International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C6830.098319
ABSTRACT--- The article considers the attitude of pragmatics
to linguistics, its source of research, the unification of individual
elements into a single system - a system of communication, which
is necessary for the conditions of speech. The structure of the
discursive system and its differences from the structural
(paradigmatic) system are also considered on the methodological
basis of the system's multi-dimensionality, and a new concept of
isosignes is introduced to graphically designate the relevant
components of speech communication as a system of a particular
kind. In many cases, the use of any method is usually considered
a specific feature of the author's creative approach. Therefore,
the form of representation of the artistic image of speech
communication is proposed to be divided into 8 types. The article
studies the connection between central and district relations,
subordination of district elements by primary elements,
unification of language and non-linguistic, internal and external
factors of the RA in the SPS, employment of the centre of the
system by language verbal means. Practical examples of the SPS
isosaints have also been developed and given; it has been
substantiated that, like other different SPS systems, the SPS has a
structure of a central structure that consists of verbal and non-
verbal language means of communication, as well as on each
floor of this structure different other means of social character
play an important role.
communication means: verbal and non-verbal, non-linguistic
means of conveyance: ethical, aesthetic, ethnographic, linguistic
verbal means, discourse/speech communication, discursive
system, elements of the discursive system, the ratio of
paradigmatic and discursive systems, the structure of the
discursive system, isosignus, symmetric and asymmetric relations,
full - incomplete form.
Justification of pragma linguistics as an independent
direction in linguistics, language as an object of study of
pragma linguistics, the basis for the principle of
communication system as an object of study of pragma
linguistics, the use of internal potentials of the native
language serves to form a creative worldview, business
skills, respect for national traditions and values, an
interesting exchange of views among young people,
increasing the effectiveness and practical significance of
research. It should be noted that the nature of the pragmatic
system, similarities and differences in paradigmatic systems
Revised Manuscript Received on December 22, 2018.
Toirova Guli Ibragimovna,
Associate professor of the Uzbek
language department Bukhara State University (E-mail
Astanova Gulnora Aminovna
, Associate professor of the Uzbek
language department Bukhara State University (E-mail
+99898 2744803
Rakhimova Nodira Kadirovna,
Uzbek language teacher Bukhara
State University (E-mail +998997063924
Khojieva Mahfirat Yusupovna,
Uzbek language teacher Bukhara
State University (E-mail +998997035031
have not been studied either in Uzbek or world linguistics.
Thus, in the third quarter of the last century (60-70s), when
language and phenomena were sufficiently defined and
described based on structural linguistic principles, the main
focus was on the use of this phenomenon (linguistic unions)
in speech and ways of their practical use. Structural
linguistics is devoted to the study of linguistic paradigms,
i.e. the separation of interrelated phenomena, the value of
information, its position in the linguistic system and the
ability to combine the same sensation from a purely
linguistic point of view in the same paradigm. Because these
events have equal value in the language system, the subtle
differences between them seem insignificant for the system.
However, the existence of several units in the language
system leads to the fact that it is necessary to distinguish
them somehow.
The structural parts of the internal factor of the SC are
classified into two groups in the form of language, verbal
and non-verbal. In turn, language oral tools are reformatted
in the form of sentences, word combinations and sentences.
They include several paradigms. For example, in Uzbek
"Greeting" (Salomlashish) paradigm of the language verbal
means adopts such different variants:
Assalom alaykum va rasmatullovajah va barakotuhuva!
Assalomu alaykum!
Assalom! Salom!
In the SC, the greeting stages are divided into reactive,
contacting, communicating and communicating paradigm
options, and each of them has its own specificities. Both
language verbal means and language non-verbal means have
their own internal paradigms. National specificity, place in
speech processes, meaning, application, and verbal changes
in non-verbal media are widely studied by language
scholars. Although S. Muminova's works give some
thoughts about the sexes and social status of communicators,
the paradigms of verbal language units and their informative
values, as well as the integrity of structural elements, as part
of the situational system in the interconnection are not
specifically studied.
Under the name of "Paralinguistics" these phenomena as -
something removed from the main directions of study. Their
Artistic Expressions of a Situational Pragmatic
Toirova Guli Ibragimovna, Astanova Gulnora Aminovna, Rakhimova Nodira Kadirovna,
Khojieva Mahfirat Yusupovna
Artistic Expressions of a Situational Pragmatic System
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C6830.098319
analysis and use as "actions of language units in the form of
non-verbal, assembling and even non-feasible means" meets
the requirements of a dichotomy of language elements of
speech. Because they can be transferred in the form of
verbal means and from the point of view of this, they have
their value. On this basis, these tools can be evaluated as
non-verbal (or indivisible) language tools.
