Риторика в педагогической речи

Сабирова, Д. (2023). Риторика в педагогической речи. Арабский язык в эпоху глобализации: инновационные подходы и методы обучения, 1(1), 438–440. https://doi.org/10.47689/ATGD:IYOM-vol1-iss1-pp438-440-id28542
Дилдора Сабирова, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков
Новые тенденции современного переводоведения


В данной статье описывается роль педагога и значение его речевой деятельности и риторики в эффективной организации учебного процесса в высших учебных заведениях. Обсуждаются конкретные аспекты речи учителя и основные факторы, формирующие достаточные знания, умения и квалификацию студентов на уроке.

Похожие статьи

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman



Sabirova Dildora Abduvali qizi

Zamonaviy tarjimashunoslikning yangicha tendensiyalari




Mazkur maqolada hozirgi kunda oliy ta

lim muassasalarida

dars jarayonini samarali tashkil etishda pedagogning roli va uning nutqiy faoliyati,

ritorikasining ahamiyati yoritilgan.


qituvchi nutqining


ziga xos jihatlari va

talabalarning dars jarayonida yatarlicha bilim, k


nikma va malakalarini

shakllantiruvchi asosiy omillar haqida s


z yuritilgan.

Kalit s



muloqot, malaka, notiqlik, mahorat, nutq, kasb, pedagogika,



В данной статье описывается роль педагога и значение

его речевой деятельности и риторики в эффективной организации учебного

процесса в высших учебных заведениях. Обсуждаются конкретные аспекты

речи учителя и основные факторы, формирующие достаточные знания,

умения и квалификацию студентов на уроке.

Ключевые слова:

общение, компетентность, риторика, умение, речь,

профессия, педагогика, психология.


This article describes the role of the teacher and the importance

of his speech activity and rhetoric in the effective organization of the educational

process in higher educational institutions. Specific aspects of the teacher

s speech

and the main factors that form sufficient knowledge, skills and qualifications of

students in the lesson are discussed


communication, competence, rhetoric, skill, speech, profession,

pedagogy, psychology.

Rhetoric (Greek rhetorike “oratory”), a scientific discipline that studies the

patterns of generation, transmission and perception of good speech and quality

text. At the time of its emergence in ancient times, rhetoric was understood only

in the literal meaning of the term

as the art of an orator, the art of oral public


A broad understanding of the subject of rhetoric is the property of a later

time. The need for skillful use of words is always there, but it becomes an urgent

necessity precisely at turning points in history, in the era of consciously

developing democracy. Apparently, it is no coincidence that the flourishing of

oratory coincides with the flourishing of the ancient Greek and Roman republics.

There are many definitions of the subject and tasks of rhetoric, there are

various approaches to the formulation of its principles and laws, as well as to the
relationship of this science with other academic disciplines


s compare the variety of definitions of rhetorical science:

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv davrida: innova

tsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


The ability to find possible ways of persuasion regarding each given subject

(Aristotle); The art of speaking well (Quintilian); The art of speaking eloquently

about any matter and thereby inclining others to your opinion about it

M.V. Lomonosov

Among the definitions that most correspond to the tasks of pedagogical

rhetoric, four groups can be roughly distinguished. In the first case, when

determining the essence of rhetoric, the main place is occupied by the relationship

between thought (intention) and its embodiment in speech activity (in the word). In

the second case, the aspect of text creation is emphasized (definitions often reflect

some qualities of the created text). The third type of definition is associated with

highlighting the impact on the addressee (most often inclining him to the

corresponding point of view). The last type of definitions is characterized by a

combination of features identified in the previous types of definitions.

Back in the 19th century, the theory of eloquence was considered a science

that dealt with the laws of eloquence as an art. But these laws applied either to all

written and oral works in general, or to each genus and species separately.

Therefore, rhetoric was divided into general, which sets out the laws inherent in all

works, and private, which studies the characteristics of each type of work separately,

including the characteristics of oral speech.

Currently, professional education faces new challenges, the most important of

which is the formation of the communicative competence of a future specialist.

Communicative competence presupposes possession of communication skills in a

certain professional team, the ability to create rhetorical communication situations,

the ability to invent and interpret professionally significant statements (texts).

