Importance of Interface in Creating Corpus

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Тоирова, Г., Юлдашева, М., & Елибаева, Л. (2019). Importance of Interface in Creating Corpus. in Library, 19(3), 352–355. извлечено от


The article discusses the author's corps and its significance in modern glossary, the world of Pushkin's author's corps, the Czech writer's corps, Shakespeare's author's corps and their shortcomings. The interface of the author's corps is made up of different designs and structures, and the author is responsible for its completeness, the interface should be attractive and impressive. The creation of the interface is based on the design of the national or modern features, the interface should involve the life and works of the artist in photoes. The Corpus of Linguistics is a very rapidly developing branch of the world of computational linguistics, which has achieved great success in this regard.
The Corpus of Linguistics is also taught as a science in world universities. The subject of this discipline is the theory and practice of building a corpus, such as body features and the basics of programming. The Corpus of Linguistics deals with general theory and practice of computational linguistics, the formation of the language body, and computer technologies. The article tells about modern information technologies that have created tremendous opportunities for language functionality. Computer translation, editing, analysis, electronic dictionary and thesaurus are proof of our opinion. Especially the creation of modern electronic dictionaries and the culture of their use is one of the effective ways of learning a language. In particular, the role of language buildings created and developing at a fast pace throughout the world when demonstrating the ability and ability to master the language is very large. The purpose of the article is to study the linguistic foundations of the Uzbek language corpus, to study the linguistic value of the linguistic corpus, the history of corpus linguistics, to study the author's linguistics of the corpuses, its features in the social, lexicological, educational and other fields.
The article gives an idea about the interface, the content of the corpus, its flawless functioning and at first glance the importance of the author’s personality, creative heritage, classification.

Похожие статьи

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S10, September 2019


Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication

Retrieval Number: B10570982S1019/2019©BEIESP

Annotation: The article discusses the author's corps and its

significance in modern glossary, the world of Pushkin's author's
corps, the Czech writer's corps, Shakespeare's author's corps and
their shortcomings. The interface of the author's corps is made up
of different designs and structures, and the author is responsible
for its completeness, the interface should be attractive and
impressive. The creation of the interface is based on the design of
the national or modern features, the interface should involve the
life and works of the artist in photoes. The Corpus of Linguistics is
a very rapidly developing branch of the world of computational
linguistics, which has achieved great success in this regard.

The Corpus of Linguistics is also taught as a science in world

universities. The subject of this discipline is the theory and
practice of building a corpus, such as div features and the basics
of programming. The Corpus of Linguistics deals with general
theory and practice of computational linguistics, the formation of
the language div, and computer technologies. The article tells
about modern information technologies that have created
tremendous opportunities for language functionality. Computer
translation, editing, analysis, electronic dictionary and thesaurus
are proof of our opinion. Especially the creation of modern
electronic dictionaries and the culture of their use is one of the
effective ways of learning a language. In particular, the role of
language buildings created and developing at a fast pace
throughout the world when demonstrating the ability and ability
to master the language is very large. The purpose of the article is
to study the linguistic foundations of the Uzbek language corpus,
to study the linguistic value of the linguistic corpus, the history of
corpus linguistics, to study the author's linguistics of the corpuses,
its features in the social, lexicological, educational and other

The article gives an idea about the interface, the content of the

corpus, its flawless functioning and at first glance the importance
of the author’s personality, creative heritage, classification.



Interface, the author’s corps, mathematical

modeling, morphologic and semantic annotation, information,
linguistic base, artificial intelligence, сomputer linguistics, corpus
linguistics, language corpus, special software, e-library, lexical,
morphological, grammatical, semantic symbols, problems with
linguistic markup.




orpus linguistics in the world linguistics became the

subject of study in the 60s of the last century. Back in the 60s,

Revised Manuscript Received on September 25, 2019

Toirova Guli Ibragimovna

Bukhara State University Department of

Uzbek linguistics, associate professor, Doctor of philosophical sciences,
Uzbekistan, Bukhara, e-mail:

