The study of grad on my in speech patterns and the principles of forming graduonymic rows

Отабоева, М. (2023). The study of grad on my in speech patterns and the principles of forming graduonymic rows. Современные тенденции инновационного развития науки и образования в глобальном мире, 1(2), 175–180.
Мазмуна Отабоева, Кокандский государственный педагогический институт

кандидат филологических наук, факультет иностранной филологии



This article is devoted to identify the scientific researches of the phenomenon of graduonymy in speech patterns. And also, there is given information about forming graduonymic rows and their some important principles.

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This article is devoted to identify the scientific researches of the phenomenon

of graduonymy in speech patterns. And also, there is given information about forming
graduonymic rows and their some important principles.

Key words:

graduonumy, phenomenon, speech pattern, graduonymic rows, principles,

increase, decrease.

The study of graduonymy in speech patterns and the principles of forming gra-

duonymic series studied by mankind has its own history of gradual development.
This process is continuously, one scientific study replaces another, enriches it with
news, analyzes and changes it.

There are a lot of spheres in the science of linguistics, and in our research devo-

ted to the clarification of graduonymy (graduation), a phenomenon related to the
increase or decrease of meaning in linguistics according to the level of word mea-
nings, that is, the quantity and quality of the meaning, we used scientific research
related to this topic in world linguistics and let’s talk about data. Graduonymic
relations have been thoroughly studied in Russian linguistics, and N.S. Trubets-
koi and R. Yakobson put forward the initial ideas for the emergence of the term
graduonymy with their thoughts on phonemic gradual oppositions in their works
devoted to phonology. Russian linguists O. Espersen and S.D. Katsnelson menti-
oned in their works about the existence of words reflecting an intermediate state
between the meanings of opposite words. Yu.S. Stepanov expressed the opinions
that are the basis for studying the relations of graduonymy with synonymy and
antonymy. Also, E. Sepir, I.V. Nazarova, S.M. Kolesnikova, S.A. Tikhomirov, G.V. Ki-
reeva, S. Skad yseva, I.A. Isaeva have studied grading in speech.

In English linguistics, the phenomenon of graduonymy is one of the researched

areas. In his book “Lexical Semantics”, D.A. Cruz describes his views on hierarchi-
cal linguistic situations, in which he mainly focuses on the level between rank and
title words, the gradual increase between numbers, and also divides some lexe-
mes into gradable and non-gradable groups. He believes that lexemes that mean
units of measurement such as quantity and distance between them are graded.


PhD, The faculty of Foreign
Philology, Kokand State
Pedagogical Institute


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In Seok Yang, in his treatise “On antonymy in English”, calls some words that are
mutually antonyms, which are mostly included in the adjective word group in the
English language, as neutralizing antonyms, and expresses the opinion that the
word normal can be placed between them, and thus forms graduonymic series ba-
sed on antonyms. The German linguist M. Bierwisch in his study “The Semantics of
Gradation” studied the phenomenon of gradation in adjectives using the example
of German and English languages. I.R. Galperin in his work “Stylistics” highlighted
the issues of gradation in speech.

