Совет Иттифоқи парчаланганидан кейин мустақил туркий давлатларда тил сиёсати: Қозоғистонда тил сиёсати

Google Scholar
Ibrohimov, E. (2020). Совет Иттифоқи парчаланганидан кейин мустақил туркий давлатларда тил сиёсати: Қозоғистонда тил сиёсати. Sharq mash’ali, 2(2), 62–69. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/eastern-torch/article/view/14849
Elchin Ibrohimov, Ozarbayjon Milliy Fanlar Akademiyasi




Туркий  халқлар  фойдаланадиган  алифболар  ҳар  доим  тадқиқотчилар  томонидан катта изланишлар мавзуси бўлиб келган. Тарихда турклар кўплаб алифболардан фойдаланишган ва бу алифболарнинг қабул қилиниши кўплаб омилларга боғлиқ эди. Қадимги  даврлардан  бери  туркий  халқларнинг  яхлитлиги,  уларнинг  ҳудуди,  тили,  алифбоси  ва кўплаб моддий ва маънавий қадриятлар ўзгаргани бежиз эмас. Катта қарама-қаршиликларга тўла бўлган ушбу воқеаларнинг чуқур илдизлари урушлар, қирғинлар ва йўқотишларга олиб келди. Шунга қарамай, туркийзабон халқлар ўзларининг миллий ва маънавий қадриятлари асосини ташкил этувчи хусусиятларни доимо сақлаб келмоқдалар ва авлоддан-авлодга ўтказиб келмоқдалар. Н.И. Илминский, П.М. Мелиоранский, Н.Н. Пантусов, А.Е. Алекторов, А.В. Василев каби шарқшунослар томонидан нашр этилган қозоқ халқ адабиёти намуналарининг аксарияти кирилл алифбосида нашр  этилган;  Машҳур  қозоқ  маорифи  Ибраи  Алтинсарининг  кирилл  алифбосидаги  дарсликлари 1870-йилларда нашр этилган. Қозоқ ёзма тилининг биринчи асарлари Қозон, Оренбург, Уфа, Троитск ва Санкт-Петербургда нашр  этилган.  Йигирманчи  асрнинг  биринчи  ярмигача  бу  асарлар  туркий  дунёнинг  умумий  ёзув тизими бўлган араб алифбосида нашр этилди. Араб алифбосида қозоқ-турк тилидаги матнлар нашр этилаётганда, қозоқлар томонидан кирилл алифбосини ўрганиш ва ушбу алифбони ёйиш учун 1860-йилларда қозоқлар учун кирилл алифбосидаги китоблар ҳам нашр этилди. Бугунги кунда СССР парчаланганидан кейин мустақилликка эришган туркийзабон республикалардан бири бўлган Қозоғистоннинг умумий турк алифбосига ўтиши энг зиддиятли масалалардан бири. Алифбо  учун  кураш  Ўрта  Осиё  ва  Қозоғистонда  чуқур  тарихий  илдизларга  эга.  Ушбу  тадқиқот мақоласида биз Қозоғистонда алифбо бўйича кураш ҳақида кенг маълумот беришга ҳаракат қиламиз.

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Phd, Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

Abstract. Alphabets used by Turkic-speaking peoples have always been the subject of investigation by

researchers. Historically, many Turks have taken advantage of alphabets and the adoption of the alphabet
has been linked to many factors.

Turkish peoples in the past, so as historical integrity of its territory, language, alphabet and a lot of

exposure to changes in the financial and moral values was no coincidence. The event, which is full of
contradictions deep roots in the wars, massacres, has caused losses. Despite all this, the Turkic-speaking
peoples, who are always at the heart of their attributes to preserve national and moral values, has been able
to transmit from generation to generation.

Most of the examples of Kazakh folk literature published by orientalists such as N.I. Ilminski, P.M.

Melioransky, N.N. Pantusov, A.E. Alektorov, A.V. Vasilyev are published in the Cyrillic alphabet; Textbooks
of the famous Kazakh educator Ibrai Altinsari in the Cyrillic alphabet were published in the 1870s.

The first works of the Kazakh written language were published in Kazan, Orenburg, Ufa, Troitsk, and St.

Petersburg. Until the first half of the twentieth century, these works were published in the Arabic alphabet,
the common writing system of the Turkic world.

