Профессиональные навыки гида-переводчика

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Алимова, К. (2021). Профессиональные навыки гида-переводчика. in Library, 21(1), 194–197. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/7909
Камола Алимова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков

переводческий отдел, преподаватель



В настоящей работе рассматриваются особенности формирования профессиональной личности гида-переводчика под воздействием двух видов профессиональной деятельности как экскурсовода и переводчика. Характеризуется роль экскурсионного дискурса в туристической деятельности и деятельности гида-переводчика как профессиональной личности.

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of these were well established in British English: curry, toddy,veranda, cheroot. Others were more
specialized and had retained connotations oftheir origin: pukka, mahout, nautch. The compilers were
further interested in newsenses of English words acquired in the region: bearer, cot, belly-band, col-
legepheasant, chopper, summer-hand, eagle wood, jackass-copal, bobbery.

In Singapore, government action has discouraged the recognition of a distinctiveSingaporean

English. Nonetheless, an edition of the Chambers Dictionary designedfor Malaysia and Singapore
contains an appendix of borrowed words in commonuse (for instance, angmoh, Mat Salleh, orang putih,
all three expressions used todesignate a Caucasian person). Within the main alphabet there is a category
forSingapore-Malaysian English ‘informal English’, as shown in this entry: (2) lamp post2. (SME
informal) You might be called a lamp post if you are in the companyof two people who would rather be
alone together. Wei Ming, I don’t wanta lamp post around whenMei Ling comes afterwards, all right
(Seaton 2002, s.v. lamp post). These varieties – known as Manglish and Singlish –are as revealing of
theirhistory as any of the other national kinds of English. Thus gostan ‘move backwards,go slow’ is
derived from go astern and zap ‘to photocopy’ from internationalEnglish. Only very recently has the
power of the Internet allowed wordenthusiasts, despite official indifference, to create ambitious citation
dictionariesdesigned on historical principles.

The List Of Used Literature:

1. Report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the results of 2015 and the most

important priority areas of the economic program for 2016 “Our main goal is, despite the difficulties, to
go ahead decisively, consistently continuing ongoing reforms, structural transformations in the economy,
creating even greater opportunities for the development of private property, entrepreneurship and small
business ”True East, January 16, 2016,

№ 11 (28217).

2. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the National Program for the Training of Person-

nel”, T., 1997.

3. Oxford History of English Lexicography, ed.by A.P.Cowie, Clarendon Press, 2009, p. 551.
4. Tom McArthur. Guides to tomorrow’s. English.
5. English today. Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 21–23.
6. Quine W.V.O. Word and Object. Cambridge, Mass, “MIT Press”, 2004, p. 464.

Alimova Kamola Tursunovna (UzSWLU, Translation department, teacher; kamola.alimova85@mail.ru


Аннотация. Ушбу мақолада гид-таржимон ва таржимон касбий фаолиятнинг икки тури

таъсири остида мутахассисни шакллантириш хусусиятлари ўрганилади. Мақолада экскурсия

дискурсининг туристик фаолиятда тутган ўрни ва гид-таржимоннинг шахс сифатидаги фаолия-

ти баён этилган.

Аннотация. В настоящей работе рассматриваются особенности формирования профес-

сиональной личности гида-переводчика под воздействием двух видов профессиональной деятель-

ности как экскурсовода и переводчика. Характеризуется роль экскурсионного дискурса в турис-

тической деятельности и деятельности гида-переводчика как профессиональной личности.

Annotation. This article examines the features of the formation of a professional personality of a

guide-translator under the influence of two types of professional activity as a guide and translator. The
article describes the role of excursion discourse in tourist activities and the activity of a guide-translator
as a professional person.

Калит сўзлар: экскурсия дискурси, гид-таржимон, таржимон, экскурсиялар, экскурсия

таржимасида таржима стратегияси.

Ключевые слова: экскурсионный дискурс, гид-переводчик, перевод экскурсии, переводческие

стратегии в переводе экскурсии.

