Повышение безопасности сети с помощью решений на основе искусственного интеллекта | Информатика и инженерные технологии

Повышение безопасности сети с помощью решений на основе искусственного интеллекта

Ахунбаев, А., Хусанбоев, М., & Исраилов, И. (2023). Повышение безопасности сети с помощью решений на основе искусственного интеллекта. Информатика и инженерные технологии, 1(1), 81–83. извлечено от https://inlibrary.uz/index.php/computer-engineering/article/view/25283


The rapid evolution of cyber threats demands innovative approaches to network security. This article delves into the realm of AI-driven network security, exploring how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing threat detection, response, and prevention in modern network infrastructures. We discuss the key techniques, benefits, and challenges associated with AI in network security.

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Maintenance: Fingerprint scanners require regular maintenance to ensure accurate
readings. Dust, dirt, or scratches on the scanner can affect performance.

Hygiene: In shared environments, concerns about hygiene may arise, as many

people may have to touch the same fingerprint scanner throughout the day.

Technical Issues: Like any electronic system, fingerprint attendance systems can

experience technical glitches, such as software crashes or hardware failures.

Enrollment Process: Enrolling fingerprints for a large number of users can be

time-consuming, especially if there are errors or difficulties with certain individuals'

Environmental Factors: Extreme temperatures, humidity, or dirty environments

can affect the performance of fingerprint scanners.

User Resistance: Some individuals may be uncomfortable with the idea of

providing their fingerprints for attendance tracking, leading to resistance or reluctance.



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based student attendance system with sms alert to parents


B. Rasagna, Prof. C. Rajendra “SSCM: A Smart Systemfor College

Maintenance” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering
& Technology, May 2012.


S. Gong, S.J. McKenna, and A. Psarrou, Dynamic Vision: from Images to

Face Recognition, Imperial College Press and World Scientific Publishing, 2000.


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Akhunbayev Adil Alimovich,

Khusanboyev Mukhammadbobir Alisherjon ugli,

Isroilov Ikhtiyorjon Ikromjon ugli

Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan



: The rapid evolution of cyber threats demands innovative

approaches to network security. This article delves into the realm of AI-driven network
security, exploring how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing threat detection,
response, and prevention in modern network infrastructures. We discuss the key
techniques, benefits, and challenges associated with AI in network security.


: Network Security, Artificial Intelligence, AI-Driven Security,

Threat Detection, Behavioral Analysis, Machine Learning Models, Deep Learning,
Natural Language Processing (NLP), Automated Response, Anomaly Detection,
Cybersecurity, Privacy-Preserving AI, Adversarial Attacks, Scalability, Real-Time

background image


Threat Detection, Data Privacy, Case Studies, Future Prospects, Network Intrusion
Detection, Security Automation.


Network security is at the forefront of safeguarding sensitive information and

critical infrastructures in today's digital age. Traditional security measures often fall
short in addressing the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Enter Artificial
Intelligence (AI). This article explores how AI is being harnessed to fortify network
security, offering unparalleled capabilities in threat detection and mitigation.

I. The Role of AI in Network Security
Threat Detection: AI algorithms excel at identifying anomalies and patterns that

may indicate malicious activity within a network.

Behavioral Analysis: AI-powered systems monitor user and device behavior to

detect deviations from the norm.

Automated Response: AI enables rapid, automated responses to security

incidents, reducing human intervention time.

II. Techniques in AI-Driven Network Security
Machine Learning Models: Discuss how machine learning algorithms are

employed for intrusion detection, including supervised, unsupervised, and
reinforcement learning techniques.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): Explore NLP's role in analyzing network

communications, especially in email and chat-based security.

Deep Learning: Explain the use of deep neural networks for complex threat

analysis and the advantages of deep learning in identifying sophisticated attacks.

III. Benefits of AI-Driven Network Security
Real-Time Threat Detection: AI enables the instantaneous identification of

potential threats, reducing response time.

