Morphology of modal words in uzbek and english languages

Кахарова, И. (2022). Morphology of modal words in uzbek and english languages. Современные лингвистические исследования: зарубежный опыт, перспективные исследования и инновационные методы преподавания языков, (1), 86–89.


The presence of wide possibilities in the manifestation of the modal category, of course, indicates that this category is a universal phenomenon and its study is of great importance for understanding the essence of a language construction. In this article, the author analyzes the relationships of the language to the most complex and comprehensive category of modality in English and Uzbek, as well as the expression of the category of modality. Also, the examples analyzed in GafurGulam's story "A Naughty Boy" clearly show the diversity of attitudes towards this category.

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PhD. I.S.Kaharova (USWLU)

Annotation. The presence of wide possibilities in the manifestation of the modal

category, of course, indicates that this category is a universal phenomenon and its study is
of great importance for understanding the essence of a language construction. In this
article, the author analyzes the relationships of the language to the most complex and
comprehensive category of modality in English and Uzbek, as well as the expression of the
category of modality. Also, the examples analyzed in GafurGulam's story "A Naughty Boy"
clearly show the diversity of attitudes towards this category.

Keywords: category of modality, modal words, modal particles, mood, category of

mood, prepositional phrase, language unit.

Modality is one of the integral functional features of oral speech. The category of

modality is one of the most complex and meaningful aspects of linguistic communication.
This category is one of the problems that of interest not only scholars in the field of natural
and social sciences but also linguists, which is widely used in lexicology, phraseology, word
formation, morphology, cognitive and textual linguistics.

Modality can be objective and subjective. “Objective modality refers to the relation

of an expressed thought to reality (for example, real and unreal, possibility and
impossibility, necessity and probability) and is expressed using grammatical and lexical
means (inclination, modal word, particles, intonation). The subjective modality reflects the
attitude of the speaker to the expressed thought (trust or disbelief, agreement or
disagreement, expressive assessment) as it is represented by word order, intonation, lexical
repetition, modal word, particles, exclamatory sentences, introduction, phrase word and
introductory remarks [National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, 2000: 38].

The presence of such a wide range of possibilities in the manifestation of the modal

categoryindicates that this category is a universal phenomenon and that its study is
extremely significant for understanding the essence of language construction.

Words that express the speaker's attitude (modal meaning) to the thought being

expressed are called modal words. Modal words include:

афтидан, дарҳақиқат, дарвоқе,

аттанг, эҳтимол, афсус, шубҳасиз, сўзсиз, табиий, албатта, ҳақиқатдан, ниҳоят,

бўпти, демак, айтмоқчи, ўз-ўзидан, бор, йўқ

and etc). For example:

Дарҳақиқат, менинг

фикрим тўғри чиқди (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 87) – Actually, I was right (Gafur Gulom.

A Naughty Boy, 74);Дарвоқе, хўжайиннинг айтгани тўғри, олди қиш, борадиган,

ётадиган маконимиз йўқ. (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 81) – Actually, the boss was right.
The winter was coming and we did not have any place to live (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty
Boy, 70).

Modal words, as mentioned above, give different modal meanings to an idea.
Accordingly, modal words are divided into the following types according to their

semantic properties:

1. Modal words that express modal meanings such as clarity of thought, confidence,


албатта, шубҳасиз, ўз-ўзидан, ҳақиқатдан, табиий, дарҳақиқат.



Билет олиб кўришга, албатта, сенда нақд ақча бўлмайди (Ғафур Ғулом.

Шум бола, 89) – Of course, you won’t have money for purchasing a ticket (Gafur Gulom. A
Naughty Boy, 77).

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2. Modal words expressing modal meanings such as doubt, uncertainty:


ҳойнаҳой, чоғи, афтидан, мазмуни, чамаси, шекилли. For example


Чамаси, ювғувчи

топилмай бир неча кун туриб қолган бўлса керак, анча ҳидланиб кетган эди (Ғафур

Ғулом. Шум бола, 35) – I think he had laid there for several days because they hadn’t
found a person who could wash it. There was a bad smell there (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty
Boy, 29).

3. Modal words expressing modal meanings such as goal, requirement, condition:

керак, зарур, даркор, лозим

. For example:

Энди Омоннинг ахволидан хабар олиш зарур

эди (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 36) – Now we had cared for Omon(Gafur Gulom. A
Naughty Boy, 30).