At the time of the publication of the Kazakh-Turkish texts in the Arabic alphabet, books in the Cyrillic

alphabet were also published for the Kazakhs in the 1860s in order to study the Cyrillic alphabet by the
Kazakhs and to spread this alphabet.

Today, the transition of Kazakhstan, one of the Turkic-speaking republics that gained independence after

the collapse of the USSR, to a common Turkish alphabet is one of the most controversial.

Kazakhstan, Central Asia, and has deep historical roots in the struggle of the alphabet. Research for this

paper was carried out in Kazakhstan will try to give a broad struggle of the alphabet.

Keywords and expressions: Language policy, independent Turkic states,Turkic-speaking peoples, the

Turkish world, Turks, alphabets, in Central Asia, Kazakhstan.

Аннотация. Туркий халқлар фойдаланадиган алифболар ҳар доим тадқиқотчилар томонидан

катта изланишлар мавзуси бўлиб келган. Тарихда турклар кўплаб алифболардан фойдаланишган ва
бу алифболарнинг қабул қилиниши кўплаб омилларга боғлиқ эди.

Қадимги даврлардан бери туркий халқларнинг яхлитлиги, уларнинг ҳудуди, тили, алифбоси ва

кўплаб моддий ва маънавий қадриятлар ўзгаргани бежиз эмас. Катта қарама-қаршиликларга тўла
бўлган ушбу воқеаларнинг чуқур илдизлари урушлар, қирғинлар ва йўқотишларга олиб келди. Шунга
қарамай, туркийзабон халқлар ўзларининг миллий ва маънавий қадриятлари асосини ташкил этувчи
хусусиятларни доимо сақлаб келмоқдалар ва авлоддан-авлодга ўтказиб келмоқдалар.

Н.И. Илминский, П.М. Мелиоранский, Н.Н. Пантусов, А.Е. Алекторов, А.В. Василев каби шарқшу-

нослар томонидан нашр этилган қозоқ халқ адабиёти намуналарининг аксарияти кирилл алифбосида
нашр этилган; Машҳур қозоқ маорифи Ибраи Алтинсарининг кирилл алифбосидаги дарсликлари
1870-йилларда нашр этилган.

Қозоқ ёзма тилининг биринчи асарлари Қозон, Оренбург, Уфа, Троитск ва Санкт-Петербургда

нашр этилган. Йигирманчи асрнинг биринчи ярмигача бу асарлар туркий дунёнинг умумий ёзув
тизими бўлган араб алифбосида нашр этилди.

Араб алифбосида қозоқ-турк тилидаги матнлар нашр этилаётганда, қозоқлар томонидан кирилл

алифбосини ўрганиш ва ушбу алифбони ёйиш учун 1860-йилларда қозоқлар учун кирилл алифбосидаги
китоблар ҳам нашр этилди.

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Бугунги кунда СССР парчаланганидан кейин мустақилликка эришган туркийзабон республикалардан

бири бўлган Қозоғистоннинг умумий турк алифбосига ўтиши энг зиддиятли масалалардан бири.

Алифбо учун кураш Ўрта Осиё ва Қозоғистонда чуқур тарихий илдизларга эга. Ушбу тадқиқот

мақоласида биз Қозоғистонда алифбо бўйича кураш ҳақида кенг маълумот беришга ҳаракат қиламиз.

Таянч сўз ва иборалар: тил сиёсати, мустақил туркий давлатлар, туркийзабон халқлар, алифбо,

алифболар, Ўрта Осиё, Қозоғистон.

Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена алфавитам тюркоязычных народов, которые являлись

предметом исследований ученых-филологов. В древности тюркоязычные народы пользовались
разными алфавитами и их создание зависело от многих факторов.

Историческая целостность территории, языка, алфавита и других материальных и моральных

ценностей тюркских народов были подвержены разным испытаниям. Полные противоречиями
события привели к разногласиям, войнам, потерям. Несмотря на это, тюркские народы сумели
сохранить национальные и духовные ценности и передать их из поколения в поколение.

Основная часть образцов казахской народной литературы, изданных такими востоковедами, как

Н.И. Илминский, П.М. Мелиоранский, Н.Н. Пантусов, А.Е. Алекторов, А.В. Васильев, были опублико-
ваны на кириллице. Например, учебники известного казахского просветителя Ибрая Алтынсари были
выпущены на кириллице еще в 1870 году.

