Эпидемиологические и эпизоотические проблемы туберкулеза сельскохозяйственных животных и птиц | in Library

Эпидемиологические и эпизоотические проблемы туберкулеза сельскохозяйственных животных и птиц

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Мамадуллаев, Г., & Файзиев , У. (2024). Эпидемиологические и эпизоотические проблемы туберкулеза сельскохозяйственных животных и птиц. in Library, 22(2), 26–30. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/36661
Гулмурод Мамадуллаев, Ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт

Директор Ветеринарного научно-исследовательского института, лаборатории туберкулёза, доктор ветеринарных наук, профессор



В статье изложены эпидемиологические, эпизоотические и социально-экономические проблемы туберкулеза животных и птиц, заразность туберкулеза человека и крупного рогатого скота для различных видов животных и птиц, для человека, а также меры профилактики заболевания.

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ISSN 2694-9970


Middle European Scientific Bulletin, VOLUME 23 Apr 2022

Epidemiological and Epizootic Problems of Agricultural Аnimalsand Birds


Fayziev U.M., Mamadullaev G. Kh.

Scientific-research institute of veterinary, R. of Uzbekistan


The article presents theEpidemiological, epizootic and socio-economic problems of animal and birds
tuberculosis, the infectivity of human and bovine tuberculosis to different types of animals and birds,
for humans, as well as measures to prevent the disease.


agricultural, birds, tuberculosis.

One of the most essential necessities of today is the development of animal husbandry, which is an
important part of agriculture in the country. Animal infectious diseases are well-known as the
greatest threat to livestock, and the industry's expansion obstructs the accomplishment of high
profitability.Infectious bacterial infections spread across a large area due to their high frequency and
mortality, and a lot of money is spent on measures like prevention and treatment [13]. As a result,
research into the etiology, diagnosis, and prevention of tuberculosis in farm animals on livestock
farms is critical.Tuberculosis spreads due to unfavorable natural conditions and violations of
veterinary-sanitary norms. The problem is exacerbated by the lack of efficient biological and
biochemical medications in the veterinary care system, which leads to disease spread [7; 14].

Although tuberculosis' causal agent has evolved into a specific form of animal organism over time, it
can now be found in agricultural, domestic, and wild animals, as well as poultry and even the human
div [1]. As a result of tuberculosis being added to the list of anthropozoonotic diseases, medical
and veterinary specialists must work together to diagnose, treat, and control the disease [4; 14].

In addition to the traits shared by all infectious diseases, tuberculosis has a number of distinguishing
characteristics. The disease's prevalence, the variables that cause infection, the disease's chronic
course, and the organism's existence in a wide range of quantitative and qualitative variations from
the disease [2; 7].The infection's most prominent aspect is its intertwined relationship with society's
social structure, as well as the population's economic, living, and cultural conditions. As a result,
tuberculosis has long been regarded as an infectious as well as a socioeconomic issue [4; 17].

The degree of pathogen isolation in cattle (M. bovis) is mostly determined by the epidemiological
and epizootic condition of tuberculosis in cattle and other farm animals [13; 15].

In this regard, in the Russian Federation in 2002, 93,500 head, in 2003, 93,700 head, in 2004, 75,254
head of cattle tested positive for tuberculin, and 21,600, 19,900 and 18,000 samples were tested for
tuberculosis, respectively. In the study, 63.6% of cattle were found to be pathogenic and 36.4% of
cattle were found to have different atypical mycobacteria. Of the isolated pathogenic strains, 96.5%
were M. bovis and 2.7% were M. tuberculosis and 0.8% of M.avium species [12].

Tuberculosis is far more common in the CIS, the Baltic States, and other Eastern European countries,
according to some scientists. The incidence rate in Russia peaked at 90.7 per 100,000 people in 2000.

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Middle European Scientific Bulletin, VOLUME 23 Apr 2022

(90.7 per 100,000 people). This number began to fall in 2001-2002. Ukraine (68.6/100000),
Transcaucasia, and Central Asia all had comparable situations. [15].

In our country, 11.6% of M.bovis pathogens are isolated from humans. The etiological determinants
of the creation of pathological processes of the pathogen in human pulmonary tuberculosis or other
organs of the lungs are influenced by the degree of epizootic malignancy in bovine tuberculosis.
Long-term contact with diseased cattle has been found to cause up to 2.4 percent of urogenital
tuberculosis in cattle [13].

