Denotative peculiarities of english architecture- construction terms and words | in Library

Denotative peculiarities of english architecture- construction terms and words

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Акхмедов, О., & Салойдинова, Н. (2024). Denotative peculiarities of english architecture- construction terms and words . in Library, 22(2), 1407–1414. извлечено от
Ойбек Акхмедов, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Доктор филологических наук, профессор
Наргиза Салойдинова, Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный университет


The author of the paper by means of denotative peculiarities analysis of term and word described the process of the penetration of terms and words during the different periods of development of the Uzbek language, paying attention to the main -extra and intra-linguistic factors. The carried out description analysis by the author of the research on Uzbek and English architecture-construction terms. The author draws a conclusion that any new lexical unit need to express every object, event, fact in the language, the need to name them through a speech or language unit has always taken an important place on the agenda. Because of this, researching the terminological system units of the Uzbek language related to the field of architecture and construction, in particular, many terms and neologisms entering our language is one of the urgent problems facing linguists.

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Volume 25 Issue 04, 2022

ISSN: 1005-3026

Original Research Paper


: 21/10/2022


: 24/11/2022




Akhmedov Oybek Saporbayevich

Doctor of Science in Philology, Professor of Uzbekistan State World Languages University,


Saloydinova Nargiza Shukhratovna

Assistant Professor of Tashkent institute of architecture and civil engineering,


The author of the paper by means of denotative peculiarities analysis of term and word
described the process of the penetration of terms and words during the different periods of
development of the Uzbek language, paying attention to the main -extra and intra-linguistic
factors. The carried out description analysis by the author of the research on Uzbek and English
architecture-construction terms. The author draws a conclusion that any new lexical unit need
to express every object, event, fact in the language, the need to name them through a speech or
language unit has always taken an important place on the agenda. Because of this, researching
the terminological system units of the Uzbek language related to the field of architecture and
construction, in particular, many terms and neologisms entering our language is one of the
urgent problems facing linguists.

Key words:

character, derivational, function, lexical units, semantics, stylistic, structural

models, terminology


The results of the scientific, theoretical and practical analyzes of linguists showed that the
existence surrounding humanity and the real and unreal realities in it are constantly interacting.
The realities of the universe have always had a relationship of mutual influence. The realities
of nature and humanity are so naturally integrated that neither of them can arise or develop in
isolation from the other. Through our research analysis, it can be said that the linguistic units
exist at the language level seem separate and independent according to their specific form, they
are closely related to each other in various ways: semantics, function, stylistic character,
derivational and structural models and other aspects. All lexical units at a certain language
level together form a whole, that is lexical system, and within this system they enter into inter-
lexeme interaction. In this regard, the opinion of V. M. Solntsev: "The system is a whole object
consisting of interacting elements of a certain lexical group" is also justified in this place.

Theoretical and methodological basis for analysis

Results of our research, after studying the scientific works carried out until now showed the
relationship between terms and words, also difference that occurs through a certain process.
However, this issue remains has not been fully explored. In this paragraph, the meaning and
essence of the harmony of the term and word relationship is revealed from a scientific and
theoretical point of view.

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Journal of Northeastern University

Volume 25 Issue 04, 2022

Copyright © 2022. Journal of Northeastern University. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-
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For several thousand years, humanity has been trying to realize, understand, and reach the
essence of all the things and events that surround it in existence, sometimes mentally and
sometimes physically. In order to express them, describe them, and deliver them from one to
another, language serves as the primary communication function. Explaining reality through
language creates reciprocity. In this linguistic process, in order to reveal the specific aspects of
the subject, we will learn the connections and relations with a certain thing and event.
Therefore, for scientific knowledge of things and events, it is important to consider and study
all the units of the language that express it.
A new thought appears in a person's mind under the influence of the surrounding world
(subject, event, reality, object), that is, any thought that appears in a person's mind is nothing
more than a reflection of existence. Each person has the ability to reflect in the mind,
distinguishing the general and specific signs of things and events in existence. However, he
expresses what he thinks through language, that is, through language units and speech acts that
make up a whole language.. Language is a means of systematic delivery of a certain whole
image created in the mind. Ferdinand de Saussure, who is considered the founder of this
direction, writes: "Language is a system of elements that form a whole. It arises from the
existence of each element that constitutes itself.