4. Modal words denoting existence and assertion:

бор, майли, хўп


тўғри, яхши, тузук

qualities are also used in this sense based on function). For example:

Майли, улгуржироқ пул топсанг, иккинчи боришда сени ҳам ҳажга олиб бораман

(Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 115) – If I find much money, I will bring you to Hadj with me
(Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 96).

5. Absence, denial, objection:


For example:

Пул сўрайдиган жойига етиб

қолдими?- Йўқ (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 137)–Is it reached at this time?(Gafur Gulom. A
Naughty Boy, 115).

6. Represents an approval value:

дуруст, бўпти.

For example:

Дуруст, – деди Омон

(Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 86) – Well, – said Omon (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 73).

7. Concluding remarks, modal words denoting stress:

демак, хуллас, модомики.



Хуллас, мен учун бу ер шикоят қиларли даражада зериктирувчи жой эмас

эди (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 104) – Thus, this place was not boring for me (Gafur
Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 88).

8. Modal words expressing the meaning of a reminder:

дарвоқе, айтгандай,


For example:

Дарвоқе, хўжайиннинг айтгани тўғри, олди қиш, борадиган,

ётадиган маконимиз йўқ (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 81) – Actually, the boss was right.
The winter was coming, and we did not have any place to live (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty
Boy, 69).

9. Sadness is a modal word that means regret:

афсус, аттанг, эссиз.

For example:

Аттанг, бебилиска пул топадиган касб қўлдан кетадиган бўлди-да!(Ғафур Ғулом.

Шум бола, 58) – It’s a pity that I gave away the chance to earn money (Gafur Gulom. A
Naughty Boy, 49).


Order of thought:

аввало, охири, ниҳоят

(sometimes this problem also uses

sequence numbers like

биринчидан, иккинчидан...

). For example:

Соғман, хўжайин, ўт,

аввало, ўғилхонага тушди (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 68) – I’m not crazy, my boss. First,
the stable burned. (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 57).

Grammatical features of modal words:

Modal words are morphologically integral;

that is, they are not divided into morphemes [Shoabdurahmonov Sh., Askarova M., Khojiev
A., 1980]. For example:

Демак, Тошкентнинг қаттиқ қиши менинг учун чанада

шувгандай тез ўтиб кетади (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 101) – In this manner, the winter
would pass fast (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 86).

Modal words are also pure and carried over from other categories:
1. Purely modal words:

керак, лозим, шарт, даркор, бор, йўқ, демак, албатта,

ҳойнаҳой, хуллас, модомики, дарвоқе, эссиз, ҳайтовур, ажабо, ҳайрият, шукр, хўп,

майли, хуллас, модомики, бинобарин, кошки, шояд, ишқилиб, таажжубки.

2. Modal words moved from another category:

а) from noun:

чоғи, эҳтимол, афтидан, ҳақиқатдан ҳам, дарҳақиқат, чамаси,

мазмуни, афсус, аттанг, назарида, одатда, бахтимизга, эҳтимол, мазмуни;

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b) from adjective:

тузук, дуруст, тўғри, яхши, табиий, шубҳасиз, сўзсиз,

тўғрироғи, яхшиси, тузук, рост, бор, йўқ;

c) from numerals:

first, second, primary;

d) from pronoun:

ўз-ўзидан, ҳар қалай, менимча, сенингча, сизнингча, бундан


e) from verb:

айтгандай, айтмоқчи, десангиз, айтайлик, кўрасизки,

ишонасизми, кечирасиз, ўйлайманки, биласизми, чиқар, бўпти;

f) from adverb:

ҳақиқатан, аввало, умуман, асосан, зотан, аксинча,

тахминимча, айтишларича, очиқчасига, албатта.

For example:

Бирламчи, Ҳақ таоло ва таборакнинг ўз зотидурким, кулли

мавжудот унинг қудрати билан пайдо бўлибдур ва унинг амри билан жаҳонда

барқарордур (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 136) – The first, with the order of God, all the
nature was created(Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 113);

Хуллас, бечора Омон каравотни

орқалаб олиб, кун бўйи сигир қувлабди (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 86) – So, poor Omon
held the bed and chased the cow(Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 73);

Албатта, мен уларни

ўз чўнтагимга қайириб олар эдим. (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 124) – Of course, I put
them in my pocket(Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 106).