Russian linguist I.A. Isaeva banned gradual semantics in verbs on the example

of verbs being manifested at the lexical-semantic and word formation levels. The
author claims that the gradual semantics of verbs emerges through the use of
additional tools – graduators (affixes, additional gradational meanings) and gives
the word vzoyti – prevzoyti as an example of how the meaning of the verb can
be strengthened by adding the prefix pre- in the Russian language. It is closer to
gradation than the graduonymy we are studying and reflects gradation in speech.
In her research, G.V. Kireeva studied exclamatory words expressing emotionality
as a category of gradualness, while I.V. Nazarova studied the manifestation of the
category of gradualness (gradualnost) in English. According to the appearance
of the sign in the meanings expressed by the author adverbsgraduators (Russi-
an linguists called the words denoting the degree of gradualness as graduators),
extremely high-level adverbs (awfully, greatly, very, much); sufficiently high-level
attitudes (considerably, pretty, rather); inadequate treatments (inconsiderably,
insufficiently) divide it into and thereby reveals the manifestation of gradation
at the morphological level. Initially, the term graduonymy is mentioned inuzbek
linguistics as a form of the semantic relationship of words. It is believed that the
phenomenon of graduonymy (graduation) is manifested in linguistics mainly at
the lexical level. This phenomenon was carried out inuzbek linguistics by R. Safa-
rova, Sh. Orifjonova, H. Ne’matov, O. Bozorov, R. Jabborova, S. Giyosov, G. Rah-
monov, and in the cross-sectional aspect, researches on the study of graduonymic
relations were carried out by J. Djumabaeva and N. Vohidova. Also, M. Fayzullaev
researched the lexical-semantic groups of verbs in the cross-sectional aspect with
the Russian language and determined the graduonymic relationships in verbs that
reflect mental state.

The term “Graduonymy” is used in the currentuzbek literary language in the

same sense as the term “graduation”. This term appeared inuzbek linguistics at
the end of the last century. Graduonymy is the gradation of one or another sign in
the members of the meaning groups of lexemes, this term “... inuzbek linguistics,
the part of


, which is the generalcomposition of synonymy, homonymy,

antonymy, which reflects linguistic and semantic relationship, is derived from the
Latin word


(“level”, “level”) artificially made on the basis of attachment”.

Such gradation is considered a kind of opposition (contradiction).

Inuzbek linguistics, the distinction between the semantic relations betwe-

en lexical units is first found in the great thinker Alisher Navoi’s work “Muho-
kamat ul-lughatayn”. The work explains the differences between the wor-
ds that have the same meaning as the verbs




(to drink). Sh. Orifjonova in her study “Lexual graduonymy in theuzbek language”
recognizes theuzbek meaning of graduonymy – the term gradation as a scientific

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concept that expresses a form of word relations. The phenomenon of graduonymy
is manifested at different levels of linguistics, in particular, the study of the phe-
nomenon of graduonymy at the morphological level became known to science as
a result of morphological research. Information is given about the integrity of the
morphological system and its gradual connections in such eras as H.G. Nematov’s
“Intermediate third in the morphological system of Turkic languages”, “Functional
morphology of monuments of the Turkic languages of the XI-XII centuries”, which
served as a methodological basis for the study of morphological graduonymy.
Also, S. Ghiyosov introduces the concept of “lexical gradual oppositions” (lexical
lines of gradation) and distinguishes the following lines:

“overall positive rating”




“external positive evaluation”





While gradation was studied as an object of research by O. Bozorov and

G. Rahmonov inuzbek linguistics, J. Djumabaeva studied lexical and stylis-
tic graduonimy inuzbek and English languages. Gradation inuzbek linguistics is
O. Bozorov’s doctoral dissertation on “Graduation in theuzbek language”. In the
dissertation, graduonymy is studied not only in the system of inter-word rela-
tions, but also at the levels of phonetics and phonology, morphology, and syn-
tax of linguistics. In his research, the scientist studied the phenomenon of gra-
dation in a wider aspect and proved for the first time in science that linguistic
gradation is a linguistic regularity. In the chapter of the study called “Gradua-
tion in the Grammatical System”, the classification of word groups is classified
separately on the basis of semantic, morphological and syntactic signs. In ad-
dition, he noted that modal, exclamatory, and imitative words are intermedi-
ate members between independent and auxiliary word groups. Morphological-
ly, there is a gradual connection system of independent words – special group
words – auxiliary words. Verbs and nouns are primary, and other word groups are
secondary in terms of syntactic signs and positions in sentence construction. This
research includes gradations in the phonological, grammatical and morphological
system of theuzbek language, giving brief information about the manifestation of
graduonymic relations in word groups at both the grammatical and morphological