Yuldasheva Mavjuda Rakhimovna,

teacher of the department of

pedagogics, Bukhara State University, e-mail:

Elibaeva Lola Suleymanovna,

Senior Lecturer, Department of

Pedagogy, Bukhara State University,

R.G. Petrovsky said that “Reliable linguistic information can
be obtained from a large array of texts,” but case studies in the
field of corpus were initiated by Bloomfield, Fritz and
Bonders in the 40s. The creators of the Brown Corps
(1961–1964), Nils Francis and Henry Kuzer, first developed
the principles for the creation of a corps. The works of John
Sinclair, author of the Bank of England (1980), deserve
special attention. In Russian linguistics, V. Zakharov, A. K.
Kutuzov, E. V. Nedoshivina, V. Rykov, V. Pungane studied
the corpus, its varieties, features, social significance of the
corpus and the principles of corpus construction. Special
studies on copyright cases can be found in the works of O.
Kukushkina, A. Polikarpov and E. Surovtseva. Although this
issue has been studied in the linguistics of the World Corpus,
there are no monographic studies of corpus linguistics in
Uzbek linguistics. The studies of the aforementioned linguists
have been carefully reviewed, studied and used during the
dissertation research.

In State nationwide program is paying a great attention as

main direction to the communicating of public education
schools. According to this program educational
establishments are provided with techniques of modern
computers. Public education schools and educational
establishments are connected with Internet and ZiyoNET
completely. Modern people master so much information that
it is not possible to use or treat information without
Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Year by
year in our life it has been developing computer and
Information and communication technology. Nowadays the
main goal of educational policy is directed at the learners,
important and necessary for the future developing of modern
education that satisfying demands of society and government.
It is important to draw educators and leaders of schools and
high educational establishments in developing professional
skilful and from the first day in additional pedagogical
education. There is the truth that impossible to refuse, if the
representative of present time unable to use nowadays
technology and unable to use them for their life, job and
handicraft is considered drawback.

It is important to emphasize that, efficient using of

possibilities of modern ICT by educators testifies that they are
skilful specialists.

Importance of Interface in

Creating Corpus

Toirova Guli Ibragimovna , Yuldasheva Mavjuda Rakhimovna, Elibaeva Lola Suleymanovna

background image

Importance of Interface in Creating Corpus


Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication

Retrieval Number: B10570982S1019/2019©BEIESP










Computer translation, editing, analyzing, electron

dictionaries, thesaurus are evidence of our opinion.
Especially, creating e-dictionaries and forming the culture of
using them is effective way of owning the possibilities of
language. Particularly, the role of creating language corps
according to representing and mastering the possibilities of
language is great. As our president says : “It has shown
necessity of supporting scientific and creative researches
overall , marking as task creating necessary conditions for
them, for this purpose working out and implementing definite
measures by our government, according to the field of every
subject doing profound researches, including linguistics. As
the developing of information –communication system, it is
appeared new branches in the subject as “Corps linguistics”.
B. Mengliyev and his apprentices have raised the problem of
this subject firstly (Hamroyeva Sh. , 2018). Corps is an
electron library, dictionary and linguistic grammar of internet
system. It is a collection of texts as electron form of real
language that is situated in the program of search. It is created
Pushkin author corps and Chekhov author corps, Shakespeare
author corps; national corps of Russian language, modern
American English corps, Oxford English corps in the World.
In Uzbekistan it has not created the corps of linguistic base
yet. Nowadays though there is an electron library Ziyonet, but
it doesn’t work in the system of working on the text
automatically and implement searching on the base of
different signs from text. It doesn’t outline to the program of
learning language and creating dictionaries. It is impossible to
listen audio listening of text. There is a system of working on
the text automatically and implement searching on the base of
different signs from the text in authoring and national corps
program which we create. It is possible to find out the words,
phrase, combinations that used less and to learn the use and
the orthography of them and it gives the chance of directional
teaching of education and the leaner is able to listen to the
text. Linguistic analyzing does the main task for corps.
Linguistic analyzing is linguistic and extra linguistic
separating of special tags into texts and its component parts.
Now there are following types of linguistic analyzing:
morphological, semantic, syntactical, anaphoric, prosodic,
discursive and etc. In some corps it is used the next
component analyzing degrees.
Especially, some little corps is connected on the base of
syntactic analyzing completely. Such kind of state is usually
explained deeply or it has syntactical structure. For instance,
syntactic analyzing likes big tree. Analyzing of text in hand
takes long time. Now it presents programs in Russian and
foreign sites which is possible to enter straightly and to
analyze. They are divided into independent and websites. The
last years producers’ directing to web attachment deserves
attention. There are some advantages of these systems: at the
same time several users are able to analyze the same
document, it doesn’t demand to set additional programs but
browser apart from it, entering right is limited, can be
observed analyzing process. Word form, lemma and tag
belong to morphological analyzing system. Word form is
morphological unit of chosen text. The first step of analyzing
word form is to lemming or to give the lexeme form of word
form. The most difficult step of settings of inflectional
languages is lemming or lexeme form of word to connect to
word form as tag. Because in inflectional languages grammar