Key words: cultural discourse, guide-interpreter, translation, excursions, translation strategy in

the translation of the tour.

The active development of tourism activity causes an increased interest of tourists to the objects of

tourism not only in their own country, but also, above all, in a foreign country as an object of a different
culture, a different language and other traditions. The task of effectively transmitting qualitatively new

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information about another culture, as well as the task of forming a correct and positive idea of another
culture in tourists, is usually performed by representatives of the excursion discourse. Excursion discourse
contributes to a greater extent than other types of tourist communication to the formation of ethno-
cultural, inter – and transcultural competence, cultural self-identification of a person, being determined by
the cultural values of representatives of their “and/or” someone else’s” culture.

Every profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain knowledge and work

skills. This knowledge and skills are acquired through General or special education and in the course of
the employee’s daily practical activities.

Requirements of the profession. For those who have chosen the profession of a guide, it imposes a

number of requirements. Among them: a tendency to participate in cultural and educational work; under-
standding the significance of excursions and their role in the process of education; a sense of duty; good
diction, certain knowledge on one or more excursion topics; intransigence to shortcomings, lack of cul-
ture, remnants of the past in the minds and behavior of people; continuous replenishment and improve-
ment of their knowledge; a sense of new things; initiative and creative search in work; deep study of the
interests and requests of tourists; differentiated approach to serving different groups of the population;
good breeding, high culture in work and behavior, politeness, tact in dealing with tourists; knowledge of
the methods of conducting excursions; love for their profession.

Each guide must have knowledge not only of their specialty, but also of the basics of pedagogy and

psychology. It is also very important that the guide can analyze their work, be able to give an objective
assessment of the tour, and be principled and demanding of them.

The profession of a tour guide involves the possession of a certain range of practical skills. These

skills allow them to select, formulate, and effectively communicate their knowledge to a wide audience.
Each employee who has chosen the profession of a guide should be able to: select the necessary factual
material, study it, prepare an individual text of the tour on a specific topic, make a methodological
development, apply methodological techniques in practice, use visual materials of the “guide’s portfolio”,
listen to guides in their field of knowledge and help them, participate in the promotion of excursion op-
portunities of the region.

Practical knowledge and skills serve as the basis for the participation of the guide in the methodo-

logical work, allow you to manage the methodological section, the methodological office, conduct classes
at training and advanced training courses for guides, heads of tourist groups, travel agencies, and provide
assistance to novice guides. Possession of practical knowledge and skills is a solid Foundation of the gui-
de’s skill.

The tour is of interest for scientific study not only because of its inherent nature in the field of

tourism, but also because of its specificity as a polyphonic discourse, where the professional discourse of
the guide comes first. Thus, the excursion discourse is a special professional discourse of the guide, where
the language personality of the guide is realized in excursion texts of various genres.

Often the guide does not know a foreign language and the basics of intercultural communication,

but does not have the appropriate skills and competencies to meet these needs of tourists. In this regard, a
special role in the formation of their own guide, not knowing a foreign language and knowledge of the
basics of intercultural communication, does not have the appropriate skills and competencies to meet
these needs of tourists. In this regard, a special role in shaping the actual cultural and especially in ocular
picture of the world belongs to the guide-translator, his discursive-conditioned professional activity. The
success of communication and excursions for foreign tourists is dictated by the formation of appropriate
competencies of the guide-translator both as a guide and translator, which in turn allow you to choose
adequate translation strategies and conduct the tour. Part of the cultural and especially in ocular picture of
the world belongs to the guide-translator, his discursive-conditioned professional activity. The success of
communication and excursions for foreign tourists is dictated by the formation of appropriate competen-
cies of the guide-translator both as a guide and translator, which in turn allow you to choose adequate
translation strategies and conduct the tour.

