Инструментал ва бактериал текшириш нуқтаи назаридан ёшларда бронхит эволюцияси

  • Шупика номидаги дипломдан кейинги таълим Миллий тиббиёт академияси оилавий тиббиёт ва амбулатор даволаш бўлими,Киев шаҳар 17 - клиник шифохонаси
  • Шупика номидаги дипломдан кейинги таълим Миллий тиббиёт академияси оилавий тиббиёт ва амбулатор даволаш бўлими,Киев шаҳар 17 - клиник шифохонаси
  • Шупика номидаги дипломдан кейинги таълим Миллий тиббиёт академияси оилавий тиббиёт ва амбулатор даволаш бўлими,Киев шаҳар 17 - клиник шифохонаси
Тиш, О., Матиуха, Л. ., & Анатолий , С. (2017). Инструментал ва бактериал текшириш нуқтаи назаридан ёшларда бронхит эволюцияси. Biologiya Va Tibbiyot Muammolari Jurnali, (4 (97), 143–148. Retrieved from https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/problems_biology/article/view/3331


Биз 18 ёшдан 35 ёшгача бўлган 128 нафр беморни текширишдан ўтказдик. Натижаларни таққослаш учун алоҳида гуруҳ сифатида пастки нафас йўлларининг касалликлари бўлмаган 20 нафар кўнгиллилар (валантер) танланди. Уларда нафас йўларининг ёт жисми бор эди ва уларга бактериологик текшириш учун бронхоальвеоляр лаваж билан бронхоскопия ўтказилди. 108 нафар беморда рецидивланувчи бронхит (ICD-10 J.40) диагностика қилинди. Бу беморлар бронхоальвеоляр лаважда лактобацилл бактериялар ва бифидобактериялар тўлиқ ёки нотўлиқ борлиги ёки йўқлигига боғлиқ равишда қўшимча 3 гуруҳга бўлинди. Антибактериал терапия таъсирида ичакларда биоценоз ўзгаришини бронхлардаги микробиоценоз ўзгариши билан таққослаш ва улар ўртасидаги боғлиқликни аниқлаш мақсадида ахлат ҳам қўшимча бактериологик текширишдан ўтказилди. Статистик микробиоценоз бўйича параметрлари ҳар хил бўлган (р0,05) антибиотиклар 47,5% қабул қилган I гуруҳдаги беморларга нисбатан антибиотиклар қабул қилган III гуруҳдаги 80% беморларда бронхиал микробиоценоз энг юқори кўрсаткичларга эришди. 72,2% беморлага антибиотиклар қўлланилган II гуруҳдаги беморларда лакто- ёки бифидобактериялар аниқланди. Аммо бу ўзгаришлар I гуруҳдаги параметлар бўйича деярли фарқ қилмади (p 0,06), бу бронхиал микробиоценозда манфий ўзгаришлар тўлиқ бўлмаганлигидан дарак беради. Олинган маълумотларга асосланган ҳолда, пастки нафас йўлларида қўшимча касалликлари бўлмаган 100% текширилган беморларда бронхоальвеоляр лаважда лактобацилл ва бифидобактериялар аниқланди.

Похожие статьи

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142 2017, №4 (97) Проблемы биологии и медицины

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Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care

Shupyk National Medical Academy

of Postgraduate Education;

*Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 17




Шупика номидаги дипломдан кейинги таълим Миллий тиббиёт академияси

оилавий тиббиёт ва амбулатор даволаш бўлими;

*Киев шаҳар 17 - клиник шифохонаси




Отделение семейной медицины и амбулаторного лечения Национальной медицинской академии

последипломного образования имени Шупика;

*Киевская городская клиническая больница № 17

Биз 18 ёшдан 35 ёшгача бўлган 128 нафр беморни текширишдан ўтказдик. Натижаларни

таққослаш учун алоҳида гуруҳ сифатида пастки нафас йўлларининг касалликлари бўлмаган 20 нафар

кўнгиллилар (валантер) танланди. Уларда нафас йўларининг ёт жисми бор эди ва уларга

бактериологик текшириш учун бронхоальвеоляр лаваж билан бронхоскопия ўтказилди. 108 нафар

беморда рецидивланувчи бронхит (ICD-10 J.40) диагностика қилинди. Бу беморлар бронхоальвеоляр

