Definition of techniques for emotional state assessment

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Курбанов, А. (2023). Definition of techniques for emotional state assessment . Информатика и инженерные технологии, 1(2), 10–13. извлечено от


This article aims to provide algorithmic insights into the evaluation of human emotions, highlighting the progress that has been made and the challenges that still exist. By utilizing machine learning algorithms and sentiment analysis, researchers have been able to uncover valuable information about the emotions that robots can express and how they impact consumers. This cross-disciplinary study paves the way for next-level social, design, and creative experiences in artificial intelligence research, particularly in the realms of consumer service and experience contexts.

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Bundan tashqari Multisim simulyatori – bu ishlab chiqaruvchilar tomonidan

tekshirilgan 55 000 dan ortiq bo‘lgan qurilmalarni modellashtirish uchun mo‘ljallangan
kompleks muhit bo‘lib, pechatli platalarni kompanovka qilish imkonini yaratadi.

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chiqilgan bo‘lib, dastur juda oddiy grafik interfeysdan iborat edi.

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tarkibiga kiradi va bu firma ushbu dasturni mukammalashtirilgan variantlarini taklif

Multisim dasturining asosiy xususiyati shundaki, o‘lchash asboblarining

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modellashtirishda elektr sxemalarini tahlil etish, pechat platalarini loyihalash testlash
imkonini beradigan dasturlash versiyalari hisoblanadi.

Hulosa qilib shuni aytish mumkinki, axborot muhiti sharoitida amaliy

mashg‘ulotlarni bajarishda elektron dasturlarni keng qo‘llanilishi kursantlarda
AKTdan foydalanish kompetentligini shakllantirishga, pedagog va kursant o‘rtasidagi
hamkorlik tamoyili o‘qitishning didaktik maqsadlari (axborot ta’limiy– kompyuter
savodxonligi, elektron dasturlarni o‘rganish; rivojlantiruvchi - elektron dasturlardan
foydalana olish, natijalarni olish va ularni qayta ishlash) ni samarali amalga oshishida
hizmat qiladi.

Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yxati:

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etilganligining 30 yilligi munosabati bilan yo‘llagan bayram tabrigi.

2. Пазилова Ш.А. Методы преподавания электротехники и электроники в

академии вооруженных сил республики Узбекистан// Вестник науки и
образования.– Москва , 2019. - № 15(69).– С.75-77.

3. A.A.Tulyaganov., S.S.Parsiev., V.A.Tulyaganova., U.M.Abdullayev. Elektr

zanjirlar nazariyasi. O‘quv qo‘llanma. –T.: Aloqachi, 2018. –144 bet.


Kurbanov Abdurahmon Alishboyevich

Jizzakh branch of National University of Uzbekistan


This article aims to provide algorithmic insights into the evaluation

of human emotions, highlighting the progress that has been made and the challenges
that still exist. By utilizing machine learning algorithms and sentiment analysis,
researchers have been able to uncover valuable information about the emotions that
robots can express and how they impact consumers. This cross-disciplinary study paves
the way for next-level social, design, and creative experiences in artificial intelligence
research, particularly in the realms of consumer service and experience contexts.

Key words:

Emotional Contagion, Machine Learning Algorithms, Sentiment

Analysis, Facial Recognition, computer science, design.

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In recent years, there have been significant advancements in technology that

have allowed robots to display emotions. This has opened up new possibilities for
human-robot interaction, particularly in the field of service. However, understanding
and evaluating emotions in this context remains relatively underexplored. Emotions
play a crucial role in shaping human experiences, and their impact on consumer
behavior cannot be underestimated. Therefore, it is important to delve deeper into how
emotional robots influence potential consumers' affective feelings.

The Power of Emotional Contagion in Human-Robot Interaction

Emotional contagion is a phenomenon wherein emotions can be transmitted

from one individual to another. It is a powerful mechanism that influences human
behavior and interactions. In the context of human-robot interaction, emotional
contagion plays a crucial role in shaping the affective experiences of potential
consumers. To understand this phenomenon, researchers turned to Instagram data,
utilizing machine learning algorithms and sentiment analysis techniques.