To do this, the future specialist needs to know the specifics of professional

communication, the norms of speech behavior that ensure the effectiveness and

efficiency of solving professional problems. The sphere of education is an area of

increased speech responsibility, since, according to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, “The word is

the most important pedagogical tool; nothing can replace it. The word accumulates

relationships between people. The word expresses an idea, and the idea is the pillar

root of education.”

The purpose of pedagogical rhetoric:

modeling and constructing situations of pedagogical communication in order

to solve various psychological, pedagogical and rhetorical problems;

improving the speech aspect of pedagogical communication;

prevention and exclusion of situations in which a negative communication

scenario develops.

In rhetoric, general principles and laws of speech behavior have been

developed, and the practical possibilities of their use in various communication

situations are described. Based on the categories, laws and principles of general

rhetoric, a model of professional speech training of future specialists is being created

within the framework of private


rhetoric. Rhetoric helps not only to

present the subject, but also to generate cognitive interest, and therefore develop

creative motivation for learning.

background image

“Arab tili globallashuv

davrida: innovatsion yondoshuvlar


o‘qitish metodikasi”

mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman


By studying the relationship between thinking and speech, the process of

forming methods of influential argumentation in the process of teaching and


pedagogical rhetoric aims to create factors for the complete and high-

quality assimilation and preservation of information. The main condition for

achieving the goal is rhetorically optimal presentation, the desire for a situation of

communicative inspiration. Pedagogical rhetoric is a system of principles for the

optimal organization of speech; it forms the Pedagogical rhetoric distinguishes the

following functions of communication:

informational and communicative

the function of learning, acquiring

subject knowledge and social experience;



organizational, providing both the choice of

strategy and methods of interaction, as well as the specific organization of activities

within the framework of the educational and speech situation;


communicative function

focused on the development of

personal qualities, emotional culture, aesthetic sensitivity and artistic skill.

Speech aspect of pedagogical creativity and skill:

Thus, pedagogical rhetoric is one of the private modern rhetorical disciplines,

the theory of effective speech communication in the field of pedagogical

communication, as well as the practice of its optimization.

Pedagogy is one of the areas of so-

called “increased speech responsibility.”

Areas of theory and practice related to pedagogical rhetoric may have different


“pedagogical (educational) linguistics”, “pedagogical speech technique”,

“pedagogical speech communication (or behav

ior), etc. The theory of pedagogical

rhetoric is developed on the basis of a synthesis of the achievements of almost all

sciences in the humanities, mainly linguo-pragmatics and neo-rhetorics,

ommunicative linguistics, ethno-linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics,

psychology, sociology, anthropology and others.

In relation to pedagogy, rhetoric is a system of influences and interactions that

characterize both genres of educational speech and situations that arise in the process of

educational comm

unication. Every teacher strives to “master” the audience in the

rhetorical sense of the word: he looks for forms of influence that can change, “fluctuate”

depending on the situation of the lesson, the personality of the student, the appreciative

factor (psychological context) of speech, the skills and abilities formed in the student to

moment of specific communication with the teacher.


1. Mikhalskaya A.K. Pedagogical rhetoric: History and theory.-M., 1998.

2. Pedagogical rhetoric / Ed. N.D.Desyaeva.-M., 2012.

3. Desyaeva N.D., Lebedev T.A., Assuirova L.V. Culture of teacher

s speech.-

M., 2003.

4. Annushkin V.I. History of Russian rhetoric. Reader.-M., 1998.

5. Lvov M.R. Rhetoric. Culture of speech.-M., 2002.


Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "Функции и этапы организации

самостоятельных работ в языковых вузах."

Образование, воспитание и

педагогика: традиции, опыт, инновации. 2020.

Библиографические ссылки

Mikhalskaya A.K. Pedagogical rhetoric: History and theory.-M., 1998.

Pedagogical rhetoric / Ed. N.D.Desyaeva.-M., 2012.

Desyaeva N.D., Lebedev T.A., Assuirova L.V. Culture of teacher’s speech.-M„ 2003.

Annushkin V.I. History of Russian rhetoric. Reader.-M., 1998.

Lvov M.R. Rhetoric. Culture of speech.-M., 2002.

Рахмонов, Азизхон Боситхонович. "Функции и этапы организации самостоятельных работ в языковых вузах." Образование, воспитание и педагогика: традиции, опыт, инновации. 2020.

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