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Ibraimova, G. . (2024). THE PEDAGOGICAL CONDITION OF TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG LEARNERS. Modern Science and Research, 3(2), 1346–1351. Retrieved from


This article covers the great importance attached to modern methods of teaching foreign languages in the process of preschool education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the modern teaching methods needed to organize them.

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Ibraimova Gulmira Askarovna

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute pedagogic department 1st head doctoral student.


This article covers the great importance attached to modern methods of teaching

foreign languages in the process of preschool education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as
the modern teaching methods needed to organize them.

Key words:

Foreign language in preschool education, Finnish teaching system, method of

sign and picture, method of sound recognition and adaptation, method of organization with the
natural world, method of adapting low activity to students.




В данной статье освещено большое значение, придаваемое

современным методам обучения иностранным языкам в процессе дошкольного
образования в Республике Узбекистан, а также современным методам обучения,
необходимым для их организации.

Ключевые слова:

Иностранный язык в дошкольном образовании, финская система

обучения, метод жестов и изображений, метод распознавания и адаптации звуков, метод
организации с миром природы, метод адаптации малоактивных учащихся.

After our country gained independence, great attention has been paid to learning foreign

languages in our country. In particular, the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
"On the further improvement of the system of learning foreign languages" adopted on December
10, 2012, and the introduction of foreign languages in the first classes of general education schools
from the 2013-2014 school year. the introduction of continuous training is proof of this.

Nowadays, foreign language, especially English, is taught not only to students of schools,

lyceums, colleges and universities, but also to students of M.T.M. and employees working in
various fields. There's a reason for that, of course. Learning the languages of economically,
scientifically, and culturally developed countries is the main factor in acquiring the achievements
of world science and development.

Language learning also depends on age periods. According to psychologists, children learn

language faster and easier than adults. The main reasons for this are the natural tendency of
children to learn languages, the fact that they have a strong ability to imitate, and the fact that
children have more time than adults. It should be noted that 6-7-year-old children do not
understand the meaning of information, but memorize it mechanically. Therefore, it is necessary
not to start teaching English to elementary school students with grammatical concepts. Otherwise,
from the first step of learning a foreign language, it is possible to strain the child and extinguish
his interest.

Therefore, teaching a foreign language to young children is very difficult and responsible.
The following methods can be used to teach children English in a meaningful and

interesting way:

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- to teach by means of songs and poems the letters or combinations that are difficult to

explain or remember, that do not have meaning.

For example, it can be shown that children learn the English alphabet by singing rather than

simply memorizing it.

- games related to mental and physical activities;
- cartoons; While children do not understand the words in the cartoon during language

learning, they try to understand the words they use through the actions of the cartoon characters.

This is an interesting and effective way for children to learn the language.
- role play, the teacher should role-play or play it to children while teaching some

information, for example, the names of animals or birds. For example: a student howls a dog,
meows a cat

shows, another student needs to find out which animal these sounds belong to and say its

English name.

After our country gained independence, great attention has been paid to learning foreign

languages in our country. In particular, the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
"On the further improvement of the system of learning foreign languages" adopted on December
10, 2012, and the introduction of foreign languages in the first classes of general education schools
from the 2013-2014 school year. the introduction of continuous training is proof of this.

Nowadays, foreign language, especially English, is taught not only to students of schools,

lyceums, colleges and universities, but also to students of M.T.M. and employees working in
various fields. There's a reason for that, of course. Learning the languages of economically,
scientifically, and culturally developed countries is the main factor in acquiring the achievements
of world science and development.

Language learning also depends on age periods. According to psychologists, children learn

language faster and easier than adults. The main reasons for this are the natural tendency of
children to learn languages, the fact that they have a strong ability to imitate, and the fact that
children have more time than adults. It should be noted that 6-7-year-old children do not
understand the meaning of information, but memorize it mechanically. Therefore, it is necessary
not to start teaching English to elementary school students with grammatical concepts. Otherwise,
from the first step of learning a foreign language, it is possible to strain the child and extinguish
his interest.

Therefore, teaching a foreign language to young children is very difficult and responsible.
The following methods can be used to teach children English in a meaningful and

interesting way:

- to teach by means of songs and poems the letters or combinations that are difficult to

explain or remember, that do not have meaning.

For example, it can be shown that children learn the English alphabet by singing rather than

simply memorizing it.

- games related to mental and physical activities;
- cartoons; While children do not understand the words in the cartoon during language

learning, they try to understand the words they use through the actions of the cartoon characters.

This is an interesting and effective way for children to learn the language.

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- role play, the teacher should role-play or play it to children while teaching some

information, for example, the names of animals or birds. For example: a student howls a dog,
meows a cat

shows, another student needs to find out which animal these sounds belong to and say its

English name.

- subject environment; If the teacher can create that environment depending on the subject,

the children will learn the language better. For example: traveling, birthday, in the kitchen, etc. On
the topic of traveling, the teacher organizes a trip, information about the importance of traveling
(foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane), where to travel (Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara,
England, USA) This will strengthen the students' vocabulary, language skills, and develop their

- riddles; Children have a strong interest in finding answers to riddles. Therefore, when the

teacher tells the riddle in English or Uzbek, he should ask the children to answer it in English.