Первые произведения казахской письменности были изданы в Казани, Оренбурге, Уфе, Троицке и

Санкт-Петербурге. До первой половины ХХ века они издавались по общей системе письма тюркского
мира – в арабском алфавите.( -арабскому алфавиту) Наряду с текстами на казахско-тюркском
языках, опубликованных в 1860-х годах на арабском алфавите, издавались и книги на кириллице для
ее изучения и распространения.

Вопрос перехода казахского языка на общий тюркский алфавит стало одним из противоречивых

для Казахстана – одного из тюркоязычных республик после распада СССР.

История борьбы за алфавит в Средней Азии имеет глубокие корни. В данной статье авторы

рассказали о течении этой борьбы в Казахстане.

Опорные слова и выражения: языковая политика, независимые тюркоязычные государства,

тюркоязычные народы, тюркский мир, алфавиты, Средняя Азия, Казахстан.


Since the late 1980s, Kazakhstan has pursued a consistent policy of raising the

status of the Kazakh language. Nursultan Nazarbayev, who led politics in Kazakhstan, formed the
basis of the policy pursued to expand the function of the Kazakh language in the country, and due
to Nazarbayev's efforts, Kazakhstan has systematically adopted language laws since the 1980.

“In 1989, the Law on Languages in the Kazakh SSR was adopted, giving the Kazakh language

the status of a state language for the first time.”


By the same law, Russian is given the status of an

international language of communication. Language policy in Kazakhstan covers issues related to
the status of the Kazakh language, the national language after the collapse of the USSR. At the heart
of the language policy pursued in Kazakhstan after the collapse of the USSR was the solution of
problems related to the status of the Kazakh language in the country, the titles of which are the
language of the people. Undoubtedly, language identity is a key part of national identity. Kazakhstan
differs from other Central Asian states in that it is the most ethnically diverse and accounts for more
than half of the population of the main ethnic group. Under the influence of these features,
Kazakhstan pursues a more restrained ethnic policy than other Central Asian countries.


Jale Garibova, Sovyet Sonrası Dönemde Türk Dilli Halklar - Dil Sorunu ve Yeniden Biçimlenen Kimlikler, Türk Dilli

Halklar – Türkiye ile İlişkiler, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, 2012, s.45

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In 1990, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR adopted the State Program for the

Development of the Kazakh Language and Other Languages in Kazakhstan until 2000, and in 1992
another law was adopted to ensure the implementation of this program. In 1993, the President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan signed a decree on the establishment of a language div in Kazakhstan, and
in 1995, the Constitution reaffirmed the status of the Kazakh language as the state language.
Although the 1993 constitution defined Russian as the language of international communication, the
1995 constitution did not give Russian any status, but noted that Russian was used in official circles
alongside Kazakh. The 1997 Law on Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan reiterated the use of
the Kazakh language.

Purpose and objectives:

The purpose of the study is to study the historical and current language

policy in Kazakhstan, to study the current situation. The language policy pursued after the collapse of
the Soviet Union has been further explored in our study.The main purpose of the work is to study
language policy, language planning, which is a new field of understanding and research in sociology,
and to study and solve the problems of language policy of Turkic peoples in danger in independent
Turkic states and countries with small Turkic peoples. From this point of view, it was considered
expedient to perform the following tasks:

- To determine what is language policy, language planning, how it is applied in the world;
- To follow the process of language policy historically implemented in the Turkic peoples;
- To study the main directions of the language policy applied against the Turkic peoples during the USSR;
- To determine the directions of language policy in the Turkish republics that gained independence

after the collapse of the USSR;

- To analyze the main directions of language policy in the Turkic world in modern times.


Theoretical, descriptive and comparative methods of linguistics, sociolinguistics and

turkology were used in the research. Especially in recent years, language policy decisions have been
studied comparatively with other countries.

Results and reviews:

In 2001, he defined the State Program for the Function and Development of

Languages in Kazakhstan for 2001-2010. “In 2010, the State Program on the function and development
of languages in Kazakhstan”


was adopted.

The activity of Kazakh scientists on the development of the Kazakh language, which they see as the

main structure of the nation, began before the Bolshevik Revolution. Especially in the first and third
periods of the Soviet language policy, Kazakh linguists, who pursued a fairly active policy, focused on
the internal structure of the language, reading (publishing) ancient works (manuscripts) and the field of
terminology. The main change in the following period was the perception of bilingualism as a part of
culture and a threat to the national language. “The idea that the use of the Russian language was not
against the Kazakh national identity was propagated in various newspapers and magazines.”