Thus, a guide-translator is a professional language person who has a certain set of actions, strate-

gies and competencies for implementing cross-cultural communication in the process of getting acquaint-
ted with the cultural realities of another country. This type of language personality reveals the synergy of
the guide's language personality and the translator's language personality. This synergy is due to a com-
bination of the discursive characteristics of a professional guide and the professional competence of a

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cultural intermediary who is able to carry out both communications in a foreign language and translation

The guide-translator «experiences the professionalization of the language personality and turns into

a communicative and active person who owns standard and special registers and the necessary profess-
sional stock of discursive abilities, who has his own professional picture of the world and a set of profess-
sional language features. At the same time, the guide resorts to a number of professionally and discur-
sively significant and pragmatically adequate strategies for conducting an excursion when implementing a
communicative program of action. The choice of language means also takes place within the framework
of the strategies and types of communicative actions taken by the guide.

The guide develops special abilities under the influence of practical activities. Abilities are defined

as individual personality traits that are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a
certain type of activity. They are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and te-
chniques of any activity.

Human abilities are divided into two groups: General and special. General abilities necessary for

mastering all types of activities (mental activity, hard work, observation, perseverance, speed of orien-
tation, focused attention). Special abilities are the basis for mastering the skills and abilities of a particular
profession, and ensure the achievement of high results in a particular field of activity. These are features –
musical, literary, artistic, mathematical, technical, etc.

Everything that positively characterizes the guide (knowledge, skills) is primarily based on his abi-

lity to perform the work assigned to him. Whatever it is about-developing a new topic, preparing an abs-
tract, lecturing on courses, listening to excursions on the route, selecting methodological techniques – the
methodologist and the head of the methodological section proceed from whether this guide will be able to
perform this work efficiently, i.e. take into account the presence of certain abilities that are necessary for
this. An important part of the guide's work is preparing and conducting the next tour.

Preparation of the tour is divided into three parts:
1. Repetition of the individual text.
2. Remembering the requirements of methodological development.
3. Restore the route to memory.
For a guide, as well as for a teacher, four types of abilities are characteristic: constructive, organi-

zational, communicative and analytical.

The guide's self-assessment of the results achieved is a comparison of their activities and the work

process itself with certain standards that are established by instructions, regulations, methodological
developments and other policy documents. The guide's self-assessment of their activities should be based
on a comparison of the results achieved by them with the results of other experienced employees. At the
same time, it is important to avoid overestimating the results of your activities, since such an assessment
leads to high self-esteem and arrogance, and an intolerant attitude to criticism of your shortcomings. Each
guide needs to strengthen the sense of interest in identifying their shortcomings in the process of
preparing and conducting excursions and activities included in the individual plan. They should not only
see the existing shortcomings and mistakes in their daily work, but also identify and eliminate their
causes, thereby contributing to the improvement of their individual skills.

Constructive abilities

are expressed in the ability to select and correctly arrange the excursion

material, clearly and convincingly present it, and if necessary, rearrange the plan of the tour, the scheme
of using the methodological technique. This type of ability serves as the basis of the guide's mental acti-

Organizational skills

are expressed in the ability to manage the tour group, direct the attention of

tourists to the necessary objects, as well as in the ability to ensure the implementation of the program of
tourists and tourists who arrived from another city.

Communication skills

are expressed in the ability to establish business relations with the group,

maintain them for the entire period of communication with tourists, correctly build relationships with the
bus driver on the route, employees of the Museum, exhibitions visited by tourists, with the methodolo-
gists of the Bureau, the head of the methodological section, other guides, heads of tourist groups, travel
and excursion organizers.

Analytical skills

are the basis for self-critical analysis of their work, objective assessment of the

quality of the tour, the effectiveness of the use of methodological techniques. Not all guides are equally
proficient in these abilities.

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An important role in the development of the guide’s abilities is played by studying at courses, wor-

king in methodological sections, independent classes near objects, and deep assimilation of the methods
and techniques of conducting excursions.

