Use of emphatic constructions in translation

Собиржонова, М. (2023). Use of emphatic constructions in translation. СМИ. Язык и культура. Перевод., 1(1), 194–200. извлечено от
Мехринисо Собиржонова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Студент факультета международной журналистики.


To give speech more expressiveness and emotional coloring, various language techniques can be used. Most often such techniques include emphatic constructions. This article aims to investigate to recognize what emphatic constructions are, their role in spoken language and how they are being utilized in translation.

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023




Student of International Journalism faculty


To give speech more expressiveness and emotional coloring, various

language techniques can be used. Most often such techniques include emphatic
constructions. This article aims to investigate to recognize what emphatic constructions
are, their role in spoken language and how they are being utilized in translation.

Key words:

emotional, speech, language, expressive, expressiveness, emphase,

lexical, grammatical, sentence, word, inversion, translating.

One of the phenomena causing difficulties in translation are emphatic

constructions. The emotional coloring and expressiveness of the texts are created by

various emphatic means.

“Emphasis. By emphasis, we undertake to inform the recipient of the message that

what we try to say, often among all things we already expressed, is the most important

to know or must be paid closest attention”.



by Juan Claudio S. Castro)

The word "emphase" is of Greek origin and translates as "expressiveness."

Under this concept, the means of various levels of the language are used, which are

used to give speech expressiveness and brightness. Without emphases, speech would

be dry, empty, unemotional, more like a robot’s speech.

Any language has in its stock a number of tools that play the role of amplification,

that is, emphase. In English, emphatic means can be divided into:


grammatical, using grammatical means for this purpose;


lexical, using certain lexical means to give the utterance an emotional coloring,

that is, words and phrases;


lexical-grammatical, that is, simultaneously using lexical and grammatical


The most common grammatical means of expressing emphase is inversion.

Inversion (from Latin inversio — inversion, permutation) is a violation of the usual

word order in a sentence. Inversion can be used in a number of cases.


When amplifying and emphasizing the meaning of a minor sentence term


Emphatic Constructions in English by Juan Claudio S. Castro

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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023


(usually circumstances), the highlighted sentence term, together with the amplifying

word preceding it, is brought forward and placed before the subject, which entails the

inversion of the predicate:

They will realize the importance of

Они поймут важность его

his work only in the course of time.

работы только со временем.

Here is the usual word order: subject - predicate - complement - circumstance.


Only in the course of time will they

Только со временем они поймут

realize the importance of his work.

важность его работы.

Here is the inversion: the amplifying word - circumstance - the 1st part of the

predicate - the subject - the 2nd part of the predicate - the complement.

When translating emphatic constructions in English, special attention must be paid

to the element that takes on the “shock part” of emphase. In the first case, the inverted

sentence should be translated as: “I will never forget this day!”. In the second case:

"This day I will never forget!". In both cases, what comes to the fore is what the speaker

considers most important. Often this is further emphasized by intonation. Other


No Inversion: This is a lovely picture. - This is a wonderful picture.

Inverted: Lovely is this picture! - This picture is just wonderful!

No Inversion: She will understand you only when it's too late. “She will

understand you only when it is too late.”

Inverted: Only when it's too late will she understand you. “Only when it is too late

will she understand you.”

Typically, the following words are used for inversion:



not only ... but also

не только ..., но также и

so ... that

так ... что

hardly (scarcely). . . when

едва ... как

no sooner . . . than

как только





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“Media. Til va madaniyat. Tarjima” talabalar ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi - 2023




not until

только, только тогда, когда


не; а также ... не, и ...


ни один; а также

neither ... nor

ни . ни .

In the following examples, the predicate consists of two or three parts, with the

first part of the predicate standing before the subject, and the second after it.

Only in two cases can we _ find a

Только в двух случаях мы находим

similar construction.

подобную конструкцию.

Only from this point of view is it


с этой точки зрения

possible to approach the problem.






If the predicate is expressed by one semantic verb (i.e., if this verb stands in

Present or Past Indefinite), and the selection of the circumstance requires the inversion

of the predicate, then the auxiliary verb “to do” is put in place of the first part of the

predicate (before the subject) in the required tense, person and number.

Only in one paper did we find

Только в одной работе мы нашли

confirmation of our theory.

подтверждение нашей теории.

Please note that the auxiliary verb do, used when inverting the predicate, is not

translated into Russian.


To strengthen the statement expressed by the predicate in the tenses Present and

Past Simple, the auxiliary verb to do is used, which in the required tense, person and

number is placed directly before the semantic verb used in the form of an infinitive

without the particle to. The amplification is transmitted into Russian by the words

"really", "undoubtedly", "certainly", "after all", "actually".

Most authorities agree that catalysts do
in some manner combine with the
substance or substances upon which
their catalytic influence is exerted.



специалистов соглашаются,


каким-то образом взаимодействуют

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с веществом или веществами, на
которые распространяется
каталитическое воздействие.

Inversion can also become a lexical-grammatical means of expressing an

emphase, when one or more elements of an utterance are highlighted with the help of

inversion. When translating emphatic sentences with inversion into Russian, you can

use either lexical means (enhancer words) or syntactic means (changing the structure

of the sentence), depending on the context.

Abroad Mr. Bush’s priority remains the А во внешней политике основным war on

приоритетом Буша остается война

с терроризмом.