лаважда лактобацилл бактериялар ва бифидобактериялар тўлиқ ёки нотўлиқ борлиги ёки йўқлигига

боғлиқ равишда қўшимча 3 гуруҳга бўлинди. Антибактериал терапия таъсирида ичакларда биоценоз

ўзгаришини бронхлардаги микробиоценоз ўзгариши билан таққослаш ва улар ўртасидаги боғлиқликни

аниқлаш мақсадида ахлат ҳам қўшимча бактериологик текширишдан ўтказилди. Статистик

микробиоценоз бўйича параметрлари ҳар хил бўлган (р

0,05) антибиотиклар 47,5% қабул қилган I

гуруҳдаги беморларга нисбатан антибиотиклар қабул қилган III гуруҳдаги 80% беморларда бронхиал

микробиоценоз энг юқори кўрсаткичларга эришди. 72,2% беморлага антибиотиклар қўлланилган II

гуруҳдаги беморларда лакто- ёки бифидобактериялар аниқланди. Аммо бу ўзгаришлар I гуруҳдаги

параметлар бўйича деярли фарқ қилмади (p

0,06), бу бронхиал микробиоценозда манфий ўзгаришлар

тўлиқ бўлмаганлигидан дарак беради. Олинган маълумотларга асосланган ҳолда, пастки нафас

йўлларида қўшимча касалликлари бўлмаган 100% текширилган беморларда бронхоальвеоляр лаважда

лактобацилл ва бифидобактериялар аниқланди.

Калит сўзлар:

микробиоценоз, бронхит, лактобацилл бактериялар, бифидобактериялар,

бронхоальвеоляр лаваж.

We examined 128 patients with the age from 18 to 35 years. 20 individuals without preexisting lower

respiratory tract diseases were chosen for comparison as a seperate group. They were clinically and endoscop-

ically dignosed with a foreign div of the respiratory tract and underwent bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar

lavage for bacteriological analysis. 108 patients were diagnosed with recurrent bronchitis (ICD-10 J.40).

These patients were further divided into 3 groups. We also performed the additional bacteriologic analysis of

feces in order to determine the relationship between changes in the bronchial microbiocenosis under the influ-

ence of the antibiotic therapy in comparison with the changes in the intestinal biocenosis. 80% of patients from

the group III (no lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria), who received antibiotics, demonstrated chages in

bronchial microbiocenosis, which were statistically different (р

0,05) from the parameters of the microbioce-

nosis in the group I (control), where antibiotics were administered in 47,5%. In the patients from the group II,

where antibiotic therapy was used in 72,2% of patients, either lacto- or bifidobacteria were found. However

these changes were not significantly different (p

0,06) from the parameters of the group I, which may indicate

the incompleteness of negative changes in the bronchial microbiocenosis. Based on the acquired data we found

lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria in bronchoalveolar lavage in

100% of examined individuals, who had

no prior lower respiratory tract diseases.

Key words:

microbiocenosis, bronchitis, lactobacilli bacteria, bifidobacteria, bronchoalveolar lavage.

background image

Orijana Tysh, Larysa Matiukha, Anatoly Sergienko

Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2017, №4 (97) 143


The colonization of the human

div by microorganisms starts immediately after the

birth from the surrounding environment, which plays

a major role in the development of a healthy microbi-

ome. After the complete development the microbi-

ome becomes an independent div that provides vital

functions for its host [3,9,6]. According to the latest

knowledge, the normal human microflora is consid-

ered to be a system consisting of many microbioce-

noses. They are characterized by a specific composi-

tion of microflora species and occupy the specific

biotope in the human div.

Until recently, the whole number of microor-

ganisms living in the healthy human div, remained

unexplored. Today due to the large international re-

search trials within the Human Microbiome Project

Meta HIT project (2008-2016), it became possible to

provide a better understanding of the role of the mi-

croflora. The human div contains trillions of micro-

organisms. Their number exceeds the number of so-

matic cells in 10 times, and their total mass comprises

1-3% of the human div weight (Human Microbiome

Jumpstart Reference Strains Consortiumet al., 2010;

National Human Genome Research Institute 2012;

Meta HIT Consortium, 2016). Microorganisms colo-

nize not only all surfaces, but also tissues and organs

that were once considered sterile – breast milk, pla-

centa, bronchi (Martin R.et al., 2010; Gerritsen J.et

al, 2011; Aagaard K. et al., 2014) [7, 11].

