Dinara Saitxxanova -Tashkent University of Applied Sciences, Gavhar Str. 1, Tashkent 100149, Uzbekistan
Key words:
artificial intelligence, qualities, abilities, learners, digital technologies, creativity, online, interactive.
Knowing the class of students is an important part of the teacher's work since it makes it easier to understand
when and how to intervene in the class learning process. In this regard, technology has much to contribute.
Many technological resources offer to learn reports, helping faculty to identify, individually or collectively,
where the subject matter is the most successful in which students need to study more.In addition, the current
situation surrounding the Covid-19 virus, which greatly affected how teachers around the globe work, has
influenced the teaching environment and turned it into a virtual reality, where many teachers and lecturers are
forced to work with more innovative programmers such as, Zoom, Loom, Learn-Cube and so on, which let
them present classes to students, while applying strategies aimed at reducing anxiety.
Digital technologies are a powerful instrument
that can help improve education in various ways, such
as making it easier for instructors to generate
instructional materials and providing new methods
for people to learn and collaborate. A new era has
arrived with the Internet’s worldwide reach and many
intelligent devices connected to it. Technology has
continued to play an essential role in delivering
education to children outside the classroom. Digital
learning fosters creativity and gives students a sense
of success, encouraging additional learning by
thinking outside traditional techniques. All nations
were able to adopt remote learning technologies
utilizing a combination of TV, radio, online, and
mobile platforms, which is commendable. These
provide easy access to information, easy retention of
information, in- creased storage of information, and
improved presentation of information; education
became more interactive, easier sharing of knowledge
and increased enthusiasm in learning. With today’s
technological growth, instructors must learn to utilize
various gadgets, such as smartphones and tablet
computers, or face marginalization. Teachers must
also harness all available online resources to ensure
that their materials are alive, engaging, and up to date.
Technology is more than just playing video games
and viewing animated films. The advantages are
determined by how students, parents, and teachers use
technology to improve education. When technology
is used effectively for instructional reasons, the
educational experience improves, and students
become interested. Making e-learning systems
compatible with new smart devices such as phones
and tablets has been a significant element in the ease
of access and faster uptake of digital learning.
Specialized learning goods, such as animation,
games, or AI-powered systems designed exclusively
for edutainment, are also included. Technology-
enabled innovations have helped facilitate learning
across age groups and topics. The importance of Big
Data and the application of analytics to learning was
an essential but generally overlooked part of
Education technologies. Schools and educational
institutions realize the value of comprehensive
student and instructor performance data as they
extend their usage of virtual classrooms, e-learning
platforms, and online exams.
Materials and methods
Educational technology is not without its
difficulties, notably in implementation and usage.
Issues regarding excessive screen time, the efficacy
of instructors’ use of technology, and concerns about
technology fairness are also raised. The content has
become more significant as a result of the COVID-19
problem. Educators must generate and comment on
online educational content, encouraging students to
analyses a topic from several angles in particular.
Furthermore, while some students thrive in online
learning settings, others struggle due to various
factors, including a lack of support. For example, a
student who has previously suffered in face-to-face
circumstances may suffer far more in the current
situation. These people may have been reliant on
services that are no longer accessible.[1] However,
online education may provide difficulties for
instructors, particularly in areas where it has not been
the norm. Some of the reasons for the learning crises
are widely known. One crucial factor is the poor
quality of instruction. Teachers frequently lack topic
expertise and have received little training. There are
technology solutions to this, and they could be helpful
in both training instructors and instructing students.
Technologies can provide in service training or a
combination of online and in-person training.
Additionally, there is evidence that instructors require
better incentives. They can educate but lack the
motivation to do so. Even though education has
always extended outside the conventional classroom,
the changing circumstances and scale of digital and
remote contexts demand significant adaptation,
preparation, support, and engagement. Limited or no
contact with students, rethinking engagement,
addressing a range of unique needs, motivating
students, handling conflicting time demands, and
coping with constrained settings may contribute to
attentive learning and teaching. There is also
evidence that low-tech interventions for "instruction
at the appropriate level" can significantly affect
learning. Because low-tech solutions are less
expensive and funding restricts impoverished nations,
careful investigation is required to establish whether
high-tech or low- tech solutions are better or not.
