Разработка инновационных способов образовательного комплекса и автоматизированного управления его использованием

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Омаров M. (2014). Разработка инновационных способов образовательного комплекса и автоматизированного управления его использованием. Экономика и инновационные технологии, (5), 127–131. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/economics_and_innovative/article/view/8191
M Омаров, Ташкентский Государственный Университет Экономики




В данной статье описаны целесообразность электронного учебного комплекса в упрощении управлении учебным процессом, вопросы подготовки и создания материалов для электронного учебного комплекса, а также методы упрощения контента и распределения их в удобном для студентов режиме.

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“Иқтисодиёт ва инновацион технологиялар” илмий электрон журнали. №




, 2014 йил




Assistant, TSUE



Мазкур мақолада ўқув жараёнини осонлаштириш мақсадида электрон

ўқув мажмуани яратиш ва тадбиқ этиш, уни ички ҳужжатларини тайёрлаш
ва ривожлантириш, шунингдек, тайёрлаш ва талабаларга етказилишини
соддалаштириш услублари кўрилиб чиқилган.

В данной статье описаны целесообразность электронного учебного

комплекса в упрощении управлении учебным процессом, вопросы подготовки и
создания материалов для электронного учебного комплекса, а также методы
упрощения контента и распределения их в удобном для студентов режиме.


educational complex, electronic educational complex, design of

educational materials and management.

Nowadays, there is an ongoing reform of the education system of Uzbekistan,

which is actively searched for ways of students’ preparation improvement. One of
them may be the improvement of methodological support of academic disciplines
based on modern technologies, which combine traditional ways of organizing the
educational process, tools and techniques generated by new ideological achievements
of engineering.

Works of V.P.Bespalko, M.A.Galaguzova, I.V.Kostenko, B.V.Palchevskiy,

G.V.Serdyuk, L.S.Friedman, N.D.Chekaleva, A.Stepanova, A.I.Arkhipova and other
are evidence of interest to the problem of improvement of methodological support of
educational process.

Following aspects are covered in more detailed way:

management of self-study of students (I.V.Kostenko, A.I.Rumyantsev, T.D.


formation of students' motivation (O.S.Grebeshok, V.Krutikov);

improvement of efficiency of educational process (A.F.Shepotin,

Z.D.Shlyahter, A.S.Malahin);

functions of learning tools in the educational-methodical complex







modeling of content of educational materials and use of classroom models

(M.A.Galaguzova, G.V.Serduk, Y.N.Kulyutkin, E.I.Mashbitz, A.Stepanova) and

Local and foreign scientists on this subject mainly described pedagogical part

and separately management of educational institution. So the study showed the
absence of innovative ways of development of management in educational process.

All of these studies have important theoretical and practical significance. Their

main goal is to achieve the level of success of educational programs, digestion and

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“Иқтисодиёт ва инновацион технологиялар” илмий электрон журнали. №




, 2014 йил



getting, as a result, formed multifaceted developed specialist. This can be achieved by
improving educational complex (EC) in various academic disciplines.

The management of the government pays great attention to the informatization

of the entire state system, including higher education. From a psychological point of
view, it is a query of time, then from an economic point of view it is reduction the
amount of time professors and he cost of materials as paper, printing, etc.

Studying foreign experience, we can say that many institutions of higher

education have already switched to online information transmission system of
methodical support students.

All this has important theoretical and practical significance. Their main goal is

to achieve success in development of educational programs and receive as a result
formed multifaceted specialist. This can be achieved by improving educational
complex in various academic disciplines.

Educational complex of disciplines is a set of standards, model and work

programs (syllabus), educational-methodical materials, which are necessary for
support and show the content, scope and level of educational and methodological
support for each educational discipline.

As a rule, these materials develop the content of textbook with new original


With educational complex of discipline solves the following issues [1]:

educational and methodological support of each discipline;

fulfillment of educational process with teaching and methodical, reference

and other materials which improve the quality of preparation of specialists;

implementation to the learning process of latest achievements of science;

creation of a planning and organization works on improvement of

educational and methodical basis of the university;

preparation of materials for educational process - textbooks, manuals,


In the modern information climate occurs rapid progress through the

introduction of new technologies. Thus, knowledge and experience becoming
outdated quickly, losing its former importance and relevance.

Large amount of professional knowledge with limited educational time and

available literature is one of main existing problems, as well as students' ability to
perceive the information they need. As a result, there is a need for extensive use of
new approaches to the educational process, use of different teaching forms and
methods of training of students as well as their constant updating.

In the third phase of the National Program for Personnel Training, which

covers the current period, indicates the need for full satisfaction by latest educational
and methodical complex and advanced teaching technologies, as well as ensuring
computerization of educational process, complete coverage of continuing education
system with computer and information networks, with access to the global
information network.

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“Иқтисодиёт ва инновацион технологиялар” илмий электрон журнали. №




, 2014 йил



In this regard, as well as with computerization and innovative processes in

educational process, was formed opportunity to create and use advanced electronic
instructional materials using information technologies.

But, in spite of the ever-growing level of computerization of education, it

should be noted low efficiency of computer technology use in teaching process and
lack of high-quality modern electronic materials in professional disciplines. In this
regard, there is an urgent problem of educational process with innovative
developments, relevant requirements of modern information technology.

Issues of creation of educational electronic publications, in particular,

interactive and multimedia e-methodical complexes [2] are still the focus of
professionals of educational institutions. One of reasons for the relentless close
attention to the educational process is lack of universal technology to develop the
necessary educational materials for the complex, including, absence of relevant

In other hand, the current standard includes a very complicated process that

could be simplified by separation on teaching and student content. For example, from
about 20 positions today used in educational complexes, few items might be united to
widely used abroad Syllabus, which briefly describes the contact details of the
teacher, course schedule, hours allocated to lectures and practical (seminar) class,
connectivity with other disciplines, importance and relevance goals and objectives of
discipline, requirements for students, evaluation criteria and distribution of students'
scores, as well as the base of literature for discipline.