The role of normal respiratory microflora in

maintaining the homeostasis of an organism is well

established. The divisions of the upper respiratory

tract have a high microbial burden, since their mu-

cous membrane is the first to resist the actions of var-

ious environmental factors. At the same time the mi-

croflora itself protects the div from pathogenic mi-

croorganisms, providing "colonization immunity",

that is, the resistance of the mucous membranes to

more aggressive microbial colonization prevents the

fixation of bacteria and all other pathogens to their

surface [1,3,5].

The human organism and its normal microflora

is the only interrelated, interdependent natural com-

plex, which state largely determines the state of hu-

man health. Under the influence of various adverse

factors on the human div, or its normal microflora,

changes occur in the internal environment of the or-

ganism, and the state of its normal microflora, first of

all in the intestinal microflora. In the different parts

of the gastrointestinal tract, the composition of nor-

mal microflora significantly differs. Normal micro-

flora of the oral cavity and pharynx is characterized

by a large variety of known species. It consists of

streptococci, staphylococci, lactobacilli, corinebacte-

ria and a large number of anaerobes, especially bac-

teroids [8,10].

It has been established that the human intestine

contains more than 10


microorganisms, that belong

to more than 1000 species and form an intestinal mi-

crobiote. The predominance of a certain type of mi-

croflora depends on genetic, geographical, ethnic and

other factors. Each person has a unique inherent mi-

croflora that is associated with the diet, family histo-

ry, the presence of diseases, the region of residence

and other factors.

There are 3 levels of natural barrier protection

that is performed by the normal intestinal microflora.

The first level (microbial-microbial), when the nor-

mal flora interferes with colonization by pathogens

and provides colonization resistance by competition

for substrates. The second level (microbial-

epithelium), when the normal microflora maintains

and enhances the barrier function of the biotope cells

by increasing mucus production, thickening of the

connections, regeneration of the epithelium. The third

level (microorganism-immune system) is associated

with the fact that a healthy intestinal microflora has

immunomodulatory function and is able to enhance

the immune response. [2,4,12].

Based on the above mentioned data, we hy-

pothesized the possible presence of lactobacteria and

bifidobacteria as the microflora, which provides "col-

onization immunity" in bronchi. Violation of this bal-

ance may occur in cases of the lower respiratory tract

diseases (recurring bronchitis, J40).


To study the evolution of bronchitis

using radiological methods, bronchoscopy and bacte-

riological studies in young patients with lower respir-

atory tract infection under the influence of treatment.

Materials and methods of the study.

We per-

formed a prospective study of 108 patients with the

age from 18 to 35 years, who were examined at the

Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care,

Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate

Education (NMAPE)

from November, 2018 to May,

2017. 61 were men (56.5 ± 4.8%), and 47 – women

(43.5 ± 4.8%). A control group included 20 individu-

als without lower respiratory diseases (men – 13 (65

± 10.7%), women – 7 (35 ± 10.7%). All patients in

the study group had recurrent bronchitis (ICD-10:

J.40 - bronchitis is not specified as acute or chronic),

with 3-4 episodes within the previous 6 months. The

duration of the disease was 0.5 to 2 years, which was

manifested by repeated cough, sometimes with spu-

tum, increase in div temperature 37.5 ºС - 39.2 ºС,

difficulty breathing. Chest X-ray was performed in all

patients for differential diagnosis. In all patients,

bronchoalveolar lavage was taken during the bron-

choscopy procedure at the endoscopic department of

the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 17 and the Kyiv

Regional Clinical Hospital.

The material was taken from patients during

antibiotic therapy, which took into account a number

of antibiotics and the timing of administration. The

obtained material was placed in a sterile container

and was transported to the bacteriological laboratory

background image

Evolution of bronchitis in young patients from the point of view of instrumental and bacterial ...

