Global dunyoda ilm-fan va ta‘limdagi innovatsion
rivojlanishning zamonaviy trendlari 15 dekabr, 2022 yil.
The aim of this article is to highlight the advantages of the use of the
individual approach in teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic
specialties, to draw the examples, directions, according to which this approach is
used in the learning process is implemented.
Key words:
individual approach, communicative competence, linguistic
Foreign language is considered today not only as a communication tool but
primarily as a means of stimulating the process of consciousness. Foreign
language knowledge is a compulsory component of the professional training of
modern specialists of any profile. Many aspects of the development of linguistic
competence depend on the nature, content, and orientation of the future
specialist training. Particular attention in this respect is deserved by students of
non-linguistic specialties. In accordance with the requirements as a result of the
discipline learning the student should be able to communicate orally and in writing
in a foreign language on professional and everyday topics, to improve his or her
own spoken and written language.
There are students with different mental abilities, different natural skills, and
different interests, so one of the urgent problems of foreign language teaching is to
teach a foreign language to students with different levels of language knowledge.
One way to solve this problem is to use a differentiated approach in the foreign
language teaching of students with different levels of language training.
The set of studies on individual learning styles and strategies that were conducted
between the late 1970s and the early 1980s, when researchers and teachers were
influenced by cognitive studies, formed the basis of the communicative approach.
At that time, they started to pay attention to the individual differences present
in their classrooms and the various learning styles that each student presented
(Brown, 2001).
Assistant of Foreign Languages
Department Tashkent University of
Information Technology named after
Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
STARS International University
These observations prompted efforts to standardize methods for assisting
students in creating plans that would enable them to make the most of their unique
learning styles and make up for their underdeveloped abilities. Throughout the
1980s, American scholars Michael O’Malley and Anna Chamot focused to examine
the methods used by language learners, and their work was significant to this
endeavor. The description and arrangement of O’Malley’s studies are found in his
book Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition from 1990. Cognitive,
affective, and psychological characteristics known as learning styles are “relatively
stable indications of how individuals perceive the learning environment, interact
with it, and respond to it” (Brown, 2000). As a result, some people absorb and
digest new knowledge visually, while others require interaction with the topic.
Students of cognitivism contend that since teachers are aware of their pupils’
preferred methods of learning, they are better able to devise lessons that will
encourage each group of understudies to reach their full potential. Additionally, if
students are aware of how they learn, they can build study strategies that fit their
learning preferences.
The abilities of students to learn a foreign language are not the same: one
language comes easily, others – with great difficulty.
The concept of “individual approach” is defined as an approach to the teaching
process, which is expected in line with the differentiation in different types and
forms. When it is said “an individual approach to students”, this implies the
presence of individual requirements for different groups of students in the master
of the content of education.
E.E. Unt believes that the following are the main characteristics of students that
should be taken into consideration when individualizing learning:
1) Learning ability – the level of mental development of a student, and
preconditions for his or her teaching. Learnability includes the generalization of
mental activity, the economy of thinking, independence thinking, the flexibility
of thinking, semantic memory, and the nature of the connection between visual-
figurative and abstract components of thinking [Menchinskaya 2001: 40].
2) Study skills – special abilities (mathematics, physics, language) and giftedness
as innate inclinations for the formation abilities.
3) Training consisting of both program and non-program knowledge and skills.
Learning differs by program knowledge, subject knowledge, extracurricular
knowledge (preliminary).
4) Cognitive interests (with general educational motivation);
5) Health status and nervous system properties (each temperaments appear in
different ways) [Unt 1990: 135].
The modern method of teaching foreign languages is focused on the
communicative principle, which assumes a wide use of teaching and speech
situations in the lesson.
Educational-speech situations – a set of necessary speech and non-speech
conditions that are given to the student for the implementation of speech actions
in accordance with a certain communicative intention.
However, ESS is an effective incentive to communicate in a foreign language only
Global dunyoda ilm-fan va ta‘limdagi innovatsion
rivojlanishning zamonaviy trendlari 15 dekabr, 2022 yil.
if the situation is close to each student. ESS includes the following components to
• motivation and purpose;
• the context of the activity;
• role;
• topic;
• number of students;
• communicative intentions, etc.
Therefore, when selecting and distributing ESS, the teacher needs to take into
account the individual characteristics of each student and differentiate the roles,
tasks, and subject content of the ESS.
In modern pedagogy, there are a large number of approaches to the creation of
individually oriented tasks and exercises in a foreign language. First, when creating
such exercises, the teacher must be able to change the exercises in accordance
with the level of language training and psychological properties of students.
Secondly, it is necessary to timely eliminate all gaps in the student’s speech
competence. In addition, when developing individual exercises, it is important to
take into account the orientation of the student’s personality, interests, needs and
attitude toward learning a foreign language. The system of multilevel individual
tasks is divided into auxiliary, corrective, and improving ones. All types of exercises
are important in teaching, both language material and all types of speech activity
(speaking, listening, writing, reading).
Thus, the use of an individual approach in the learning process of a foreign
language creates opportunities for the development of a creative, purposeful
person who is aware of the ultimate goal and objectives of training, to increase
activity and enhance the motivation of learning, and forms progressive pedagogical
1. Brown
H.D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching.
New York: Longman.
2. Brown H.D. (2001). Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language
pedagogy. 2. ed. White Plains: Longman.
3. O’Malley M., & Chamot A. (1990). Learning strategies in second language
acquisition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
4. Unt I.Je. (1990). Individualization and differentiation of education. Moscow:
5. Ahmed S.T.S. & Pawar S. (2018). Communicative competence in English as
a Foreign Language: Its Meaning and the Pedagogical Considerations for its
Development. The Creative Launcher, 2 (6), 302–312
6. Catherine Thomas (2014). Meeting EFL Learners Halfway by Using Locally
Relevant Authentic Materials. |English Tеaching Forum.
David L.Ch. & Azizov U. (2019). Reconceptualizing Language Teaching. Baktria
Press. Tashkent.