The findings of this study revealed that certain emotions expressed by robots,

such as surprise and happiness, have a significant impact on potential consumers. These
emotions create positive affective feelings and can influence consumer decision-
making processes. By understanding the power of emotional contagion in human-robot
interaction, researchers can design robots that elicit positive emotions and enhance the
overall consumer experience.

Machine Learning Algorithms and Sentiment Analysis in Evaluating


Machine learning algorithms have played a vital role in evaluating and analyzing

emotions in human-robot interaction. These algorithms, when combined with
sentiment analysis techniques, can uncover valuable insights into the emotional impact
of robots on potential consumers. By training these algorithms on large datasets,
researchers can develop models that accurately classify and evaluate emotions
expressed by robots.

Sentiment analysis, in particular, allows researchers to analyze the sentiment and

emotional tone of text data. By applying sentiment analysis to Instagram data,
researchers have been able to identify the emotions that are most influential in human-
robot interaction. The combination of machine learning algorithms and sentiment
analysis has proven to be a powerful tool in understanding and evaluating emotions in
this context.

The Role of Facial Recognition in Emotion Evaluation

Facial recognition technology has been instrumental in evaluating emotions in

human-robot interaction. By analyzing facial expressions, researchers can gain
valuable insights into the emotions expressed by both humans and robots. Facial
recognition algorithms can accurately detect and classify emotions, allowing for a more
comprehensive understanding of emotional responses.

In the context of human-robot interaction, facial recognition technology can be

used to evaluate the emotional impact of robots on potential consumers. By analyzing
the facial expressions of consumers during interaction with robots, researchers can
assess the effectiveness of emotional expression in creating positive affective

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experiences. This information can then be used to optimize the design and functionality
of robots to elicit desired emotional responses.

Challenges and Limitations in Evaluating Human Emotions

While significant progress has been made in evaluating human emotions in the

context of human-robot interaction, there are still challenges and limitations that need
to be addressed. One of the primary challenges is the complex and multifaceted nature
of human emotions. Emotions are subjective experiences influenced by various factors,
making it difficult to develop a comprehensive evaluation framework.

Another challenge is the lack of standardized methodologies for evaluating

emotions in human-robot interaction. There is a need for standardized protocols and
measures that can be used across different studies to ensure consistency and
comparability of results. Additionally, the ethical implications of emotional
manipulation by robots need to be carefully considered and addressed.

Future Directions in Evaluating Human Emotions

The field of evaluating human emotions in human-robot interaction is still

evolving, and there are exciting opportunities for future research. One direction is the
development of more sophisticated machine learning algorithms that can accurately
classify and evaluate complex emotional responses. This would enable researchers to
gain a deeper understanding of the nuances and subtleties of human emotions.

Another direction is the integration of multimodal data sources in emotion

evaluation. By combining facial expressions, physiological responses, and textual data,
researchers can obtain a more comprehensive picture of emotional experiences. This
would allow for a more holistic evaluation of emotions in human-robot interaction.

Additionally, there is a need for interdisciplinary collaboration in this field. The

integration of expertise from psychology, computer science, design, and other
disciplines can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of emotions and their
evaluation in human-robot interaction. Collaborative efforts can also help address the
challenges and limitations mentioned earlier.


The evaluation of human emotions in the context of human-robot interaction is

a complex and challenging task. However, through the use of machine learning
algorithms, sentiment analysis, and facial recognition technology, researchers have
made significant progress in understanding the impact of emotional expression by
robots on potential consumers. By uncovering the emotions that have the most
significant influence and developing a deeper understanding of emotional contagion,
researchers can design robots that create positive affective experiences.

While there are challenges and limitations that need to be addressed, the future

of evaluating human emotions in human-robot interaction is promising. With
advancements in machine learning algorithms, the integration of multimodal data
sources, and interdisciplinary collaboration, researchers can continue to make strides
in this field. Ultimately, this research has the potential to enhance consumer service
and experience contexts and shape the future of human-robot interaction.

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KURBANOV A.A. Multimodal emotion recognition: a comprehensive

survey with deep learning. Journal of Research and Innovation, pp. 43-47. 2023


Kurbanov Abdurahmon Alishboyevich. A Methodological Approach to

Understanding Emotional States Using Textual Data. Journal of Universal Science
Research. 2023



International Conference of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research. 2023







innovation. 2023


Atzeni, Recupero, 2020 M. Atzeni, D.R. Recupero Multi-domain sentiment

analysis with mimicked and polarized word embeddings for human–robot interaction.
Future Generat. Comput. Syst., 110 (2020), pp. 984-999


Chatterjee et al., 2019 A. Chatterjee, G. Umang, K.C. Manoj, S.

