Critical thinking technology in tfl

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Serimbetova, R. (2022). Critical thinking technology in tfl. Renaissance in the Paradigm of Innovations in Education and Technology in the 21st Century, (1), 135–138.
R Serimbetova, Kazakh university of Technology and Business




XXI centuries‘ requirement is to upbring generation who are able to challenge in competition. Nowadays we could notice that many types of teaching technology are being explored. One of the most effective teaching technology is critical thinking technology. To realize in practical way and explore use of method‘s of this new technology during the lessons. To use by connecting effective methods of critical thinking technology during the lessons and author considers observation issues of usage process. These methods have many benefits in progressing, managing main idea of target article, phonetical, morphological and stylistical structure of English language.

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8. Евстигнеев М.Н. Методика формирования компетентности учителя иностранного языка в
области использования информационных и коммуникационных технологий: автореф.
дис…13.00.02. канд.пед.наук. – М., 2012. - 23 с.
9. Calvani A., Fini A., & Ranieri M. Digital competence in K-12: theoretical models, assessment tools
and empirical research // Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicacióicultura. -2010. – No. 40. – Pp.157-171.






mbetova R.

a senior-teacher of Kazakh university of Technology and Business, Kazakhstan


Требованиями XXI века является обучение и воспитание конкурентоспособной

молодежи. На сегодняшний день в учебном процессе широко используются разнообразные
обучающиеся средства и технологии. Одним из эффектных обучающихся технологий в учебном
процессе является технология критического мышления. В данной статье рассматривается
сущность, структура и принципы критического мышления. А также раскрывается характеристика
и особенности использования критического мышления в обучении фонетической,
морфологической и стилистической структуры английского языка.

Ключевые слова:

технология критических мышлений, методика, новая технология, языковая



XXI ғасырда бәсекеге қабілетті ұрпақ тәрбиелеу - бҥгінгі заманның талабы. Қазіргі

таңда оқыту технологияларының кӛптеген тҥрлерінің зерттелініп жатқаны бәрімізге мәлім. Сол
технологиялардың бірі және бірегейі – сын тұрғысынан ойлау технологиясы. Сабақ барысында
осы жаңа технологияны қолданудың әдіс-тәсілдерін зерттеу және практикалық тҥрде іске асыру
жұмыстың мақсаты болып табылады. Автор сын тұрғысынан ойлау технологиясының тиімді және
бірегей әдіс-тәсілдерін ағылшын тілімен байланыстыра отырып сабақ барысында қолдану
мәселелерін қарастырады. Бұл әдіс-тәсілдердің тақырып мазмұнын, ағылшын тілінің
фонетикалық, морфологиялық, стилистикалық құрылымдарын оқушының меңгеруіне қосатын
ҥлесі орасан зор.

Кілт сӛздер

: сын тұрғысынан ойлау технологиясы, әдіс, жаңа технология, тілдік құрылым.


XXI centuries‘ requirement is to upbring generation who are able to challenge in competition.

Nowadays we could notice that many types of teaching technology are being explored. One of the most
effective teaching technology is critical thinking technology. To realize in practical way and explore use
of method‘s of this new technology during the lessons. To use by connecting effective methods of critical
thinking technology during the lessons and author considers observation issues of usage process. These
methods have many benefits in progressing, managing main idea of target article, phonetical,
morphological and stylistical structure of English language.


critical thinking technology, method, new technology, language structure.

The concept of critical thinking we adhere to reflects a concept embedded not only in a core div

of research over the last 30 to 50 years but also derived from roots in ancient Greek. The word ‘‘critical‘‘
derives etymologically from two Greek roots: "kriticos" (meaning discerning judgment) and "kriterion"
(meaning standards). Etymologically, then, the word implies the development of "discerning judgment
based on standards."

Our basic concept of critical thinking is, at root, simple. We could define it as the art of taking

charge of your own mind. Its value is also at root simple: if we can take charge of our own minds, we can
take charge of our lives; we can improve them, bringing them under our self command and direction. Of
course, this requires that we learn self-discipline and the art of self-examination. This involves becoming
interested in how our minds work, how we can monitor, fine tune and modify their operations for the
better. It involves getting into the habit of reflectively examining our impulsive and accustomed ways of
thinking and acting in every dimension of our lives [1: p.25].

Critical thinking activities in TEFL methodology are distinguished according to the skills they are

used to develop: oral speech, writing, reading and listening. Most activities are more convenient as they
are targeted at several skills simultaneously. Among most popular critical thinking activities that are used
on the lessons in order to develop speaking we can name such as general discussion, debates, round
tables, brainstorming, case study, picture or photo narration or description, story-making, puzzles, word
guessing, quizzes, competitions, etc. A number of activities are purposefully employed for improving
students‘ writing skills. We can relate to them such activities as questionnaire filling, notes writing, online

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chatting, completing a story, giving an alternative ending to a story, writing an autobiography, predicting
the future, writing an essay, writing an article, writing a review, etc. I would like to present some of
critical thinking activities that I have found to be most effective on my lessons of English [2: p.27].
Generally, I have noticed that students are genuinely interested in those tasks that provoke their thoughts
and analytical abilities.