144 2017, №4 (97) Проблемы биологии и медицины

of the "Ukrainian Center for Control and Monitoring

of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" for up to 2

hours. After the material was delivered to the labora-

tory, a microbiological study was started. Broncho-

alveolar lavage (BAL) 0.1 ml was placed on a blood

agar (BA), chocolate agar (CHOC), Endo medium,

yellow-salt agar (YSA), Enterococcus Selective Agar,

Saburo agar. In addition, the BAL was diluted from



to 10


, and 1 ml of this solution was seeded in a

medium for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Cultures on blood agar, chocolate agar and En-

do medium were incubated at t




С during 24

hours, at yellow-salt agar - at 37


С during 48 hours,

on Saburo agar - at 24


С during 5 days, and on the

medium for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - at 37



during 72 hours. We also made a series of dilutions of

feces from 10


to 10


. The resulted suspensions were

sown on nutrient medium in the following order: 0.1

ml at 10


- Endo medium, Ploskirev and Selenite

broth, 10


- Endo medium, yellow-salt agar, Entero-

coccus Selective Agar, Saburo agar, Simon's medi-

um, blood agar 1 ml at 10


, 10


, 10


- medium for

bifido- and lactobacillus. Sowings from Endo medi-

um, Ploskirev, Selenite broth and bifidobacterium

and lactobacillus medium were incubated at 37



during 24 h on yellow-salt agar, Enterococcus Selec-

tive Agar, Simon medium at 37


С during 48 hours,

in medium for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli at 37°C

during 72 h, Saburo agar - at 24


С during 5 days.

Sowing from Selenite broth was placed on bismuth-

sulfite agar and incubated at 37


С during 48 hours.

All sowings from bronchoalveolar lavage and

feces were reviewed, colonies of every kind of spe-

cies were counted and identified by studying their

morphological, cultural, tincture and biochemical

properties. All nutrient mediums, both for primary

sowing and for the identification of microorganisms,

were developed by "Pharmactiv" Ltd. (Kyiv,

Ukraine). 20 young patients with clinical and bron-

choscopic diagnosis of foreign bodies of the respira-

tory organs, without underlying respiratory diseases,

who had not received antibiotic therapy within the

previous 12 months, were selected as a control group.

We considered these individuals having a healthy

microflora of the respiratory tract. Depending on the

presence or absence of lactobacilli bacteria and

bifidobacteria, all examined patients with recurrent

bronchitis were divided into 3 groups.

The results were processed using the Microsoft

Exel® and STATISTICA for Windows 7.0. For each

parameter, the mean (M) and its standard deviation

(SD) were calculated and the results were expressed

as M ± SD. To determine the presence of a statistical-

ly significant relationship with the risk factor, the

Pearson's chi-squared test (χ2) and the odds ratio

(OR) were used when the groups of the subjects were

compared by the frequency of the risk factor.

Results and discussion.

To achieve this goal

for differential diagnosis, the difference between the

radiographic imaging in the control group (virtually

healthy people) and in patients with recurrent bron-

chitis (3-4 episodes within the previous 6 months)

was estimated using the chest X-ray. Acute bronchitis

and recurrent bronchitis, which is not repeated once,

cannot be identified using direct radiographic signs,

because X-rays pass through the structure of the

bronchial tree. Indirect signs, such as "air bron-

chogram" may be more helpful for this purpose. This

sign depicts the indistinct contours of the lung roots

due to the tissue swelling, which makes it impossible

to confirm the progression of the disease. Examples

of the corresponding X-rays are shown in Fig.1 for

comparison. The moment of the bronchitis evolution

cannot be visualized on the X-rays. The difference

between a normal chest X-ray and an X-ray with re-

current bronchitis is absent in contrast to chronic

bronchitis, where the X-ray shows the enlarged pul-

monary texture, accompanied by the "pair strips" and

"air bronchogram" signs. At that time, during the en-

doscopic examination, the moment of bronchitis evo-

lution was evident (Fig. 2).

a) Normal

b) Recurrent bronchitis

c) Chronic bronchitis

Fig. 1.

Examples of X-rays

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Orijana Tysh, Larysa Matiukha, Anatoly Sergienko

Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2017, №4 (97) 145

a) Normal image

b) Recurrent bronchitis

c) Chronic bronchitis

Fig. 2.

Examples of bronchoscopic images

Here the difference between the normal picture

and recurrent bronchitis is sufficient to be visualized

and for the diagnosis. In a case of recurrent bronchi-

tis, a vascular picture is enlarged, a small amount of

mucus is present, unlike the healthy bronchial muco-

sa, and in contrast to the chronic bronchitis, mucosal

edema and the overproduction of thick bronchial se-

cret. We did not find literature data on the qualitative

or quantitative content of lactobacilli bacteria and

bifidobacteria in the bronchi of helathy indidviduals.