meaning of word form is mixed to root of word. Differently
from inflectional languages lemming is much easier in
agglutinative language. [7,10]. The part of without grammar
form of word form is equal to root or basis foundation lemma.
In settings lemma is given inside of following sign :<*>. In all
parts of speech lemming is as following or if it is based on
“the part of root-basis foundation of word is equal to lemma”
trend, in verb group verb –lemma is given as the form of II
person imperative mood. In the articles of dictionary they are
given as infinitive <to go>. But it is not suitable for corps,
because in text of corps it is searched not form <to go >, but
the form<go>. According to this verb-lemma is given as
following form:



doesn’t be




(Hamroyeva Sh., 2017). During the setting it demands to
write from 5 till 10 morphological tags (explanations),
sometimes more than them for each word form.
Mathematical modeling of natural languages is based on the
creation of artificial intelligence around the world. The results
of mathematical modeling serve as the basis for creating an
artificial intelligence program. It is a pleasure to note that
there are over 30 million speakers in the Uzbek language.
However, it should be noted that technologies do not go up to
the level of the Internet and, in particular, the conceptual,
theoretical, practical, and organizational work in relevant
research institutions and centers, and indicates that the list
remains on the list of languages. Modern technology has
created enormous opportunities for language functionality.
Computer networks and information communication
technologies (ICTs) have created opportunities for the
education system, first of all, to obtain the required
information quickly from anywhere in the world. Particularly,
the fact that the Internet is accessible through global computer
networks at the moment of access to the world's information
resources. 2 Modern technology, which is the result of
development, is designed to help people. Especially,
development of information and communication technologies
contributes to the development of each sphere. The
development of information and communication systems has
led to the emergence of new areas in science. One of such new
areas is corpus linguistics. Creating a corpus to achieve the
unique language of our mother tongue, to inherit the wealth of
our future generations, and to achieve our place in the world's
global network, defines the current problems of today.
Corpe consists of a collection of electronic texts, working on a
special search engine and millions of keyword contexts. The
author's corpe is based on the texts containing fiction,
journalism, and epic genres created by a particular artist. It is
a series of lexicographical sources that include various
dictionaries (basic, frequency, toponymy, grammar, phrase,
etc.) The author's corps is of great importance in modern

This corps is a resource for creating large of dictionaries.
Over time, the corpus has become a powerful informational
resource, which is important for various linguistic trends. Due
to computer-based corpses, dictionaries are created and
processed quickly compared to the previous one. This way the
dictionary reflects the language from the beginning to the end
of the dictionary (until publication), and the dictionary does
not have an "outdated" word.
Corps must have a unique
interface. What is Interface? The
term "interface" is derived from