Practicing thinking critically when trying to identify similarities and differences in how one and

the same cliché is put in words in another language makes the learning process more enjoyable and
culturally enriching even at the beginning level. Moreover, the English language took the role of the
lingua franca and is used globally by non-native speakers of English for intercultural communication.
Critical thinking skills are indispensable when practicing such intellectual traits as empathy and tolerance
thus getting ready for communication in multicultural contexts. One more aspect justifying and even
requiring critical thinking introduction in the ELT class arises due to the rapidly growing international
student mobility trends and the use of English as the language of instruction in universities around the
world [3: p.151].

Researchers of the American Foundation for Critical Thinking argue that critical thinking is not

as a natural skill as speaking or running, it is a deliberately developed complex set of skills and features
which takes years to acquire. Similarly, a foreign language acquisition needs years of persistent training.
So practicing both simultaneously saves time and provides a synergy effect: developing the former we
improve the latter and vice versa. Finally, critical thinking requires active and interactive learning. It does
not tolerate passive learning, taking new things and opinions as ready-made words of wisdom. In our
experience, students tend to learn better by actively Elena K. Vdovina and Lourdes Cardozo Gaibisso
communicating with each other in a particular academic content, especially if they are encouraged to
apply critical thinking when comparing their views and ideas, when evaluating arguments, when probing
into the intellectual standards of clarity and accuracy, breadth and width, relevance and fair-mindedness,
etc. [4: p.125]. Engaged in the interactive activities while practicing both communicative skills and
critical thinking, students have a better chance to improve their self-consciousness, their understanding of
their abilities and of their limits and thus paving the road to self-improvement as learners, as future
professional and as individuals.

How to integrate critical thinking in a lesson plan? So far we have focused our attention on

exploring some theoretical aspects of critical thinking, but as every English language teacher knows, it
might be hard to find the way to apply and develop lesson plans that address critical thinking in viable
and realistic ways. As usual, there are different contexts and student characteristics that may influence the
degree to which critical thinking can be introduced and developed, but we firmly believe that the first
steps are planning, experimenting and reflecting. Our own practice and students feedback will provide the
teacher with the necessary information to start redesigning lessons so that they involve students in the
development of critical thinking, i.e. to adapt content, language tasks, learning strategies in cognitive and
affective domains. Undoubtedly, writing a lesson plan helps to organize our thoughts and have a
framework that indicates how to take our students to certain ―learning destinations‖ [5: p.56].

A lesson plan: reading a story and thinking critically Let us take a lesson which has been

developed for university undergraduates in order to develop their reading comprehension and speaking
skills by applying some critical strategies relevant for the activities of the lesson. For that purpose we
have chosen a humorous story of a failed romantic relationship between a boy and a girl in a university
context with the plot development around teaching/learning some elements of logic, namely, logical
fallacies. So there are two areas of speculation which we thought are open for our students to practice
communicative skills of reading, listening, and talking by applying some of critical thinking strategies.
We thought that an exchange of ideas concerning the plot should be supplemented by more complex
activities related to the cognitive and affective domains as the students have an opportunity to learn some
elements of the science of logic and to think deeply about the factors which have an impact on the
relationship developments.

Nowadays, as we mentioned before critical thinking technology is widespread. This technology is

being used almost every branch of teaching. Due to my researches based on this technology I also decided
to use this technology at the English lesson. Some vivid strategies of critical thinking technology is used
in the following lesson samples.

Teacher of English:

Yergazy Daulet




№23 state school


9 «B»


: Future Professions

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Present Simple

Aims of the lesson:



to inform students with many specialties, to help them to choose future professions.



to make students think critically, to increase their interest on

English language.



to explain them to be respectful for all professions.

Methods of lesson :

warming up, brainstorming, matching,а guessing game, self-evaluation,


Procedure of the lesson

1) Organizational moment:

1) Greeting
2) Preparation of the pupils for a lesson
3) Children, please open your note book and write the date

2) Checking home task.

Now let‘s start our lesson. Q; what was your home task?

-Who is ready? Are you ready? I am sure you are ready.

3. Warming up:

To play game by throwing a ball to each other. The student who catches the ball will

say his, her opinion.

1. Brainstorming:

Answer the questions.


Which job do you like?




How much do you earn?


Do you enjoy your work?


What do you think of the responsibility of your job?

2. Matching:

Match a job in A with the information in B.

a) a clerk

help people buу and sell building and land

b) an architect

wears and shows new fashions

c) a disc jockey

does general office work

d) a geologist

decides cases in a court law

e) a judge

introduces music and songs on the radio

f) a model

designs and draws plans for new buildings

g) a civil servant

studies rocks, soil, mountains

h) a realtor

works for thegovernment

3. A guessing game.

* You teach pupils, students.

Your job is difficult but you have a long holiday. What jobs is it?


Relaxation time




Home task:

They should do exercises 11, 12 on page 50

-Have you any questions for me? You can ask me.
Thank you for your attention. It was very interesting lesson.


Putting mark:

-The lesson is over. You are free.

