Relevance of Use of Internet Resources
in Student Training
Ernazarova Manzura
University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences, Gavhar Str. 1, Tashkent 100149, Uzbekistan
Internet resources, web technologies, communication technologies, Internet technologies, multimedia tools.
This article examines the relevance of using modern Internet technologies in teaching students, and also
analyzes the importance and effectiveness of using web technologies in students’ independent work.
In recent years, in the field of teaching foreign
languages, the question of the importance and
expediency of using Internet resources in foreign
language education has been increasingly raised,
which implies not only an analysis of the use of new
technical means, but also a study of the positive and
negative aspects of introducing innovative forms and
methods of teaching.
Modern methods of teaching foreign languages
are associated with ongoing technical progress, as
well as with the technological renewal of the learning
process. The latest achievements in the field of high
technologies and the spread of the global Internet
open up the widest opportunities for foreign language
teachers, methodologists, as well as the students
themselves to further improve the educational
process. The use of Internet technologies in teaching
English is due not only to the desire to modernize the
learning process, but also to the fact that on the basis
of web technologies it becomes possible to implement
a student-centered approach to both the student and
the entire learning process as a whole, which is the
main direction of education today.
The idea of introducing Internet technologies
in the course of theoretical and practical classes in
a foreign language, according to E. Y. Sokolova
methodologists all over the world. Well-known
scientists and teachers E. G. Azimov, V. P.
Bespalko, B. S. Gershunsky, I. O. Loginov, E. I.
Mashbits, R. P. Milrud, E. S. Polat, N. F. Talyzina,
I.V. Robert, A.V. Khutorskaya and others
developed didactic aspects of computerization of
English plays a big role, as it is the most important
tool for international cooperation and intercultural
communication. Observations show that English is
very common as a second FL. In the modern world,
English proficiency no longer considered a
professional or personal achievement, but a daily
necessity. Thanks to the knowledge of English, it is
possible to use world resources that are not available
in Uzbek; read books in the original before they
translated into Uzbek; watch movies and news in
English. It follows from this that knowledge of
English makes a person polyvalent, competitive.
Consequently, the motivation to learn a language in
society is quite high. Today, it is often required
quickly and at a good level learn a language. One of
the effective ways to achieve this is immersion in the
language environment. Distance learning using the
Internet helps to carry out such immersion remotely,
significantly saving time and money, as well as
providing access to knowledge for people with
disabilities. Since the need to learn English affects all
sectors of society and professional categories of
citizens, distance technologies seem to be a rational
solution to the problem of combining learning with
In foreign language education, great importance is
given to communication, interactivity and autonomy
of learning, and, importantly, to learning the language
in the context of culture. The formation of
intercultural competence is impossible without
communication in the target language, and IT helps to
simulate learning situations or implement theoretical
skills in a real act of foreign language
communication, including with the participation of
native speakers of the target language. The Internet
creates a unique opportunity for students to use
authentic content (texts, audio and video recordings)
and communicate with native speakers [3]. Taking
into account various factors, the learning process
using Internet technologies can be equally effectively
implemented both in full-time and remote form. In
teaching a foreign language, a linguistic and regional
approach plays an important role, which involves the
study of a foreign language in a cultural and historical
context, since the language is a reflection of culture
and continuously develops over time. Thanks to this,
the student masters the language, being acquainted
with the culture, mentality, traditions and customs of
the respective countries, as well as with national
literature and folklore. In this regard, Internet
resources help to immerse in a foreign language
environment and gain real experience of intercultural
To date, there is a tendency to automate the
educational process using computer technology,
which makes it possible to learn the language
remotely, but in an interactive mode. Distance
learning differs from distance learning and involves
the use of modern Internet technologies that allow
conducting courses with the effect of presence
(webinars, online testing), when the learning process
takes place in conditions close to real. Distance
learning does not have this degree of interactivity.
In distance learning, the use of Internet
technologies helps the teacher to maintain close
contact with the student, control and correct their
work. Remote control tools constantly being
improved, allowing the teacher to quickly measure
the level of assimilation of educational material,
analyze the results, put marks, and write comments
and remarks. An example is the educational portal of
the Magnitogorsk State Technical University, which
looks quite well developed from a technical and
content point of view [1].
The use of Internet resources in foreign language
lessons and in extracurricular activities has a number
of undeniable advantages; in particular, it increases
the cognitive activity and motivation of students.
Provides a higher quality the learning process and
independent activities of students, as students they
spend a lot of time in the virtual world and are more
willing to assimilate information distributed on social
networks and mobile applications. The latest
multimedia and Internet technologies help to quickly
and effectively master perception of oral speech, put
the correct pronunciation, learn grammar rules,
master fluent reading and deep understanding of
communication, remove psychological barriers and
increase interest in the language. All this is the most
important task of teaching a foreign language to
improve existing skills and develop new ones.
At present, the Internet provides exceptional
opportunities for teaching a foreign language, as it
provides an opportunity live communication in the
language being studied, access to all kinds of
authentic materials and a huge number of educational
resources in text, audio and video formats. In the
context of language education, this makes it possible
to create a technological learning language
environment for the formation of foreign language
competencies of students [2]. Internet resources
provide teachers and students with special programs
for teaching foreign languages, regional studies
material, news of economics and politics, culture, and
the necessary authentic literature, the selection of
which the teacher can independently select and adapt
to specific educational goals. Students, in turn, with
the right choice of material, programs, resources, get
the opportunity to take part in Internet conferences,
webinars, and competitions, create multimedia
presentations in the process of working on projects.
Thus, students are in constant contact with a foreign
language both at school and when preparing
homework with the help of Internet. Moreover, the
use of Internet resources both in school activities and
in self-study of students provides an opportunity for
the development of all types of speech activity.
Therefore, for example, oral speech develops using
video conferencing using a webcam or appropriate
web resources: Skype, Live Messenger [4]. Written
speech is improved with the use of social networks:
Facebook, Twitter where students have the
opportunity to practice written communication skills
with classmates, as well as with the native speakers
of the language being studied. Thus, communication
is in no way limited to the topics set at school, which
makes it possible to create a real situation of
interaction in a foreign language, where students
unconsciously work out grammatical structures and
train their active vocabulary. Therefore, it can be
concluded that distance learning contributes to
solving one of the pressing problems of interpersonal
and intercultural communication, when the student is
geographically removed from the teacher.
The use of web resources in school classes and in
self-training of students, taking into account the age,
psychological, individual characteristics of students
of any age, will allow you to successfully assimilate
language information and develop speech skills.
Make the educational process more interesting, vivid,
and informative, affect all types of memory and all
ways of perceiving language material, thereby
facilitating the process of learning a foreign language
for both the teacher and students. Thus, the
possibilities of the resources of the World Wide Web
occupy an increasingly strong position in the study of
a foreign language, in particular English.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the use of
Internet resources and multimedia tools gives
teachers an excellent opportunity to improve learning
management, increase the efficiency and objectivity
of the educational process, save the teacher’s time.
Increase students’ motivation to gain knowledge,
interest them in learning foreign languages, and instill
a strong desire for self-control and self-improvement,
which will positively affect learning outcomes.
Moreover, using web resources, teachers greatly
simplify the process of communication between
students, both among themselves and with native
speakers, as schoolchildren get the opportunity to
communicate both in writing and orally through video
conferences or social networks, not only on school
topics, but discovering daily communication
situations that are as close as possible to
communication in real conditions.
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