Важность преподавания иностранных языков в инклюзивном образовании

Набиева, Х. (2023). Важность преподавания иностранных языков в инклюзивном образовании. Арабский язык в эпоху глобализации: инновационные подходы и методы обучения, 1(1), 254–256. https://doi.org/10.47689/ATGD:IYOM-vol1-iss1-pp254-256-id28464
Хилола Набиева, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Преподаватель кафедры теоретических аспектов


Данная статья посвящена исследованию значения преподавания иностранных языков в инклюзивном образовании.

Похожие статьи

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman




Nabieva Khilola Abdulmuratovna

A Teacher of Uzbekistan State World Languages University,

Theoretical Aspects Department



Ushbu maqola inklyuziv ta

limda xorijiy tillarni





rganishga ba



Kalit s



inklyuziv ta

lim, imkoniyati cheklangan


quvchilar, zamonaviy

pedagogika, til materiallari.


This article is devoted to the study of the importance of teaching

foreign languages in inclusive education.

Key words:

inclusive education, students with disabilities, modern pedagogy,

language materials.


Данная статья посвящена исследованию значения

преподавания иностранных языков в инклюзивном образовании.

Ключевые слова:

инклюзивное образование, студенты с ограниченными

возможностями, современная педагогика, языковые материалы.

In modern society, mastering a foreign language becomes one of the priority

tasks, which is largely due to the rapid development of telecommunication

networks, various information platforms, as well as distance learning, and their

availability to the public for all categories of the population dictates its own

conditions of existence. Education for children with disabilities learning a foreign

language becomes one of the main tasks modern educational environment.
Inclusive education allows teachers to integrate a student with disabilities into

modern educational environment in such a way that it has the opportunity to

receive a quality education on an equal basis with others participants in the

educational process.

On May 19, in 2020 the Oliy Majlis adopted the new version of the Law "On

Education", which included the concept of inclusive (harmonized) education for

the first time. The Association of People with Disabilities of Uzbekistan, together

with experts, conducted an analysis of the compliance of the draft law with the

principles of inclusive education. On June 2, the Science, Education and Health

Committee of the Senate sent a request to the Association of Disabled People of
Uzbekistan, which unites 26 public organizations of people with disabilities, to

improve this law.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


What does inclusive education mean? The Chairman of the Association of

Disabled People of Uzbekistan, member of the expert council of the Science,

Education and Health Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Oybek Isokov

emphasized that the draft law should start with the definition of inclusive

education. It proposes that the following definition be included in the law:

"Inclusive education is the provision of equal rights to education in educational

institutions, taking into account the differences in special educational needs and

individual capabilities for all students. It only mentions that "inclusive education

is equal treatment of all children, including children with physical or mental

disabilities that exclude any form of discrimination during education. Children

with disabilities in physical or mental development, as well as children in need of

long-term treatment, are educated individually in state specialized educational

institutions, general secondary educational institutions, or in home conditions.

According to this article, inclusive education is not a priority, but only one of the

existing forms of education. Galina Nam, a researcher of inclusive education in

Uzbekistan and a doctoral student at the University of Waikato in New Zealand,

said that the priority for children with disabilities should be education in general

educational institutions, not in special boarding schools or at home.

Therefore, the educational process for students with disabilities should be

built taking into account not only their educational needs, but also their

educational abilities, which, in our opinion, is paramount task. Since teaching a

foreign language is carried out using various approaches for social groups,

including students with disabilities occupy far from the last positions, then in this

article we emphasize attention to teaching a foreign language to students with

disabilities capabilities of the musculoskeletal system.

To teach children with disabilities, the teacher should know the following:

understand the principles of inclusive education, have understanding of modern

health-saving technologies, owning techniques of student-oriented presentation of

material, as well as methods of productive learning. In this case, it should be noted

that, having difficulties communicating with other children due to difficulties in

movement, this category of children spends a large amount of time in Internet, and to

communicate with peers from other countries you need to know foreign language. In

addition, most children with disabilities capabilities of the musculoskeletal system

undergo rehabilitation for border in this case knowledge of a foreign language would

be a solution to the communication problem.

In modern pedagogy, much attention is paid to inclusive education. However,

teaching methods for this social group of foreign languages are practically absent.

Changing the priority from providing a large amount of knowledge to development

general cultural, personal and cognitive characteristics leads to the fact that practical

mastery of a foreign language comes to the fore tongue. Researchers of this social

group note that this status seems to be a rather vague concept, since children with

minor health problems and disabled children with severe cerebral palsy belong to the

same category of students.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


However, it should be noted that in modern pedagogical science there is

definition of this category of students: students with disabilities are children

whose life activity is accompanied by any restrictions or lack of ability to carry

out activities in a manner considered normal for a person of this age.

In the situation under consideration, it comes to the fore listening and

speaking, as they form the basis for the formation skills in two other types of

speech activity

reading and writing. Exactly therefore, in programs for teaching

a foreign language to children with disabilities, special attention is paid to

teaching listening and speaking.

The principle of mobility

. Children with disabilities tend to be sedentary way

of life, therefore when learning a foreign language it is recommended adhere to

the principle of active activity to increase motivation to study the subject, as well

as to attract the attention that representatives of this social group are often very


The principle of frequent change of activity.

As already noted, children with

disabilities often have distracted attention. In order to concentrate your focus on

learning English and completing certain training actions, they need to frequently

changes in types of learning activities.

Frequent listening of language structures.

Children with disabilities need

combine listening to a language structure with its repetition, this will allow

overcome the language barrier.

The principle of continuity and repeated repetition of language material.

Children with disabilities need to repeat the “introduced” language in


many times to provide long-term storage of data

structures in students


The principle of continuity allows you to introduce

material gradually, following

the principle “from simple to complex.”

Discovery the student

s creative abilities through in English.

Through a foreign

language (due to its

diversity) the teacher can not only reveal, but also develop

creative abilities of the student, which will have a positive impact on

studying other

subjects in the humanities and natural sciences.

At each lesson, which is conducted

with a focus on children with disabilities,

it is necessary to use various gaming

technologies. Tasks,

presented in the form of a game, help children master the

material in

relaxed atmosphere, while each task must have a clear

the set educational

goal. Through the use of various didactic games, consolidation and training of

phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills, which are of paramount importance practical

significance, because teaching children with disabilities a foreign language is carried

out primarily based on listening and speaking.

In conclusion, training and support allow regular education teachers to

implement teaching foreign languages in inclusive education with ease and success.



White J., TJ D

Agostino, Ikramova Sh.,


Neill S., Conaghan B. Uzbekistan

Inclusive Diagnostic Study. University of Notre Dame. 2022.


Bagrintseva O. B., Krivykh L. D. Inclusive teaching at the English language

lessons. Pedagogical Research. 2021. Vol. 4. P. 31




Библиографические ссылки

White J., TJ D’Agostino, Ikramova Sh., O'Neill S., Conaghan B. Uzbekistan Inclusive Diagnostic Study. University of Notre Dame. 2022.

Bagrintseva О. B., Krivykh L. D. Inclusive teaching at the English language lessons. Pedagogical Research. 2021. Vol. 4. P. 31-45.


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