As a continuation of these researches, J. Djumabaeva studied the phenomenon

of gradation in theuzbek and English languages at the lexical and stylistic level in
her doctoral work entitled “Lexical and Stylistic Graduonymy in theuzbek and Eng-
lish Languages”. With this doctoral work, the scientist carried out the most serious
research in cross-linguistics. This study sheds light on lexical and stylistic gradati-
on inuzbek and English, focusing on graduonymy at the morphological level, sub-
ject and sign in his research entitled “Relationship between lexical synonymy and
graduonymy in theuzbek language”. The researcher studied tasks such as proving
that conflicts based on differences in synonymous lines are a factor that creates
graduonymy, determining the relationship between lexical synonymy and gradu-
onymy phenomena, and revealing the laws of occurrence of gradual synonymy
among lexemes representing subject and sign. He studied the phenomena of lexi-
cal synonymy and graduonymy and determined their relationship. This research is

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limited to studying the occurrence of gradation at the morphological level in noun
and adjective word groups, and the rest of the word groups are not discussed.
A. Ziyaev expresses the opinion that gradual antonym words are formed on the
basis of intensification/deintensification, and in the chapter of his research called
“Formation of paradigms of gradual antonyms of intensification/deintensification
semantics”, he shows the mutual relations of gradual antonyms through the series
of gradations. It justifies the gradual relationship between words using examples
within word groups. While studying the phenomenon of gradation in linguistics,
we will also study the circumstances related to the construction of graduonymic
series and what criteria and principles should be observed in their construction. It
is known that the phenomenon of gradation consists of a meaningfulcombination
of words related to the decrease and increase in the amount of a sign (event).

In the series of degrees, the meanings of the words differ according to the

amount, excess or lack of volume, speed or duration of movement, increase or
decrease in strength, semantic sign and coloring. The members of the ranking
series are at least three, and such series are formed only within one word group.
The participation of synonyms and antonyms is important in forming graduony-
mic series from words related to adjective, noun and verb. However, it is possible
to make gradational series from non-synonymous words in verbs. If in adjectives,
the meanings are different according to the excess or deficiency of the sign, and
in verbs, they are graded according to principles such as increasing or decrea-
sing the speed of execution, increasing or decreasing the duration and strength
of the action, and changing the state of the action. While the importance of sy-
nonymic or antonymic series to express ranking in lexemes denoting the name
of an object is felt, nouns can be ranked according to the relative size, instead
of location, increasing the luxury of the object, raising the rank, rank or position.
Similar to nouns, the synonyms and antonyms of the word being graded in num-
bers and adverbs cannot reveal differences according to its meaning, but in ad-
verbs there are gradation series consisting of two polar antonyms, for example,




. They are more or less antonyms. If numbers are graded

according to the excess or deficiency of the amount, the behaviors are graded
according to the signs of the moment of the movement, the increase or decre-
ase of the movement states. Although pronouns do not count as serunum when
forming gradational series, they can form a graduonymic series due to their long
proximity of presentation.


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Библиографические ссылки

Неъматов Ҳ.Ғ “Туркий тиллар морфологик системасида оралиқ учинчи”, “XI – XII аср туркий тиллари ёдгорликларининг функционал морфологияси”.

Сафарова Р. Гипонимия в узбекском языке (на материале общеупотребительных зоонимов): дис... канд. филол. наук. Т., 1990.

Джумабаева Ж. “Ўзбек ва инглиз тилларида лексик хамда стилистик грдуонимия док. дисс. Т., 2016.

Vokhidova N. Ergebnisse der Online-Umfrage zur Graduonymie. 43.

Есперсен О. Философия грамматики. – М.: Изд-во иностранной литераратуры, 1958. – ст. 375.

Кацнельсон С.Д. Содержание слова, значение и обозначение. – М., Л.: Наука, 1965, ст. 81–83.