Therefore, we created the control group of young

people who did not have lower respiratory tract dis-

eases and did not take antibiotic therapy for any rea-

son within 1 last year, but who have been clinically

and endoscopically diagnosed with a foreign div of

the respiratory tract. We considered this group

healthy in terms of the presence of the bronchial bio-

tope which is characterized by the physiological pa-

rameters of normal flora. We have determined that

lactobacilli and bifidobacteria were found in 100% of

cases in dilutions of 10


, 10


, 10


, 10


. The fact that

normal flora is present in all examined indidviduals

from the group of comparison makes it possible to

suggest its importance in the formation of the homeo-

stasis of the organism. This group can not be regard-

ed as a control group, because the subjects did not

take antibiotics as a risk factor. In exsperts opinion,

there is no practical possibility of determining the

single standard for the composition of microbiota [7].

Therefore, we focused our attention on the generali-

zation of features for the studied groups rather than

the individual content of the biotope. Considering

this, we pointed out the fact that in groups where lac-

tobacilli or bifidobacteria were present apart or to-

gether, the diversity of the bronchial biota was wider.

In addition to lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria,

one to three different bacterias, mushrooms (S. sali-

varius, S. mitis, S.virida, S. faecalis, S. pneumoniae,

S.haemolyticus, S.aureus, S. aeruginosa, Penicillium

spp, H. parainfluenzae, Escherichia coli) in various

chaotic combinations in terms of qualitative and

quantitative composition. In the absence of lactoba-

cilli bacteria and bifidobacteria, only one or two types

of bacteria (S. salivarius, S. mitis, Escherichia coli)

were present, indicating the "poverty" of the bron-

chial biota and a favorable basis for the progression

of the lower respiratory tract infection in the future,

chronicity the process. In faeces in this group lacto-

bacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria from 10


до 10


were found, pathogenic enterobacteria were not de-

tected. Total number of E. coli from 10


до 10


, E.

coli with poorly expressed enzymatic properties to

11%, hemolytic E. coli to 10


, conditionally patho-

genic enterobacteria to 10



pathogenic Staphylococ-

cus aureus

to 10


, Candida mushrooms to 10


. These

data reflect the higher stability of the intestinal nor-

mal flora than bronchial tubes to antibiotic therapy.

With the anamnestic and clinical data we have identi-

fied a group of patients with bronchitis, which was

repeated within the previous 6 months 3-4 times.

These patients were further divided into 3 groups,

depending on the complete or incomplete presence or

absence of lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria in

the bronchoalveolar lavage. (See Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.

background image

Evolution of bronchitis in young patients from the point of view of instrumental and bacterial ...

146 2017, №4 (97) Проблемы биологии и медицины

Table 1.

Distribution of patients depending on antibiotic therapy. Patients received semi-synthetic penicillins, cephalo-

sporins III generation, macrolides from 5 days to 19 days in different combinations

Antibiotic therapy

within the last 6


The first group (control)

(lactobacilli bacteria and

bifidobacteria are found)

The second group (either lac-

tobacilli bacteria or bifidobac-

teria are found)

The third group

(lactobacilli bacteria

and bifidobacteria are

not found)













20,0± 12,6*







80,0± 12,6*

Notes: * - statistically significant difference between the indicator in group 3 compared with the control group

1 (р


- not statistically significant difference between the indicators in group 2 compared with the control group 1


The highest proportion of patients was includ-

ed in the group I (control, because it was this group

was close to the indicators of the comparative healthy

group), where in bronchoalveolar lavage lactobacilli

bacteria and bifidobacteria were detected - 80 ((74,1

± 4,2)%) persons. The group II 18 ((16,6 ± 3,6)%)

was inspected, in which only lactobacilli bacteria

were detected in bronchoalveolar lavage, or

bifidobacteria. The group III - those in which in

bronchoalveolar lavage wasn’t detected no lactobacil-

li bacteria no bifidobacteria - 10 ((9,3 ± 2,8)%) of the

examined. Subsequently, the data of the groups were

analyzed depending on the presence or absence of

antibiotic therapy during the previous 6 months. The

data is given in Table 1.

