Prevention and treatment of inflammatory complications of dental implantation



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Халманов, Б., Икрамов, Г., & Султонхуджаев, Б. (2020). Prevention and treatment of inflammatory complications of dental implantation. in Library, 20(4), 28–29. извлечено от


Dental implantation is the most relevant, promising and demanded direction in modern dentistry and prosthetics. According to statistical studies, the prevalence of dentition defects reaches 80% among the working-age population of Uzbekistan. These indicators indicate a high need of the population for orthopedic and surgical care. That is why dental implantation  is  so relevant  today.  Despite  the  many  advantages, the  rapid  development and  improvement  of  technologies,  modern  implantation  has  a  significant  drawback  - complications in the postoperative period. As a result, the issue of developing preventive measures  to  reduce  the  risk  of  complications  in  the  postoperative  period  during  dental implantation is  of great  importance.

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December | 2020



Khalmanov Bohodir Abdurashidovich, Ikramov Gayrat Alimovich, Sultonhujaev

Bahodir Botirhujaevich

Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan

Abstract.Dental implantation is the most relevant, promising and demanded direction in

modern dentistry and prosthetics. According to statistical studies, the prevalence of dentition
defects reaches 80% among the working-age population of Uzbekistan. These indicators
indicate a high need of the population for orthopedic and surgical care. That is why dental
implantation is so relevant today. Despite the many advantages, the rapid development
and improvement of technologies, modern implantation has a significant drawback -
complications in the postoperative period. As a result, the issue of developing preventive
measures to reduce the risk of complications in the postoperative period during dental
implantation is of great importance.

Key words: adentia, transgingivally, electrogalvanic, osteoradionecrosis, idiopathic diseases,

malignant tumors, dental implantation.

In many countries, the number of patients with fixed dentures on implants is increasing.

Each manufacturer, producing implants, makes various changes in their shape or
metal composition, which affect the primary stabilization and osseointegration of the
implant. In this regard, there are various types of implants. Depending on the shape of
the intraosseous part, most dental implants can be divided into implants, to one degree
or another, repeating the shape of the tooth root (cylindrical, screw, plate, combined).
By design, they can be non-collapsible and collapsible. Depending on the material and
surface structure - ceramic and metal, porous and compact, smooth, textured or
bioactive. Depending on the installation technique, implants can be one- and two-stage.
In addition, the methods of placing implants in the alveolar processes of the jaws are
being changed and modified, namely: the incision and formation of the implant bed,
transgingivally - directly through the mucosa. The listed techniques also affect the
recovery time and the final result of the implantation operation.

Purpose of the study: To describe a set of preventive measures that help minimize the

risk of complications in the postoperative period during dental implantation.

Research objectives: To describe a set of preventive measures that help reduce the risk

of complications in the postoperative period during dental implantation.

Materials and methods of research: We studied 23 patients with secondary adentia on

the basis of the clinic of surgical dentistry of the Tashkent State Dental Institute. All
patients underwent clinical and radiological research methods

Results and discussion: Indications for implantation are: dentition defects, complete

adentia, inability to use removable dentures, for example, due to allergies or gag reflex.
Contraindications to implantation are divided into several large groups, general
contraindications are serious diseases of various organ systems, as well as drug addiction,
alcoholism and a number of infectious diseases.

I would like to pay special attention to absolute local contraindications for dental

implantation, which are:

1) malignant tumors, benign tumors and tumor-like formations of the maxillofacial


2) osteoradionecrosis;
3) the presence of precancerous diseases of the red border of the li ps or oral mucosa;

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December | 2020


4) the presence of clinical symptoms of metal intolerance;
5) severe form of generalized periodontitis or periodontal disease;
6) idiopathic diseases with progressive damage to periodontal tissues (Papillon-

Lefebvre syndrome);

7) low hygienic culture of the patient and his unwillingness to maintain high hygiene

of the oral cavity.

A number of diseases, bad habits and other contraindications that are not taken into

account during surgery can adversely affect the further process of implant engraftment.
To resolve the issue of the possibility of an operation, patients need to undergo a
comprehensive examination. It includes the collection of anamnesis, general clinical
analyzes, in particular, a general blood test and a general urine test, an examination of
the oral cavity - an assessment of the condition of the teeth, alveolar processes, mucous
membranes, the type of bite, the state of oral hygiene.

Also, during the examination, it is necessary to carry out an X-ray examination of the

dentition using the methods of X-ray and computed tomography. This method makes it
possible to assess a number of important indicators: the condition of the jaw bones, their
density, the nature of the trabecular pattern, the type of maxillary sinuses, the height
and width of the alveolar processes, the degree of their atrophy, the distance between
the alveolar edge and the bottom of the maxillary sinus or the mandibular canal. An
important link in the planning of the operation is instrumental examination, namely,
measuring the width of the alveolar processes, determining electrogalvanic potentials
using dissimilar metals, and conducting stereolithography.

I would like to focus on the mandatory rehabilitation of the oral cavity of patients,

including the removal of dental plaque and decayed teeth, treatment of caries and
periodontal diseases. In certain clinical cases, the patient is shown surgical correction of
scars of the mucous membrane and alveolar process, plastic of the frenum or tongue,
as well as orthopedic preparation - normalization of the bite height, elimination of
deformities of the dentition.

Conclusion. Apply a set of preventive and therapeutic measures to minimize the risk of

complications in the postoperative period during dental implantation.

1.Arkharov S.L. Study of the effectiveness of computed tomography and other methods

of X-ray examination in planning dental implantation surgery: Author's abstract. dissertation
of candidate of medical sciences Novosibirsk, 1999, -20 p.

2.Ivanov S.Yu., Bychkov A.I., Shirokov Yu.E. The use of magnetic stimulation in

the postoperative period with dental implantation // Institute of Dentistry, 2010, No. 4,
pp. 34-35.

3.Fox C.S., Moriarty J.D., Kusy R.P. The effects of scaling titanium implant surfaces

with metal and plastic instruments: An in vitro study // J. Periodontal. -2004. V. 61. - p.

4.Zocher A. Der Dioden Laser // Int. J. Oral Maxillifac. Im plants. 2005, V. 11, p. 812-


Библиографические ссылки

Arkharov S.L. Study of the effectiveness of computed tomography and other methods of X-ray examination in planning dental implantation surgery: Author's abstract, dissertation of candidate of medical sciences Novosibirsk, 1999, -20 p.

Ivanov S.Yu., Bychkov A.I., Shirokov Yu.E. The use of magnetic stimulation in the postoperative period with dental implantation // Institute of Dentistry, 2010, No. 4, pp. 34-35.

Fox C.S., Moriarty J.D., Kusy R.P. The effects of scaling titanium implant surfaces with metal and plastic instruments: An in vitro study // J. Periodontal. -2004. V. 61. - p. 485-490.

Zocher A. Der Dioden Laser // Int. J. Oral Maxillifac. Im plants. 2005, V. 11, p. 812-815.

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