Some other emphatic constructions of the English language include the

following types:


Highlighting the subject, direct and indirect additions and circumstances

(emphatic construction "it is . . . that, which, who, who"). The combination "it is ...

that" is used to highlight one of the members of the sentence. The distinguished

member of the sentence is placed between two parts of the construction, which in

form is a complex sentence. The construction "it is ... that" is not translated into

Russian, it only indicates the boundaries of the selected part of the sentence. In

Russian, such sentences correspond to a simple sentence in which the amplifying

words "exactly", "just", "only" are added before the selected term (more often when

the time circumstance is highlighted), "only"; in sentences with negation — "not at

all", "not at all".

It is language that enables us to
communicate with each other.

It is when men begin to use tools for
social production that they also begin to

It was the Dutch physicist, Christian
Huygens, who first offered an
explanation for the phenomena.

Именно язык дает нам возможность
общаться друг с другом.

Именно тогда, когда люди начинают
применять орудия для общественного
производства, они также начинают

Не кто иной, как голландский физик
Кристиан Хуигенс, первый предложил
толкование данного

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Note that if after emphatic

it is ...

if the word


or another amplifying word

is used, then it is used instead of "exactly" when translating the entire sentence.

It was only with the help of a small lantern that we managed to find the box.

Только с помощью фонарика нам удалось отыскать ящик.


The same emphatic model is often used with a verb in a negative form in

combination with the conjunctions

not till, not until

, which, despite the negative form,

has a positive meaning and is usually translated into Russian using the


A similar emphatic model is a complex sentence, the parts of which relate to

each other as the subject and complement of a simple sentence: What... [main

sentence] is (was, will be)... [subordinate clause].

What is more important for British

Но более важным для британской

politics is how the Iraq war eroded

политики есть то, как война в Ираке

faith in Mr. Blair.

подорвала веру в господина Блэра.


Sentences with double negation are also emphatic. When they are transferred

to Russian, the technique of antonymic translation is used, that is, a negative

statement in the original language becomes an affirmative one in the translation


The case is not improbable.

Этот случай весьма вероятен.

The negation


used before an adjective or adverb with negative prefixes


, in-, il-, im-, ir-, dis-,

etc. has an amplifying meaning, and the whole combination

It is these special properties of sound
that are the subject of the present


Именно эти особенные свойства
звука являются темой данного

amplifying adverbs "only after ...", "only

It was not until Einstein discovered the

connection between gravitation and

inertia that the mystery Newton could

not understand was solved.

It was not until about 1911 that a first

really successful theory of atomic

structure was suggested by Rutherford.

when ...".

Только когда Эйнштейн открыл

взаимосвязь между гравитацией и

инерцией, была разгадана тайна,

которую не мог понять Ньютон.

Только после 1911 года Резерфордом

была предложена первая поистине

успешная теория структуры атома.

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usually corresponds to the Russian "quite, quite, quite + adjective (adverb)".

not uncommon

довольно обычный

not infrequently

довольно часто

not impossible

весьма возможно

In some cases, it is also possible to translate "not ... not" ("it does not seem

inevitable"). The combination of

not + without + noun

It is not without significance that ... Также весьма важно, что ...

The negation of not can be combined with an adjective (participle or adverb) of

negative meaning that does not have a negative prefix. Translates the same as in the

first case.

Юмора вполне достаточно в его Humour

is not missing in his work. произведении.

(Его произведение [написано]

не без юмора).

The combination

by no means + negative prefix + adjective (adverb)

in general

has the meaning "not at all ..., not at all ...", but in each case it is translated depending

on the general style of the sentence.

It is by no means unreasonable to Вполне разумно сопоставить эти

compare these data.



Sentences in which the negation of no is combined with an adjective or

adverb in a comparative degree are particularly difficult to translate. In this case, in

order to transmit the emphase, it is most often necessary to rearrange the sentence,

abandon the comparative degree and resort to lexical compensation by adding

amplifying words or emotionally colored words.

The list of world fastest computers

В списке самых быстрых компьютеров

includes no machine with a

в мире вы не найдете ни одного

performance of less than 851 gigaflops. производительностью

менее 851 гигафлопа.

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Negative constructions with certain lexical accompaniments are also

emphatic, for example, the amplifying adverb too before an adjective or adverb. In

this case, the emphase is also translated using the lexical addition technique.

The danger of greenhouse effect cannot be too often emphasized.

Необходимо постоянно (неустанно) указывать на опасность глобального

потепления для человечества.

It is necessary to take into account that the above models and their translation

options are not exhaustive, and the ways of their translation depend on the context

and semantic load of a particular text or speech.



Article “Эмфатические конструкции в английском языке” by Екатерина



VALIYEVA, NARGIZAXON. "Анализ стилистических средств в

переводе произведения Александра Файнберга «Город милый. Голубая бездна»
с русского на английский язык." Scienceweb academic papers collection (2022).


Белорусский Технический Университет: “Пособие по техническому

переводу” // .


“Emphatic constructions in English: compilation rules, translation features”.



Emphatic Constructions in English by Juan Claudio S. Castro. //

Библиографические ссылки

Article “Эмфатические конструкции в английском языке” by Екатерина Семёнова.

VALIYEVA, NARGIZAXON. "Анализ стилистических средств в переводе произведения Александра Файнберга «Город милый. Голубая бездна» с русского на английский язык." Scienceweb academic papers collection (2022).

Белорусский Технический Университет: “Пособие по техническому переводу” // .

“Emphatic constructions in English: compilation rules, translation features”. //

Emphatic Constructions in English by Juan Claudio S. Castro. //

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