Then children learn words quickly.
- practical activities (tasting fruits and other foods, smelling flowers); This sentence can be

explained by the thoughts of a practicing psychologist: "The pedagogue, who wants something to
be firmly fixed in the children's memory, should use as many of the child's sensory organs as
possible: eyes, ears, sound organs, muscle sensations, and even if if possible, he should try to
involve the organs of smell and taste in the process of remembering".

For example: when a teacher tastes an apple, its color is red or green, He should give

information about the smell of whether it is sweet (tasty) or sour () or fragrant () and by feeding
the fruits to other students, he should ask the children to give information about that fruit in
English. it also helps in further learning. If the teacher asks the students the English name of the
colors, the child immediately remembers the time when he ate the fruit, he quickly remembers that
it is red-red and green-green. Therefore, using such a method helps the student's ensures that
information is kept in memory for a long time.

- through gestures, facial expressions; When the teacher says something to the child or

gives an order, for example, if he uses gestures in sentences such as "come here", "open the book",
"stand up", "look at the blackboard" will be clear.

- through visual aids, posters, books;
- things that are visible and often used in everyday life, objects
to write For example: door, book, table, blackboard,
write to window and so on. Since such things are always visible and often used in practice,

the child learns these words involuntarily.

- through news; We know that children are curious. They quickly get bored with the

sameness. Therefore, it is necessary to teach them not always using the same methods, but to
change and update such methods. Otherwise, children will understand how the teacher will teach
and prepare for it. Teaching with innovative methods raises children's aspirations.

In conclusion, language teaching to young children should be conducted as an interesting

activity and not as a duty. Learning using several effective methods can serve as a foundation for
their future knowledge. It is necessary to explain to children how important it is to learn foreign
languages through natural conditions. For example, the great thinker Abu Nasr Farabi knew many

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foreign languages perfectly, was able to speak them easily and created in them. Such an
opportunity motivated scholars to study world science and do great things. After all, as our
grandfather Navoi used to say, "He who knows the language knows the world."

Today, the ability to know foreign languages is becoming one of the integral parts of

professional education. This does not exclude the process of preschool education. The importance
of teaching foreign languages during youth education has increased significantly. Natalya Kireeva,
a religious scientist, candidate of historical sciences, senior teacher, said: "Either we prepare for
life or for exams. We choose the first one." he emphasized. Recently, he spoke about the local
education system and principles, and shared his thoughts on why Finnish education is considered
one of the best in the world. Nowadays, paying attention to preschool education means social,
economic and spiritual development of the state. Emphasizing that

To help you succeed, we're asking preschool experts to share their favorite early childhood

teaching strategies. This list of teaching strategies for the preschool age group provides excellent
transition opportunities for growth and learning as an educator.

1. Method of working with characters and pictures. One way to promote everyday

vocabulary is to "give children a verbal guide to common brands and symbols," says Dr. Elaine
Fogel Schneider, director of Touchtime International. He explains that picture-to-word translation
helps develop language. That is, it helps children learn new languages quickly and easily.

2. Voice recognition and matching method. For this activity, you will need several large

letters cut out of cardboard and several small, but not too large, things that begin with these letters.

For example, if your letters are M and K, and you have a cat and an elephant. Begin by

telling the child the sound a cat makes. Then, encourage the child to find something that starts with
the same sound and stick it to the letter. Decorated letters can be kept in the classroom or taken
home to share with parents. Schneider said the activity is a favorite among students because it
gives them a hands-on approach to learning. In addition, it creates a "masterpiece".

3. A way to get used to the natural world. Children are very interested in learning lessons

in the natural environment. Usually, a backyard garden can be a great way to educate them about
the natural world. This method of growing a plant from seed to maturity is important not only for
children to learn about their growth, but also for them to quickly and easily learn words in a foreign
language. This method relieves stress and helps improve fine motor skills.

4. The method of adapting one's activity to students. It can be easy to fall back on the

teacher's manual or regular lessons you memorized in kindergarten. However, for some children,
this causes problems. Gretzinger says children should be sensitive to children in non-traditional
home environments. Think twice before asking students to draw pictures of their families - think
about how an adopted or estranged child might feel and how other children might react need
Inclusive activities can take a little longer, especially at the beginning of the year when you may
not know all of your students, but a child's sense of embarrassment is known when you keep the
mess. In this, the educator should continue his creativity. Pre-school education is the first stage of
education and upbringing of our youth.

The right preschool program should help our children grow and learn in ways that match

their unique intelligence. But children, unlike adults, do not learn thinking about the future,
tomorrow. The English lesson should be held in the sense of "right here and right now". Children

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learn a foreign language more easily by understanding stories or winning games. If they want, they
can consolidate the information they have learned through games with their participation. On the
one hand, the content expressed in language should be related to children's life and daily life, on
the other hand, activities or tasks that engage children in communication should be interesting and
important. During the lesson, students understand themselves as a part of the lesson and behave
and act like the characters of the play during the lesson. In elementary grades, foreign language
learning is usually very effective and successful when it is learned using action methods based on
life situations and games. If a foreign language is taught through game-plot situations, all children
will participate willingly, because in this way they feel that they are a part of that situation.
Students "live" with a foreign language, first of all, in their classrooms.