Carnivorous animals infected with the M. bovis type can also serve as a source of infection for
humans. The incidence of tuberculosis in stray dogs is 3.8%. In healthy families, 3.7% of dogs were
diagnosed with tuberculosis and 5.2% of cats. In families with tuberculosis, this figure may be 3
times higher [4].

In the process of applying measures to combat tuberculosis the recovery period of the farm depends
on the complexity of the epizootic process, how long the area has been unhealthy, the time of the
disease and the age of the animal, the mechanism of infection, the qualifications of the farm
veterinarian, the level of implementation of veterinary and sanitary measures and regulations. [8].

As a result of comprehensive veterinary-sanitary and preventive measures for the recovery of cattle
from tuberculosis in the community sector has led to an increase in livestock production and
livestock numbers.In 1999, an average of 2,800 liters of milk was milked per cow in unhealthy farms
on tuberculosis, but after the farm was rehabilitated, the amount of milk produced increased by 4,200
kg.Grade I milk production increased from 79.7% to 98.7%.During the first 5 months of 2000, the
average milk yield of dairy farms at “Ivanovskoe”, “Novoselskoe”, JSC “Petronovskoe”, “Novaya
Sheshma” and SEA “Krasnyy Oktyabr” increased by 120 kg per cow in 5 months. [6].

Studies have shown that mycobacterial species were the only species at the beginning of
evolutionary development and that they adapted to different animals, birds and humans throughout
their lifestyles. Therefore, M. bovis and M. avium species play an important etiological role in the
development of tuberculosis in humans. Animal milk and poultry eggs pose a serious risk to human
health, especially children [1].

Migration of the tubercle mycobacterium bird (M.avium) to cattle, pigs, and other types of farm
animals creates foci of infection that are dangerous to humans. It is also possible that avian
tuberculosis can be transmitted to humans.This type of tuberculosis can enter cattle or other types of
farm animals through wild birds. Many wild synanthropic birds are infected with tuberculosis
mycobacteria. According to research, 8% of mycobacteria were isolated from crows, 4.8% from
ravens, 9.3% from fishing birds, 3.8% from pigeons, 23% from pheasants and 34.4% from black
crows [1].

In dairy, pig farms and poultry factories, people are also more likely to be infected with the bird type
of mycobacteria [1].

An allergic test of poultry factory workers revealed a positive reaction to avium sensitivitis in 11.2-
17.3% of people. At the tuberculosis dispensary, the avium pathogen was isolated from 3 patients
with fibrinous-cavernous, hematogenous-disseminated and knee tuberculosis.It turns out that these
people worked in a poultry factory for a certain period of time. There is also a lot of information that
the bird-type pathogen can be transmitted to humans through infected chicken eggs. According to
observations, chickens began to die in a family engaged in raising chickens. Investigations revealed
an acute septic form of avian species. Homeowners and other people who consumed this chicken egg
were infected with the pathogen [10].

In Kazakhstan, when typing mycobacteria isolated from patients with bone and joint tuberculosis,

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ISSN 2694-9970


Middle European Scientific Bulletin, VOLUME 23 Apr 2022

cattle (M. bovis) type of tuberculosis was detected in 19.7% of cases, and poultry type (M. avium) in
3.2% and M. tuberculosis (a disease-causing species in humans) in 77.1%.In tuberculosis of the
bones caused by pathogens of cattle and poultry type, combined lesions are delivered, diffuse
destructive changes in the skeletal system occur in a chronic process, and intoxications occur during
the course of the disease.Bone tuberculosis caused by avian type persists in the form of a long-term
septic process, the clinical manifestations of the disease are different, the radiograph shows spotty
osteoporosis in the bones, foci of necrosis, acute lysis of bone trabeculae [3].

In pathomorphological changes in bone tuberculosis caused by M. bovis type pathogen,
polymorphism and the prevalence of the process in the tissue structure, foci of caseous necrosis of
different sizes and developmental stages are observed. There is a hyperergic type of inflammation
and petrification of the caseous-necrotic mass.Granulation tissue is enriched with epithelial-
lymphoid, plasma and giant cells. The process of tissue regeneration consists of coarse fibers and
connective connective tissue. At the site of inflammation, the bone tissue thickens and sclerosis, and
the bone marrow undergoes fibrosis. Tissues are observed on the inside of the walls of blood vessels.
As a result, the process of tuberculosis in the inflammatory focus intensifies and becomes a form of
generalization [11].