background image

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S10, September 2019


Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication

Retrieval Number: B10570982S1019/2019©BEIESP

English and is used to mean "appearance". This word is often
used in computer technology. It is the only communication
system that provides a variety of communication between a
person and a car. Interface is a communication system
between different blocks and complex blocks, as well as
technology and user. It is logical (information representation
system) and physical (data transfer). Interiors of the author's
corps are of different design and structure, and their
perfection is entrusted to the creator. Because the interface is
the first impression that the div is about. In the creation of
the interface, it is necessary to take into consideration the
national decorative designs and the characteristic that reflects
the classic or modernity. The creator's life and activities, the
works created by him in a separate window, and the
photogallery must be on the interface. The above-mentioned
materials allow to use the div as an electronic library. In the
"Search" system, the creator's life, activities, works created by
him in a separate window, and windows such as photos use
the div's capabilities. These windows are software that
searches for corpus units. The author's div corpe should be
friendly, optimally versatile, and perfect. The global network
are characterized by the presence of large volumes of
materials (the plurality of materials) and the depth of it. For
example, Pushkin and Chekhov's corpuses are the perfect
ones with morphological and semantic annotations. But it
does not responce modern programming requirements.
Because they were 8 or 10 years old. Further, the excellent
design of the Shakespeare's corps differs by the design of the
whole design, but it is not morphological or semantic. Each of
the existing corpses has a distinct minority. For example, the
Tajik language can only function as an electronic library,
photo and video gallery(Wang W., Liu Y., Harper M. P. ,
2002). This div is completely unmatched, and the
intermediate system is imperfect and incomplete. But it can
only point to a single piece of work. Pushkin and Chekhov's
corpse, created by Russian linguists, do not have syntactic
significance. The author's corpse is Abdulla Qahhor's
e-database on the Patient Story, which is based on artificial
intelligence: the processing of the Uzbek language by means
of textual editing, automatic editing and translation, searching
for different characters. Created div - can determine the
period and frequency of the word, analyze the lively
construction of the language, the ability to combine words,
automatically process text (eg, translate) and various search
engines automatically. It saves time. Note: Users are currently
using a simple card reader rather than a linux database. It has
the following interfaces:

Thus, the interface plays a key role in the creation of the
corpse. It is necessary to create an easy-to-use working
environment that meets the requirements of modern software



In conclusion, linguistic modeling of tags is expedient,
because in linguistic modeling morphological tag turns into
conventional abbreviation form. It is produced forms of
special linguistic model for settings of each part of speech.
Setting is linguistic modeling. The scientific novelty of the
research is as follows:

for the first time in Uzbek linguistics, the term corpus,

corpus features, theoretical foundations, linguistic,
practical and educational meaning of the language corpus
is revealed;


the formation and development of corpus linguistics,

features of the first and subsequent generations, the
history of language corpses in Russian and English, the
state of corpus linguistics, features of modern Russian,
English, Turkish and Tajik languages, their general and
various aspects, classification of corpus types;


general principles of building a

background image

Importance of Interface in Creating Corpus


Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication

Retrieval Number: B10570982S1019/2019©BEIESP

div: the technological process of designing and the
stages of building a div, the importance of forming a
div, the fact that the tag is a linguistic tool characterized
by the characteristic features of the div manager and its


the goals and objectives of the author’s corpus, the

characteristics and structure of the author’s corpus, the
structure and composition of the author’s corps, similar
and distinctive aspects of A. S. Pushkin, F. D. Dostoevsky,
A. Griboedov, and U. Shakespeare;


developed the principles of creating the author's case.



Sh.M. Mirziyoyev (2017) Report of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan at the 72nd session of the United Nations General





Ahmedova M.B. (2018) Genetic and structural specifications of the
“spirituality” nominative units in the Uzbek language // International
Scientific Journal “ Theoretical and Applied Science.- USA,
Philadelphia, 2018.- Volume 66.-P. 331-333( Impact factor- 3.04)


3. Vanyushkin A.S., Grashchenko L.A. (2017) Evaluation of key word
extraction algorithms: tools and resources // New information
technologies in automated systems. - 2017. - № 20. - pp. 95-102.


4. Nikolaev I.S., Mitrenina O.V., Lando T.M. (2006) Applied and
Computational Linguistics - M.URSS, 2016. - 320 p.


5. Nedoshivina E.V. (2006) Corps Texts Programs: A Review of Core
Corps Managers. Teaching manual. - St. Petersburg. - 2006. 26 p.