In the artwork, the following methods of depicting the
SPS are highlighted and developed:
1) Full - symmetrically - not cut off;
2) Full - symmetrical - cut off;
3) Full - asymmetrical - not cut off;
4) Full - asymmetrical - cut off;
5) Incomplete - symmetrical - not cut off;
6) Incomplete - symmetrical - cut off;
7) Incomplete - asymmetrical - not cut off;
8) Incomplete - asymmetrical - cut off
In A. Kadyri's novel "The Past Days", the author
introduced the main character Atabek to the readers and then
added contact with other characters. The images of Ziyo
Shohichi and Hamid are first introduced into the speech
communication, and then they are presented to the readers.
This method of representation is a vivid example of a full -
symmetrical - not cut off form in the artistic image.
In Tagai Murad's work "On the night when the horse was
rusting", the author used the artistic method "not complete -
not cut off" to describe his characters. According to other
heroes, the readers are familiarised with them.
In the image of Kaplanbek, who is greeted selectively by
matchmakers and in this image you can trace the harmony
of the visual method "full - uncut".
An old man with a white turban on the donkey's head
approaches the edges of the ditch.
The guest, hands on the chest began to ask
- How are you, brother?
Our father put his hands on his chest and:
- Thank God...
- Is he running?
Elsewhere, the author uses the method of "nondestructive
- uncut" - the self-image of the hero. The image of
Ziyadullah is represented by the hero himself.
One morning he was walking over his head with his
fingers. Among the hair began to appear points without hair.
My head started to shine. Not a single hair. Did not pay
attention, walked like this. Even his mother did not say. And
the wounded places expanded. They became big. Somehow,
the steel was a little rough. Itching is intolerable.
Then I went to the village doctor...
People started calling me foxy. Ziyadullah is a fox! Oh,
my God, oh, my God! It was a shame. And then, they didn't
hurt me.
The words of the fox fell into the soul. The ears got used
to this word.
He worked in different jobs where no one asked for his
diploma. He was a guard, a gravedigger, a shepherd.
Eventually he started sheep herding.
In the next conversation we can see the warm relationship
of Ziyadulla with everyone:
- I said Ziyadulla is a fox!
- Ah, he-he-he-he-he! No, your last name is Kurbanov?
Yeah, okay, okay! How is Comrade Kurbanov doing? How's
it going? Are you as healthy as a horse?
- Thank you, brother journalist. A horse is not a horse yet.
In both examples, the method "complete - symmetrical -
not cut off" serves to reveal the property, character, level,
social status and nationality of the RO.
Both images can be combined and graphically expressed
in isosine.
Due to the fact that fiction truly reflects life as an
important aspect of the human form of activity, a great deal
of attention will be paid to the characteristics of the SPS.
How diverse were the components in the SPS structure,
they have common features - they serve to enrich and
improve the new properties of informative value, which is at
the center of the SPS.
In the artistic expression, the writer not only fully
discloses the structural parts of the SPS, but can also divide
them on the basis of symmetry - asymmetry. Maybe each of
them has an artistic value.
Symmetrical - asymmetrical - asymmetrical relations
included in the structural parts of the RO, which have
informative value as uniting significant points of the SPS
can be transferred to the term isosine.
Pragmatics requires the introduction of a new peculiar
concept - isosine - into the SC system.
In terms of associative nature, isosaines are found in
different paradigms, which graphically represent the process
of uniting identical, socially and informally homogeneous
elements into a single pragmatic system.
A SC is itself an independent pragmatic system. For
research and demonstration of situational integrity of
structural parts of this system the term isosine is very
convenient and has a great meaning. Symmetrical and
asymmetrical relations in structural parts of the SC are
reflected in isosaines and have informative value.
In this scheme-appendix, the genus components are
shown horizontally, and the types of each genus are shown
The isosignal can be graphically represented as a broken
continuous line that unites all the features relevant to the
discourse of its participants and the factors that determine
the use of this form of speech expression of the language
invariant, i.e. a broken line, for example, connecting the
points R{AII1b}{AII2a}{AII2b}{AII4b}
In this diagram-appendix, the genus components are
shown horizontally, and the species of each genus are shown
An isosign can be graphically represented as a broken
solid line that unites all the features relevant to the discourse
of its participants and the factors that determine the use of
this form of speech expression of the language invariant, i.e.
a broken line, for example, connecting the points R{AII1b}
{AII2a} {AII2b}{AII4b}.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C6830.098319
1. The pragmatic system of speech education from the
combination of elements of the paradigm of structural
parts of speech communication can be represented in
the graphic form of isosine.
2. Due to the fact that fiction reflects the life and process
of speech communication, which is especially evident
in the prologue. In the prologue, the author presents
some facts peculiar to the communicators with his
interpretation. On the basis of the speech of one
communicant the properties of the speech of the
second communicant are revealed. Dozens of such
methods can be used in this direction. In many cases,
the use of any method is usually considered a specific
feature of the author's creative method. Therefore, the
form of representation of the artistic image of the RO
can be divided into 8 types.
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