Treatment of bone tuberculosis caused by the causative agent of cattle and poultry is not effective
enough. Treatment of bone tuberculosis caused by M.tuberculosis type is up to 76.6%, and treatment
of M.bovis type is effective by 25%. Treatment of bone tuberculosis caused by M. avium type is
ineffective [11].

M.tuberculosis and M.bovis pathogens adapted to the organism of chickens can be released into the
external environment through eggs in 28.5 and 13% of cases. Although the biological activity of
pathogens in this area is slightly reduced, their pathogenicity is preserved, posing a threat to human
and animal health [1].

Cattle (M.bovis) and poultry (M.avium) species of tuberculosis, as well as M. intracelulare,
M.scrofulaceum and M.fortuitum non-typical mycobacterial species have been found to live up to
160 days in milk, yogurt and cream [11].

In Kazakhstan, scientists have shown that “Peschanka” and “Saigak” serve as additional sources and
carriers of pathogenic and atypical mycobacteria, ensuring their circulation in natural habitats [4].

Studies have shown that the possibility of migrating the pathogen from animals to people with the
cattle type of tuberculosis to animals has been proven. Especially if people infected with this species
are serving on livestock farms, such a person can serve as a source of disease on the farm and cause
it to spread. For example, on a farm with 127 head of cattle, tuberculosis infection is on the rise. 45
head of infected cattle are identified. The source of the disease is identified as a servant on the farm
with a fibrous-cavernous form of tuberculosis [3].

In humans, tuberculosis is mainly caused by the M.tuberculosis type. However, this species has been
found to infect many other animal species, including cattle, cats, dogs, pigs, horses, goats, lions,
bears, monkeys, donkeys, elephantsand antelope.

Therefore, the migration of the human tuberculosis pathogen to agricultural, fur, and wild animals
poses a serious epidemiological and epizootiological risk.

In the process of tuberculosis control, the recovery period of the farm depends on the level of
complexity of the epizootic process, how long the area is unhealthy, the time of the disease and the
age of the animal, the mechanism of infection, as well as the qualifications of veterinary specialists,
veterinary and sanitary measures. depends on the implementation of rehabilitation plans in
accordance with regulations [6].

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ISSN 2694-9970


Middle European Scientific Bulletin, VOLUME 23 Apr 2022

In accordance with the current guidelines for tuberculosis control and prevention measures, the final
disinfection of the farm before quarantine should be carried out in a complex, step-by-step manner,
first by wet method and then by aerosol disinfection [14].

Mycobacteria are spread on the territory of dairy farms and they enter the div of cattle mainly
through food. As a result of increased contamination in the environment and in food, the
susceptibility of cattle to tuberculin is increased.In the process of carrying out veterinary and sanitary
measures, the areas of ponds, drinking vessels, corridors, indoors and outdoors, distribution areas
must be mechanically cleaned and disinfected. Regular disinfection of premises, improvement of
sanitary condition of food-reduces paraallergic reaction on the farm and prevents unjustified
slaughter of productive cattle [17].

It is advisable to monitor the health of the farm for tuberculosis using simultaneous allergy testing.
Simultaneous allergy testing provides an exception to tuberculosis in 97.1% of reactive cattle without
slaughter for diagnostic purposes [11].

Establishment of a computer bank of tuberculosis mycobacteria in accordance with the
recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) will allow to control the spread of
infection, to control the movement from region to region, from country to country. It is advisable to
apply this method to all countries. So far, banking on the M. bovis strain is slow, and control of the
M. tuberculosis strain is well established. [10].

The division of large livestock farms into small farms in Kazakhstan has complicated the epizootic
situation with bovine tuberculosis. In particular, the lack of mechanical cleaning, disinfection and
sanitation of livestock buildings, prolonged storage of the pathogen in the environment and
incomplete coverage of diagnostic tests have led to an intensification of the epizootic process. The
epizootic process has a periodic character, sometimes showing an increase or decrease in infection.
While the epizootic process is intensively developed, especially in dairy cattle farms, it is slow in
meat farms [8].

It can be concluded that the cause of recurrence of the disease in newly rehabilitated farms is cattle
that did not react to tuberculin during the allergic test. Tuberculosis in cattle is sometimes latent-
latent microbism. In this case, cattle react poorly to tuberculin.Although the tubercle-specific
changes do not occur in the internal organs during latent microbism in the animal, the pathogen is
located in the lymph nodes. This form of infection poses a great epizootiological risk. Under the
influence of an unfavorable external environment, this form of infection contributes to the
development and active tuberculosis develops. This is especially the case during the spring, when
many calves are born and the food base is reduced.