It should be noted that the preparation and development of content of

educational complexes is a creative process that is difficult to formalize and not
amenable to automation, therefore requires a great deal of time by authors to develop

Under electronic textbook understood thematically complete and detailed by

the author structured learning material, which, via the Internet or on DVD and CD
discs supplied to the student. Therefore electronic educational complex must contain
the required self-study material, i.e. presentation, block of practical and case study
tasks to monitor the acquired knowledge on a given topic and in-depth study, as well
as other materials. In addition, unlike printed textbook, e-course should be designed
in such a way that it is able to provide [3]:

more detailed structure of course content;

interactivity (including easy navigation) - ability to change the presentation

of material depending on the actions of student, as well as ability to change the
trajectory of learning;

hypertext structure of theoretical material in conceptual part of the course

(links to definitions), as well as logical structure of presentation (sequence and
relationship of parts);

Use of powerful illustrative materials - various drawings and pictures,

animations and other multimedia applications;

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“Иқтисодиёт ва инновацион технологиялар” илмий электрон журнали. №




, 2014 йил



Use of variety practical and control measures to reinforce knowledge, self-

control, monitoring and evaluation of embedded knowledge in an electronic textbook
(tests, exercises, creative, individual and group assignments, etc.)

availability of links (hyperlinks) in a variety of electronic text and graphical

educational materials: literary and scientific materials, electronic libraries,
dictionaries, encyclopedias and other educational and scientific resources available
on the Internet.

To ensure the above qualities of the electronic textbook, the authors -

developers of educational learning materials must take into account not only the
requirements for methodical complex, but also have some knowledge on technology
of designing content for the course and relevant skills.

The main problem is the quality of electronic textbooks and manuals. It is no

coincidence, as technique of designing, creating and using electronic educational
materials in the learning process is behind the development of information and
telecommunication technologies. It is the quality of developed educational, teaching
and methodical materials for electronic educational complex ultimately depends on
efficiency of studying during their application.

Qualitatively developed electronic educational complex includes a complex of

variety of materials and educational resources (training, teaching and supporting
background material presented in various forms).

Such electronic educational complex must be primarily focused on the user to

learn the subject himself, and specially differ by way of presentation (dialog and
interactive form with a sufficient amount of questions and tasks for self-control, for
example Case-studies).

Qualitatively prepared material for electronic educational complex, causing a

relevant interest of students, motivation to work, not only because the course is
presented in electronic form with elements of computer graphics and multimedia.

Working with electronic educational complex activates mental activity of the

student: enhances concentration and intensity of attention, acutes sensitivity and
powers of observation, increases memory to perceive educational material [4].

The quality of developed electronic educational complex depends on how its

developers own method of training, skills, systematic approach to the design of
electronic materials, the ability to use some means of information technologies, and
so on.

Also, it is necessary to standardize the process to automatic mode. From above

said, except presentations, case studies, training materials, all the rest should be
prepared centrally, which allow better preparation of the material and versatility of its

Another point, all prepared materials necessary to put on the official websites

of universities that allow students to use them online. The basis for this may serve as
an electronic portal, created on basis of university’s website, which will allow of
students with their ID (identification number) and password to gain access to trained

In terms of cost savings, as well as under the Decree of the Cabinet of

Ministers № 155 dated 22 July 2010 "On additional measures to save and sustainable

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“Иқтисодиёт ва инновацион технологиялар” илмий электрон журнали. №




, 2014 йил



use of paper in the country," the creation of electronic educational complex will allow
efficient use of paper, the effective use of information and communication
technologies , elimination of red tape and bureaucracy, minimize excessive annual
printing of educational materials, etc.

In an example of the Tashkent State University of Economics, where students

are taught in more than 350 disciplines, every year on each discipline educational
complex is prepared and printed, which costs approximately 400 sheets of paper and
printing costs. The proposed measure of electronization and creation of electronic
educational complex will significantly reduce paper consumption by 99%, limiting
printing only by the paper version of educational and work program.

Thus, it should be noted that the challenge facing all authors on creation of

electronic educational complex is relatively complex, diverse, extensive and time-
consuming, but on the other hand, - relevant, creative and interesting in terms of
methodological support of educational process in general, and in organization of
independent work of students, as well as supporting the discipline that will be



A.A.Tkachenko. Educational – methodological complex of discipline as a

tool for self development of higher education teacher. Modern high school:
innovation aspect. 2012.


G.A.Krasnova, M.I.Belyaev, A.V.Solovov. – Moscow, MGIU, 2001.


S.G.Grigoriev, G.A.Krasnova, I.V.Robert. Electronic books and resourses

development. Open and distanced education. 2002. #3.


V.P.Demkin, V.M.Vimyatin. Principles and technologies of electronic

textbook creation. Tomsk, 2002.

Библиографические ссылки

A.A.Tkachenko. Educational - methodological complex of discipline as a tool for self development of higher education teacher. Modern high school: innovation aspect. 2012.

G.A.Krasnova, M.I.Belyaev, A.V.Solovov. - Moscow, MGIU, 2001.

S.G.Grigoriev, G.A.Krasnova, I.V.Robert. Electronic books and resourses development. Open and distanced education. 2002. #3.

V.P.Demkin, V.M.Vimyatin. Principles and technologies of electronic textbook creation. Tomsk, 2002.

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