In the researches which are written in the

Uzbek language, it is rare to describe language units, but in several research works, this issue
has been thoroughly studied from a scientific-theoretical point of view. Grouping language
units and speech units on the basis of language and speech contrast and explaining them one
by one . It was reflected in the pamphlet "Language and Speech" published by Nematov Kh.
and O. Bozorov. Based on this, language units are reflected in the following model: phoneme
→ morpheme → lexeme → construction. In addition, based on this pamphlet, the linguist, Sh.
Rahmatullaev also tried to classify speech units. According to this classification, speech units
are classified by such units as: sound, background (letter), syllable → affix (suffix), morph →
word (lex) → word combination (sentence, microtext, macrotext).One of the most
controversial issues among linguists and researchers is whether speech units are words or
After much debate and discussion, based on the internal laws and criteria of linguistics, this
issue was answered as follows. Terms are, of course, units of speech, only they have certain
boundaries with respect to words. Thoughts and opinions about the harmony of terms and
words are more visible in the works of V. M. Solntsev.

In our opinion, before the term was

accepted as a language unit, it was a speech unit, because any new term is first used in the oral
speech of people, regardless of the neutral meaning it expresses, some terms are also
manifested in certain stylistic forms. Thus, the transition of the term from the sphere of speech
to the sphere of language and taking place from relevant lexicographic sources is a natural
product of linguistic and extralinguistic phenomenon.
Based on these researches, it is theoretically appropriate to say that the emergence of terms and
words as a speech unit is a natural phenomenon, and their use as a language unit is unnatural.
In English linguistics, the word is treated as a material of analysis. American linguist G.
Gleason's work "Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics" talks about the existence of three

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Volume 25 Issue 04, 2022

Copyright © 2022. Journal of Northeastern University. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-
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main components of language


Including: 1) form of expression; 2) form of content; 3)

dictionary form. If the formal unit of expression is a morpheme, a sememe is recorded as a
formal unit of content (semantic). Vocabulary is a form that includes concrete organic
connections between expression and content structure.


In our opinion, the word is the most important linguistic unit that serves to name things,
phenomena, processes and features that express the worldview of the language.
A.A. Reformatsky distinguishes four phenomena as "elements of language structure": 1)
speech sound (phoneme); 2) word stem (morpheme); 3) word (made-up words); 4) sentence
(expression of complete thought).
To characterize words as linguistic units, firstly, words must have a sound shell and convey a
specific meaning, that is, one word must have one meaning, but it can also have second and
third meanings according to its semantic and polysemantic properties (homonymic property).


Secondly, if the sounds do not have a certain shell, then it is removed from the property of
giving meaning, not words. The main thing is that the lexical-semantic shells of the words are
taken from the language unit to the speech unit in a systematic chain-like manner to create
According to A. Hojiev, "In linguistics, the term "Word" is also used for a lexeme and is called
a lexical word. For example, "word" is used in the same sense in the combinations "word
formation" and "synthetic word". In linguistics, the state of a lexeme occurring in a specific
form in speech is also called a word form, a lexeme form or a morphological word.
Dictionaries contain words that have a monosemantic character and are used in relatively
narrow circles and special directions. These lexical units are also called terms. Terms also fully
comply with morphological, phonetic-phonological, grammatical and other linguistic rules
specific to words. Accordingly, in 1969, S.F. Akobirov paid attention to the word term for the
first time from a scientific-theoretical point of view in his candidate work on the field of
terminology of the Uzbek language, explaining that "term is a special word used in a certain
In addition, there are different proportions, opinions and views about the terms in world
practice. In particular, G. Kitridge compared terms with mathematical formulas and noted:
"Terms are used when people communicate for a certain purpose."


In the course of our research, after we came across U.G. Paul's opinion that "the narrowing of
the meaning of words creates the basis for the emergence of terms", we began to pay attention
to the process of limiting terms to specific areas.
In the English Oxford Dictionary published under the leadership of the Scottish lexicographer
and ethnographer, J. Murray (after the scientist's death in 1919), the term "word or phrase used
in a limited or precise sense" appears for the first time - translation. "a word or phrase used in
a limited or specific sense" is defined in writing.