The fundamental issue, which most teachers tend to ignore, is the capabilities of their learners. If

teachers continue to disregard learners' views and opinions, or suppress them without ever giving the
learners the chance to express themselves, then the learners would not be able to train and use their
thinking skills. Teachers should facilitate and encourage creative and critical thinking skills by viewing
their learners differently from what they had presumed. They are not providers but thinkers who
constantly think of what could be done to encourage creative and critical thinking in their learners.

* You don‘t walk. You don‘t talk to the people in your cabin. You‘re in the air. What jobs is it?
* You look after people in hospital. You sometimes work day and sometimes night. What jobs is
* You build houses, buildings. What jobs is it?

* You interview people. You write articles for newspapers. What jobs is it?

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1. Bean, J.C. Engaging ideas: The professor‘s guide to integrating writing, critical thinking and active
learning in the classroom, 1996. - p. 60.
2. Bereiter, C., &Scardamalia, W.R.Commentary on Part I: Process and Product Problem-Based Learning
(PBL) Research. Problem Based Learning: A Research Perspective on Learning Interactions, 2000. - p.
3. Mahwah, N. J: Lawrence Erlbaum. Beyer, B. K. Critical thinking: What is it? Social Education, 2005. -
p. 149.
4. Correia, R. Encouraging Critical Reading in the EFL Classroom. English Teaching Forum, 2006. - p.
5. Dods, R. F. An action research study of the effectiveness of problem-based learning in promoting the
acquisition and retention of knowledge, 2007. - p. 258.


Abdieva A.

a master-teacher, Turkistan high multi profile craft college, Kazakhstan


Мақалада шет тілін оқытуды жетілдіру, қабылданған нәтижеге қол жеткізудің тиімді

әдістерінің бірі ретінде іс-әрекет арқылы зерттеу әдісі қарастырылады. Бұл әдіс Батыстың
ғалымдары мен мамандарының тарапынан ӛткен ғасырдың ортасынан бастап қолданыла бастады.
Іс-әрекет арқылы зерттеу ғылыми-зерттеу әдісімен салыстырғанда тұрақты емес. Іс-әрекет арқылы
зерттеу спираль формасы болып табылады және зерттелетін тақырыпты мән-жайларға байланысты
ӛзгерте алады. Сондай-ақ, зерттеу барысында біздің зерттеуізге тікелей мҥдделі тараптардың
пікірлерін, әріптестердің пікірлерін және осы мәселе бойынша студенттердің кӛзқарастарын
ескеруіміз керек.

Кілт сӛздер:

action research, іс-әрекет арқылы зерттеу, шет тілі, әдіс


Статья рассматривает способ улучшения обучения иностранного языка. Action

research, исследование в действии, как один из эффективных способов достижения необходимого
результата. Этот метод начал использоваться учеными и профессионалами Запада с середины
прошлого века. Исследование в действии не является постоянным, в отличие от академического
метода исследования. Исследование в действии имеет форму спирали и может сменить тему
исследования в зависимости от обстоятельств. Также необходимо обратить внимание, при
проведении исследования мы должны учитывать мнения заинтересованных сторон в нашем
случаи мнению коллег и мнения студентов по данному вопросу.

Ключевые слова:

Action research, иностранный язык, преподавание, метод, исследование в



The article considers one of the ways of improvement of teaching, in particular, English.

Action Research, studying in operation, as one of the effective ways of achievement of the necessary
result. This method began to be used by scientists and professionals of the West from the middle of the
last century. The research business is not static, unlike the academic method of a research. It has the form
of a spiral and can change a research subject depending on circumstances. In addition, it is necessary to
pay attention that when carrying out a research we have to consider the opinion of stakeholders, in our
case opinion of colleagues and opinion of students.


action research, teaching, foreign language, method, studying in operation

Action research is either research initiated to solve an immediate problem or a reflective process

of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a
"community of practice" to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. There are two types
of action research: participatory and practical.

Action research involves actively participating in a change situation, often via an existing

organization, whilst simultaneously conducting research. Action research can also be undertaken by
larger organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional researchers, with the aim of
improving their strategies, practices and knowledge of the environments within which they practice. As
designers and stakeholders, researchers work with others to propose a new course of action to help their
community improve its work practices.

Kurt Lewin, then a professor at MIT, first coined the term "action research" in 1944. In his 1946

paper "Action Research and Minority Problems" he described action research as "a comparative research
on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action and research leading to social action" that


Bean, J.C. Engaging ideas: The professor’s guide to integrating writing, critical thinking and active learning in the classroom,1996. - p. 60.

Bereiter, C„ &Scardamalia, W.R.Commentary on Part 1: Process and Product Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Research. Problem Based Learning: A Research Perspective on Learning Interactions, 2000. - p. 248.

Mahwah, N. J: Lawrence Erlbaum. Beyer, В. K. Critical thinking: What is it? Social Education, 2005. -p. 149.

Correia, R. Encouraging Critical Reading in the EFL Classroom. English Teaching Forum, 2006. - p. 218.

Dods, R. F. An action research study of the effectiveness of problem-based learning in promoting the acquisition and retention of knowledge, 2007. - p. 258.

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