According to the obtained data, the group I pa-

tients who did not use antibiotic therapy within the

previous 6 months was 42 ((52,5 ± 5,6)%) individuals

and 38 ((47,5 ± 5,6)%) individuals, where bronchos-

copy was performed after or during antibiotic thera-

py. Among the surveyed group II, it was found that

they did not use antibiotic therapy during the previ-

ous 6 months in 5 ((27.8 ± 10.6)%) patients, and 13

((72.2 ± 10.6)%) - received antibiotic therapy during

the previous 6 months. In group ІІI it was found that

they did not take antibiotic therapy 2 ((20,0 ±

12,6)%) patients and 8 ((80,0 ± 12,6)%) - patients

took it within the previous 6 months.

Based on the acquired data 80% of patients

from the group III (no lactobacilli bacteria and

bifidobacteria), who received antibiotics, demonstrat-

ed chages in bronchial microbiocenosis, which were

statistically different (р

0,05) from the parameters of

the microbiocenosis in the group I (control), where

antibiotics were administered in 47,5%. In the pa-

tients from the group II, where antibiotic therapy was

used in 72,2% of patients, either lacto- or bifidobacte-

ria were found. However these changes were not sig-

nificantly different (p

0,06) from the parameters of

the group I, which may indicate the incompleteness

of negative changes in the bronchial microbiocenosis.

These data were considered by us when calcu-

lating the odds ratio (OR) - for qualitative indicators.

Relative Risk (RR), according to our data, was

2.49 with a 95% confidence interval of 1.16 to 5.37.

The fact that the relative risk value obtained is not

equal to 1 (one) proves that this is a real property of

the population under study, and not an accidental

fluctuation due to our sample. Since 1 is not included

in the confidence interval and the relative risk value

is statistically significantly different from 1, we can

assert (with a probability of error less than 5%) that

the use of antibiotic therapy statistically significantly

increases the frequency of changes in the microflora

of the bronchial tubes in recurrent bronchitis by 2.49


Comparing the groups with the frequency of

detection of risk factors by two methods, the criterion

χ2 (Pearson's chi-squared test) and the odds ratio

(OR), confirmed that with the adoption of antibiotic

therapy, there was a significant decrease in the pres-

ence of lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria in

bronchoalveolar lavage. These data suggest that we

consider the prevention normal microbiocenosis of

bronchial tubes and may restore or preserve it by us-

ing probiotics in the complex treatment of recurrent



1. Based on the acquired data we

found lactobacilli bacteria and bifidobacteria in bron-

choalveolar lavage in

100% of examined individuals,

who had no prior lower respiratory tract diseases

. 2.

Antibiotic therapy significantly increases the fre-

quency of microflora changes in the case of recurrent

bronchitis 2,49 times. 3.

Broncial microbiocenosis is

more sensitive to antibiotic therapy than the intestinal




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підручник: у 2 т.Т.1 /За ред. Професора В. В.

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Бронхообструктивний синдром і можливості його

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Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2017, №4 (97) 147





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Юлдашев Б. А. Цитологические показатели

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с хроническим бронхитом //Світова медицина:

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формування та діагностики хронічного бронхіту в

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ence the human gut microbiome. /PLos One. 2015




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tions between Gut Microbial Colonization in Early

Life and Respiratory Outcomes in Cystic Fibrosis./ J




10.1016/j.jpeds.2015.02.049. Epub 2015 Mar 26. –






Human Microbiome Project Meta HIT project







Segal LN1,2, Clemente JC3,4, Tsay JC1,2, [et al.]

Enrichment of the lung microbiome with oral taxa is

associated with lung inflammation of a Th17 pheno-

type./ Nat Microbiol.2016 Apr 4;1:16031. doi:

10.1038 / nmicrobiol. 2016. 31. – Режим доступу:

https: // www. ncbi. nlm.nih. gov / pubmed /



Vital M1, Harkema JR2, Rizzo M3, [et al.] Altera-

tions of the Murine Gut Microbiome with Age and






Res.2015;2015:892568. doi: 10.1155/2015/892568.

Epub 2015 May 18. – Режим доступу:



Walters WA1, Xu Z2, Knight R3. Meta-analyses

of human gut microbes associated with obesity and

IBD./ FEBS Lett. 2014 Nov 17;588(22):4223-33. doi:

10.1016/j.febslet.2014.09.039. Epub 2014 Oct 13. –

Режим доступу: https:// www. ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/

pubmed/ 25307765.