6. Rakhilina E.V., Marushkina A.S. (2015) Corpus studies of the
peculiarities of speech of non-standard speakers ("Russian hermetic")
// Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Proceedings of the Institute of
Linguistic Studies. 2015. T. XI. № 1. S. 621-639.


Leech G.( 1991) The State of Art in Corpus Linguistics // English
Corpus Linguistics / Aimer K., Altenberg K.(eds.) – London, 1991. –
P. 8-29.


Кутузов А.Б. (1968) Корпусная лингвистика. − (Электрон ресурс):
Лицензия Creative commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Unported





Bloomfield L. Language. - M .: Progress, 1968. - 608 p.


Fries Ch.C. The structure of English. An introduction to the
construction of English sentences. – L.,1969.-С.98


Bongers H. (1947) The history and principles of Vocabulary control. –
Woerden: WOCOPI, 1947.-С.74


Francis N., Kucera G. (1967) Computational analysis of modern
American English. - M., 1967


Melchuk, IA (1985) Word order in the automatic synthesis of a
Russian word (preliminary reports) // Scientific – Technical
Information. 1985, №12. -C.12-36


Hamroyeva Sh. (2018) Linguistic basis for the creation of the Uzbek
language. 2018.-52 б.


Hamroyeva Sh. (2017) Use in education from the соrpus “Language
and literary education” Journal. September 2017, № 9. Б.49-50.


Hamroyeva Sh. (2018) Сorpus creation principles. Journal "Scientific
Bulletin of Science". 2018. № 3.


Tairova G. (2015) Some of the differences between paradigmatic and
discursive systems. // IMPACT: International Jurnal of Research in
Humanities, Arts and Leteratura.


impact: ijrhal


Vol. 3, Issue 12, Dec

2015, 1-4. (№ 12 Index Copernicus Impact Factor - 1,7843)


Tairova G. (2016) Phatics - actual problems of linguistics uzbek
research // Iranian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Research. UCT. J. Soc. Scien. Human. Resear. (UJSSHR). – Takestan,
Iran, 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2. – P.16-19. (№5 Global Impact Factor,
Impact Factor – 0,765).


Tairova G. (2017)Systematic and informative in uzbek discourse//
UCT Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research.(UJSSHR).
– Takestan, Iran, 2017, Volume 5 Issue 2 June. – P.1-6. (№5 Global
Impact Factor, Impact Factor –2,758).


Tairova G. (2013) Izosign – graphic expression of the discourse as
pragmatical situational system 10


International Conference on

Crossroad of Civilzations: Aspeets of Lenguage, Culture and Society. –
Japan, 2013. – P. 525-529.


Casares J.(1969) Dissionario ideologico de la lengua Espanola.–
Barselona,1969. –887 c.


March F.A. (1958) March’s Thesaurus Dictionary. – N.Y., 1958.–
1312 p.


Roget P.M. (1952) Thesaurus of English words and phrases. – Lnd.,
1952. – 1258 р.

24. Zakharov V.P.
Corps of the Russian language.


Mamontova V. V. (2008) Corpus of parallel texts and database for the
study of translation correspondences: problems and procedures for the






Antonova A., Alexey M. ()Building a Web-based parallel corpus and





Resnik, Philip and Noah A. Smith. (2003) The web as a parallel corpus.
Computational Linguistics, 29:349– 380.


Wang W., Liu Y., Harper M. P. (2002) “Rescoring effectiveness of
language models using different levels of knowledge and their
integration”, in Proc. ICASSP, Orlando, FL, May 2002.

Библиографические ссылки

Sh.M. Mirziyoyev (2017) Report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly September 19, 2017.

Ahmedova M.B. (2018) Genetic and structural specifications of the “spirituality” nominative units in the Uzbek language // International Scientific Journal “ Theoretical and Applied Science.- USA, Philadelphia, 2018.- Volume 66.-P. 331-333( Impact factor- 3.04)

3. Vanyushkin A.S., Grashchenko L.A. (2017) Evaluation of key word extraction algorithms: tools and resources // New information technologies in automated systems. - 2017. - № 20. - pp. 95-102.