Teachers are teaching through video, but they are not
always teaching better than they would if they were
standing in front of a classroom. More massive open
online courses are being offered and taken up, but
many are not for primary education and do not
address the learning issue. It necessitates hardware
and connectivity at home, inaccessible to children in
low-income homes. Gamification and other strategies
may encourage youngsters to devote more time to
studying. Finally, consider that effective learning
outcomes may be obtained without using education
technologies. Some students are having difficulties as
a result of this online schooling. Some students come
from low-income families and do not have cell-
phones in their homes; thus, they struggle in school.
Millions of youngsters simply do not have access to
the internet at home. Students under 15 acquire this
complex technology early, yet they struggle with poor
vision and backache. Teachers are also having
difficulty since some are utterly inexperienced with
digital technologies. Nonetheless, they do everything
possible to educate their children through online
classes. College students who take more practical
subjects than theoretical subjects face similar
challenges because practical knowledge is not
attainable in online programs. While technology can
be considered yet another avenue for cheating, it is
possible to design assignments and assessments so
that such an occurrence is unlikely. On the other hand,
open-book exams can be used to emphasize problem-
solving and mastery over retention. Time consuming
processes such as tracking student attendance and
performance can be sped up with automation.
Because of their objective nature, engagement tools
can assist in expediting grading for writing
assignments, conversations, and participation and
address typical student inquiries. Without proper
equipment, internet/mobile network connectivity,
instructional resources, and teacher training, students
cannot participate in distant education. Students from
resource-poor locations, isolated rural areas, and low-
income households are more likely to fall behind.
Learners with disabilities or who speak a language
other than English at home will re quire additional
individualized assistance.[2]
Digital technologies allow students to
experience the globe and go to faraway places from
the comfort of their computers. Inviting a guest
speaker to talk to the class about their expertise is
terrific to spice up any lesson plan. Video
conferencing systems make it simple to bring a
subject matter expert face-to-face to our classroom,
no matter where they are. We can easily organize a
classroom video conference with kids from an- other
institution. Online polls and other digital technologies
engage all students, timid kids who would not
ordinarily raise their hands in class. Online
engagement tools enable checking in with students
regularly to solicit input on course materials and
assignments. Student insights can also be utilized to
identify areas where students may be struggling.
Student response systems promote digital citizenship
in the classroom by allowing students to participate in
class while also being rewarded. Schools serve an
essential role in our communities, and their closure
has far-reaching consequences for the psychological
well-being of many families and children. Digital
technologies can easily take up this challenge. Online
learning allows students to learn at their speed, pause
and rewatch videos, and explore course content
independently. Quizzes are another active learning
strategy that education technology may help. Students
may begin working on a project together in class and
fluidly collaborate, communicate, and bounce ideas
off one another utilizing social media, interactive
whiteboards, and other technology. Physical and
social constraints allow students to collaborate from
any- where and at any time. Technology has also
enabled students to join in spontaneous discussions
and obtain immediate answers to any difficulties or
questions regarding a subject. Because of self-paced
learning and individual variances, students will
virtually always complete their work at various times.
When this happens, maintaining students’ attention is
as simple as giving them access to educational films,
course-based games, or interactive learning tools. [3]
As a result, faster-paced students no longer
need to wait for all of their colleagues to finish before
continuing their studies, while slower-paced students
are no longer tempted to rush through their work. This
Education 4.0 program will be implemented in future
schools to improve education and better prepare the
next generation of potential. Future of technologies in
education. Small, medium and large-scale education
technology companies have started proliferating in
the future and are offering various new digital
solutions to academic institutions. This will improve
the quality of digital infrastructure across the country,
making innovative educational technology more
accessible to larger masses. We foresee the removal
of all linguistic boundaries and better Online
availability of learning resources in regional
languages. E-learning and m-learning programs
provide students and teachers access to a vast pool of
information content. While technology will play an
essential role in shaping the future of education,
ensuring that new teaching tools are used effectively
will require a new generation of educators who
understand the importance of human connection in
the classroom. These can lead to a satisfying and
engaging career in education. Students gain the
knowledge and skills necessary to employ new
educational technology to maximize their advantages
for today and in the future. In upcoming years,
education trends will ride the tide of growing internet
capabilities and network capacity, making it easier to
incorporate innovative technology into classrooms.
However, there is no complete substitute for offline
(classroom) teaching & learning. Thus we have
reached the era of hybrid teaching and learning,
where both online and offline systems are integrated
to enhance the outcomes and are envisaged as an
outcome of the implementation of Education.
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