An issue naturally arises in the course of our

search. How do the terms we use actually differ from ordinary words? The Russian scientist
Budagov, agreeing with the scientist's opinion, says: "The term is a strictly clear idea... the term
strives for unambiguity." R.A. Budagov gave a more in-depth description of the ratio of terms
and words in the literature published by him.

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Volume 25 Issue 04, 2022

Copyright © 2022. Journal of Northeastern University. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-
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1) term has a specific meaning (than special sphere) adaptation,clear meaning; 2) intellectual
neutral and emotional should be


. Budagov R.A. agrees with that : “Term has a concrete

meaning and gives one exact clarification”,. Budagov R.A. gave his opinions about terms in
his previous publication.

Analyzing these facts, it is appropriate to say that they do not emdiv features such as light
and strong impressionability, creative brilliance, sharpness, delicacy, emotion.
Professor A. Nurmonov classifies the correlative relations between words and terms into two.
They are:
a) relationship of units belonging to the same level;
b) correlative relationship of units belonging to different levels.
Agreeing with the scientist's opinion, we can say that terms are units belonging to one level,
and words are units belonging to different levels. In addition, A. Nurmonov states: "The uniting
of language units belonging to the same level and having the same linguistic value into one
group on the basis of a certain common sign is called nesting relationship." When it is said that
"the term is mainly used within the field to which it belongs," it is understood as a research
source to select texts related to a certain field and analyze the field terms contained in them.
As an additional resource, the importance of speech units is also important.
All linguistic processes related to defining and studying the concept of a term, its development
at the language level, inextricably link the field of linguistics with other fields of science
(medicine, music, economy, technology, sports, etc.) in the material and spiritual life of
mankind. Accordingly, if we take a closer look at the philosophical definition of the term, two
important signs will be evident:

The first sign-

the meaningfulness of the term, i.e., the results of knowledge (understanding)

are shown using the term.

The second sign

- the term helps to discover new knowledge in the text.

Each concept within the scope of a certain field is represented by a term, based on this, the
definition of the term is logically given in the dictionary as follows: "a word or phrase that
clearly defines certain concepts in science, technology and other fields".
On the basis of our analysis, we can come to the conclusion that when a person divides things
and events in the world into classes, divides them into species and genders, into specific
meaning groups, he is based, first of all, on the system of relations between them. Relationship
is the basis for revealing the essence of language units. Therefore, the stability and viability of
a language is not dependent on the quantity or quality of its elements, but on the extent to which
the interactions between the elements are organized and formed. The more colorful, perfect
and stable these relations are, the richer the language, the more expressive possibilities and the
larger the scope.


The process that regularly forms words and terms and ensures their connection is the
emergence of neologisms at the level of language and speech.


Vinokur G.O. On some phenomena of word formation in Russian technical terminology / Tatarinov V.A. History

of domestic terminology. T. I. Classics of terminology. Essay and reader. - M .: Moscow Lyceum, 1994. - S. 218
- 284..

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Volume 25 Issue 04, 2022

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Sh. Rakhmatullaev says that neologism can belong to the language in general, and at the same
time it can be specific to the speech of individual persons.
The first one is called a universal neologism, and the second one is a speech neologism related
to an individual person. The formation of universal neologisms is mainly studied in lexicology,
which is considered a branch of linguistics, and they are classified as a new word. Neologism
of individual speech is considered as a stylistic phenomenon. It is from this point of view that
terminological aspects can be observed. For example, in English, the new



- is

formed from the combination of the words

brown + field

. However, this joint word is defined

in the field of English architecture and construction as "

playing field with a gradient favorable

to the team"

and translated as: playing field with a gradient favorable to the team. It is worth

noting that any neologism is, first of all, characteristic of individual speech, and their formation
in the scope of a certain field is characterized by terminology.
H. Ahmad, a monographist at the University of Surrey, writes, "The formation of neologisms
is a unique phenomenon that supports changes in the language and shows the ability of a
specific language to protect against negative pressure from other languages and cultures."

Without denying the scientist's opinion, it should be said that neologisms are new

speech units that cannot fully demonstrate their potential, and this very feature makes them
subordinate to the field of terminology. Although their linguistic possibilities are limited, they
are subject to the same linguistic rules as words and pass from a speech unit to a language unit
and are accepted as a term in narrow usage or a word in general usage.
Although words and terms are viewed as a means of human communication, they are naturally
a product of science and technology development. For the first time, they enter the speech unit
as a neologism in relation to the person. Under the influence of speech units, new lexical units
expand the level of language units.

