etc. “Theoretical bases of service development and

tourism development” - S .: Zarafshan 2017.-299 p.

10. Urunbaeva Yu. P. The service sector and living standards: interdependence

and development prospects. Monograph.Tashkent .: «FAN», 2013.- 156 p.

Библиографические ссылки

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev Sh.M. "2021 is the Year of Youth Support and Public Health." People's Speech, December 30, 2020.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to support the population, sectors of the economy and businesses during the coronavirus pandemic" T .: April 3, 2020, No PF-5978. www.lex.uz

Smith A. Exploration of the nature and origins of the riches of the people. /per.S.angl.E.M.Mayburda.-M., 1993. - S.-152.

Kotler F. Marketing management. Express course. 2nd ed. / per. s angl .; under red. S.G. Bojuk.- SPb .: Peter, 2005. - S.301.

Assel G. Marketing: principles and strategies: textbook for universities. -M .: INFRA-M, 2001.- S.337.

Nureev R.M. Ekonomika razvitiya: modeli stanovleniya rynochnoy ekonomiki.-M., 2008. - S 19.

Yulduz P. Urunbaeva Increasing the impact of the service sector on the living standards of the population in an innovative economy environment http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/10387/5598 2020. 05.

Urunbaeva Yu.P. Prospects for improving the living standards of the population based on the development of the service sector. Dissertation S: 2018 189 p.

Muxammedov M. etc. “Theoretical bases of service development and tourism development” - S .: Zarafshan 2017.-299 p.

Urunbaeva Yu. P. The service sector and living standards: interdependence and development prospects. Monograph.Tashkent .: «FAN», 2013.- 156 p.

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