In Kazakhstan, as in other republics, language policy became one of the main issues on the agenda

in the late 1980s. During Gorbachev's time, the demands on the future of culture and language, the
increase of bilingualism and the adoption of the Kazakh language as an official language increased. The
reason for this was that the promises of politicians on this issue were not fulfilled, on the contrary, the
Russian language was further advanced through education.


Jale Garibova,

Sovyet Sonrası

Dönemde Türk Dilli Halklar - Dil Sorunu ve Yeniden Biçimlenen Kimlikler, Türk Dilli

Halklar – Türkiye ile İlişkiler, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, 2012, s.46


M.B.Olcot, The Politics of Language Reform in Kazakhstan, p.199

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In the 1980s, Russian became the mother tongue of non-Russian nations in Kazakhstan. “More than

half of Cossacks could easily speak Russian”1

In all the Soviet republics, where perestroika was growing rapidly in 1989, the discussion of the state

language was one of the most discussed topics on the agenda. Some non-Russians wanted their mother
tongue to be given official status or the state language. Although some Kazakh intellectuals suggested
that Kazakh be the “state language” in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), Russians and other
non-Kazakhs were in favor of giving Kazakh and Russian equal status. According to Bahatjan Hasanov,
a member of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, one of the most important representatives of the Kazakh
side, “the idea of the state language was born from the struggle of the Kazakh language against two
rivals, national nihilists and those who look down on the Kazakh language.”


Proponents of giving the Kazakh language the status of the state language argued that the Kazakh

language should be given state support. Since Russian and other languages are under the protection of
the state in their countries, they do not need such support. If Russian were given the same status as
Kazakh, in practice, Russian would continue to “crush” Kazakh; The Russian language continued to
exist without state support. Nursultan Nazarbayev, who was the first secretary of the Communist Party
of Kazakhstan (CPK) in those years, was also very concerned about the hegemony (dominance) of the
Russian language, according to Kazakhstanskaya Pravda on August 27, 1989 (published in Russian).
“Only Russian is used in all public affairs to express political problems and events. I attended a party
event, all 298 delegates were Kazakhs, and there was only one Russian - the district military commissar,
and again all the talks were in Russian.”


The issue of language discussions lasted a long time. The first article of the constitution, adopted in 1989,

stated that Kazakh was the state language of the USSR. The second article considered Russian to be the
“language of international communication” - in other words, the USSR's internal relations would be conducted
in Russian. The third article was related to the fact that the special (private) status of the Kazakh and Russian
languages did not impede the use and development of the languages of other nations living in the USSR.

In Kazakhstan, as in other Soviet republics, the first national movements took place in the field of

language and alphabet. In 1989, the Supreme Soviet passed a resolution making Kazakh, the national
language, the official language, and Russian the language of inter-ethnic communication. The law has
provoked protests from ethnic groups other than Kazakhs.

The Law on Education of January 18, 1992 states that educational institutions must play an active role in

the teaching, use and development of the Kazakh language as a state language, while Russian will continue
to be taught free of charge. The same law states that the state has an obligation to create conditions for
education in the mother tongue for ethnic minorities who are compact and dense in a region. Two separate
decisions in 1992 noted the use of the state language in the military and official correspondence, as well as
the state language, and the preparation of court documents in both Russian and Kazakh.

Article 7 of the second constitution, adopted in 1995, contained provisions regarding the new

language. According to Article 7 of the Constitution, the state language was Kazakh. Kazakh was again
referred to as the “state language”, but it was noted that Russian would be officially used on an equal
footing with Kazakh in state bodies and local administrations.



Хасанов, Бахытжан Х. Национальные Языки, Двуязычие и Многоязычие: Поиски и Перспективы. Алматы:

Казахстан, 1989, с. 26


Khasanov, Bahıtcan Kh.

Natsional’nıe Yazıki, Dvuyazıçie i Mnogoyazıçie: Poiski i Perspektivı

. Almatı: Kazakhstan, 1989, p.29


Казахстанская Правда,

27 Ağustos 1989.


Конституция Республики Казахстан, (принята на республиканском референдуме 30 августа 1995 года)

https://online.zakon.kz/document/?doc_id=1005029#pos=5;-137 (10.04.2020)

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According to Article 41 of the Constitution, heads of state and Article 58 required MPs to be fluent

in the Kazakh language. Article 93 obligated the government, local self-government representatives and
executive bodies to create the organizational, material and technical conditions required for all citizens
to learn the state language free of charge. The main point here was that the expression “use of Russian
as an official language in public affairs” remained legally unclear.