The development of this process ensures the general

consumption of occasional neologisms. M.Solntsev notes: "One of the main features of
occasional words is not their effectiveness, but their belonging to speech and their use and
expression in the form of unusual words." It is known from sources that occasional words are
neologisms that have a specific author (author). Occasionalism (derived from the Latin
"occasionalis", which means chance, chance) is a neologism created by the author on the basis
of language norms. These new units, in most cases, are words presented to a wide and narrow
circle of consumption by artists and scientists, such as poets, writers, linguists and scientists,
through unconventional, unique ways. Many researchers in their work compare them to jargon
and slang. As a result, the primary factor is the use of these new lexical units in narrow circles
and not being included in the vocabulary of the language. The formation of occasional words
is almost no different from ordinary words. However, there are cases where the text (context)
in which the word is used is required to understand and understand these units. The emergence
of occasionals in the field of architecture and construction is a bit more interesting than in other
fields. Because in this field, occasionals are created more by creative architects and designers
than by poets, writers, linguists or scientists. The fact that a new style or project created by

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Volume 25 Issue 04, 2022

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them is named after its inventor gives rise to occasionalists. For example, the name "Eiffel" of
the tower created by the French architect Gustave Eiffel is a vivid example of this.
At the moment, there is no methodology for strict regulation of neologisms and new foreign
terms that are constantly being assimilated into the Uzbek language on the basis of certain
normative documents. For the solution of this issue, it is certainly appropriate to restore the
powers of the "Committee on Terminology", which operated for some time after the
independence of our country. At this point, it should be said to what extent the newly
established language department can regulate such issues within its powers.
Many linguists of the world have explained the connection and harmony between terms and
words with their different opinions. In particular, G.O. Vinokur concludes: "Terms are not
separate words, but only words that perform a separate task." He also puts forward the idea
that: "Any word, no matter how trivial it is (insignificant, has lost its power), can serve as a
term." We agree with the scientist's opinion, it is natural that some words become trivial (they
lose their meaning) under the influence of political changes in society, the development of the
field, or the dominant language. However, it cannot be denied that after a certain period of
time, words that have lost their power in general use return to the content of speech in the form
of terms.
In the field of general linguistics, words and terms are studied according to the semasiological
principle, lexical-grammatical features are studied, and the main attention is focused on
homonymic, synonymous, antonymic phenomena, grammatical aspects of terms.
The meaning and grammatical form of any lexical unit is determined depending on its position
in the paradigm, as well as in the lexical-semantic field. Paradigmatic relationship is "mutual
associative relationship of syntactic units independent of time and space" and "The sequential
relationship of a particular syntactic unit with another syntactic unit forms a syntagmatic
relationship." In addition, at the foundation of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations, there
must be a relation of denotativeness, which is the main relation. The reason is that denotative
relations connect language units with common meaning to non-linguistic objects, while
paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations serve to reveal the essence of meaning of lexical units.
Although this linguistic process is observed in terms, when entering into paradigmatic and
syntagmatic relations, it is ensured that they reach a certain terminological field where they are
free, not a wide field like words.
It should be concluded from this that the terms of a specific field cannot enter into general
relations like words, they can only enter into paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations within a
specific field.
According to paradigmatic relations, architecture-construction terms can be divided and
analyzed into the following paradigms:
1. Formal paradigm (similarity relation according to form/lexical sign).
2. Semitic paradigm (nesting relation according to meaning/semantic sign).
3. Functional-task paradigm (relationship of duty according to functional/task performance).
4. Structural paradigm (structural/structural relation according to construction sign).