4. Nikolaev I.S., Mitrenina O.V., Lando T.M. (2006) Applied and Computational Linguistics - M.URSS, 2016. - 320 p.

5. Nedoshivina E.V. (2006) Corps Texts Programs: A Review of Core Corps Managers. Teaching manual. - St. Petersburg. - 2006. 26 p.

6. Rakhilina E.V., Marushkina A.S. (2015) Corpus studies of the peculiarities of speech of non-standard speakers ("Russian hermetic") // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Proceedings of the Institute of Linguistic Studies. 2015. T. XI. № 1. S. 621-639.

Leech G.( 1991) The State of Art in Corpus Linguistics // English Corpus Linguistics / Aimer K., Altenberg K.(eds.) – London, 1991. – P. 8-29.

Кутузов А.Б. (1968) Корпусная лингвистика. − (Электрон ресурс): Лицензия Creative commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Unported (Электрон ресурс) - //

Bloomfield L. Language. - M .: Progress, 1968. - 608 p.

Fries Ch.C. The structure of English. An introduction to the construction of English sentences. – L.,1969.-С.98

Bongers H. (1947) The history and principles of Vocabulary control. – Woerden: WOCOPI, 1947.-С.74

Francis N., Kucera G. (1967) Computational analysis of modern American English. - M., 1967

Melchuk, IA (1985) Word order in the automatic synthesis of a Russian word (preliminary reports) // Scientific – Technical Information. 1985, №12. -C.12-36

Hamroyeva Sh. (2018) Linguistic basis for the creation of the Uzbek language. 2018.-52 б.

Hamroyeva Sh. (2017) Use in education from the соrpus “Language and literary education” Journal. September 2017, № 9. Б.49-50.

Hamroyeva Sh. (2018) Сorpus creation principles. Journal "Scientific Bulletin of Science". 2018. № 3.

Tairova G. (2015) Some of the differences between paradigmatic and discursive systems. // IMPACT: International Jurnal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Leteratura. (impact: ijrhal) Vol. 3, Issue 12, Dec 2015, 1-4. (№ 12 Index Copernicus Impact Factor - 1,7843)

Tairova G. (2016) Phatics - actual problems of linguistics uzbek research // Iranian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research. UCT. J. Soc. Scien. Human. Resear. (UJSSHR). – Takestan, Iran, 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2. – P.16-19. (№5 Global Impact Factor, Impact Factor – 0,765).

Tairova G. (2017)Systematic and informative in uzbek discourse// UCT Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research.(UJSSHR). – Takestan, Iran, 2017, Volume 5 Issue 2 June. – P.1-6. (№5 Global

Impact Factor, Impact Factor –2,758).

Tairova G. (2013) Izosign – graphic expression of the discourse as pragmatical situational system 10th International Conference on Crossroad of Civilzations: Aspeets of Lenguage, Culture and Society. – Japan, 2013. – P. 525-529.

Casares J.(1969) Dissionario ideologico de la lengua Espanola.– Barselona,1969. –887 c.

March F.A. (1958) March’s Thesaurus Dictionary. – N.Y., 1958.– 1312 p.

Roget P.M. (1952) Thesaurus of English words and phrases. – Lnd., 1952. – 1258 р. Zakharov V.P. Corps of the Russian language.

Mamontova V. V. (2008) Corpus of parallel texts and database for the study of translation correspondences: problems and procedures for the formation Address of the article:

Antonova A., Alexey M. ()Building a Web-based parallel corpus and filtering out machinetranslated text.

Resnik, Philip and Noah A. Smith. (2003) The web as a parallel corpus. Computational Linguistics, 29:349– 380.

Wang W., Liu Y., Harper M. P. (2002) “Rescoring effectiveness of language models using different levels of knowledge and their integration”, in Proc. ICASSP, Orlando, FL, May 2002.

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