A sensitive and paradoxical situation with language policy in Kazakhstan was observed in 1995,

when the President instructed all public officials to learn Kazakh for 15 years, and in 1996 issued a
decree banning discrimination on the grounds of lack of knowledge of the state language.

In 1995, three decisions were made in Kazakhstan regarding the use of language in connection with

language policy. “The first decision (December 20, 1995, No. 2694) states that both Kazakh and Russian
are official languages in the courts. The second resolution (No. 2368) mentioned Kazakh and Russian at
customs and border checkpoints, and the third directive (No. 2737) drafted a law on whether
constitutional documents should be in Russian or Kazakh. , stipulated that non-Kazakhs should learn
Kazakh, the state language, until 2006. However, the bill was rejected by the next higher div. As a
result, this article was not adopted in the adopted law.”


According to the law, the areas in which both the Kazakh and Russian languages were used included

official bodies, local administrations, official documents, constitutional documents, arbitration courts, army,
science (diploma defenses), names of government agencies, stamps and seals. Russian or Kazakh was used
in the telegraph and customs. Russian and other languages would be used in ethnicly densely populated areas,
informal institutions, courts, contracts, announcements, advertisements, catalogs and lists, secondary schools,
high schools and universities, cultural events, the press and newspapers. In the same decision, it was decided
not to broadcast on television and radio in a language other than Kazakh for a long time.

As it is known, language laws in Kazakhstan are mostly related to the definition of language areas

and the development of the national language. In addition to language discrimination laws, the use of
the Russian language in official institutions is enshrined in the constitution. Broadcasting in media other
than Kazakh was prohibited by law.

In 1998, an amendment to the constitution added a provision for the president and senators and

speakers to know the state language (speak, write, and read fluently). Thus, Nazarbayev also had to take
an exam in the Kazakh language. Of course, the main goal here was to convey to the population the
value given to the Kazakh language at the highest level.

In 2001, a proposal for the transition to the Latin alphabet was prepared and submitted to the Ministry

of Education. Discussions in this regard lasted a long time. “Due to the fact that the decision to develop
the Kazakh language as a national language was not implemented on time, there were opinions in favor
of a more serious application of language policy and the use of Russian in the press.”


On June 23, 2001, Edil Ergoz, the Deputy Minister of Education of Kazakhstan, noted that

Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan had switched to the Latin alphabet in the mid-1990s, and that they
had prepared a serious project on the Latin alphabet.

In Kazakhstan, as well as in favor of the transition to the Latin alphabet, there were those who

opposed it. In this regard, Kazakh journalist Berik Zhilikbayev said in an article in the Megapolis
newspaper when Kazakh Education Minister Edil Ergozu's remarks about the transition to the Latin


G.Smith, Nation Building in the Post-Soviet Borderland. The Politcs of National İdentities, Cambridge University

Press, 1998, p. 151


US Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices-

2000, www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2000/eur (10.04.2020)

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alphabet were published in the press that nationalists prevented future generations from learning
Russian and enriched Kazakhs culturally through the Russian language and alphabet.

Today, many projects are being developed in Kazakhstan to adopt the Latin alphabet. Kazakh

President Nursultan Nazarbayev has ordered the government to prepare for the transition of the
Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet. Nazarbayev stated this in an article in the Egemen
Kazakhstan newspaper. The President wrote that he expects to establish a standard for writing the
Kazakh language in the Latin alphabet by the end of 2017.

Today, many projects are being developed in Kazakhstan to adopt the Latin alphabet. Kazakh

President Nursultan Nazarbayev has ordered the government to prepare for the transition of the
Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet, Nazarbayev himself said in an article in the Egemen
Kazakhstan newspaper. The President wrote that he expects to establish a standard for writing the
Kazakh language in the Latin alphabet by the end of 2017.