Отделение семейной медицины и амбулаторного

лечения Национальной медицинской академии

последипломного образования имени Шупика;

*Киевская городская клиническая больница № 17

Мы исследовали 128 пациентов в возрасте

от 18 до 35 лет. Для сравнения в качестве отдель-

ной группы были выбраны 20 валантеров без

предшествующих заболеваний нижних дыхатель-

ных путей. У них было инородное тело дыхатель-

ных путей и они подверглись бронхоскопии с

бронхоальвеолярным лаважем для бактериологи-

ческого анализа. У 108 пациентов был диагности-

рован рецидивирующий бронхит (ICD-10 J.40).

Эти пациенты были дополнительно разделены на

3 группы. Мы также провели дополнительный

бактериологический анализ фекалий, чтобы опре-

делить взаимосвязь между изменениями бронхи-

ального микробиоценоза под влиянием антибак-

териальной терапии по сравнению с изменениями

в биоценозе кишечника. 80% пациентов из III

группы (без бактерий лактобацилл и бифидобак-

терий), которые получали антибиотики, проде-

монстрировали главное в бронхиальном микро-

биоценозе, которые были статистически различны

0,05) по параметрам микробиоценоза в группе

I (контроль), где антибиотики вводились в 47,5%.

У пациентов из II группы, где антибиотикотера-

пия использовалась у 72,2% пациентов, были об-

наружены либо лакто-, либо бифидобактерии.

Однако эти изменения не были существенно раз-

личны (p

0,06) по параметрам I группы, что мо-

жет указывать на неполноту отрицательных изме-

нений в бронхиальном микробиоценозе. Основы-

ваясь на полученных данных, мы обнаружили

бактерии лактобацилл и бифидобактерии в брон-

хоальвеолярном лаваже у 100% обследованных

лиц, у которых не было предшествующих заболе-

ваний нижних дыхательных путей.

Ключевые слова:

микробиоценоз, бронхит,

бактерии лактобацилл, бифидобактерии, брон-

хоальвеолярный лаваж.

Bibliografik manbalar

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Зайков С.В., Гришило А.П., Гришило П.В. Бронхообструктивний синдром i можливост! його ефективно!' корекцп / Украшський пульмонолопчний журнал.-2014, №4-С 25-30.

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Клименко В.А. Значения пробютиюв в лжуванш i профыактиш алерпчних захворювань у детей. //Журнал «УкраТнський мсдичний часопис» № 3 (113) 2016 р.

Шамсиев А. М., Мухаммадиева Л. А., Юлдашев Б. А. Цитологические показатели бронхоальвео-лярной лаважной жидкости у детей с хроническим бронхитом //Светова медицина: сучасш тенденцп та фактори розвитку. - 2017. -С. 46.

Shamsiev А. М. et al. Генетичш механгзми формування та д!агностики хрошчного бронхету в детей //В1сник наукових дослщжснь. 2017. - №. 1.

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tions between Gut Microbial Colonization in Early Life and Respiratory Outcomes in Cystic Fibrosis./ J Pediatr.2015 Jul; 167( 1): 138-47.e 1 -3. doi:

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Segal LN 1,2, Clemente JC3,4, Tsay JC1,2, [et al.] Enrichment of the lung microbiome with oral taxa is associated with lung inflammation of a Th 17 phenotype./ Nat Microbiol.2016 Apr 4;1:16031. doi: 10.1038 / nmicrobiol. 2016. 31. - Режим доступу: https: // www. ncbi. nlm.nih. gov / pubmed / 27572644

Vital Ml, Harkema JR2, Rizzo М3, [et al.] Alterations of the Murine Gut Microbiome with Age and Allergic Airway Disease./ J Lmmunol Res.2015;2015:892568. doi: 10.1155/2015/892568. Epub 2015 May 18. - Режим доступу: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2609050

Walters WAI, Xu Z2, Knight R3. Meta-analyses of human gut microbes associated with obesity and IBD./ FEBS Lett. 2014 Nov 17;588(22):4223-33. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2014.09.039. Epub 2014 Oct 13. -Режим доступу: https:// www. ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/ pubmed/ 25307765.

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