The modal words

керак, лозим, шарт, даркор

are shorthand words used in the name

of action. The action name used with these modal words is not found. If used without a
possessive suffix, if used with 1


and 2


person possessive suffixes, it is an unknown

personal clause; if used with 3rd person possessive, it is part of an unknown personal
sentence. Words that turn into modal words express lexical meaning within their category
are part of speech. When expressing modal meaning, they lose the following properties: For

Чамаси, овқатлар ичида “хушҳазм” бўлган мушак сабзи ҳунарини

кўрсатмоқда эди (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 80) – Maybe his stomach was aching

because of the carrots he had eaten (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 69); У қирқ-қирқ беш

ёшлар чамасидаги қорачадан келган, хушқомат, қаламқош бир хотин эди (Ғафур

Ғулом. Шум бола, 4) – She was forty or forty-five years old. She was a beautiful woman
(Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 6);

Чамаси, девона сигир кечаги менга қилган

“ҳунар”ини икки баравар ошириб Омонга ҳам кўрсатибди (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола,
85) – So, poor Omon held the bed and chased the cow(Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 73).

The modal words in each category are mutually synonymous:

афтидан, чамаси,

шекилли, соғи, эҳтимол, ҳайтовур.

But there is no antonymic phenomenon between

modal words.

Most modal words serve as introductory words in a sentence: For example:


мен шу соатдан бошлаб ер кишиси эмас “Худо” маҳкамасининг масъул ўринларидан

биттасига қоровуллик вазифасига тайинландим (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 85) – I
decided to stay in the servant’s shelter of that man (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 54);

Modal words can also be used as verbs: For example:

Хўп-хўп, боринг, кечки

обиёвғонга келарсиз, албатта? – Албатта! (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 101) – All right,
all right, you can go – Of course (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 86).

As in other categories, modal words also have an intermediate tertiary form. As in

other categories, modal words also have an intermediate tertiary form.For this reason, modal
words like




fulfil the syntactic function that a noun performs, taking on the

morphological features of the equine family: For example,

Зорим бор, зўрим йўқ (Ғафур

Ғулом. Шум бола, 94) – I can’t do anything (Gafur Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 79).

Some categories consist of the words





борлиқ, йўқчилик, йўқла,


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Modal words do not name objects, characters, actions, etc., as independent words and

cannot become part of speech. Therefore, they are not syntactically related to parts of

Demak, макиён экан (Ғафур Ғулом. Шум бола, 118) – Clear, it is a cock (Gafur

Gulom. A Naughty Boy, 101).

The concept of modality is widely used in world linguistics. The concept of modality

as a semantic category varies depending on the nature of a particular form of expression and
the combination of different meanings. In world linguistics, there is no consensus on the
content and scope of the category of modality. This is due to the complete incompatibility of
linguistic modality with logical modality.



Gafur, Gulam. (2015).

A Naughty Boy

(160 p.). Tashkent: A New Generation.


Gafur, Gulam. (2017).

A Naughty Boy

(Translation) (128 p.). Tashkent: A New



National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan

. (2000). (p. 52). Tashkent.


Shoabdurahmonov, Sh., Askarova, M., Khojiev, A. (1980).

Modern Uzbek literary


. Tashkent: ‘Teacher’ Publishing House.


Yakubov J.A. (2000).

Semantic features of logic and linguistic representation of

the modality category

(pp. 62, 123, 224). Tashkent: Science.


Yakubov J.A. (2007). Features of logic and language expression of the modality


PhDthes. in phil.

(315 p.). Tashkent.


Юлдашев, Мусо Мухамматович, Нигора Низомиддиновна Сувонова,



ЖЕЛАНИЯ." Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире 1

-6 (2017): 199-


Библиографические ссылки

Gafur, Gulam. (2015). A Naughty Boy (160 p.). Tashkent: A New Generation.

Gafur, Gulam. (2017). A Naughty Boy (Translation) (128 p.). Tashkent: A New Generation.

National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. (2000). (p. 52). Tashkent.

Shoabdurahmonov, Sh., Askarova, M., Khojiev, A. (1980). Modern Uzbek literary language. Tashkent: ‘Teacher’ Publishing House.

Yakubov J. A. (2000). Semantic features of logic and linguistic representation of the modality category (pp. 62, 123, 224). Tashkent: Science.

Yakubov J.A. (2007). Features of logic and language expression of the modality category. PhDthes. in phil. (315 p.). Tashkent.

Юлдашев, Myco Мухамматович, Нигора Низомиддиновна Сувонова, and Дилшода Мусаевна Юлдашева. "МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ПРЕДИКАТЫ ВЫРАЖАЮЩИЕ ЖЕЛАНИЯ." Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире 1-6 (2017): 199-204.

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