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Volume 25 Issue 04, 2022

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Our analysis shows that lexical units in English and Uzbek languages can enter into the above
relations. Architecture-building terms are combined into a structural paradigm according to
their structural sign, and they have a structural relationship. For example; The general meaning
that unites such words as kapa, chayla, chadir, otov, shelter, hut, raincoat is a (temporary)
building, all of which have a certain semantic circle and belong to this type of terms.
There are many such examples in works of art. In particular, we can see in the excerpt from the
work of the writer Ghairati that "...the step taken to the House of Enlightenment is clearly
visible in the reflection of the sun (Ghairati, Yashash taronalari)". In addition, in many works,
terms such as House of Mercy, House of Rest, Place, House of Culture are found, and these
lexemes are united under the general meaning of house according to their paradigmatic
relationship, and are understood by lexemes such as enlightenment, kindness, recreation,
culture, and differ according to their specific meaning.
Scientists such as A. Sobirov and his follower S. Azamov note several classifications of
semantic relations in their research. This classification is noted as an important factor in the
intercorrelation of words and terms. In particular, it is correct to classify the common types of
relations between the members of the paradigm in the semantic field into the following groups:
1. Synonymous relationship.
2. Hyper-hyponymic (gender-species) relationship.
3. Holo-meronymic (whole-piece) relation.
4. Graduonymic (ranking) relation.
5. Functional (responsible) relationship.
6. Conflict attitude.



Our analyzes show that terminology as a system of scientific terms is a lower, i.e. base system,
in the general lexical system of the language. It is an undeniable axiom that there is a constant
organic connection between terminology and common literary language.
Another important linguistic process is when terms enter a non-specific domain of language,
the term undergoes a connotation that leads to a complete (determinologization) generalizing
This process is called determinologizing in linguistics. That is, the loss of terminological
properties, the loss of the connection of the term with the scientific concept and turning into a
generalizing word. In addition, the cases of taking words and phrases from a certain
terminological system and completely mastering them in the language of fiction are
understood. Terms that "go through" this process become common words.
Currently, the great attention paid by our state to the field of architecture and construction, the
wide-ranging reforms that are being carried out, are driving the rapid development and gradual
improvement of the terminology of this field. The construction of modern constructions serves
to bring new lexical units to the "consumption field". For example, the need to express every
object, event, fact in the language, the need to name them through a speech or language unit
has always taken an important place on the agenda. Because of this, researching the
terminological system units of the Uzbek language related to the field of architecture and

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Journal of Northeastern University

Volume 25 Issue 04, 2022

Copyright © 2022. Journal of Northeastern University. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-
commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd). Available at


construction, in particular, many terms and neologisms entering our language, is one of the
urgent problems facing linguists.


1. S.F. Akobirov “Word and it’s semantic peculiarities” Tashkent 2004 P, 94-95
2. H. Ahmad “The Linguistic Landscape of pre-Islamic Arabia”, 2020.
3. R.A. Budagov “Слово и его значение” 1947, 2


edition, 2003

4. G. O. Vinokur “Some features of word formation in Russian technical terminology” Saint-
5. V.A. Tatarinov “Philology as integral discipline of humanitarian cycle” Moscow, 2015
6.G. Gleason's “The development of language”, 6th edn. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2005
7.A. Hojiev “Word formation in Uzbek language” Tashkent, 1989
8.J. Murray Special Issue: Language Planning and Sign Language Rights
Published by: Gallaudet University Press, 2003
9. Kh. Nematov, O. Bozorov “Typology and speech thought” Leningrad, 1972.
10. Sh. Rakhmatullaev Uzbek language. Tashkent, 2008
11. A.A. Reformatsky “ Linguistics”. Moscow,2004

Библиографические ссылки

S.F. Akobirov “Word and it’s semantic peculiarities” Tashkent 2004 P, 94-95

H. Ahmad “The Linguistic Landscape of pre-lslamic Arabia”, 2020.

R.A. Budagov “Слово и его значение” 1947, 2nd edition, 2003

G. О. Vinokur “Some features of word formation in Russian technical terminology” Saint-Petersburg, 1984

V.A. Tatarinov “Philology as integral discipline of humanitarian cycle” Moscow, 2015

G. Gleason's “The development of language”, 6th cdn. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2005

A. Hojicv “Word formation in Uzbek language” Tashkent, 1989

J. Murray Special Issue: Language Planning and Sign Language Rights Published by: Gallaudet University Press, 2003

K.h. Nematov, O. Bozorov “Typology and speech thought” Leningrad, 1972.

Sh. Rakhmatullaev Uzbek language. Tashkent, 2008

A.A. Reformatsky “ Linguistics”. Moscow,2004

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