According to the International Turkic Academy (TWESCO) in Kazakhstan, the 34-letter

alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet currently used in Azerbaijan and Turkey and will be
recommended for use by all Turkic-speaking countries at some stage, although it is now used to a
limited extent. The President of the Turkish Academy, Professor Darhan Kidirali, said that one of
the main activities of the Terminology Committee under the Academy is to continue working on a
common alphabet. He said: “We need a common alphabet to expand integration processes and
coordinate scientific research more closely. Of course, this depends on the initiative of the countries.
However, as an international organization, we use a common alphabet of 34 letters. The decision
was made at a meeting of the Turkish Council. The Turkish Academy continues preparations in this
direction by establishing a Terminology Committee.

Noting that the International Turkish Academy currently uses a 34-letter common Latin alphabet

for the general use of Turkic-speaking countries, Darhan Kidirali noted that the alphabet is closer to
the Latin Azerbaijani and Turkish alphabets, citing objective reasons. is identical to the alphabet
currently in use.

The order of the President of Kazakhstan dated October 26, 2017, No. 569 on the alphabet was

an extremely important decision. Kazakhstan was already one of the leading countries in the Turkic
world. It is currently establishing relations with all Turkic states at the highest level, both politically,
economically and scientifically. From this point of view, the Latin alphabet, which will be adopted
by Kazakhstan, should be useful for the Turkic world in the future.

Language planning within the 2050 strategy: In his speech on December 14, 2012, the President

of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev presented the program “Kazakhstan's 2050
Strategy - a new political path of a successful country” on the topic “The situation in the country.”

Nazarbayev said that his main goal is to make Kazakhstan one of the thirty most successful

countries in the world by 2050. He set specific goals for the language policy. In his speech, he noted
that despite the fact that Kazakhstan is a country of ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, which
includes 140 different ethnic groups and 17 different faith groups, he stressed the need to maintain
peace and stability in the country. Saying that language policy is a great responsibility and one of
the main factors uniting the Kazakh people, Nazarbayev said that the basis of this policy is “the
Kazakh language is our spiritual source. Our task is to develop the Kazakh language using it
effectively in all areas. We must pass on to future generations a rich language used by our ancestors,
which will be expanded with our great support. This is a task that every self-respecting person must
solve individually. Great work has been done to strengthen the position of the Kazakh language as

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the state language. It is necessary to continue large-scale activities to spread the Kazakh language.”


In previous plans, the transition to the Latin alphabet, which was targeted for 2020, was changed to
2025 in the 2050 strategic plan.

Today, many projects are being developed in Kazakhstan to adopt the Latin alphabet. Kazakh

President Nursultan Nazarbayev has ordered the government to prepare for the transition of the
Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet.

Nazarbayev himself stated this in an article in the Egemen Kazakhstan newspaper. The President

wrote that he expects to establish a standard for writing the Kazakh language in the Latin alphabet
by the end of 2017.

Nazarbayev himself stated this in an article in the Egemen Kazakhstan newspaper. The President

wrote that he expects to establish a standard for writing the Kazakh language in the Latin alphabet
by the end of 2017.


In the 2050 Strategic Plan put forward by Nazarbayev, the idea that “95% of

Kazakhstanis will speak Kazakh by 2025” was identified as a goal, and he stressed that they are
working to provide all the necessary opportunities for this.

In Kazakhstan, 60% of secondary schools are currently taught in the state language. With the

transition of language education to the curriculum system in all high schools, one of the main goals of
the strategy program is to ensure that all first-graders learn the Kazakh language this year and that a
Kazakh-speaking generation grows up 12 years later. Nazarbayev, who sees the future of Kazakhstan in
the Kazakh language and said that in 2025 Kazakh will be the dominant language in all spheres of life
and will become the language of everyday communication, said in this regard: will meet a language. The
Kazakh language is the most beautiful diamond in the crown of our state's independence.

One of the most important issues in the country is the study of population growth. At the time of

independence, the number of Kazakhs in the country was 6.8 million, or 41% of the total population,
now 11 million, and 65% of the total population. is. Explaining that the number of Kazakhs in the
country has increased by 4 million, Nazarbayev said that if every Kazakh citizen tried to speak his
native language, the Kazakh language would have long ago gained its status in the constitution. In
order to serve the national interests, every Kazakh must first be responsible for himself, not for other
peoples. Kazakhs must speak the national language to each other. Only in this case, the Kazakh
language can gain a status that is widely used by every Kazakh. Pressure on the tongue can actually
gain the status of a language in use. The approach to language actually reflects the approach to the
country. Therefore, the attention and care for the Kazakh language should never be overlooked.
When the Kazakh language becomes a fully used language and reaches the status of a real state
language, then the country will become a full-fledged Kazakh state.