Abdyramanova, T.D. Pigeons - carriers of mycobacteria // Proceedings of the International
Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the UGAVM - Troitsk,
р. 125.


Averbakh M.M. Immunology and immunopathology of tuberculosis. – M.: Medicine, 1976. – р.


Basybekov, S.Zh. Manifestation of parasitocenosis in cattle reacting to tuberculin in the farms of
the Talgar district of the Almaty region // Collection of scientific works / KazNIVI.-2001.-
T.XLIX. р.58-65.


BasybekovS.Zh., Blekhman I.M. Susceptibility of wild animals (gerbils, turtles and saigas) to
pathogens of tuberculosis and mycobacteriosis. //Monitoring of the spread and prevention of

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ISSN 2694-9970


Middle European Scientific Bulletin, VOLUME 23 Apr 2022

especially dangerous animal diseases / Mater of the International Scientific Conference on the
occasion of the 75th anniversary of the UzNIIV. Samarkand 2001. р. 31-33.


Belokonov I.I., Stegniy B.T., Kovalenko A.M., Zavgorodny A.I., Stegniy M.Yu., Renin N.V.
//Electronic microscopic study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis//Veterinary Medicine №84
Мiжвiдомчийтематичнийнауковийзбiрник.Харкiв 2004. С.71-75.


Bisenov B.B. Experience in the consistent and phased use of isoniazid and BCG vaccine in the
south of Kazakhstan // The role of veterinary science in the development of animal husbandry /
Materials of international scientific conference KazNIVI. Almaty 2000, р. 75-76.


Bogdanov A.I., Borissinova A.N., Korovin R.N., Prydybailo N.D. Development of mathematical
models for predicting the epizootic process//Veterinary science №10. 2003 p. 25-28.


Butko M.P., Bogenin Yu.I., Brigko V.F., Gruzinov D.V. Comprehensive system for the recovery
of a dairy farm from tuberculosis // Veterinary №12, 2003, p. 8-10.


Denisova T.G., Plazun A.A., Karalnik B.V. Influence of BCG pre-vaccination on the dynamics
of antigen-binding lymphocytes in M.bovis-8 infected calves//Actual problems of allergology
and immunology/Materials of the International Conf. dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N, D,
Beklemysheva.- Astana, 2005.-p. 149.


Zheltkova E., BalabanovaYa., Radi M., Weldon M. et al. Spoligotyping of tuberculosis
mycobacterium cultures isolated from patients from the Samara region // Microbiology,
Epidemiology and Immunology. Moscow "S-INFO" 2004. p.65-67.


Oboeva, N.A. Distribution of non-tuberculous (atypical) mycobacteria among cattle in Yakutia // XI
Lavrentiev readings, dedicated to. 50th anniversary of the SB RAS: collection of works scientific
conf. Volume II: Sections "Medico-biological and agricultural sciences", "Social and human
sciences". - Yakutsk: YSU Publishing House, 2008. – р. 46-50.


Ovdienko N.P., Naimanov A. Kh., Smolyaninov Yu.I. etc. Bacteriological diagnosis of animal
tuberculosis // Veterinary medicine №12.2006.р.3-5.


Khamrakulov R.Sh., Nazirov P.X., Ravshanov A.K., Uzokov E.N. The main tasks of the
dispensary in the organization of tuberculosis control // Tashkent, Publishing House of the
National Library of Uzbekistan named after A.Navoi, 2006. р.151.


Yarbaev N., Yusupdzhanova D.M. Peculiarities of epizootology and epidemiologists of
tuberculosis in South Tajikistan // Organization of anti-tuberculosis measures in epizootically
disadvantaged territories: / Thesis of Reports of the Zone Meeting. – Novosibirsk, 1987. – p. 34-


Yaremenko, N.A. Epizootic situation in the world and in Russia. // Vet newspaper.- 2002.- №15.
p. 4-5.


Agger E.V., Andersen P.A novel TB vaccine; towards a strategy based on our understanding of
BCG failure. Vaccine. 2002,21 (1-2): 7-14.


Belisle J.T., Visas V.D., Sievert T. at al. Role of the major antigen of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis in cell wall biogenesis //Science. 1997, 276 (5317): 1420-1422.