Therefore, if it is possible to communicate in the classroom, it should be in that foreign

language. Children can not only understand instructions, but also express their needs using a
foreign language. In this regard, it is useful to communicate with English-speaking people (native
English speakers) and invite them to the class. According to the constructive approach, children
should learn the meaning of words and rules in as many languages as possible. It also helps them
develop their basic thinking skills. Like all learners, children have different learning styles. Talim
for children takes into account all styles of talim. Tactic and kinesthetic types of learning require
special attention from the student. Pupils' talents, skills, knowledge and interests are wider in
primary schools. Learning a foreign language also depends on the learner's ability to understand
well. During the teaching of a foreign language, it is necessary to encourage each child for his
actions. They should develop acoustic, kinesthetic, rhythmic and visual differentiation.

Children learn quickly, but forget quickly. Therefore, it is possible to help children

remember the speech by repeating it several times and using games or handouts on this topic.

Courses are spiral, and regular repetitions are an integral part. Successful teaching of

foreign languages requires comprehensive methods. The quantity and quality of communication
are the main reasons for faster language learning. During the lesson, students' attention should be
focused mainly on the content and importance of the language.

Students should first focus on the content of the language. Successful teaching of foreign

languages also depends on how skillfully the teacher uses the opportunities available to him. Pupils
should be given such tasks so that they are forced to apply and retain the knowledge they have
learned during the lesson. Communication opportunities are important in the development of
language skills. Social interaction, especially when students are able to apply the meaning of the
language, enables them to use the language effectively. The teacher's ability to communicate and
negotiate for this process is one of the main conditions for successful teaching.

Foreign language education should, first of all, focus on the study of everyday, real

knowledge and conicts of a foreign language, but the development of specific knowledge should
not be neglected. If we dwell on the methodical and didactic views used in the teaching of a foreign
language, we need to emphasize the following: The teaching process is not only communicative,
but it is necessary to include competences that give the opportunity to use the knowledge learned
in the future. Many children are interested in learning foreign languages. Their interest is definitely
related to the organization of the lesson process and the children's ability to achieve certain success
in this lesson process. It is wrong to believe that this interest will remain the same throughout the

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years, therefore, pedagogues need to take care of it, that is, ensure that students participate in the
lesson with joy and success. The content and purpose of the lesson will be understandable and
memorable to the students only if the topics being studied, as well as the questions, are important,
interesting and relevant for the students. Foreign language learners encounter another language
and culture in foreign language education. For this reason, it is recommended to use reliable
materials specific to that foreign language, texts and texts that can convey that culture.


In conclusion, it is necessary to say that the role of preschool education is important for

our children to become adults. We need to provide them with modern technologies and modern
education system. Pre-school education is of great importance for the development of the roots of
every person in the society, that is, for them to grow up as children worthy of their motherland and
strong individuals in the future. We need to pay more attention to the education of our children,
create modern conditions, and help them learn using new methods. Learning foreign languages is
also important for children to open the door to new opportunities in the future, for them to become
qualified personnel, and for them to mature into a person who is beneficial to the whole society.

That is why we teach our children from a young age, make them interested in reading, do

not forget every child in our society, deal with children who have difficulty learning, draw their
attention with various interesting games, learn foreign languages. It is not wrong to say that our
regular encouragement during training is the first step for their future education.



O’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2012 yil 10 dekabrdagi “Chet tillarini o’rganish
tizimini yanada takomillashtirish chora tadbirlari to’g’risida” gi PQ -1875-sonli qarori.


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Буриева Н. Г. Using songs and music in teaching English to young learners // Молодой
ученый_ 2017


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Phillips S. (1993) Young learners. Oxford. England: Oxford University Press. Griffe, D.
(1992) Songs in actions: Classroom techniques and resources. New York. Prentice Hall.


O’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2012 yil 10 dekabrdagi “Chet tillarini o’rganish tizimini yanada takomillashtirish chora tadbirlari to’g’risida” gi PQ -1875-sonli qarori.

Iriskulov A.T va boshqalar; Kids’ English pupil’s book 2-sinf -Toshkent - O’zbekiston ; 2014

Passov Ye.I. Kommunikativniy metod obucheniya inoyazichnomu govoreniyu . M.: Prosveshenie, 1991

Xoshimov O’. Yoqubov I. Ingliz tili O’qitish metodikasi. T., -2003

Vyatyutnev M.N . Obuchenie inostrannomu yaziku v nachalnoy shkole. /inostranniy yazik v shkole , 1990.

Буриева Н. Г. Using songs and music in teaching English to young learners // Молодой ученый_ 2017

Krashen, Stephen D. and Terrel, Tracy. D. (1983). The natural approach. New Jersey: Alemany Press Regent / Prentice Hall.

Phillips S. (1993) Young learners. Oxford. England: Oxford University Press. Griffe, D. (1992) Songs in actions: Classroom techniques and resources. New York. Prentice Hall.

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