Adaptability: Discuss how AI can continuously adapt to evolving threats without

manual reconfiguration.

Reduced False Positives: AI-driven systems tend to generate fewer false alarms,

saving valuable resources.

IV. Challenges and Considerations
Data Privacy: Address concerns related to privacy when analyzing network data.
Scalability: Discuss the challenges of scaling AI-driven security solutions to

large, complex networks.

Adversarial Attacks: Explain the vulnerability of AI models to adversarial

attacks and ongoing research in robust AI security.

V. Case Studies
Present real-world examples of organizations or industries successfully

implementing AI-driven network security solutions.

VI. Future Prospects
Discuss the potential for AI to continue evolving in the realm of network security

and how it might address emerging threats.


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AI-driven network security represents a paradigm shift in defending against

cyber threats. As AI technologies continue to advance, network security will become
more proactive, adaptive, and effective in safeguarding our digital ecosystems.


1. Todor Tagarev, ed., Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience,

Information & Security: An International Journal, vol. 43 (2019)

2. Todor Tagarev, Krassimir Atanassov, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, and Janusz

Kasprzyk, eds., Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience of Modern
Societies, in Studies in Big Data, vol. 84 (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021)

3. Velizar Shalamanov, Nikolai Stoianov, and Yantsislav Yanakiev, eds.,

DIGILIENCE 2020: Governance, Human Factors, Cyber Awareness, Information &
Security: An International Journal, vol. 46 (2020)

4. Todor Tagarev, George Sharkov, and Andon Lazarov., eds., DIGILIENCE

2020: Cyber Protection of Critical Infrastructures, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence,
Information & Security: An International Journal, vol. 47 (2020)

5. An extended version of the article Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Ihor Kliushnikov,

Herman Fesenko, and Oleg Illiashenko, “Multi-UAV Mission Planning for Monitoring
Critical Infrastructures Considering Failures and Cyberattacks,” Information &
Security: An International Journal, vol. 49 (2021).




Jizzakh Branch of National University of Uzbekistan


Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan



: Sign language recognition has gained significant attention due to its

potential to bridge communication gaps between the deaf and hearing communities.
This article presents a comprehensive review of machine learning methods employed
for the recognition of Uzbek Sign Language (UzSL). The unique visual and spatial
nature of sign languages poses challenges that necessitate specialized techniques for
accurate recognition. This review surveys various approaches, ranging from traditional
techniques to modern deep learning methods, used to recognize UzSL gestures. The
article begins by introducing the significance of UzSL recognition and its impact on
facilitating effective communication for the Uzbek deaf community. It outlines the
complexities involved in sign language recognition, including variations in hand
shapes, movements, and facial expressions. The challenges of limited training data,
real-time recognition, and capturing dynamic features are discussed in depth. A survey
of traditional machine learning methods such as Hidden Markov Models (HMMs),
Support Vector Machines (SVMs), and k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) is presented,

Библиографические ссылки

Todor Tagarev, ed., Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience, Information & Security: An International Journal, vol. 43 (2019)

Todor Tagarev, Krassimir Atanassov, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, and Janusz Kasprzyk, eds., Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Resilience of Modern Societies, in Studies in Big Data, vol. 84 (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021)

Velizar Shalamanov, Nikolai Stoianov, and Yantsislav Yanakiev, eds., DIGILIENCE 2020: Governance, Human Factors, Cyber Awareness, Information & Security: An International Journal, vol. 46 (2020)

Todor Tagarev, George Sharkov, and Andon Lazarov., eds., DIGILIENCE 2020: Cyber Protection of Critical Infrastructures, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Information & Security: An International Journal, vol. 47 (2020)

An extended version of the article Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Ihor Kliushnikov, Herman Fesenko, and Oleg Illiashenko, “Multi-UAV Mission Planning for Monitoring Critical Infrastructures Considering Failures and Cyberattacks,” Information & Security: An International Journal, vol. 49 (2021).

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