Radhakrishnan, G. Michel, A. Puneet Understanding emotions in text using deep
learning and big data Comput. Hum. Behav., 93 (2019), pp. 309-317


Faraj et al., 2020 Z. Faraj, M. Selamet, C. Morales, P. Torres, M. Hossain,

H. Lipson Facially Expressive Humanoid Robotic Face HardwareX (2020), Article


Prottasha NJ, Sami AA, Kowsher M, Murad SA, Bairagi AK, Masud M, et

al. Transfer learning for sentiment analysis using BERT based supervised fine-tuning.
Sensors. 2022;22(11):4157


Tan KL, Lee CP, Lim KM, Anbananthen KSM. Sentiment analysis with

ensemble hybrid deep. IEEE Access. 2022;10:103694-103704. Available from:


Tesfagergish SG, Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė J, Damaševičius R. Zero-Shot

emotion detection for semi-supervised sentiment analysis using sentence transformers
and ensemble learning. Applied Sciences. 2022;12(17):8662.



Xusanov K.X., Axrorov M.A., Toshboyev J.S.

Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti Samarqand filiali


Keyingi yillarda muayyan fanni mustaqil o’zlashtirish uchun

tayyorlangan elektron darslik yoki elektron qo’llanmalar tarkibida mustaqil
o’rganuvchilarning shu fanga oid bilimlarini sinab ko’rishga oid interfaol uslubda
ishlaydigan test dasturlarini yaratish zaruriy ehtiyojga aylandi. Bu borada faoliyat
ko’rsatuvchilar mazkur ishda qisman foydalanishlari mumkin. Bundan tashqari,
o’quvchilar mustaqil ravishda o’z ustida ishlari uchun ham ularga tayanch bo’la
oladigan, ular uchun metodik adabiyotlar xoh qog’ozda bo’lsin, xoh elektron
ko’rinishda bo’lsin, imkon qadar ko’proq bo’lgani maqsadga muvofiqdir.

Библиографические ссылки

KURBANOV A.A. Multimodal emotion recognition: a comprehensive survey with deep learning. Journal of Research and Innovation, pp. 43-47. 2023

Kurbanov Abdurahmon Alishboyevich. A Methodological Approach to Understanding Emotional States Using Textual Data. Journal of Universal Science Research. 2023

Kurbanov Abdurahmon. AI MODELS OF AFFECTIVE COMPUTING. International Conference of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research. 2023

Kurbanov Abdurahmon Alishboyevich. USING AFFECTIVE COMPUTING SYSTEMS IN MODERN EDUCATION. Journal Science and innovation. 2023

Atzeni, Recupero, 2020 M. Atzeni, D.R. Recupero Multi-domain sentiment analysis with mimicked and polarized word embeddings for human–robot interaction. Future Generat. Comput. Syst., 110 (2020), pp. 984-999

Chatterjee et al., 2019 A. Chatterjee, G. Umang, K.C. Manoj, S. Radhakrishnan, G. Michel, A. Puneet Understanding emotions in text using deep learning and big data Comput. Hum. Behav., 93 (2019), pp. 309-317

Faraj et al., 2020 Z. Faraj, M. Selamet, C. Morales, P. Torres, M. Hossain, H. Lipson Facially Expressive Humanoid Robotic Face HardwareX (2020), Article e00117

Prottasha NJ, Sami AA, Kowsher M, Murad SA, Bairagi AK, Masud M, et al. Transfer learning for sentiment analysis using BERT based supervised fine-tuning. Sensors. 2022;22(11):4157

Tan KL, Lee CP, Lim KM, Anbananthen KSM. Sentiment analysis with ensemble hybrid deep. IEEE Access. 2022;10:103694 103704. Available from:

Tesfagergish SG, Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė J, Damaševičius R. Zero-Shot emotion detection for semi-supervised sentiment analysis using sentence transformers and ensemble learning. Applied Sciences. 2022;12(17):8662.

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