The guide's bias. An essential quality of a guide as a person is conviction. When conducting an

excursion, presenting the topic, the guide must be biased: clearly and purposefully formulate thoughts,
correctly, from the position of science, reveal events and phenomena, and persevere in their interpreta-
tion. The guide's bias is a clear orientation in his views and actions, the desire to bring his point of view to
the tourists and not only bring it, but also convince them of its correctness. It helps tourists to see what
they see themselves, persistently directs their attention to those aspects of events and phenomena that
should be reflected in their minds. The guide's conviction plays an important role in this. It is based on his
knowledge, idealism and active life position. His conviction is a firm belief in the truth of the reported
knowledge, confidence in the correctness of their interpretation and the correctness of the chosen path to
the goal.

The authority of the guide – this question is directly related to the problem of personality. The

guide’s authority is based on their knowledge, skills, moral values, and practical experience. This autho-
rity is a combination of several aspects:

a) the authority of the position, which is determined by the fact that the guide is the head of the

tour, leads a group of tourists and directs their activities;

b) the authority of his knowledge. In the vast majority of cases, he knows the topic of the tour more

deeply than any of its participants. And this strengthens its authority;

с) the authority of the skill. It is created by the guide’s experience in conducting excursions (skills

in using the methods and techniques of conducting them);

d) one of the important foundations of the guide's authority is the culture of speech and extra-verbal

means of influence;

e) relationships with tourists, the ability to create the right microclimate in the group. The basis of

the guide's authority in this regard is a high culture of behavior and speech.

Consideration of issues related to the guide as a person occupies a large place in tour management.

This is especially important because in the activities of some excursion institutions, the guide is not
considered as a creative, initiative, original person by the nature of their activities and the set of features
that characterize this person. Therefore, the practicality that prevails in the relationship between the heads
of excursion institutions and guides, methodological services and guides causes significant harm to the
excursion business. Underestimating the approach to the guide as the Central figure of the excursion
business has an impact on the selection of personnel in this category. That is why tour guides appear on
tour routes that do not have the properties and qualities necessary for this profession. They lack the
personality traits that distinguish experienced guides.


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3. Филатова Н.В. Дискурс сферы туризма в прагматическом и лингвистическом аспектах.

Дис. ...канд. филол. наук, М., Московский государственный лингвистический унт, 2014, c. 38–39.

4. Новикова Э.Ю. Лингвокультурное измерение интернет-пространства экскурсионного дис-

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материалам второй международной научной конференции «Язык и культура в эпоху глобализа-

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5. Демидова Т.В. Структуризация экскурсионного дискурса с позиции фреймового анализа.

Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики. Выпуск № 4, 2008, c. 151–154.

Библиографические ссылки

Новикова Э.Ю., Митягина В.А., Гуреева А.А. Типология коммуникативных действий в экскурсионном дискурсе. Известия Волгоградского государственного социально-педагогического университета. Волгоград. № 7 (102), 2015, с. 91-97.

Жаркова У.А. Профессиональная языковая личность экскурсовода. Дискурсивный аспект. Лингвистические аспекты исследования идентичности личности в изменяющемся мире: коллективная монография. Челябинск, “Энциклопедия”, 2012, с. 109 -132.

Филатова Н.В. Дискурс сферы туризма в прагматическом и лингвистическом аспектах. Дис. ...канд. филол. наук, М., Московский государственный лингвистический унт, 2014, с. 38-39.

Новикова Э.Ю. Лингвокультурное измерение интернет-пространства экскурсионного дискурса (на примере жанра «Интернет-сайт экскурсионного бюро»). Сборник научных трудов по материалам второй международной научной конференции «Язык и культура в эпоху глобализации». СПГЭУ, 2015, с. 76-86.

Демидова Т.В. Структуризация экскурсионного дискурса с позиции фреймового анализа. Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики. Выпуск № 4, 2008, с. 151-154.

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