Степанов Ю.С. Основы общего языкознания. Учебное пособие. М.: Просвещение, 1975, – ст. 38.

Сепир Э. Градуирование. НЗЛ. Выпуск XVI. Лингвистическая прагматика. М. 1985, – ст. 43–77.

Назарова И.В. Роль наречий-градуаторов в английском языке // Вопросы современной науки и практики. №1 (11) 2008; Том 1. – ст. 205.

Тихомиров С.А. Гипербола в градуальном аспекте. Автореферат... филол. наук. М., 2006.

Киреева Г.В. Междометие как показатель градуальности в современном русском языке. Автореф... филол. наук. М., 2010.

Исаева И.А. Градуальная семантика глагола в современном русская языке… Автореф… филол. наук. М., 2008.

Cruse D.A. Lexical Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, PP. 187–195.

Bierwisch M. The Semantics of Gradation. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1989, PP. 72–75.

Гальперин И.С. Stylistics М. Высшая школа, 1971, – ст. 219–221.

Орифжонова Ш. Ўзбек тилида луғавий градуонимия ф.ф.н. автореферати. Т., 1996;

Бозоров О. Ўзбек тилида даражаланиш, ф. ф. доктори илмий даражасини олиш учун тақдим этилган диссертация. Т., 1997.

Ғиёсов С.Т. Семантическая структура и компонентный анализ качественных прилагательных узбекского языка. автореф... канд. филол. наук. Т., 1983. – C 23.

Раҳмонов Ғ. Ўзбек тилида луғавий синонимия ва градуонимиянинг ўзаро муносабати, ф.ф.б. ф.д. диссертацияси Фарғона 2019.

Гиясов С. Семантическая структура и компонентный анализ качественных прилагательных узбекского языка: Автореф... дис. канд. филол. наук. Т., 1990. – C. 130.

Qodiralievich, Bektashev Otabek. “The use of authentic materials in the teaching of reading”. Central asian journal of literature, philosophy and culture 2. 5 (2021): 164–169.

Tukhtasinova, Zilola. “Изучение русских заимствований в узбекском языке”. Тюркология в просторах евразии: преемственность поколений (2020).

Isakova Z.Z. “Comparative study of expressing value as a semantic category in english anduzbek languages by grammatical means”. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 12. 6 (2022): 84–88.

Кадирова Д.А. «К вопросу о грамматических категориях глагола в поэтических произведениях В. Шекспира». Система непрерывного филологического образования: школа – колледж – вуз. Современные подходы к преподаванию дисциплин филологического цикла в условиях полилингвального образования. 2021.

Sodiqova S.T. “Ingliz va o‘zbek tillaridagi o‘xshatish etalonlari va ularning lingvomadaniy xususiyatlari”. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences 2. 5 (2022): 1123–1128.

Ахмадалиева, Сабо Муродовна. “The Role of Phraseology in Learning English”. Молодой ученый 3-1 (2016): 27–29.

Muhammadjonovna, Nishonova Shaxnoza. “Linguoculturological aspects of word meaning”. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research 11. 2 (2022): 57–63.

Inomovna, Hilola Ismailova. “Semantic and Structural Differentiation of Euphemisms”. Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices 9 (2022): 161–166.

Зияев, Аваз Ихтиёрович. “Тилда интенсификация / деинтенсификация категориясининг градуал антонимлар парадигмаларини шакллантириши”. Международный журнал искусство слова 6 (2019).

Aliboeva N. “The expression ofcomparative analysis”. Science and innovation 1. B7 (2022): 93–95.

Отабоева, Мазмуна Раҳимовна. “Ўзбек ва инглиз тилларида феъллар градуонимиясидаги ўхшаш ва фарқли жиҳатлар”. Conferencea (2022): 224–228.

Махсудова, Умида. «Основные черты семантико-когнитивного подхода к языку». European Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development 3 (2022): 138–142.

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