Delogu G., Li A., Repique C. et al. DNA vaccine combinations expressing either tissue
plasminogen activator signal sequence fusion proteins or ubiquity-conjugated antigens induce
sustained protective immunity in a mouse model of pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid. 2002, 70 (1):

Библиографические ссылки

Abdyramanova, T.D. Pigeons - carriers of mycobacteria // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the UGAVM - Troitsk, p. 125.

Averbakh M.M. Immunology and immunopathology of tuberculosis. - M.: Medicine, 1976. - p. 170

Basybekov, S.Zh. Manifestation of parasitocenosis in cattle reacting to tuberculin in the farms of the Talgar district of the Almaty region И Collection of scientific works / KazNIVI.-2001 .-T.XLIX. p.58-65.

BasybekovS.Zh., Blekhman I.M. Susceptibility of wild animals (gerbils, turtles and saigas) to pathogens of tuberculosis and mycobacteriosis. //Monitoring of the spread and prevention of especially dangerous animal diseases / Mater of the International Scientific Conference on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the UzNIIV. Samarkand 2001. p. 31-33.

Belokonov 1.1., Stegniy B.T., Kovalenko A.M., Zavgorodny A.I., Stegniy M.Yu., Renin N.V. //Electronic microscopic study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis/ZVeterinary Medicine №84 М1жвщомчийтематичнийнауковийзб1рник.Харк!в 2004. C.71-75.

Bisenov B.B. Experience in the consistent and phased use of isoniazid and BCG vaccine in the south of Kazakhstan // The role of veterinary science in the development of animal husbandry / Materials of international scientific conference KazNIVI. Almaty 2000, p. 75-76.

Bogdanov A.L, Borissinova A.N., Korovin R.N., Prydybailo N.D. Development of mathematical models for predicting the epizootic process/ZVeterinary science №10. 2003 p. 25-28.

Butko M.P., Bogenin Yu.I., Brigko V.F., Gruzinov D.V. Comprehensive system for the recovery of a dairy farm from tuberculosis // Veterinary №12, 2003, p. 8-10.

Denisova T.G., Plazun A.A., Karalnik B.V. Influence of BCG pre-vaccination on the dynamics of antigen-binding lymphocytes in M.bovis-8 infected calves//Actual problems of allergology and immunology/Materials of the International Conf, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N, D, Beklemysheva.- Astana, 2005.-p. 149.

Zheltkova E., BalabanovaYa., Radi M., Weldon M. et al. Spoligotyping of tuberculosis mycobacterium cultures isolated from patients from the Samara region Z/ Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunology. Moscow "S-1NFO" 2004. p.65-67.

Oboeva, N.A. Distribution of non-tuberculous (atypical) mycobacteria among cattle in Yakutia ZZ XI Lavrentiev readings, dedicated to. 50th anniversary of the SB RAS: collection of works scientific conf. Volume II: Sections "Medico-biological and agricultural sciences", "Social and human sciences". - Yakutsk: YSU Publishing House, 2008. - p. 46-50.

Ovdienko N.P., Naimanov A. Kh., Smolyaninov Yu.I. etc. Bacteriological diagnosis of animal tuberculosis Z/ Veterinary medicine № 12.2006.p.3-5.

Khamrakulov R.Sh., Nazirov P.X., Ravshanov A.K., Uzokov E.N. The main tasks of the dispensary in the organization of tuberculosis control // Tashkent, Publishing House of the National Library of Uzbekistan named after A.Navoi, 2006. p. 151.

Yarbaev N., Yusupdzhanova D.M. Peculiarities of epizootology and epidemiologists of tuberculosis in South Tajikistan // Organization of anti-tuberculosis measures in epizootically disadvantaged territories: / Thesis of Reports of the Zone Meeting. - Novosibirsk, 1987. - p. 34-35.

Yaremenko, N.A. Epizootic situation in the world and in Russia. // Vet newspaper.- 2002.- №15. p. 4-5.

Agger E.V., Andersen P.A novel ТВ vaccine; towards a strategy based on our understanding of BCG failure. Vaccine. 2002,21 (1-2): 7-14.

Belisle J.T., Visas V.D., Sievert T. at al. Role of the major antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in cell wall biogenesis //Science. 1997, 276 (5317): 1420-1422.

Delogu G., Li A., Repique C. et al. DNA vaccine combinations expressing either tissue plasminogen activator signal sequence fusion proteins or ubiquity-conjugated antigens induce sustained protective immunity in a mouse model of pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid. 2002, 70 (1): 292-302.

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