Probiotics in the complex treatment of patients with facial furuncles



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Икрамов, Г., Халманов, Б., Абдурахмонова, Л., & Олимжонова, Г. (2020). Probiotics in the complex treatment of patients with facial furuncles. in Library, 20(1), 30–31. извлечено от


The  problem  of  purulent  infection  in  maxillofacial  surgery  has  been  and  a remains  relevant,  which  is  explained  by  an  increase  in  the  number  of  patients  with inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial region, an increase in the number of cases of severe generalized infections.

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International scientific and practical Conference
Modern views and research December | 2020



Ikramov Gayrat Alimovich, Khalmanov Bohodir Abdurashidovich,

Abdurakhmonova Laziza Shermat kizi, Olimjonova Gulruh Gayrat kizi

Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan

Abstract.The problem of purulent infection in maxillofacial surgery has been and a

remains relevant, which is explained by an increase in the number of patients with
inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial region, an increase in the number of cases of
severe generalized infections.

Key words: purulent-inflammatory processes, Bactalor, Florbiolact, mediastinitis, boils,

carbuncles, furuncles.

Despite the widespread introduction into clinical practice of such methods of treatment

as local and general surgery, the use of antibacterial drugs and chemotherapeutic
agents, detoxification and corrective therapy, therapy of concomitant diseases, modern
physiotherapeutic agents, inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region continue to
pose a threat to health and human life.

There is also a change in the clinical picture of the course of acute and chronic

inflammatory diseases in the maxillofacial region, an increase in the number of
complications such as sepsis, mediastinitis, brain abscess, thrombophlebitis of the
facial veins and cavernous sinus, bacterial shock. This is accompanied by a change in the
virulence of microflora, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-dependent
strains of microorganisms, a decrease in immune defense, which intensifies against the
background of dysbiosis of the gastrointestinal tract during antibacterial treatment of
purulent-inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region, which complicates the
course of the disease and complicates the treatment of patients.

Existing diagnostic methods, including clinical ones, do not always allow adequate

monitoring of the pathological process, which does not give the doctor a timely,
effective correction of the patient's treatment. This applies to microbiological, laboratory
diagnostic methods.

These patterns in the course of purulent-inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial

region and their clinical laboratory aspects indicate the need to improve existing methods
of treatment and diagnosis. All of the above suggests that the problem of infection in
patients with purulent-inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region and neck remains
relevant. This makes it necessary to search for new effective treatments that affect
various links in the pathogenesis of inflammation and predict the course of the disease.

However, along with the development of diagnostic methods, it seems relevant to

further develop a complex therapy of boils and carbuncles of the maxillofacial region
with the inclusion of factors that have their own specific focus both on individual
pathogenetic links of purulent inflammation, and on the pathological process and the
patient's div as a whole. This creates more favorable conditions for recovery. It follows
from this that medicinal products must be compatible with the macroorganism and must
have a minimum of contraindications. As such, various biologically active compounds
can be considered that have a positive multifactorial effect, both on the pathological
process and on the patient's div as a whole.

For this purpose, in our work we used probiotic preparations "Bactalor" and


Objective of the study: To substantiate the effectiveness of the use of probiotics in the

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International scientific and practical Conference
Modern views and research December | 2020

complex treatment of boils of the maxillofacial region

Research objectives:
To carry out a comparative analysis of microbiological studies using probiotics "Bactalor"

and "Florbiolact" after opening a purulent focus.

Research materials:
Examined 3 groups of children after after the opening of purulent foci
I-group. With the use of traditional postoperative wound care (n-20), II-group of

traditional postoperative wound care using probiotics Bactolor (n-20) and III-group
Florbiolact (n-20) in the form of washing and ingestion after surgery.

Research methods: clinical, immunological and microbiological (a generally accepted

bacteriological method with the study of the cultural and biological properties of
isolated microorganisms).

The microflora of a purulent focus was studied in patients with boils of the maxillofacial

region using probiotics "Bactalor" and "Florbiolact". In patients with boils of the
maxillofacial region after surgery, a significant shift in the qualitative composition of the
microflora towards pathogenic species was revealed, as well as quantitative changes in
the normal stabilizing microflora of a purulent wound. The use of probiotics "Bactalor"
and "Florbiolact" in the form of ingestion and washing the wound in patients after
surgery had an antagonistic effect against opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms,
including staphylococci, Proteus and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and contributed
to the restoration of bacteriocenosis of the severity of purulent wounds the inflammatory
process caused by dysbiosis, which creates optimal conditions for wound healing.

1. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of different antiseptic drugs for treating

purulent wounds (furacilin, chlorhexidine, dioxidin, levomekol, dioxycol, miramistin)
with the probiotic Bactolor, based on the results of a microbiological study, made it
possible to identify the most effective means for treating purulent wounds in the
maxillofacial area.

2. The use of the developed therapeutic and diagnostic technique for treating purulent

wounds of the maxillofacial region in the complex treatment of patients with boils of the
maxillofacial region allows to reduce the time of their treatment in patients with mild
severity of the disease - by an average of 1.5 days, in patients with an average severity
- for 3 days.


1.Blatun L.A., Pavlova M.V., Terekhova R.P., Elagina L.V., Yakovlev V.P., Svetukhin

A.M. / Treatment and prevention of wound infection / - New medical journal 1998 No.
3 p 7 - I.

2.Grishin M.N., Krivoshein Yu.S., Svistov V.V. The use of miramistin in the complex

therapy of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Abstracts of the Goy International
Conference "Clinical Trials of Medicines", M., November 20-22, 2001

3.Titova S.N. Development of an express method for the selection of effective antiseptic

agents for the treatment of purulent wounds in the maxillofacial region. Diss ... Cand.
honey. sciences. M.2003.

4.Sonntag K.D. et al. / Refractory suppurative apical periodontitis due to cellulose

fibers in the periapical tissues: case report / - Pediatr. Dent., 1996, May - Jun; (3): 245
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Библиографические ссылки

Blatun L.A., Pavlova M.V., Terekhova R.P., Elagina L.V., Yakovlev V.P., Svetukhin A.M. / Treatment and prevention of wound infection / - New medical journal 1998 No. 3 p 7 - I.

Grishin M.N., Krivoshein Yu.S., Svistov V.V. The use of miramistin in the complex therapy of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Abstracts of the Goy International Conference "Clinical Trials of Medicines", M., November 20-22, 2001

Titova S.N. Development of an express method for the selection of effective antiseptic agents for the treatment of purulent wounds in the maxillofacial region. Diss ... Cand. honey, sciences. M.2003.

Sonntag K.D. et al. / Refractory suppurative apical periodontitis due to cellulose fibers in the periapical tissues: case report / - Pediatr. Dent., 1996, May - Jun; (3): 245 - 247.

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