Noting that the goal is to make Kazakhstanis educated and trilingual in 2050 and continue their

activities in this direction, Nazarbayev said, we must approach the Russian language and the Cyrillic
alphabet in the same way as we approached Kazakh Turkish. Everyone knows that knowing the
Russian language is a historical advantage of our people. Undoubtedly, one of the factors we must
take into account is that thanks to the Russian language, Kazakhs have been gaining additional
knowledge for centuries, developing their worldviews, and entering the international arena through
the Russian language, as well as domestically. But now we must give priority to the English language
and adopt serious programs in this regard. The modern world attaches great importance to the


Bilgehan Atsız Gökdağ, Türklerin Dünyası, dil-kimlik-siyaset, Kültür Bilimleri Akademisi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012,


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Russian and English languages, saying that mastering this common language (lingua franca) will
give every citizen of our country endless opportunities in their lives and creativity.

According to Nazarbayev, who emphasizes being one people, one country, the unifying core of

the common Kazakh identity is the Kazakh people and the state language. As Nazarbayev often
emphasizes, the role of language in the formation of the Kazakh identity is exceptional.

This is evidenced by the fact that in 2025, 95% of Kazakhs, not Kazakhs, will speak Kazakh.

His speech was based on Kazakh Turkism. Nationalist Kazakhs in the country accused Nazarbayev
of failing to take bold steps to develop the language, culture and history of Kazakh Turkism.
Nazarbayev, who has implemented the language policy so far, taking into account the sensitivity of
other ethnic groups, has won their love. Nazarbayev won the sympathy of the nationalist Kazakh
Turks with the above-mentioned strategy and speeches.




Филология фанлари доктори, профессор, ТДШУ

Аннотация. Ушбу мақолада туркшуносликда илк маротаба туркий расмий услуб тарихининг энг

қадим кезлардан ўрта асрларгача бўлган даврини такомил босқичларига ажратиш ва даврлаштириш
ҳақида илмий таҳлиллар берилган.

Туркий расмий услубнинг юзага келиши ва унинг XVI асргача бўлган тарихий тараққиётини бир –

бирини узвий давомида турувчи ҳамда ўзига хос хусусиятлари билан фарқланиб турадиган тўрт
босқичга ажратиш мумкин:


Энг қадимги даврлар ҳужжатчилиги (мелоддан аввалги III асрдан, мелодий VI асргача).


Tурк хоқонликлари даври ҳужжатчилиги (мелодий VI–IX асрлар).

Ҳужжатчиликнинг ушбу босқичи ўз ичида икки даврга бўлинади:
1) Биринчи ва Иккинчи турк хоқонликлари даври ҳужжатчилиги (VI–VIII асрлар);
2) Уйғур хоқонлиги даври ҳужжатчилиги (VIII–IX асрлар).

IX–XIII асрлар ҳужжатчилиги. Туркий ҳужжатчиликнинг бу босқичи ҳам икки даврга бўлинади:

1) Қорахонийлар даври ҳужжатчилиги (X асрнинг иккинчи ярмидан XII аср охиригача);
2) Қўчу ва Гансу давлатларида амал қилган ҳужжатчилик (IX–XIII юзйилликлар).

XIII–XVI асрлар ҳужжатчилиги. Туркий ҳужжатчиликнинг ушбу босқичи қуйидаги даврларга бўлинади:

1) Чиғатой улусида амал қилган ҳужжатчилик (XIII–XIV асрлар).
2) Олтин Ўрда ва ундан кейинги хонликлар ҳужжатчилиги (XIV асрнинг биринчи ярмидан XVI

юзйилликнинг иккинчи ярмига қадар).

3) Темурийлар даври ҳужжатчилиги (XIV асрнинг иккинчи ярмидан XVI юзйилликка қадар).
4) Усмонийлар салтанатининг дастлабки даври ҳужжатчилиги (XV асрнинг иккинчи ярмидан

XVI асрга қадар).

Туркий расмий услубнинг тарихий тараққиётида Tурк хоқонликлари даври ҳужжатчилиги ва

Қорахонийлар даври ҳужжатчилиги ҳамда Темурийлар даври ҳужжатчилиги алоҳида аҳамиятга эга.

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